She was a storyboard artist on Star vs the Forces of Evil who was promoted to director for seasons 3 and 4. She is currently director on Owl House.
Say something nice about her!
This is Sabrina Cotugno
Other urls found in this thread:
>director on Owl House.
What happened to Dana?
Cotugno is a shadow director.
Bit of a newbie to her, what bad things did she do to piss people off?
She's hideous. I think I might have a shot.
She need to comb her hair more.
What does Yea Forums think of her webcomic?
very gay, just guessing
>She is currently director on Owl House
Should I be worried?
I want to masturbate to her but I'm a sensitive guy so not without her consent
made Star bi and turned Jackie into a carpet munching dyke dating some culturally enriched Parisian (IE, black muslim) chick.
I don’t read it but I very clearly remember her saying “every character is at least bisexual”
>Places an emphasis on homosexual representation on the shows she works on, to the detriment of established canon and the story
>Probably the reason Owl House got delayed
Those are the highlights
So she made a show that was going downhill even worse, alright then
She made some cool episode posters for S2 and the episodes she had a hand in boarding (not directed, she hasn't directly boarded an episode herself since S3) tended to be quality.
She looks like she sucks a mean dick
Pfft. Even new age sensitive guys don't care if the girl orgasms, you cuck!
Blackmailed Daron Nefcy with a video of her watching her husband Bobby Miller fuck Juliana Hansen in order to take over and destroy the show with her ideology.
Another doughy California asian that thinks their quirky and clever.
Americanized asians make me miss living in Japan.
Do you have anything to back this statement up whatsoever?
kek, and I half joking. I guess we know what to expect for the owl house.
If I said yes, then you would know who I am, and we can't have that on an anonymous image board!
please tell me you do
It’s too bad really, she’s pretty hot for a feminist lesbo.
>/ll/ with 14 y/o Loli and 1000 year old witch
If you have any proof, then surely there's a way to reveal that proof without identifying yourself.
meh, I'd put a baby in her
do you have to draw Star like a man?
Send her a message on twitter politely asking for permission.
did Cotugno didnt know they would bring this character back? cuz I thin she would complain about that " whos this bitch" moment or try to make her more involved in the episode
Looks like a prime slampig I'd catch feelings for.
So Alex Hirsh fucked her right? I mean he had to. She's cute.
She looks like Charlyne Yi, but less endearing.
Does anyone have ANY proof of the so called sex scandals that happen? I won't judge them, I just feel more relaxed. Cause then we can all be pervs.
how do so many people find her cute? i don't get it.
Racist Asians who weren't even born or grew up in Asia are the most baffling and the worst.
>Grown-ass adults wearing achievement stickers like a seven-year old who just passed a test
God, I hate those vote stickers. Might as well give people a fucking lollipop after they vote.
Is that Lindsay Ellis?
>passing privilege
AKA I wanna sling hate towards mixed or light skin people and hide it
I think they believe she must be a good person because of her strong artistic skills, unaware that she is just as radicalized as a white trash redneck whore.
okay so a few things:
1) Cotugno only directed a single season 3 episode (Butterfly Trap)
2) Cotugno is *a* director on season 4, for two specific board teams: Gina Gress/Cassie Zwart, and Madeleine Flores/(initially Nicolette Wood, later Ariel VH). the overall supervising directors on the season remain the same as they've been since the start of season 2 (Supervising Producers Aaron Hammersley & Dominic Bisignano), and the other 3 board teams have their own directors (Brett Varon has the same number of eps as director as Cotugno, and one team, Amelia Lorenz/Kristen Gish had Dominic as director for most of the season with Amelia herself getting promoted by the end)
3) Cotugno is not the head director on Owl House, just *a* director; the head director on Owl House is creative director Tyler Chen, who was a director on season 3 of star, and got promoted to storyboard supervisor on season 4 (with Cotugno getting promoted to director to replace him)
Cotugno was director on the ep she came back on. Hell, the ep had the exact same board team as the previous ep with her (Gina Gress/Cassie Zwart)
I don't think she is asian? She said somewhere she's half African and half El Salvadoran? Some kind of mutt anyways.
