Wait a minute...
If Fortnite exists in the MCU, does that mean it still had the Infinity War event with Thanos in it?
Wouldn't that be a little crass considering billions of people died?
Wait a minute
You think they actually have any dignity worth sparing?
No, it was Darkseid instead.
This, in the MCU the DCEU is actually good.
Lucky fucks
This. You have to find the Anti-Life Equation and then you get to become Darkseid and fry people with your omega beams.
That sounds fucking awesome, honestly.
How about the time Tony referenced The Big Lebowski? Does actor Jeff Bridges canonically exist in MCU? Or when Rhodey referenced hot tub timemachine. Does actor Sebastian Stan exist in MCU?
>5 fucking years
Do you cry about 9/11 to this day, too?
>Like 3000 die in 9/11
>Over 3 billion had to disappear in the snap
Logically I would be at least a thousand times more broken up about the snap than 9/11.
MCU Big Lebowski starred Bill Pullman.
at least we know Kevin Bacon exists
Yes fortnite event where we get to play as Osama Bin Laden would be acceptable today since long time has passed, right user?
Well, to be fair, only one player gets to be Osama, because he can summon the planes. They knock down player towers instantly.
>not dabbing as Osama when you blow out kids during matches
I'd love it
The Anti-Life Equation IS [B]ortnite, you fool.
And the Hoff.
You're thinking of Bill Paxton
this makes me wonder, have any of the actors in the MCU actually been in a famous time travel movie? it's not my genre so I don't know off the top of my head
I'm trying to think, but none come to mind.
Besides like Malekith being a Dr. Who.
>Ecclestone squandered as Malekith
>Tennant as the Purple Man
>This is Karen Gillan's third time erasing a copy of herself in a situation involving time travel
>Brolin as Cable
>Doesn't really count, but Andrew Garfield was also in two episodes of Doctor Who
>Rachel McAdams in Time Traveler's wife
There's a couple, but the MCU has funnily enough been avoiding a relatively large pool involved in time travel films. Otherwise they definitely would have made an in joke about it.
>>This is Karen Gillan's third time erasing a copy of herself in a situation involving time travel
That's a hell of a habit she's forming.
This movie was like a crappy version of Justice League
Justice League was a crappy version of Justice League
Justice League was based and kino, your opinion is literally poop and you suck and I hate you
>dabbing Thanos is canon
I blame HYDRA
>Fortnite exists
Your family and friends probably agree that justice league is shit and you don't hate them, why can't you love me?
I'm scared of commitment
We believe in you, user!
Even you don't believe that user.
Angela Bassett was the orphanage lady in Meet the Robinsons