Defend this character without using the word Incel, telling people to have sex or using any other tumblr buzzword

Defend this character without using the word Incel, telling people to have sex or using any other tumblr buzzword.

Attached: 250px-Captain_Marvel_(2018)[1].jpg (250x370, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I literally can't.

That's impossible, user.

Can't be done.

xes evah

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>inb4 they pull a Capt. Fungus and use their tumblr buzzwords anyway because they have nothing to prove to you.

no one would care if she was a man

have sex, incel

whoops, guess I was too slow.

What am I defending against exactly? Provide criticisms for me to argue against. You're implying there's a problem with her without elaborating what it is, so this isn't an honest question.

We could have gotten a nigger instead

no one cares about her no matter what

She'd be seen like DCEU Superman. Next.


I like her, and that is just as bias as your post

- She's fun; Brie Larson brings some nice warmth and personality to the screen, and had great chemistry with Samuel L. Jackson, along with other Avengers in the limited screentime she shared with them.

- She's a critical bridge between the quickly diverging "Earth" and "Space" segments of Marvel's properties. The Space setting is only going to get more prominent as the Guardians movies continue and Thor seems to be focused on joining them; The Eternals will likely put more focus on it as well. Captain Marvel is a conduit between the two in a way the other properties can't.

All the hate was kind of overblown/overreacting. I thought her movie was decent though a bit unpolished. I'd like to see Carol's character develop more and criticizing her is fine, but I don't think it's fair to judge her by a few dumb comments her actress made. It'll be interesting to see how they come up with struggles/conflict for someone who's supposed to be the most powerful Avenger

I would, since she’s literally the least interesting Captain Marvel no matter the gender.

>Brie Larson
>Brings warmth

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So I can just lie?

Defend her from what?

I didn't care for the character in Endgame. I feel like it would've been fine without her.

They only way they can redeem her is if she plays out like Starlin Mar-Vell.

Which keans she has to die

Never stop the sweet, sweet nectar of your tears, OP.

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Reeds run was good.

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>She'd be seen like DCEU Superman.
I really wish her better than that.

You're supposed to defend her against the crime of scalding the OP's delicate E-penis.

Can't. She is the lamest member of the MCU female cast and that is saying something and in the comics she is just awful.
I wish Phyla would come back.

The OP doesn't read comics and doesn't even know who Phyla is.
She's a gurl tho so he'd probably not care for her.

She doesn't have a character. She's has the intellect and emotional range of a block of wood, and just powers through every challenge with overwhelming and completely unearned superstrength. It's fucking boring. Like an unironic adaptation of Stardust the Superwizard.

I do. My favorite Marvel Character is She-Hulk
Defend her shit and boring personality.
You lose, try again tumblr.

Every other female MCU character is fine other than the wakandans.

Defend YOUR shit and boring personality.
This thread is apparently your only consistent contribution to Yea Forums.

She's no more boring that Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Wasp, Hawkguy, Black Widow, Winter Soldier, Falcon, Vision, Scarlet Witch.....

>She's no more boring that Black Panther
This much is true. The rest have actual personalities and flaws that the movies admit are actual flaws.

Trips of truth but it still bugs me as a huge Marr-Vell and Phyla-Vell fan it bugs me how they are treating Carol like some kind of feminist usurper when Phyla was already a female Captain Marvel and actually had to struggle to get where she was and keep her relationships together then she gets shock killed and replaced by that one Avengers second stringer but with a Mary Sue power boost.

The fuck they do. Winter Soldier is LITERALLY the same "brainwashed soldier serving the Evil Army" as Carol, with 1/5th the actual personality. He spends entire movies doing nothing but looking gloomy. Wanda's entire personality is "I'm SO TRAUMATIZED BY EVENTS".

Phyla's entire creation, existence and death had nothing whatsoever to do with Carol Danvers.
Did they ever even actually meet one another at any point?

Being an insecure sadsack or the autist terminator is still miles better than captain marvel, who has NO personality outside of being a bitch.

It just shows how fucked the MCU is without RDJ and Evans. Who the fuck is going to carry this shitty-ass franchise? Maybe Carol will get better when she joins the Avengers.

She is a cosmic enforcer that loves to fight she's a feminist she's arrogant she loves to flaunt her power she has a heart of gold she's very Blunt she's a leader
And she's literally based, you know, she doesn't care what people think about her, especially those that hate her.
Her idea of equality is literally equality, no special treatment for men or women, but also respecting the concerns of individuals.
E.g. don't misgender a trans woman, don't mock religious conservatives, don't be a racist and try be more tolerant of those less fortunate than you or ideologically opposed to you. Except for folks agitating for violence and pseudo-intellectualism like the Nazis totalitarian socialists the Skrulls, Kree and anti mutants similar to Stark. They get to be bigots in their own private spaces as long as they are not agitating for violence, the moment they start going public, they deserve to be put up against the wall and blasted with photons if they refuse to conform; and considering she pretty much gets high on punching people, she would prefer they refuse to conform.
In short she's a woman Jameson would love.

It's not OP's job to be entertaining, unlike a certain robotic and uncharismatic actress.