She lives rent-free in the minds of Yea Forums doing basically nothing.
What is the hate equivalent term for "Flavor of the Month"? When Yea Forums just obsesses over some random industry person to hate on for a month?
That's a new one
Said the grown ass-adult on a kids cartoon board.
That pic on the right reminds me of that batshit asian comic girl with the abortions and shit for some reason
She made this lovely thing.
I don't like to shit-talk people especially when they're not around, but the shirt looks like it was someone who couldn't make up what they wanted to be called and ended with, "bisexual."
What's the big deal? Girls love getting pounded by a hulking mass of muscle, be it male or female.
Please answer. I like how The Owl House is looking, but this thread is worrying me.
> 14 y/o Loli
Fucking normies.
>Being so heavily defined by your sexual preference
Must have the personality of cardboard.
Refer to this
She looks closer to than Yi.
because anons here think she made star bisexual when it was actually the storyboarders who decided on that.
Of course she says that.
What the fuck is wrong with these americans?
>What do you mean some cultures have the parents encouraging their kids to be independent and move out? That's fucking STUPID AND SAD AS SHIT! FUCK WHITE PEOPLE.
How the hell can these people support Muslims but shit on white people.
Ask yourself why the Owl House not only pushed back its air date a full year, but also got rid of 80% of its team, hired a new crew, and then went back and re-did most of the work already completed on the project, and see what answers come to you.
Her mom is Japanese. She tweeted about it a little while ago. Her father is Italian and her mother is Japanese. In fact, her Tumblr has plenty of posts about her talking about the internment camps and related issues.
She actually pretty frequently brings up her mixed heritage. I think she reblogged Puppitty a year or so ago.
[citation needed]
stop making shit up, the only sentence that's verifyably true you said was "pushed back the air date". Other disney shows have had their premiers delayed for seemingly no reason before, like Billy Dilley and Big City Greens
>a month
Dude, Yea Forums‘s hate runs deeper than its lust. People are still butthurt over Hirsch and Zuke.
Hirsch is a showrunner and Zuke at best gets some comments now-a-days compared to the excited hate train that is spamming the catalog with threads.
Anyone has the zuke comics? Those were hilarious.
I’ve been meaning to read it for like 3 years now. I’m intrigued since she’s actually a decent storyteller, for all the shit people here give her.
this is ironic right?
I'd still go with FotM. I wish mods would wizen up and straight up ban nonsensical OPs that really don't have anything to do with comics and cartoons discussion. Wanna complain about show's direction? Okay. Wanna post bait threads for more off-topic shitposting? Nah.
What's with this spam? Is it like a stalker raid on Yea Forums?
Yes, be worried. In fact, I thought it looked fun but I've given up all hope. Even if it starts out good the rot will set in with Cotugno on board.
How many are there now? Like 3 or 4?
Someone already tried to organize a raid twice.
Is it really off-topic if it is a thread discussing a member of the western animation industry on the comics and cartoons board?
Yes, it was Jackie being bi/lesbian that made Star Vs bad. Not everything else.
Why is Yea Forums so retarded. If you're going to hate something at least hate it for the right reasons.
Is there a general meeting going on? It's like No Mods Land in the Catalog.
She has very chubby arms.
She’s bi and...probably? She seems low key pretty lewd. She straight up says she’s okay with lewding her characters because sex stuff doesn’t weird her out. Plus, she was sexually active in her late teens and 20s, so she probably tried some shit.
Also, I think most of the storyboarders are pretty lewd and degenerate in their personal life. I just wish they drew it more.
Great argument e-stalker.
Uh.. but the OP is about her work in animation. And a lot of the discussion is about her influence on animation. You may not like what's being said but that doesn't make it off-topic.
