THIS man did nothing wrong.
THIS man did nothing wrong
>Have a movie build you up as not a mindless marvel villain, but a slightly unhined man who think's what he's doing is right
>The next one you die immediately and get replaced by a mindless typical marvel villain version of yourself
I almost hate endgame for what they did to his character development.
He murdered trillions!
Kino Thanos' character arc ended. He died thinking his victory was permanent. It's a fitting end, I think.
I'll start thinking of it like this.
Of people no body gives a fuck about. Plus the Avengers do the same shit.
I hope there is an out take of thanos sitting and just makes a goofy smile at the end of the that scene
How bad can the world post Thanos really be if people are still able to sit around playing the newest videogames and getting fat?
Pretty bad given that there's trash and decay everywhere, all the kids ride their bikes around like they've been through war and shell shocked, and people apparantly constantly break down in tears throughout the course of their day.
the world still has 3 billion people capable of cleaning that up. And those kids could most likely move on.
Had they mentioned that the world has experienced nothing but riots and starvation in the last 5 years, I don't see how its that bad.
There was no character development. Thanos could project the air of a nice guy when he was winning and under the assumption that people would understand and thank him, but that immediately evaporated when he wasn't.
You suckers just fell for a facade.
EG made it clear that all that balance and fancy speech stuff was all talk, he just wanted people to tell him he was right and thank him, and lost it when it was clear that wasn't going to happen.
It's only positive if Thanos mostly hit Chinese and Indian people
It's weird that the movie ended not even 20mins in, damn. I know I didn't pay for 2h40mins of bloopers and outtakes, I tell ya what.
>And those kids could most likely move on.
Nobody could move on. That was the point. You can't emotionally recover from something like that.
It was half a decade and people were still broken. It was just too much.
Half a decade is literally nothing.
>You can't emotionally recover from something like that.
That is why Europe is still broken for the plage, the Inquisition, the earthquakes, countless wars, etc right?
Of course you can say that as an incredibly autistic outsider but no fucking way is all of humanity just going to 'get over' losing like 3 billion people in just a day. Not emotionally anyway.
>Wipes out half the universe's lifeforms
>Said he did nothing wrong
You got brain problems or something?
this Thanos was a bloodthirsty tyrant masquerading as aa benevolent saviour. high off the smell of his own farts. when all that got stripped away we saw his god-complex for what it really was.
do you really think it was reasonable that, upon learning the surviving 50% of the universe weren't on their knees thanking him for his noble deeds, he decided he needed to slaughter them too and rebuild the universe in his image?
I'm sorry but a scene that kino had no business being in a cape flick. I was literally gobsmacked when I saw this in the theater.
>steal little girls from their parents when you genocide their planets
>abuse and torture one for years
>kill another one because muh goals and purpose
Thanos for father of the year
That was a gradual thing they could adjust to over time. They didn't just wake up one day to find half the world vanished suddenly.
That was the point. You can't force an instant change like that and expect people to just accept it.
I sometimes wonder just what all these "People should just forget about their friends and family and enjoy their extra resources" people's lives must be like.
They would get over it after two or three generations.
He was always mad, that's the thing. Some people thought that he was just an "extremist", a dude with somewhat good intentions taking it too far, when in truth that's who he always was: someone drunk in his own ambitions who was thoroughly convinced of his own goals.
5 years =/= two or three generations, not humans anyway
This. As an angry loner with no friends or family I really care about anymore, I would fucking love it if half the earth's population vanished because it would mean more opertunities and less competition for me. If half the idiots at work turned to dust and they needed someone to step up to keep it afloat I would love that as it would get me much higher in life.
But of course I realize the average normie wouldn't think like that, and it's also kind of arrogant to assume I'd survive.
>weirdo internet incels who unironically thought Space Hippo Hitler was a good guy got BTFO
Based Russos and based Feige
It wan't even him being convinced that was his problem, it was that he wanted vindication from others.
He wanted the survivors to thank him and be greatful for "saving" them which of course was never going to happen.
Holy shit, kino idea
Really, Endgame made me wish that [/Spoiler]Current timeline post-snap Thanos lived, but the rest of the movie plays out as normal. After the snap is undone, current timeline Thanos eventually finds out about it, knowing that he snapped away this timeline's stones, and he has to live as someone who gave up everything he cared about only to have it undone, and he winds up alone, disfigured, and isolated on some backwater planet knowing that he had the universes's power at his whim, and he ended up losing it all.[/Spoiler]
Objectively wrong, a genophage plague would have been a fuckton more effective and longer lasting as a solution to his fears
That's dumb, after the snap he fucked off to his farm on a distant planet, why would he isolate himself if he just wanted the praise of others? And if he knew that people would hate him for snapping, then their praise can hardly be his motivation for doing it.