I'm sorry you fell for the /pol/ rhetoric

So if i have sex with a hooker am i free to criticize women and their media? women only hate incels right?

How is being an arrogant feminst a good thing? How can she be a leader when she's fucking stupid and doesn't even try to lead? How does she have a heart of gold when she's a complete bitch and never once shows an ounce of empathy? Also if you think that captain marvel was right in her argument with stark over that psychic mutant, you're even more stupid than she is.

>she's a feminist she's arrogant she loves to flaunt her power she has a heart of gold
Those things really don't go together. The MCU version is a shit character played by an annoying cunty actress. Make her a little more humble, cut her power level, and get a better actress we'd be perfect. But no, they had to botch it.

>Insecure sadsack
He's not insecure, he's just a gloomy slightly-confused dope who is completely defined by Captain America liking him.
Wanda is just a shivering mass of trauma that blows shit up whenever her raw emotions are pushed to "the edge".
Neither of them are fully realized characters.
The only difference between the Wasp and Carol is that Hope has a "luv interest", who she bitchily teases in the way you falsely accuse Captain Marvel of doing.
They have struggled across several movies trying to make Hawkguy interesting, up to the point of giving him a supporting cast-family larger than anyone in the MCU who isn't Spider-Man. Vision is 100% melancholy observations about life in a British accent. Falcon is entirely summed up by "I'm with Cap".

Just stick with hating the actress because she insulted your Alt-Right sensibilities, ok?

She stopped sanctuary 2 from flattening everyone prevented Thanos from snapping protected Spider-Man saved Tony in the depths of space with cosmic sense a power people forget she has and and had some pretty epic scenes

She sucks. She couldn't emote her way out of a cardboard bag. And she has a real life obsession with the power of her fictional character, like a fucking 5 year old.

I honestly can't.

I enjoy Superman because he has the humility and he's still a likeable person. Carol Danvers, both in comic and movie form, is downright unlikeable and her presence causes a painful unbalance in the power rankings.

Also she's ugly.

>she's a feminist she's arrogant she loves to flaunt her power she has a heart of gold
>Those things really don't go together.
>Tony is a chauvinist who's arrogant and loves his power and has a proven heart (of gold).

Really the problem here is you.

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That's all shit that other, better characters could hsve done better.

I'd had sex, and talk to girls on a regular basis. I'm also very vocal on my dislike of Captain Cunt and how unlikable she is. Prove me wrong right now. Come at me.

She's got plenty of Personality flaws: overconfident, arrogant, lust for combat, reckless, stubborn and so on

Even your fellow Carol-haters don't believe you.

Post time stamped sex tapes or get the fuck out incel

Have sex, incels. Do you think that hating women will get you laid? Do you think that hating succseful women will mask your obvious jealousy and insecurity? Yes, women can be strong, one the stingiest and smartest. Accept it.

You're wrong and that didn't happen. I'm sorry that the script disagrees with you and I'm sorry that you can't accept that and are left with only whining to strangers online about your headcanon which sucks by the way.

All of those things are presented as strengths, not weaknesses. According to the authors of captain marvel, women should be impulsive, beligerant cunts, because Women Are Strong, and literally any form of restraint is patriarchy. It's fucking insulting, most of all to the target audience.

Like clockwork.

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I don't know why she needs defending.

They only don't go together because your head can't accept them

>Black Panther: Struggles to deal with the death of his father and maintain rule in the kingdom left to him, then has to deal with Wakanda's venture into revealing itself to the world and becoming part of society
>Doctor Strange: Has a god complex over his career and is forced to overcome hardships when an accident renders his hands useless, eventually becoming Sorceror Supreme
>Hawkeye: Literally everything he does in Endgame is awesome
>Winter Soldier: Fallen sidekick of Cap who is turned villian and then later finds redemption

>Captain Marvel: Starts and ends the movie with the same level of power (minus the mechanism that allows the villians to deactivate said power) and has very little character growth along the way.

i'm imagining brie larson looking down at me in disgust, spitting on me... "well if it isn't the lil incel" im getting really hot n bothered desu

We're criticizing the script you fucking idiot.

>t's fucking insulting, most of all to the target audience.
Captain Marvel is still doing double digit million box office, on word of mouth, despite being out twice as long as Captain Billy, who is doing roughly half that.
Accept that your echo-box hate club are an irrelevant minority.

Captain Marvel is an insult to women, especially the other much more talented actresses in the franchise.

I'm pretty sure the mass demographic are prone to watching garbage.

I don't care about the real life actor. I don't care about the real life actors in anything. the fact that this bothers you is not my problem. I think Captain Marvel emotes just fine

No one said women can't be strong. But that doesn't excuse a character from being boring or unlikeable.

Nah. Public reception was shit snd Disney had to buy tickets.

>now I'm insulted on behalf of all women
Ok, now this is rising to the level of unintentional comedy.

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She was shoved into front and center with the rest of the proven cast. Literally, a propped up mannequin. It is quite hilarious.

>I think Captain Marvel emotes just fine
I don't believe you. Nobody could be that stupid.

>I still support a false narrative created by low IQ morons.

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holy shit im horny for brie brie. i cant even contain myself any more. that perma scowl finna make me BUST!!!

