Carol in Endgame

>"Oh, you guys are gonna stop Thanos?"
>"Haha fuck that I got better shit to do, gonna be sassy and belittle others across the rest of the universe you know since I'm literally the strongest MCU character ever!"
>"Oh, you're gonna teleport everybody to rush Thanos and his army?"
>"Haha fuck that I'm just gonna show up at the ass end of the fight and be a deus ex machina to clean up the boys's mess at the last minute, who cares if literally thousands die during that fight just because I showed up fashionably late?"
Why was she even shoehorned in? Hell I think her MCU character as a whole has been completely terrible so far, needs a rewrite and maybe even a change of fucking character.

Attached: hbtrVrF.png (591x743, 761K)

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Just come out and say that you hate Captain Marvel because she's a woman. Just be honest with yourself.

Even the movie hates Captain Marvel and shows that Wanda is much better girl role model.

I hate her because she is unpleasant, ugly, obnoxious, overpowered, mary sue and her actress is racist against white men

Obvious troll post but MCU Carol is real fucking bad compared to comics Carol, and her role in Endgame not only made her seem like a bad person who didn't really care about what was even going on (understandable because within the MCU she was off doing her own thing entirely, to the point that nobody other than Nick even knew of her) but you'd think she'd be far more invested in trying to help the Avengers undo the finger snap.

>>"Haha fuck that I got better shit to do, gonna be sassy and belittle others across the rest of the universe
So, you haven't seen the movie. She remains with the team and help them up until Thanos is killed. After that, she goes help other planets with the aftermath of the dusting.
>>"Oh, you're gonna teleport everybody to rush Thanos and his army?"
She wasn't reachable. It's not like Dr. Strang knew how to contact her.

at least try to make legit complains.

I'm glad Wanda got to let out her rage on Thanos, that woman has suffered enough


>mary sue
You don't know the meaning of that word.
>racist against white men

and her role in Endgame not only made her seem like a bad person
It didn't at all. She did nothing bad in End game.

Have. Sex.

Attached: 4fa1d817-c875-41dc-bc8c-6fe3341f23be.jpg (970x546, 40K)

>It's not like Dr. Strang knew how to contact her.
Strange wasn't the only one opening portals. The other wizards were too.