Marvel newfag here.What's the Marvel equivalent of Watchemen, TDKR, Hellboy, Saga. You know what I'm talking about, the stuff that defines the company. A boomer at my local store once mentioned Savage Sword of Conan but I'm not so sure...
What's the best Marvel has ever published?
Miller-era Daredevil
Uncanny X-Men #94-200
Is TDKR really defining of DC?
One of those things is not like the other.
Coffee Bean era of Spider-man.
>(50 cents rental for the coup)
Frank Miller's Daredevil (all of it, but ESPECIALLY Born Again)
Roy Thomas' Conan
Steve Gerber's Foolkiller (miniseries)
Silver Surfer Requiem
Barry Windsor-Smith's Weapon X (miniseries)
>not exactly mindblowing, but still "definitive":
Stan Lee's (original run on) Amazing Spider-Man
Stan Lee's and Jack Kirby's Fantastic Four
Walt Simonson's Thor
Chris Claremont's X-Men
Busiek Avengers is pretty good, same his Thunderbolts.
Fury: My war gone by
I don't know OP, but silver surfer : requiem is definitely one of the best comics you will ever read.
Great list, but you forgot garth ennis punisher max up there
It's unfiltered trash. Silver Surfer walks the universe preaching his smugness. It's basically Superman Grounded with silver surfer.
Amazing Spider-Man from 1962 up to Maximum Carnage
For graphic novel-ly kind of stuff? Top five would look something like this
>God Loves Man Kills
>Daredevil Born Again
>Silver Surfer Requiem
>Earth X
Honorable mentions to the Loeb/Sale books
Akira is technically under Marvel.
>>Earth X
These work perfectly as a "first Marvel story" and "last Marvel story". Earth X is seriously underrated. If you know your Marvel it's just perfect.
>If you know your Marvel it's just perfect.
I think this is why people don't consider Marvel having the kinds of stories OP describes. DC has heroes that are archetypes that you can walk blind into and appreciate, while a good number of iconic Marvel stories need you to have some background experience with.
Yeah. I've always said Marvel was the more rewarding universe after 1000, 2000, etc, issues read. There's just so much self-reference.
Quality wise, I’d say a few are
>Lee/Ditko/Romita Sr/Stern Amazing Spider-Man
>J.M Dematteis’ Spider-Man runs, particularly Spectacular
>Frank Miller Daredevil
>Dennis O’Neal Invincible Iron Man
>Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four
>Roy Thomas’ Sub-Mariner ongoing
>Garth Ennis’ Punisher MAX
>Jim Starlin’s Captain Marvel
>Lee’s Silver Surfer run
>Earth X
Was surprised it took a while before this was posted
It was posted before me
What’s Earth X about?
DC fag here
It's hard to explain because it's so long and ambitious. It basically reads like the last Marvel comic ever (even though it has crappy sequels.)
I would just dive in. It's very Watchmenlike in its format and ambition.
Definitely for Batman
Miler Daredevil
Lee/Kirby FF
Lee/Ditko/Romita Spider-Man
Conway Spider-Man
Roger Stern Spider-Man
Claremont X-men/New Mutants
Morrison X-men
Priest Black Panther
Brubaker Captain America
Infinity Gauntlet
Tom King's Vision is the best thing they've published since Morrison's New X-Men.
Fraction Hawkeye is unironically better
A lot of Epic books
Don McGregor's the Panther's Rage
I'm not so great at putting thoughts into words so I'm just gonna steal a bit from McDuffie
>[...] sit down and read the whole thing. It's damn-near flawless, every issue, every scene, a functional, necessary part of the whole. Okay, now go back and read any individual issue. You'll find in seamlessly integrated words and pictures; clearly introduced characters and situations; a concise (sometimes even transparent) recap; beautifully developed character relationships; at least one cool new villain; a stunning action set piece to test our hero's skills and resolve; and a story that is always moving forward towards a definite and satisfying conclusion. That's what we should all be delivering, every single month. Don and company did it in only 17 story pages per issue.
the first 12 issues of the 'Nam,
>Honorable mentions to the Loeb/Sale books
they're really good too
so is Groo