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When did I say I was insulted on their behalf? I'm insulted they charged money for such a poorly written and performed film, it just also happens to be sexist against women as well.

Thank god End Game is done with. Now I can drop this trash heap of a franchise.

Well then you're just lost in delusion people are different they have different likes and dislikes if you think no one can like Captain Marvel when she made over a billion and has fans, real fans. I don't know what to say to you beyond stfu

>I'm not White Knighting
>But let me continue to White Knight for you
Were you born this stupid and unaware or was there a terrible accident?

And your criticisms are incorrect. you just don't like the decisions made, that doesn't make the Script bad; that's just your headcanon

>Now I can drop this trash heap of a franchise.
>And live in the threads forever and ever!

That's your interpretation it was never presented as a positive

Wrong, faggot, the script is bad, because the characters constantly make stupid decisions even while not supposed to being stupid.

Yeah, because her friend giving that speech about how she's so powerful and good and flawless was such a criticism

Whiteknighting would be to suggest that the people involved were sexist. They aren't. They're just fucking stupid.

Scripts not bad. I'm sorry but that's just you, also this thread was about not being able to defend Marvel. I just did, stop shifting Goalposts; it's just sad.

So you never actually sat through the movie?
You just whine about it as a hobby?

Not sure what that has to do with Captain Marvel and quite frankly I don't care

I know what to say to you: go back to plebbit, you retarded faggot.

this takes a dedication beyond words and beyond pathetic

Yes it is bad
Why are you defending a movie you haven't seen?

So not only do you have nothing to say, you're beginning to melt down. ok

You're the one who made the retarded claim that brie larson acted well.

Saying something is bad over and over doesn't make it true, that just makes you look like a whining child

Have Sex Incel

I've seen every MCU movie at least twice, thanks.
But you either haven't or were confused by the context and meaning of her friend's encouragement.
So which? Did you not see it, or are you just too dumb to figure out cape movies? I'm giving you credit by assuming the former. I assume you are just an alt-Right bandwagoner.

She did

Not that faggot, but this thread is about defending a shitty character. It is objectively true that the movie was fucking awful. Especially by the standards of past Marvel Studios.

I concur.

The choices in this film are horrible. It makes me angry just thinking about it. Nick Fury's eye, Avengers, Skrulls chance, and Mar Vell gender change are such horrible story decisions that I want everybody in that project to never work on another MCU film. At least Ant Man and the Wasp didn't affect the rest of the MCU.

I already explained why it's bad. Ostensibly rational characters make obviously stupid choices throughout the movie for no reason.

Nice narrative you have created there.
It must really bother you that the rest of the normie world remains indifferent to it.

Haven't seen this movie, don't care, whatever, I just

I love how mad people get now at 'have sex' as a response in an internet fight? It's so good. It gets such a huge return on minimal investment. I love how a response that traditionally would be subversive and dirty is being used against people who think they're anti-PC.

Have sex!

Just like Frozen?

The movie had a terrible public reception. The box office numbers are inflated by buybacks.

I haven't seen Frozen.

Than you have no opinion sweety.

It's the ultimate non-argument used by people who can't even be bothered to type a complete sentence.

Your explanation is bad abd wrong, that's just not going to change.


Incels trying to be manly by saying "have sex" is the ultimate NPC answer. It wont give them sex, but it'll give them good boy points.

Have sex

>The movie had a terrible public reception.
The weeks following her opening weekend stand in direct contradiction to this. Sorry your RT clicks didn't snap reality.
>The box office numbers are inflated by buybacks.
You have absolutely zero evidence of this besides some hilariously inept attempts to "prove" theaters were empty by morons who don't understand that their phones show the time of their Proofs.

Agreed incel, please have sex!

Of Frozen? I sure don't.

I love how easy it is to trigger incels into NPC replies of "Have Sex" by shitting on their fungus queen.

I'm sorta glad that Incel now has no meaning anymore, like Cuck.

She was fucking deus ex machina in every part of the movie
She's shit

If you seriously think that’s a /pol/ opinion you are insane.

Like Superman. What were they thinking?

She's established as having "warps through space at high speed" powers.
She lands on Earth, learns about Tony being lost, and follows his course and rescues him.
Later she flies through a space cruiser, another established power.
What exactly do you consider deus ex machina? Or is just a word you always wanted to use?

See? Great return on investment.

The ultimate non-argument is actually "no you" but "have sex" is spicier

>The weeks following her opening weekend stand in direct contradiction to this.
User reviews are terrible
>You have absolutely zero evidence of this besides some hilariously inept attempts to "prove" theaters were empty
Other than pictures of empty theaters, people being surprised by empty theaters, etc

Yes, she has overwhelming god powers, hence deus ex machina

>User reviews are terrible
User reviews can be created by anyone, and even someone with a double-digit IQ can create hundreds of them
>Other than pictures of empty theaters, people being surprised by empty theaters, etc
Again, timestamped to have been taken hours before the movie was even being shown. Pictures of theaters not showing a movie prove that the pranksters ARE double-digit IQ.
The real question here is, are you a double-digit IQ hoaxster or are you just someone fooled by them?
Are you dumb or just easily tricked by dumb people?