Okay so here's the main stats on season 4:
Nefcy, like always
>Head Directors
Supervising Producers Aaron Hammersley (director on season 1) & Dominic Bisignano (boarder on season 1 that often worked with Aaron). They've been head directors since season 2's start
>Storyboard Supervisor
Tyler Chen (previously a director on season 3; he's the guy who replaced Giancarlo and got replaced by Cotugno)
Cotugno's board teams are Gina Gress/Cassie Zwart (both been boarders since post-Bon Bon season 2, though this is the first time they've been partnered together) and Madeleine Flores/Nicolette Wood (been a board team since the start of season 3; though in season 3 they were a Brett Varon team) -> Flores/Ariel VH (promoted board revisionist)
>Brett Varon's (who was a boarder since the start of season 2, became a director late in season 2, been in the industry since the mid-90s) board teams are: Zach Marcus (Brett's board partner on season 2)/Kenny Pittenger (had a weird floating boarder potistion who would partially rework parts of other people's boards in season 3) -> Kenny/Matt Yang (brand new boarder) and Charlotte Jackson/Casey Crowe (been a board team since the start of season 3)
Butterfly Follies and Escape from the Pie Folk also credit Dominic and Tyler as boarders, while Curse of the Blood Moon also credits Dominic, Aaron, and Tyler as boarders
the story by credit for every episode this season has been: Nefcy/Aaron/Dominic/John Infantino (story editor)/Amy Higgins (staff writer)/Todd Casey (staff writer). Infantino and Higgins have been on the show since season 2, while Casey joined this season. the episode Beach Day also gives story credit to Gina Gress
Cotugno has stated on her tumblr that her job as director is to basically make sure episodes are as close to the showrunner’s (Nefcy) image as possible. I really don’t understand this dogpile on her when the far more likely explanation is that they just ran out of ideas on what to do after the unexpected renewal.
whoops, forgot image
did she got the greenlighted to molest the loli on the Owl House?
She tried to get Area arrested for her art, so no, not exactly pro-lewd. Of course somehow it's okay when she makes little girls get horny about adult women beating them up. That's LGBTQ so it's 'liberating' or something.
Because literally every bad thing that happened on the show was promoted years prior by her on her Tumblr.
there wasnt thing about a lesbian raping a little girl was a "good rape"? I remember reading that but I dont remember where
Just ask some benevolent web artist to draw some lewds of her and fap to that. I mean, we got a few pictures of her back when we were lewding Alex and Dana.
>don't discuss animation industry professionals and their work on an animation board
>She tried to get Area arrested for her art
Is Area American?
She’s got a cute artist gf sorta look to her and she’s probably a total softy sub in real life.
Oh. Well, she can die in a ditch, then.
The directors on Owl House other than Cotugno are:
Stu Livingston (board revisionist on early SU, boarder on Clarence, director on Craig of the Creek)
Aminder Dhaliwal (a storyboard director on Sanjay & Craig, which a lot of other star vs staff also worked on)
I don't think she literally tried to get area arrested, just made a general "oh boy it sucks when porn is made of underaged characters" that seemed aimed at Area
She called out a bunch of incels and that set off 90% of Yea Forums
It's for reminding others to vote, dingus.
Like Jackie becoming lesbian? It wasn’t even her idea
How predictable.
If you need to be reminded to vote from a sticker, you were probably never going to do it to begin with.
That was in the famous feminist play The Vagina Monologues.
This word is losing all its meaning and impact.
yeah Cotugno didn't even direct that ep, Casey/Charlotte is a Brett Varon team
She was specifically talking about Area's work and looking in to what laws could potentially be used against her.
I still invite her to a nice cup of bleach and hemlock for her ditch nap.
Women being hypocritical is nothing new, user.
"Good rape". What do feminists mean by this?
So you don't understand how credits on a TV show work. From Dan Harmon:
>And if any fan has a problem with any individual episode of Rick and Morty — or any scripted series with a writers room, for that matter — Harmon pointed out that it’s unfair to single out the credited writer (particularly if that writer is not the showrunner).
