Sad boi Thanos

Sad boi Thanos

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The year long wait was worth it.
Seeing him lose that smug demeanor was so worth it.

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What do you think his final thoughts were?
>Stark's line was pretty cool
>my chest hurts
>there's too much oxygen here
>wish i was on my farm
>i woulda btfo that witch bitch if i wasn't distracted by her titties

"B-b-but how? You're a mere mortal?"

You said it yourself bitch.
I am Iron Man.

>I don't wanna go Mr. Stark

>This can't be happening! I'm in charge!

>Ah...sarcasm. "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul"?. Matthew 16:26 I believe.

Reminder that Farmer Thanos died a happy Titan.

Shouldn't have relied on that waste of parts

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That user's is the face of a man who's plan not only failed, but at the very last moment realizes how the heroes of the future felt when they lost nearly everything. So much regret.

I fucking love it.

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