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If she had overwhelming God-powers, she would have killed Stone-less Farmer Thanos when she shot him on Farmworld. No one would have held back, thinking he had the Stones.

>User reviews can be created by anyone, and even someone with a double-digit IQ can create hundreds of them
RT snd metacritic deny bot or sockpuppet influence
>Again, timestamped to have been taken hours before the movie was even being shown

This is good bait. Look at how many people are falling for it. Happy farming.

Gateway to real cosmic Marvel, the new heavy-hitter that's even beyond Hulk and Thor + a living mystery, we don't even know what was it that actually gave her her powers.

>TFW even my gf was upset by how unnattractive Brie was
Only ugly woman are insecure enough to want to see other ugly women on screen.

>A real mystery
Aka the writers were too lazy to actually write anything.
Also saying she is powerful isn't a character trait. A character being power doesn't equal good.

Sorry, Brie, I'm already a faggot and thus don't give two shits about earning good boy points on the off chance I can convince some '''woman''' to touch my dick for a few seconds.

>deny bot or sockpuppet influence
They literally removed 50k "reviews". They objectively acted on sockpuppet influence be default. Are you claiming they made an obvious move to remove legitimate reviews? I guess you are double-digit.
At least you've stopped posting your amusing Proofs montage. You poor stupid bastard.

It means involuntarily celibate far too descriptive to Just Lose meaning

This. Gays have the ultimate defense against cunts. Their cunt has no power.

Technically you aren't a faggot as long as you just sit at your command center and obsess over dicks.
You'll have to actually get out and touch someone else's dick. Any childhood molestations just make you a victim, not a fag.

Lazy writers the go-to excuse for salty fans

Clearly she has the power to make you post in thread after thread after thread.
She's absorbed your time and head-space pretty effectively. MSNBC spends less time fretting over Trump.

they dont care, all they care about is one upping the boys in something like some imaginary score board. Even the Phoenix and Wanda existing they need something like Carol to be a bitch. I mean there were and are powerful female characters but they needed a complete cunt to exist.

Pronounce that's projection

>Defending lazy writers
No, multiple anons have made different threads. Are you really surprised a comics board wants to talk about something really bad that is comics related? We also talk about Heroes in Crisis, will you defend that too?

They picked the perfect actor. Anyone remember when Carol was a cunt to a guy just for complementing her?

Nigger, none of the characters in a fucking superhero movie have any depth, because why should they? If anything the only one that's got any development has been Stark because the MCU was basically "Iron Man and his Amazing Friends". At all. You probably think BvS was a masteripiece full of subtle symbolism, but w/e.

>1.1 billion box office for a literal who compared to wonder woman with only 800m.
More people wanted to pay to see her than wonder woman or Shazam. She is the superior character. Attack this without using Twitter sources, the words fungus, boring, or shill

>Brie Larson: I did my own stunts
>Wow it's literally nothing.

I wouldn't hark on it too much myself, but it wasn't like she did much...the worse she would have done was want? Rolled when she attacked thanos at the beginning of the film?

Big deal. Granted I probably feel this way because I was watching kamen Rider megamax and shun watabe's actor got to do his own stunts for the first time....and boy is it glorious

Box Office is arbitrarily fake now, some faggot on Yea Forums told me so.

>lost to Aquaman
Also Marvel has been pushing this bitch hardcore since 2012.

Are you talking comics?
Because about 1/100,000th of the MCU audience reads modern comics.

>Shit thing is shit
Why do liberals instantly go to talking about how much a megacorporation made as a defense? Why do liberals suck corporate cock?

Carol crushed Aquaman everywhere but Wan's native Bugmanland, and she's still doing double digit million weekends with very little between her and Aquaman's worldwide remaining.

I guess beta onions boys don't count either so Captain Marvel actually made no money.

>Shit thing is shit
Man, sure wish you were around when we had all the Aquaman threads. Or Wonder Woman threads.

Aquaman is a million times better than Captain Fungus. Aquaman is a 7/10.

China does count. Their outsize showing for Aquaman won't stop Carol from outgrossing Aquachad. Nice strawman tho. Captain Marvel will outgross Aquaman everywhere but China, and beat his worldwide the same way she beat Diana's DCEU-best domestic.

This is the ultimate Yea Forums incel defense in company wars. Box office numbers.

That sure is a fine opinion you have there, and you are honestly welcome to it.

That wouldn't have happened without the Endgame prequel factor, in Phase 1 or 2 or even earlier in Phase 3

>company wars
You don't have to be a snyder fag to hate Captain Bitch

Liberals sure do love to defend megacorporations now.

Attached: Every Captain Marvel thread ever.png (1908x1412, 3.7M)

DCucks have moved the goalposts from box office, to critical review, to Oscars, back to critical review, then again to box office, then to audience review and now finally to "Soul". They've gone full spiritualist cult.

It's sad and hilarious.

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It didn't happen at all. Disney bought the tickets.

That wouldn't have happened before Infinity War

Lol, butthurt.
Captain Marvel is a shit movie. You can't deny this.

Literally no other argument white knight beta.

I honestly just miss the days when you wrote off MCU movies as "forgettable" and pissed off to shill your own favorites.
But I guess we live in a new age where we have to have 24/7 Captain Marvel threads for you to thumb-suck in.