>“It’s total ignorance of how writing a television show works,” Harmon adds. “It’s frustrating enough having run Community for several years to see threads like, ‘Oh well, it makes sense this episode was written by Andy Bobrow because when Hilary Winston wrote her episode she tends to linger more on dialogue and Andy is better at the I-want-to-hold-you moments.’ And I want to scream at my computer: ‘You idiots, we all write the show together!’ If you can tell the difference between one writer and another on a show I’m running I’ve probably gotten so lazy that it hasn’t all been blended and refined in the usual process. The reason one person’s name goes on an episode is that someone has to and everyone deserves one of those times at bat where they have to do all the grunt work — they have to do all the outlining, sometimes, if they’re willing to, they can expand into the post-production process. There’s a bunch of reasons why we don’t accurately reflect how many writers contribute to each episode in the credits.”
Fat chance. Last I heard, Area's in France.
Some of them consider lesbian rape or molestation to be a way of 'initiating' a girl into the 'sisterhood'.
She's Spanish (Iberian, not Mesoamerican).
>capitalizes japanese but latina
I'm sure she's got a bit of closet racism in there somewhere.
That doesn't mean she wasn't part of the original pitching meeting when they were springboarding ideas and outlines and shared her own experiences as inspiration for Jackie, especially when it's so close to her own actual life.
I mean this just hurts the Cotugno is the big bad honcho even more.
Figures. Female-side half-Asians are insane and should be exterminated.
She’s fine with lewd. I remember like a month back, she retweeted fan art of a twink version of her character in panties with his dick exposed. She deleted it though and said she liked the picture but could have lewd stuff on her public Twitter.
Also, she posted this.
Shit tier speculation when Exists
/r/ing that
Still somewhere where whackjobs can't get her fucked over over drawing, though?
Everyone who is mixed-race is racist, because they have the ability to pick and choose which race "suits" them whenever the situation arises. It's like how Jewish people claim to be white when they're attempting to quell white extremism, but revert back to Jewish when someone points out that they owe reparations for slavery and start crying, "Exodus!" Race is fluid in 2019, and everyone suffers for it.
>Shit tier speculation
Literally how a fucking production works. Directors, writers, and the showrunner tend to get together when pitching episode ideas for a season. Storyboarders don't get their hands on it until months after the idea has been penned and outlined.
>'orange man bad' apropos of nothing
She described African American men as “black guys” in a recent thread, so take that as you wish
>i dont understand advertising but am going to shitpost anyway
Nice tits
That isn't from Sabrina's blog.
Yes and no. She can't be prosecuted in US courts because she's not a US citizen, but she can be booted from US platforms if she violates their company standards, which are based on US law. It's why her NSFW blogs were nuked two or three times, because her pages were reported for violating their terms and agreements.
The issue is the 'showrunner' in this case has been a showrunner in name only since the TV movie. The director is actually running the show, as you can see from her proposing everything that happens on the show in her blog long before it appeared in the show.
Star vs is a BOARD driven show, not a script driven show.
The people who write the show together akin to what Dan is describing, but in the context of board driven shows, are the people who write the outlines. The people who are part of the original pitching springboard meeting are the people who get the story credit. These people on Star are: Nefcy herself, head directors Aaron Hammersley & Dominic Bisignano, story editor John Infantino, and staff writers Amy Higgins and Todd Casey. Cotugno is not part of the writers room pitch meetings. Brett Varon is not part of the writers room pitch meetings. the boarders *usually* aren't part of these pitch meetings (though Gina Gress did get story credit on Beach Day). After the outline is written, it's given to the boarders, they write the script as its boarded, the director has input on said scripts, and bob's your uncle. So cotugno only has writing input on eps she directed
Which directors are involved in the idea pitching part of production depends on the show, and is reflected with the "story by" credit. On SU, all the directors are involved in the pitch meetings and get story by credit; Ian JQ before he left, Kat Morris (even when she was merely storyboard supervisor), and Joe Johnston (after Ian left). In contrast, the only directors on Star to get story credit are head directors Aaron Hammersley and Dominic Bisignano
>Advertising to vote
Again, if someone has to be reminded to fucking vote, chances are, they were going to be too lazy to cast it in regardless. People who actually want to get involved in politics don't see a sticker and go, "Oh right! I should go to the ballots today, good thing I carry around all my election info in my pocket because I was just on my way to do it, I merely forgot".
