Hey Peggy

It's me, Steve. I mean, not YOUR Steve, but an Steve from an anternate timeline, 80 years in the future. I was in a relationship with your grandniece, but when I saw an opportunity to jump ship, I took it. She will have to move on, I suppose. Some people move on, but not me. Not me. Oh, I have great news! The Steve you know is actually alive, inside a block of ice! Let him be, though, he would only get in our way. I brought wine.

Attached: cplwlqfdf6f11.jpg (1612x1080, 118K)

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Why doesn't Peggy just go find the other Steve and thaw him out too so she can get DPed by patriotism everyday?

>Implying Cap told her

Except he did get thawed out because old Cap had the shield, which was frozen with Steve.

>a kiss
>same as a relationship
kill yourself

She was a good friend.

>Cap either killed himself and took his own shield so he could fuck Peggy
>or he took his dance, came back to the future but time travel fucked with the serum so much he just became old and is too embarrassed to say anything about it

What happens to the one still on ice in the 70s? Does he leave the ice do avengers shit and become the one to come back and spend his life with her? How does time travel work

>Alternate Cap gets thawed 6 months after being frozen.
>Never gets to "dance" with Peggy because an Steve from an alternate universe is already doing it
>The guy also takes his shield
Alternate Cap probably killed himself.

Now it's confirmed to be a different timeline, I'd be interested to see how Cap affected it, given all the foreknowledge he has. Even if he didn't get directly involved in the action, imagine the effects a few well placed anonymous tip-off letters could have had. What is their 2019 like?