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No one claimed, China doesn't count, just that it's an outsized percentage of Aquaman's box. It counts for Last Knight and Pacific Rim too.
Still won't save it from being passed by Captain Marvel.
Cry moar.

>B-But it made money and if you don't suck corporate cock that means you can't have sex!
Liberals everyone.

>Captain Marvel is a shit movie. You can't deny this.
It's middle-tier MCU for me, exactly like Wonder Woman and Aquaman. Honestly I don't fully understand the box office of all 3 of them, but there it is.

Seething manchild.

But it wont. You are sad. You really like to obsess about how much money kikes made.

So easy.

If it's MY obsession, why are you so insistent that it won't?

Why would anyone give a shit about how much money a movie made? How pathetic do you have to be to feel that your opinion is validated because a corporation made money? If anything, how much money a product made is inverse to it's quality.

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Basic logic. It wont be in theaters much longer.

>Why would anyone give a shit about the success of a movie they didn't like? How pathetic do you have to be to feel that your low opinion of a company you surely don't do business with needs validation? If anything, the more tickets a movie sells is inverse to how many people are interested in it or entertained by it (durrrrr).

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No movie has ever been removed out of theaters when it was making a full million domestically.
Captain Marvel is making 10x that.
It's about halfway through its run.
It will be in theaters after Shazam, which is currently making half as much despite being out half as long.

You had a point until you just came up with some weird bullshit at the end. You're right that how much money a corporation makes should have no bearing on opinion and doesn't say much about quality, but that does not mean it's better if it makes less money.

She really didn't though. She's the most dull, lifeless character in Endgame. The other user is stupid, but they have a point. If you think her acting was anywhere near good, you have extremely low standards.

He'd have more of a point about giving a shit if he wasn't clearly so obsessed himself.

What are timezones?

>And your criticisms are incorrect
How the fuck can you call a subjective opinion incorrect? Kindly fuck off.

>What are timezones?
Literally taking a picture of an empty theater, with your ticket, with your phone showing you're 2 and a half hours early. Are you claiming people set their phones to timezones they aren't in?

4channel was a fucking mistake. Just look at this faggotry.

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>How the fuck can you call a subjective opinion incorrect?
But that's literally the entire argument against people who enjoyed Captain Marvel.

She just have all power and none of responsibility. In the sequel she will be helpless against her villian and the only way to win would be to become better person. And after that carol will be fine

>comes in, sits down, puts a dick in his mouth

Stop samefagging and go back to Tumblr.

Ah, I love the classics.

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Well, this has been a fun thread.
I'll see you all in Carol Haet Thread #568, where we can pick up the conversation about how it's the Carol fans who are (((OBSESSED))) with her, and surely not the guy making these.

That would be the ideal course of action, but I see it as unlikely. Carol does not have a strong basis to work on. She has no interesting villains and no famous arcs short of the one where she was mind control raped by her sort-of-son. Such a story would have to come purely from the minds of the screenwriters who will be under heavy scrutiny to make her the ultimate tumblria ideal.

There is a chance artistic integrity will come out on top, but it seems pretty slim to me.

The movie and character is okay. The actress alienated a lot of people by being insufferable during publicity.

Wtf post larson nudes

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as much as people want to ignore it, that's what it is. It's basically the thought process is that us guys take so much pride over the accomplishments on what our sex has done that they need to even the score.
Problem is that most of us compete with each other much like women do and we dont get that feeling of superiority because we as individuals didnt do it.
It's a moot point now.

Thor started off similarly bland and overpowered until someone figured out what to do with him so maybe the same will happen to her one day.

She'll become the mommy of the avengers.

Well, yeah. Becayse her movie is literally feminist propaganda. If she was a man, it would be just another flick. Or maybe a cancer sob story. Still better than what we got.

I legitimately stopped and thought why I didnt like her.
I mean there were parts where I should be able to relate but then I saw the scenes as her as a little girl and how all the dumb piggish guys were white made me go, yeah I was treated badly by these guys, so why do I hate this?
It's because any attempt for me to relate to Carol is tossed out due to her arrogance and the narritive of the suffering she went through as a child was so superficial and common to even white boys that the movie implies this only happened to little white girls. Not only that to imply that little girl Carol was being told she cant do something because she was a girl wasnt something that happened in the 90s. That was a time where every one was pushing girls can play foot ball and shit like that. If anything this was turning less of a reflection of reality and more of a fantasy of girls in the 90s who think that they suffered the same shit women did in the 70s.

>due to her arrogance
provide 3 examples.

Um, right after you have sex incel.

>the movie implies this only happened to little white girls
It does? Does there honestly need to be a scene with a little runty white boy being picked on in the background for you to unclench your rage filled ass? And its addressed that her she helped her non-white friend through similar (if not greater) struggles.

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Because money is the market speaking for itself. No amazing movie ever tanked in sales

Please understand that this phrase doesn't hurt me the same way it badly stings you.