You typically don't just go anywhere to vote, you know. You have a designated location, people don't just forget that shit.
for fucks sake Cotugno isn't even the Head director. if anyone who isn't nefcy was running this ship, it would be Aaron & Dominic.
>Star vs is a BOARD driven show, not a script driven show.
That doesn't mean a show doesn't have writers, you tard.
>we all agree
so Cotugno is getting influenced by other crew members then? I mean you could argue for anything with a crew that large.
I guess we'll need loads of Owl House porn with MAGA hats
Did you even read the rest of my post? The people who contribute to the outline get story by credit.
That is not true at all. Do you just make up shit all day for fun?
You're trying to imply that somehow they slipped in Jackie having a girlfriend all the way as late as the storyboard phase. If that was decided on, it was decided on waaaay before the board artists got their hands on it, especially considering they need to go through the character design phase so they have something for the board artists to work with and the character design phase is quite early in production for budget purposes.
she looks like she sucks a mean dick
I'm implying the fucking opposite, I AGREE that the decision wasn't made in the storyboard phase but earlier
If that was true Charlotte wouldn't be thanking Daron for allowing her to storyboard her bi story
Imagine being so contrarian that when your opposition agrees with you, you immediately disagree with the position you're standing on.
not that user but you have very poor reading comprehension skills.
You talking about the idiot who replied to the person they were agreeing with with a lengthy explanation of how the industry works? Yes, I agree.
Shut up and stop posting, you're embarrassing yourself.
if you're going to samefag learn how to change file name with mobile.
The whole crew loves and respects her, especially the younger ones. Ariel VH says she respects Sabrina the most and sees her as an inspiration.
Also, Ariel VH said it was a pretty much unanimous thing. LGBT representation is pretty high on their staff.
Oh so the whole crew really is infected got it.
>culturally enriched Parisian (IE, black muslim) chick
I don't think she was a muslim. Hispters have a very limited or zero knowledge about other cultures so they fall into stereotypes as much as boomers if not even more and Jackie's girlfriend wasn't wearing a hijab.
>She's Spanish (Iberian, not Mesoamerican).
What kind of retard can be confused by that?
She's not as bad as the Craig of the Creek Crew
Jackie was a lesbian/bi even in early concepts of the show.
Americans. You will not believe how many Americans will come to Europe and start speaking nigger Spanish thinking we can understand what they're saying, when the reality is they sound like drunken dogs chewing on gravel.
How so?
These are the types of people acting as mentors and inspirations for new aspiring artists
No wonder we've never gotten the next generation Genndy Tartakovsky or Danny Antonucci. It's all just a bunch of pussy-whipped LGBTTTRRAPPP artists patting each other on the back for mediocre work and clapping that they met a deadline.
I mean it’s just a tween girl oriented cartoon. Did you really expect good writing?
Not to mention just last year Yea Forums was perfectly fine with Jackie being gay as all hell and attempting to sexually assault early-concept Star, finding it arousing and funny in the process. But leave it to 4channel to quickly change their opinions on a whim...
I gotta have some sort of standard for a cartoon out there. I can't just say, "It's for dumb kids" because then when I cross over to adult cartoons, it's even worse.
You should be the example of how the industry is failing.
>Genndy Tartakovsky or Danny Antonucci
Both are kinda overrated on this site.
What's this "we" shit. No we weren't and prove she was instead of pulling it out of your ass.
Shoo Sabrina Cucktugno, go make your cheating boyfriend a sandwich you spineless mutt.
