Now that the dust has cleared on Endgame

Webshooters or Biological Web? Which is better?

Attached: cazzzzzzzz.jpg (235x313, 13K)

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Mechanical. Because someone is gonna want to fuck Peter’s wrist pussy

mechanical, gotta show off the genius intellect

Spider-Man Homecoming is the MCU movie most irrelevant to Endgame.

Mechanical. Organic are gross.

sure say that when Ironman 3 existed

Mechanical. Infinitely more versatile and helps differentiate him from other spiders.

Webshooters. It shows Peter is a really smart guy and not just some normal kid.

Now with Tony gone, I hope there's more time for Peter to shine on his own.

Organic. What's the point of getting the "powers of a spider" if you don't even get their signature trait, shooting fucking webs.
>"Oh yeah mate I got bit by a radioactive duck the other day."
>"Oh no, I can't fly, but my dick looks like a corkscrew now."

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