What does Yea Forums think of Mary & Max?
Mary & Max
Was good but I hate the ending.
I recall liking it but I can't remember shit all about the plot .
ending was great, fuck off
Is this a good movie?
Judging by the trailer, it doesn't look like something i want to watch longer than an hour.
It is a damn good movie.
love it.
ending was good, but it was sad as fuck
The only thing I remember is that Max dies and I think Mary gets married?
You're only half right
Mary got married a while before the ending but she spiraled into depression after Max broke off with her when Mary wrote a book on his condition. She started drinking heavily, her husband left her to go be gay with his pen pal, and she was unknowingly pregnant so the baby ended up having fetal alcohol syndrome. Max eventually reconciles with her but he ends up dying right before Mary and her child go to visit him
Favorite movie ever
Seen it like 60+ times and shown it to over 50 people, all of them loved it
it's pretty dark but there's alot of dark comedy that most people never seem to notice due to how down beat the movie is.
it was a bittersweet ending to wrap up their story, you wanted to have a lovely dovey they lived happily ever after disney ending?
it wouldn't have fit the tone of the movie at all.
I don't think I've ever seen a movie like it
Ah, yes, I knew my memory was a little too sugary. I should really watch this again.
you forgot
Even though Max dies, he dies happily, and smiling at his letters he sent to Mary. Mary notices these letters and starts crying tears of happiness.
It sucks that this is Adam Elliot's only feature film
He did one short film after this, Ernie Biscuit (it's a lot less depressing than most of his works) and apparently he does talks across Australia now
what the fuck was her problem?
here's another nice australian claymation film
i made a clip of the intro scene if anyone was thiking of checking it out
sorry the name of the film is
I wish the endings to the individual shorts tied in to each other more and didn't feel so random. Other than that, it was a nice little movie.
>and apparently he does talks across Australia now
Good for him.
I first saw his stuff in the Animation Show DVDs. I don't remember how I came across Mary and Max, but realizing who it was by when watching it was cool. I like his shorts.
I only came across Mary and Max because my local film festival was screening it. I couldn't make it to the showing, but I found it it was going to DVD and On Demand a few days after the film festival showing, and just rented it on iTunes
Will watch in the future.
The director's earlier short film, Harvey Krumpet, nailed the tone while being 1/4 the runtime. Because it's short, it hits you with a string of concepts really confidently.
Mary & Max felt way too self-conscious to me, like it was constantly going
>look at how dark I am!
>but I'm afraid of looking pretentious, so uh here's a poop joke!
>now look how quirky I am!
>ooh, so dark!
>ooh, so quirky!
The director's style is just way better-suited to a short film.
>The director's style is just way better-suited to a short film.
His new short was better than this.