>thing I like made money so now it can afford to make more things I like
Sounds like someone slept through economics

Her not controling her temper at the beginning, dont know if you would count that.
Her attitude towards the team that also didnt like her because of her arrogance but who cares they were the bad guys in the end anyways but she didnt know that till much later. Shit with fury like everytime she just blasted through something. The fight at the end of the story. Let's not mention the stuff out side the movie with brie interviews.

no just a scene where it isnt white boys being the antagonist in all of those flash backs.

>The lady doth protest too much, methinks

All it showed was "YOU LET THEM DO IT" what the fuck do you think its implying? Who is them?! gee I wonder...

She will give us annihilation

>that also didnt like her because of her arrogance
Confirmed for not watching the movie

>Her attitude towards the team that also didnt like her because of her arrogance
Minerva is the only one on her team that was shown to dislike her, and that came across as a catty rivalry.
>Even using her powers is arrogant
>Beating the villains is arrogant

>The stuff outside the movie
Ah, now we get to the heart of it. The conflated nonsense pushed on the internet. Gotcha.
So nothing to do with Captain Marvel at all.

I did you didnt see her sitting all pouty in the fucking jet before taking off?

ok seems you didnt read what I said so we are done talking.

Chair Force pilots are heavily white guys from families with connections/money.
You didn't complain when everyone in Top Gun was a white dude.

I think that's a good idea, you need to find someone dumber to discuss movies with.

Did you miss the part where she is the reason their mission to get the core failed when she blew up the engine and now they have to live with her

did you miss the rest of the shit? Yeah women werent able to fly for the air forces but the stuff with the little girl? common.

So you hung around a lot of non-whites growing up? Trying to join non-white clubs and teams and such?

If you cant handle critisim then there is no point in talking to you. You act just like the Male anons who act like cunts. So frankly you using hyperbole to make a counter argument wasnt much of an argument just an ignorant rage that wont have a conversation with out flipping out.

And her not learning from it? guess what that's arrogance.

>but the stuff with the little girl? common.
Movie never claimed it was unique to her. Of course girls have a tough time trying to get accepted when they want to do "boy's rugged stuff" or play sports with the boys.
Her desire to do so was a reason she had such a rough time with it.
Nowhere in the movie does it remotely imply that she's being specially picked on or facing struggles that no one else ever has.

>So frankly you using hyperbole
I was responding to a vague and hyperbolic post.
How is the "fight at the end" in any way arrogant? She didn't force anyone to bow or scrape or meekly surrender, nor did she rub it in Yon-Rogg's face. She simply asserted that she wasn't his Kree soldier any more and didn't need to prove herself in his eyes.

no I had most of it being white, but we had mixed races and everyone did it, it wasnt just white people who did this. Latinos, Native American, even asain, and islanders. This happened all the time and it wasnt racial stuff that would be protected it ws common shit that everyone had a right to but there are always bad people with in each race. If you think a white guy is the only one telling you cant do some thing it's because you only focus on that. And you project it out on other white guys who were actually treated the same way. but you wouldnt acknowledge it because it ruins the narrative.

>And her not learning from it?
Learning what from what?

>because you only focus on that. And you project it
Let's be honest here; you are the one focusing and projecting here. You are really intent on fabricating a narrative that justifies hating this particular Marvel film.

yeah it did, it was from her perspective. Focusing on it at all shows that it was happening to her specifically. And guess who kept telling her not to do stuff? Its fucking obvious.

no she dragged his ass through the dirt. Yeah that's being arrogant.

>yeah it did, it was from her perspective.
You expect super hero origin stories (or really any origin stories) to dwell on the perspectives of other random characters?

fucking up a mission unless you are talking about how she shot the tesseract then that is part of the story and she had her mind wiped from it. So there is no reason to be arrogant before the mission.

actually its the other way around. Many instances was using white men as the punching bag. You dont want to admit it because it's easy to ignore it.

He helped mind-wipe her and had her serving in (what is to her) an Evil Empire. Shot her good friend Mar-Vell in cold blood after trying to kill them both.
Really a dragging was the least the guy had coming. Christ. Are you LARPing Yonn-Rog?

in this fucking movie it did, did you not pay attention how it just made random white guys the bad guys? Oh of course not, making the white guys the bad guys is so easy for you it's like breathing.

>Many instances was using white men as the punching bag
Oh shit, are you about to put on your white LARP armor and grab your tiki torch on me?

>it just made random white guys the bad guys?
None of them did anything implicitly "Bad" to her, except maybe her father. Tony Stark had a father who was a shit. Thor had a father who was a shit.
Every single villain and antagonist in Tony Stark's sprawling multi-film epic is a White Guy.

Get ahold of yourself.

>Oh well he is the bad guy so it's ok for her to be arrogant.
I mean you brought up the fact she didnt do this certain thing but dragging through the dirt turns into a yeah... well he was a bad guy anyways.

That doesn't help push anons agenda so he has every right to ignore those facts. Wemyn bad, white man gud

see you cant the reality of it all. Frankly you cant even take the criticism either, its blatant and you purposly ignore it with memes. you aren't so different from a bible thumper.

yeah it does, do you know the definition of antagonist? It's the one that gets in the way of the protagonist. the one that tells the protag not to do stuff. yeah you are an idiot.