They're overrated because no one has taken their place, that's the point. People still harp on these old men creators the same way people praise old 2D Disney animators like Glen Keane and James Baxter because no one has taken their place as "the new Glen Keane".
I suggest Punchingball of the Month (PotM)
The person you replied to never mentioned lesbians. They mentioned ideology. There are major ideologically-driven problems in season 3 & 4 that weren't in the first 2. The lesbian virtue signaling thing, while annoying in how out of nowhere it was, is barely a footnote.
>never went on the drawthreads
I've made posts about wanting Toffee to rape me, but that doesn't mean I actually wanted that to become the show.
Hey newfriend, get the fuck off my board.
No one goes on the drawthreads except for the same ten faggots who either spam fusion request, rule 63 requests, or borderline /aco/ requests even after someone has drawn it for them because they want free art.
Except the concept and creation was done entirely on Yea Forums, not /aco/, prior to S3 airing.
Fuck off.
>So stupid he misread "borderline /aco/" for "being on /aco/"
>Thinks people waifu-fagging is indicative of how they want the show to actually be
No one's in favor of Marco being a real trap just because Yea Forums loves the porn of him.
Look, something weird happened starting in season 3. I don't if Cotugno's to blame but it's like a whole different show. All the fun and life has been squeezed out of it. The actions of the characters make no sense. Things hinted at earlier or built up to over time are dropped out of nowhere. Things that should be a big deal are glossed over. Everything is preachy now with no subtlety or nuance.
"Marco is trans" disappeared when even the storyboard artists are using the trans colors for Princess Marco's outfit when outlining the story.
Seriously, fuck off.
>astro boy in su style, with pronounced nips
When the fuck is someone going to discover a crew member's hidden porn drawings stash? They must have produced enough to fill a stadium by now.
The show just got too big for them it seems. There’s no way they could out do Toffee and have Eclipsa be a misunderstood good guy at the same time.
Horrible fan art doesn't count, shithead.
Well retard, you mean spanish speaking America, mesoamerica is just a chunk of central America and Mexico
She looks so kind and motherly here. Are there any mommy fetish ships for the staff themselves?
>I've made posts about wanting Toffee to rape me
Why do you want toffee to rape you?
How do you know she's a lesbian in this early concept?
Do you want the real reason?
Halfway through Season 2, Disney told the crew they were getting not just one extra season, but two. This is unprecedented and unheard of when it comes to Disney, they have a cap on how many seasons a show is supposed to get. A premium channel show very rarely gets more than two seasons. The fact that they were doubling the show's run halfway through their second season ruined everything.
Wrapping up the plot? Proper pacing? Character development? All of that goes out the window when your team has to stretch out the story as far as possible, and all because they never considered they would get that much air time because Gravity Falls, even though it was Hirsch's decision, ended after two seasons.
This is why everything's tanked.
They fetishize even younger characters
Yes, argue me with semantics in one of my secondary languages, you're brimming with intelligence.
You retards keep blaming Cotugno when is Necfy the only one to blame, she said season 3 was the best one FOR FUCK'S SAKE fucking season 3. The only reason season 1 and 2 were watchable it's because the changes the Mouse demanded.
You summed it up pretty well
It's because once fan interpretations become actual show content, the fans no longer own it. It's entitlement combined with the horror of being shown how autistic they really are.
You mean shipping of the staff? Or staff who have a mommy fetish?
On the first one, I think Daron-Sabrina could be cute (the whole older teacher lady, younger eager but self conscious mentee dynamic). On the second one, maybe Ariel VH?
Based & Redpilled Mahmapuu (?)
It’s because they are still in the first stages of grief
Because he's hot and commanding and I want him to dominate me.
Though TO BE FAIR I've mostly cooled down on posting that since he died.
Mahmapuu sketches nothing like this.
>I think Daron-Sabrina could be cute
Here's where I would post that showrunner girls picture someone made of Daron, Dana Terrace, and Rebecca Sugar awhile back.
I'm workin' on it, gimme a sec to find it in this dump...
