You will never have a 21 to your 24

>you will never have a 21 to your 24

Attached: 24.jpg (576x432, 23K)

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I do. I've had him since 3rd grade. What's been keeping you?

He got a girlfriend who he married, barely got to see him because of her, she died, now he doesn't talk to anybody

I used to. Unfortunately he killes himself recently. Been weird with out him. No one to talk to about endgame really hit me. We saw them all in the cinema together since Iron Man.

Having a 24 is the best. Just wish he didnt have to go like a 24.

Mine didn't get married and still comes over to blow me at least once a week

>tfw I have a 21, a Dr. Mrs. The Monarch, a Monarch, and a Hank to my 24

I got good pals.

Attached: 1546580289942.gif (700x700, 96K)

I got that same lineup except i think im probably the monarch in the group

Hey, same.

>they killed the funny one
>they gave the obnoxious one more screen time
it hurts

Attached: RIPIP.jpg (768x1024, 190K)

Lucky bastards

What make it worse is the fact they killed for utterly stupid reason; he was to hard to dub..fucking BS.

I miss the old seasons, it was funnier and more interesting.