Sad boi Thanos
Sad boi Thanos
The year long wait was worth it.
Seeing him lose that smug demeanor was so worth it.
What do you think his final thoughts were?
>Stark's line was pretty cool
>my chest hurts
>there's too much oxygen here
>wish i was on my farm
>i woulda btfo that witch bitch if i wasn't distracted by her titties
"B-b-but how? You're a mere mortal?"
You said it yourself bitch.
I am Iron Man.
>I don't wanna go Mr. Stark
>This can't be happening! I'm in charge!
>Ah...sarcasm. "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul"?. Matthew 16:26 I believe.
Reminder that Farmer Thanos died a happy Titan.
Shouldn't have relied on that waste of parts
That user's is the face of a man who's plan not only failed, but at the very last moment realizes how the heroes of the future felt when they lost nearly everything. So much regret.
I fucking love it.