And the victory lap.
this thread is boring..
Times change. People change. We've changed.
That’s what happens when crack-conspiracy theories fall apart. The truth makes it lose it’s charm
That sounds pretty bullshit. You wanna know why, senpai? Because the care and planning to lay the foundation was placed all throughout the previous 2 seasons. It was explored in not one, but two additional pieces of book media filled with lore and depth which were hinted at in the trailers for the seasons and that they were developing concurrently or in between seasons. A few of whom were overseeing both the show and the books. They had the material. They had the inspiration. They had the setup. They had the talent.
BUT *SOMETHING* foul fell into the soup. Something that took that hard work, dedication, and care and turned it into utter garbage. And as of the moment, the only smoking gun that makes any sense in:
[1] turning Eclipsa and Globgor into a bunch of dindu nuthings when they were setup as easy villains to fill in two seasons worth of conflict
[2] deciding fantasy rascism was a critical story element where it wasn't before
[3] turning Marco and Tom into beta cucks incapable of being shown deciding or acting in their own self interest
[4] taking a central premise of the show ("I'm a maaaagical princess from another dimension" *fire*) and deciding to toss it into a dumpster, despite the trailers and stars own dialogue pointing to the opposite
[5] deciding that forcefully injecting an inferior love triangle to replace a superior one due to the shift in backdrop was necessary to maintain interest, despite the fact that the story and interactions were still as compelling as before
... the list goes on, but the point still stands. These people were talented. They already had 2 seasons under their belt, so they were experienced as well (ahshitherewegoagain.gif). There was literally no reason for them to fuck up as bad as they did. So then WHY would it happen? What variable changed from S1 and S2 over to S3 and S4?
Donald Trump became president.
>start speaking nigger Spanish
Poor user really thinks this crew full of hacks was talented.
mamacita just means hot girl in spanish
She has an STD given to her from the hic behind gravity falls.
I know who will be the next person Yea Forums will hate: this Charlotte bitch.
she smells like vomit
Why is the fucking crew filled with bi and fags?
It's hip and trendy, all the cool kids are doing it.
>Director + senpai
The whole industry is dead for me.
Ok, fuck you, spanish bitch.
this is why:
So while Nefcy and her crew adore her Dana and her crew hate her right?
Blame the Spanish for sticking their cocks into anything they think'd wriggle.
If you believe baseless rumors, it's not specifically the crew, but Terrace who is getting very frustrated with Cotugno's outspoken opinions when they relate directly to Owl House, instead of keeping her beliefs separate from the work.
I already saw that video user but thanks anyway.
Literally alt-right mr enter except mr enter makes higher quality videos
I'm Filipino-Chinese and this is true. I'm a Chink when it's useful and a pinoy when I wanna say FUCK CHINKS.
>bullied sugar crying
I need more of this.
It looks like she got to board the scene, not direct character details that would affect the script. Not surprised that vacuous characters come from vacuous people though.
You can still be chink and say fuck chinks, you silly fake nigglenog.
>>gets the clap
>>ruins your show
Remember to use protection, people.
She can definitely change up the outline as a boarder. Just look at what happened with adventure time ending and how the boarders were able to have a lot of flexibility with what to do with the outline.
t. self loathing chinkie winkie that got cucked by the BWC
>No wonder we've never gotten the next generation Genndy Tartakovsky or Danny Antonucci.
could he be...?
based retarded drawfag
leave it to an ugly roastie drawfag to try and shill herself.
no proof of any scandals other than stds
The Ohio one has some fun with it at least
Seems like culture backed off that shitty POC trend recently and realized calling people black is fine
No, it's because folks pointed out that "people of color" is just as derogatory as "colored folk", which became a pejorative by pro-integration factions during the Civil Rights movement. It certainly did more harm than /pol/ attempting to make "pickers of cotton" enter the lexicon.
What's her ethnicity?
