End Game's time travel shenanigans have done nothing but give troll bait fuel to an endless degree. Even though the movie literally supplied a clear explanation. Faggots on this board are still trying to insert their own stupid theories. This fucking kid's flick is having adult male argue the validity of a fictitious splintered timeline. 1 prime timeline and 4 splintered. All the stones placed back in the exact "place" in time as if they never left.
Captain America has his happy ending and did not intervene in "past preventable atrocities" because it would mess with the space-time continuum. They already did the other timeline a favor by killing off Thanos in their present timeline. So technically they killed Thanos TWICE over. That is fucking overtime work right there!
people being mad about multiple universe by saying the heroes we watch are responsible for saving/interfering with every timeline is very funny.
William Lopez
>people being mad about multiple universe by saying the heroes we watch are responsible for saving/interfering with every timeline is very funny. AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!
Logan Morgan
All correct besides the fact that Cap wasn't in the prime timeline, he was in an alternate timeline and traveled back. The move spelled out explicitly that you can't affect the future by changing the past - hence why they couldn't strangle Baby Thanos in his cradle.
For all we know, Cap DID prevent a bajillion tragedies in the other timeline before returning to the prime timeline.
Jonathan Sanchez
>For all we know, Cap DID prevent a bajillion tragedies in the other timeline before returning to the prime timeline. >Cap literally want back in time to punch REAL Hitler in the jaw before he came into power.
John Cox
I feel as if people purposefully misunderstand the time traveling to create discussion and its really fucking frustrating.
That's the one that annoys me the most, honestly. They did their due diligence by returning those realities' property (the stones), any other minor changes like Thor having to chase Loki more or a dead space warlord are simply happenstance that universe can adjust to. It's mainly just "fate" wanking fags grousing over what's "meant to be" despite Hulk explaining there is NO fate, no proper version of history. Just what already happened and what can happen.
Gavin Scott
Sounds like you're a little butthurt that a movie you like has plot holes. You know it's okay? Lots of far better films have plot holes, granted no where near as many.
Brody Evans
See the only thing I DON'T get is why they chose the specific points in time they did to grab the stones.
I get that you need to return the stones to the splintered timelines to minimize the impact of their disappearing etc, and I get that you can't kill baby Thanos because he's not part of your timeline.
What I don't get is why they didn't go to the Battle of Wakanda when all the stones were in one place and kill Thanos right around the time Thor hit him with Stormbreaker. Bring in Boomer Thor, aim for the head.
That way you can return to your present, undo the snap, return to the past, and replace the gauntlet and the stones whole. And you don't have 2014 Thanos chasing you around.