Post characters that are non human.
Non Human
I thought Yea Forums loves lolis.
Hasbro seriously needs to be shot in the head. Or have the laws rearranged for companies who own 200 IPs, but only use like 2 of them.
Why is she wearing a diaper?
I need to draw more lewds of her.
I'm pretty sure that's undies.
Wood elf.
We don't deserve Plague.
Those are Bloomers Children
Nah, it´s pantsu.
Hush my mouth I guess
I can´t wait to see her undies.
this thread is shittier than the "abhuman" threads
That´d be Kiazuki.
What more could you want? We have underwear debating, pedophiles, needless The Summoning shoehorning.
They could still do this and it wouldn't matter
More interesting to me is that Groenig has been devoting thought to 'final episode' material since the 90s
Remember that he basically came up with the Simpsons on the fly
>pedos have to resort to making their threads like this
>pedos put on suicide watch