Another weeaboo user missing his one week visit to Japan
Nippon obsessed westerners make me miss living in America
Can people just stick with black this time, it's perfectly fine and then just throw in African American in formal settings and research
African-American is a misnomer, because it implies that the people you're talking about are immigrants from Africa that have moved to America. For example, a South Africa Boer that moves to the US, despite being white, would still be classified as African-American after becoming a US citizen.
I mean most Americans would probably think a Boer was just some weird Australian but true enough
this is weird as fuck and i’ll never be stunned by the amount of effort put into creating industry fan fiction by you guys. its honestly cringey as fuck.
and most lesbian shippers/fanartists
You know what is also cringey as fuck? Forcing sexual representation for no other purpose than to autofellate one's ability to appeal to strangers you have never met, nor ever will meet, because you're so lacking in self-respect you feel the need to impact someone else's dream project just to feel good about yourself.
what does drumf have to do with smut of Star?
also figures all the people pushing the diversity are lefties
should she appeal to you guys then, who are a bunch of strangers she’s never met? If she was catering to Yea Forums somehow you would all be going “Is she ‘our guy’” and nobody would give a shit.
These things wouldn’t be in the show if they didn’t get approval from the show runner. It’s not like she has complete control over this show. You cant blame one single person for the direction of a show. It goes through a bunch of hands.
At the end of the day, they’re making a show to appeal to somebody. It’s just not you it’s directed at. You’re a bunch of adults upset over a kids show and that’s cringey.
>run on sentence
>even slightly implying user is a crew member
The absolute state of this board
dirty apple poster and no
Alright, who are they appealing to? If they're appealing to adults who want rampant homosexuality, is that cringey, or is it based? If they're appealing to children because it's a kid's show, does that make sexual brainwashing cringey or based? If homosexuality is genetic, something that can't be chosen, why did Jackie have to "discover" she's bisexual / homosexual? If homosexuality is a choice, is it based to encourage the Y7 demographic to experiment to discover their sexuality?
I won't deny that I could be doing much better things with my time, that arguing about a cartoon is cringey, so let's see what other talking points you have.
you have no room to talk as a phoneposter
oh fuck i can’t even argue with you when you’re getting angry over homo shit. it’s current year.
if kids are watching it and liking it then fine. you’re not even the target demographic. most of the gay shit flies over their heads anyway.
>hating gays
Just caught up to s4. It's not too bad right now, I liked the sisters episode alot more then i thought I would. I don't know about setting Mina up as the big bad right now, that seems kinda sus.
Im kinda seething that they killed Kellco so quick but it is what it is. Their episode was really cute though.
He's totally ripped off from the incest loving doom tree series saga in Sailor Moon.
not a single person in that picture is attractive
>She is currently director on Owl House.
I guess I should stop being somewhat interested in that
That wouldn’t be the first time that happened
She looks like the girl I dated in 6th grade who then became a lesbian shortly after.
What’s the story behind that?
I gave her the penis and took her virginity, and she found it so traumatic and revolting she vowed to never date men ever again.
>6th grade
were you molested? more importantly that’s a very awful story, hope it didn’t hurt your self esteem too much.
No. It doesn't. What you're not understanding is that it's all part of a bigger plot to break away at the society we have spent a long time building. The goal is to make every kid either a fog or retarded. Then no one will be able to stop them when they come
there’s no larger plot or conspiracy. You sound like an absolute fucking retard getting this angry over some homosexual magic moving pictures. You have better shit to do than that, right? you even said that yourself.
Explain to me why so many kids are fags. I'm on to you, fucking shills at it again.
Wow, what's the point of having a director then?
To just make sure the whole episode is cohesive and to keep the story from straying away from showrunner’s image.
dude for real you look like a retarded howler monkey with the way you’re acting over this. Doesn’t make me want to answer you, i just kind of want to gawk instead.
Isn't that technically correct though?
Sounds like a leaky boat instead of a tight ship.
No, because otherwise we'd have to start calling whites European-Americans, which would give them some sort of cohesive national identity, and the last time someone tried to unite whites nationally we got the Autobahn.