Iron Man is constantly oppressed by White Guys, with his close supportive friend being black. But that's ok.
Every single antagonist/villain in the Captain America movies is a white guy, his supportive friend is Black.
But that's ok.

It makes it hard to take any of your bitching seriously.

Attached: CapWintersoldier.jpg (1680x703, 217K)

>in this fucking movie it did, did you not pay attention how it just made random white guys the bad guys?
To be fair it's not like Carol has a nemesis.

Whitey Smith Jonesy
his power is cosmic mysogony and oppresses peoples we need white lady savior!

Save that for Captain Marvel 2: Personal Attack

*Zemo, not Zola twice.

She had a movie that was irrelevant enough that I didn't feel like I missed out by skipping it and for the big crossover she stayed out of the way and was mostly, thankfully, unobtrusive enough that I managed to get a decade of enjoyment without her muddying the waters, and she had the decency to wait until it was time to leave before taking over.

>She had a movie that was irrelevant enough that I didn't feel like I missed out by skipping it
But you never miss a thread, right?
You seem pretty stridently indifferent.

The triggering

she isnt fun. shes the only cast member that doesnt get along w the rest and she is the stiffest and sternest. warmth my ass. shes the opposite.

quill w his music, earth mom, and now connection to earth is more of a conduit than her 100% kree concerned life

This was my first thread.

>The triggering
That will be if they do Annihilation and give Nova's role to her.
The levels of asshurt here will be a thing of legend. But basically I expect the endless Brie-bitching to die down when Star Wars 9 comes out and everyone moves back to Yea Forums to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at Rey.

Hand on my heart, I cannot. There was nothing to make her sympathetic, relatable or even human.
Every opportunity to give her some drama was passed up in favor of making her completely invincible and untouchable.

What can they possibly do with her?

>every negative post is the same person

Sure. See you in the next one, where you remind me that you no longer care.

Just skip it.
Also for some reason star wars bitching is allowed here.

>things that were never implied

well the comics now link to the movies so says Disney overlords.

Nobody cares now that she is a woman, so that works out.

>She's fun; Brie Larson brings some nice warmth and personality to the screen

You are completely full of shit.

>she’s literally the least interesting Captain Marvel


Goddamn, she really is, isn't she?

I haven't actually seen Captain Marvel, that's pretty good at not caring.

>says that the same user comes back to say wont care
>no-no I mean it's shut up!

>I like this hero
>I enjoy watching other people suffer

Yeah, that doesn't make me like her more

It was. And Deconnick's run actually was pretty good, too. It didnt start out great, but it got better.

Again: you are full of shit. You know nothing.

I know! Do stay and tell me all about how much you don't care. It's fascinating stuff.

>says that the same user comes back to say wont care
He won't even leave this thread about something he's uninterested in.

You are pathetic.

Because many movie-going fans denounce her.

>follows his course and rescues him

They didn't even know where he was. In fact nobody knew where he was. They didn't even know that he was still alive. Did Thanos tell them?

I was thinking about it and I think part of the problem is that she lacks a torch passing.
Like, as much as people bitch about it, and as much as some of that bitching is deserved, Spider-man getting a torch pass from Iron-man kind of cements him into the MCU, similar to War Machine and Rescue Pepper if they wanted to go that route.
Cap has his proteges in Sam and Bucky.
Hawkeye of all people gets to mentor Wanda.
A lot of the newer Avengers are tied in some way to the old ones, but Carol, I guess because they had to make her strong independent woman, has no ties to anyone. She's this rogue element with the least amount of connection to the rest of the MCU.
Which is interesting because even in the comics, she at least had that. You could say "Well, she's a better fit than Monica because at least she had a connection to Mar-vell" and you could kinda see the legacy there. She had a nonsensical tie to the X-men. It wasn't much but it was something.

I am a 90's high school grad prior grundelord gen x'er and she was literally me, if I was a hot bleached blonde with brown eyes and statuesque features and a black secret agent friend.

Tbqh it was a good "movie I'd want my daughter to see" type of thing yet didn't shove men are stupid/girl power down your throat in a typically pandering, condescending, cynical and cringe-inducing way. She just mostly did her damn job, carried out and expected responsibility in herself and others, and wasn't a goddamn crybaby.

As a superhero she served the purpose of further easig the transition from "real world" Earth heroes into full-on outer space Guardians of the Galaxy fantastical space hijinks, which is the Marvel material I like the most to begin with. She kept a link going between grounded reality and cosmic shit necessary for Infinity Gauntlet material.

tldr she as a good hero in the true sense of the word by inspiring through deeds not words and should have a pretty universal appeal without any need for ANYone to trot out tumblr buzzwords from any corner.

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>Yeah, that doesn't make me like her more
Absolutely no one in this thread has the slightest interest in "making" you like anything more. In fact, since this is Yea Forums, the opposite is undoubtedly true.
>Again: you are full of shit. You know nothing.
"No U" is just more concise, stick with that.

that wasnt even me

Uh...I didn't watch her movie. It looked boring so I skipped it. I asked people on discord if there was anything important I was missing out on and they said not really. They spoiled me on how Fury loses an eye and comes up with the Avengers name but those didn't really feel like spoilers so much as saving me 90 minutes of hassle.
So I'm kinda glad they didn't make a lot of required reading in her movie for Endgame.

