Love it when others recognize how dangerous deadpool actually is.
Love it when others recognize how dangerous deadpool actually is
MFW I purchase a comics for Domino's team and White Fox and I get pages andpages of Deadpool wank instead
Why not. I love both.
>quippy character goes silent, so scary!
Do writers ever get tired of stealing Spider-Man's schtick and pasting it on other characters?
>Spider-Man literally invented the "comic relief character gets serious" trope
Spider-Man isn't a comic relief character, he's a protagonist with some comedic lines.
And yeah, he did.
Yeah but Deadpool has always been one of those characters, the guy fucks around constantly but he's still one of the best mercenaries on earth and every other major Merc knows it.
Not just quippy. Unlike spiderman he dont get feared or respected.
Kelly was using this with Deadpool in the 90s, so it's been a thing with the character for a while. This kind of thing is more effective with Wade since angry Spidey will just punch you harder and threaten to kill you. With Deadpool you have things like the box, and that crazy shit with Ultimatum.
Let's get manga?
This is the previous page. I dont know what he is implying. I never read much manga.
it was 1000 years in future right? Deadpool shouldnt age just like wolverine.
But recently he is appearing as an oldman in futuristic issues.
It's cuz she is chingchong bingbong
Oh. I thought its just some manga reference.
Wade uses katanas
Thanks for story time user
why does she have a head stripe?
I want to like this book so much but Simone's humor falls flat for me
That's not real right?
There isn't a big female celestial right?
I get this reference
You're forgetting Ayesha from Heroes Return.
Why is Outlaw punching DP? Aren't they fuckbuddies?
Fuck buddies, married, they've had a lot of history over the years. He's had history with most of the women in this book.
So what's the story on anime girl? Because I want to put my dick in her.
HOLY FUCK. Now that's a name I havne't heard in a while.
>I purchase a comics for Domino's team and White Fox
Gail Simone has done some good things with female characters but this isn't one of them.
I like it better when they don't.
Or when he doesn't and others do. Like that time he kidnapped taskmaster and fought him for an audience.
I loved the Domino series
This one is by the first team but it has already two issues of "oh Deadpool is so strong", "oh Deadpool is so sad", "oh Deadpool please fuck me"
Gail simone also loves deadpool so yeah, he's going to get love in any series of hers.
He's ditching the guns and fighting with dual-wielding katana. That's all he meant.
She's a character created for a Korean Avengers webtoon, recently "Mad Love'd" into the 616 universe. She's a kumiho (basically the Korean version of a Japanese foxgirl spirit).
He doesn't appear in the later covers or synopsis so I'm genuinely surprised he didn't get written out yet.
Yep he's going to get love...literally, read on.
Might as well give him some love here. It's looking like things are heading south in his solo title.
They crash land on a desert island and Diamondback literally jumps his bones
Happened pretty abruptly desu
It did it almost felt forced.
Who is the artist?
give more please
Simone writes a damn good SufferingPool.
i'm surprised the domino solo is still going on
Looks like we're heading to klendathu bois
The recent books with her have actually been decent as well, both in terms of art and writing. Probably one of a few books Marvel has that's going to get cancelled and end up being a bad decision.
Spider-Man does it worse because all he'll do is beat you up worse than he was already going to. In the end, there's no actual reason for the villains to be afraid of it, they get their shit kicked in every second of every day.
thanks good sir
He actually did invent this trope. Not necessarily comic relief, but quippy hero goes silent and becomes more badass.
Jesus christ, that writing. This is what marvel considers passable?
No problem
what are they discussing?
It was during the event where he first created his Deadpool and Mercs for money, and the event tying into his divorce/wifemurder
It feels that way, it really does.
Wade had hard life.
Deadpool is a overrated character
How was the Domino ongoing? What I'm seeing here is making me want to check it out
ah jeez sufferpool gives me feels
Everything deadpool does is Spider-Man parodied and a rip off, only deadpool pushes it to the same level family guy pushes the Simpson's motiff towards crude and shameless humor via edge.
Reccomend me some good comics where spiderman gets really serious
>Waypool is overrated character
post more sufferingpool
Gail Simone is one of the writers who understands deadpool well.
Latest deadpool main series is going in that way. Mephisto and weasel are giving him hard time.
Ooh nice I didn't know that, what issue should I start with?
I miss Joe Kelly
I dont recommend the series as a whole. But the current arc is shaping up good. It may get dissapoint in future.
Wait, what?
Weasel is actually villian now. And he has magic powers working under mephisto since spiderman/deadpool series.
>Back to black.
>That single issue special where Uncle Ben's murderer kidnaps Aunt May and tries to kill her, just for Spidey to show up and scare him so much that he has a heart attack.
wait, what?
For the current arc, issue 10 and on is all you need with issue #1 for some background, but issue 7 is really where it picks up and a good starting point. 6 is well-liked, but it's not good issue to start reading the series from.
The main series is getting canceled at Issue 15 sadly
You have to read spiderman/deadpool series by joe kelly. It had character development for both spiderman and deadpool . In the end Mephisto cant corrupt spiderman because of deadpool's intervention so he changes his target.
I actually dont mind that. Its a let down compared to duggan's run.
>joe kelly
You have my attention
He leaves after itsy bitsy arc though
Don't think this run deserves the hate it gets, but Young got a raw deal coming on after Duggan. It doesn't help that Deadpool appeared in other books coming out at the same time that were generally better.
Yeah Duggan stripped away every good thing happened to deadpool.
From his wife Shiklah to his Archenemy Madcap
A lot of it got introduced by Duggan, though. It was never gonna last. Kinda amazing that Deadpool still has a supporting cast at all at this point, not that I'm complaining.
I'm pretty sure that Black Widow knows Deadpool
Not as much as captain america , Hawkeye ,wolverine or those uncanny avengers.
So what's Wade doing these days in his solo run ?
Fanfic tier garbage and literally a deadpool dick sucking fest by incorporating peters morals into him along side more a quick witted sarcastic joker that makes Peter irrelevant and utterly inferior despite being the inventor of that aspect.
>being this mad
And what do you mean by sucking deadpools dick? I have only read what Kelly's has done but he didn't write it like you said.
He's running his merc business in the back of a mall stuffed toy shop and getting some really off-the-wall jobs. Meanwhile, the deal Weasel with Mephisto is coming into fruition.
meming. Only recently he got some development with Not-Batman as villian.
Except even when fighting super powered villains Spider-Man isn't always even going all-out. As proven in Dying Wish where Otto!Spider-Man punched Scorpion's jaw right off because he wasn't holding anything back.
He wants you to read the comic from right to left
mike choi I think.