But as many people have said his fears weren't the issue, it was that he wanted people to tell him that his idea for Titan specifically (Kill half the people there) was a great idea that they should have accepted and thanked him for.
The Overpopulation thing was just an excuse.
He cut the animals and plant life in half, not just human life
>reduces all plant life by 50%
>immediately upsets the balance by growing loads more on a farm
what a fucking hypocrite.
>That's dumb, after the snap he fucked off to his farm on a distant planet, why would he isolate himself if he just wanted the praise of others?
Because he expected them to be grateful in time and was just waiting to watch the "grateful universe" from his farm like he said in IW. When the Avengers raid it he yells that they should be thanking him, and when past Thanos finds out that he pulled off his plan and people weren't happy with it and were trying to undo it he loses it and proceeds to attempt to lay waste to Earth, and that this time he'll completely remake a universe that he'll force to be happy with only half a population.
WOW. Did you just assume Thanos' gender?
Technically, they DIDN'T.
We saw Thanos without Gamora, severely damaged by her death.
Then we saw Thanos with her, and lacking about more than a decade of becoming older & wiser.
THAT Thanos is who they fought in the end.
We got it both ways. We got world-weary and self-loathing Thanos, and the Thanos who hadn't learned a thing yet.
Which raises a BIG question. Would he have allowed her to die a second time, knowing what it did to him?
The first Thanos (older) actually got there by sacrificing what he got and through a lot of effort, while the second (younger) had the chance to see things after the fact, when he still hadn't even begun his conquest. I'd say it could've been interesting to see if he regretted sacrificing her at the end, though everything suggests he didn't.
I think he would've still gone for it because everyone around him were tools, it's just that some tools were more malleable than others.
I think he would have been more willing, knowing for a fact it would earn him what he wanted. originally, he was taking a big risk
Or he could have concluded since he had already won, there was no reason to allow his past self to kill Gamora again.
>THANOS: "I was told I would never see my daughter again after this, that there was no way this could be undone. Yet here she stands, alive. Nothing else has changed. Half the universe is still gone. I have proof then I do not need to see her die twice."
>PAST THANOS: "I've come too far to take that risk. Age has made you weak. What needs to be done will be done."
>THANOS: "I will not see Gamora die a second time. Once was enough. It nearly destroyed me. My daughter has returned, and now I claim her."
I'd argue no, since rather than let it play out and just have a countermeasure ready a decade down the line, Thanos decided to try to cheat ahead, and swipe the stones after letting the Avengers make all the sacrifices for him.
It was the reverse of IW. Steve insisted "They wouldn't trade lives" while Thanos sacrificed Gamora and his entire army for his win. Here they were willing and did sacrifice friends, while Thanos attempted to use his future knowledge to get around having to make any sacrifices and he lost.
Which is kind of a shitty theme, that it's impossible to save everyone, but MCU got really fucking dark this phase so..
>PAST THANOS: "I'm disappointed. I didn't realize I would end up wallowing in self-pity after accomplishing balance in the universe. Disgusting."
>THANOS: "You have the luxury of ignorance. Killing Gamora almost kills us. But balance has been achieved. Gamora doesn't need to die a second time, it's redundant. A past event."
>PAST THANOS: You really HAVE gone mad. I will never be that weak. Gamora's fate is already sealed."
Honestly their inability to trade lives is what caused Thanos to win in "Infinity War". All they had to do was destroy the stone in Vision, and no finger snap of doom.
They would have lost one hero, instead of at least three.
Wouldn’t destroying the mind stone be completely irrelevant as long as Thanos eventually secured the time stone? That’s the stone they really needed to destroy, as long as the possibility of Thanos getting the time stone at some point in the future exists, destroying the other stones is pointless.
Correct. They needed to nuke the Time Stone for sure.
Thanos Versus Thanos would be interesting (the younger half winning by not being crippled by regret). Past Thanos correctly figures out Present-Day Thanos is now in the way.
Fuck off Turian.
except he was boring as hell
>this man did nothing wrong
he lost
I found Past-Thanos more interesting. He actually surpassed Present-Thanos in viciousness, being a cheat (Present-Thanos did all the "work").
Earth's population has doubled since the 70s. Barring species with absurdly long gestation periods, Thanos' dumb plan would only take 40-50 years to be undone.
His "plan" required that people embrace his ideals, thank him, and willingly keep their numbers down.
Which obviously wouldn't happen.