It's not all about that for us heterofags, either.


>exactly like Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman was likable.

>Spider-man getting a torch pass from Iron-man kind of cements him into the MCU
This has ignited more incendiary bitching than any single facet of the MCU than anything pre-Captain Marvel.


I did admit as much did I not? I even said that some of it's pretty well deserved?

What I don't understand is WHY.
It's not because it's a good movie with a relatable, sympathetic main character, because it isn't.

I have an ass...


He was depowered for most of the movie.

Attached: The ass or lack thereof of Academy Award winning actress Brie Larson.jpg (600x450, 35K)

I will say that no one I've talked to says it's a bad movie. They just say it's not good either. It's just kinda "there".
And to me that makes it sound like something I'll watch when it comes on basic cable but won't go out of my way for, and that's probably fine.

>Wonder Woman was likable.
That's because she was a dimwitted female rube.
Literally travels all the way to London, gets in front of the Generals who could stop disaster, and instead of displaying her supernatural power (which she is not shy about using), lets Trevor lead her out of the room like a retard.
She's dumb eye candy the entire film, front to back.

Attached: WW56.jpg (600x316, 46K)

can I ask you something? what was her growth in becoming a super hero?

>It's not because it's a good movie with a relatable, sympathetic main character, because it isn't.
You live inside a bubble.
>He was depowered for most of the movie
Carol was literally nothing but someone with a ray gun hand for most of hers.

yeah it isnt a bad movie. I just didnt like it. But it wasnt bad.

The only logical explanation is honestly virtue signaling. I don't even think it's a bad movie, just not one deserving of a billion dollars, yet there's stories of that one guy in the midwest that sees it 3 times a day and has seen it over 200 times..
Seriously, omeone should look into that guy. He probably has a cannibal rape dungeon to be compensating that much.

>You live inside a bubble.
NTA but when so many reviews are citing the cat as a big positive that's kinda worrying.

Basically the same as Thor's: You aren't defined by the perceptions and expectations of everyone around you; you need to be true to your own ideals. Basically exactly what Thor's mother spells out, the same message he friend gave her.

>People bought a billion dollars of tickets to see 6 minutes of CGI cat-monster
I guess I can't stop you from believing this sort of thing.

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>Basically the same as Thor's: You aren't defined by the perceptions and expectations of everyone around you; you need to be true to your own ideals
Are you talking about in Endgame?
Because that's kinda counter to what happens given that he still seeks validation from mjolnir.

but she never seems to deviate from that path. Where as thor it acts as a weakness till he turns it into a strength.

>et there's stories of that one guy in the midwest that sees it 3 times a day and has seen it over 200 times..
You honestly need to stop believing most of the shit you read on the internet.

I' didn't say that. I said a lot of online reviews gush about groose. Which...why focus on that? Is it for meme potential?

>Brie Larson brings some nice warmth and personality to the screen
Sir, I require your mouse bucks information details.

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...Tanalth should be her nemesis,

The perfect Kree female to oppose the disgusting hybrid.

Super-Skrull could be in her rogue's gallery... the Brood... MODOK, if anyone remembers, and Deathbird... Mystique... and Magnitron, the ascended form of Yon-Rogg.

'Strong' and 'Independent': "I need nobody". I mean, you can play it that way, but that will just end up with her sitting bare-ass on a rock on Mars going "I am tired of dealing with these people and the tangle of their lives".

I vehemently disagree with you, but must commend you for not suggesting we should engage in intercourse or are sructurally incapable of doing so.

>I didn't watch her movie.

You chose wisely. I wish I had done the same.

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So the movie's good?'re saying that.
On the internet.
What is this secret wars shit who do I trust

>given that he still seeks reassurance from mjolnir.
Fix'd that for you. And at the end of the day, that's his Father's enchantment and judgement, not the Hammer's.

for me it's just a movie that got billions because of its timing of release.


I thought the hammer was sentient.

Okay can you explain this to me?
Why Mystique?
She's a damn good shapeshifter but Carol's an invincible flying brick with energy powers. How the fuck did she EVER have Mystique as a nemesis?
I've never understood how someone can look at her power loud out and go "Mystique! That's the counter pick we're going with!"

>People on the internet obsess excessively about cats, I just don't understand that.
I'd like to welcome you to the internets. My advice: be careful and don't touch anything.

Attached: You Must Be New Here.jpg (311x311, 82K)

She's just superman. Superman can have good stories if written right.
She just needs a good writer and a better movie.
Very few superheroes had a good introductory movie in the MCU

I guess she needs more charisma besides just being a woman.

>'re saying that.
>On the internet.
I actually haven't said one way or the other. I'm just saying that picking it apart on the basis of stuff that happens in a lot of other Superhero movies seems suspicious and forced.

>dont touch anything
my man, that's impossible

Is is father not part of the "perceptions and expectations of everyone around you?"
Hell isn't Odin the main guy he's trying to make proud most of the time?
I'm only half rhetorical here because apparently Mjolnir is sentient sometimes?

Thor treats it sorta like a pet. But the Hammer's worthiness component is specifically an enchantment placed on it by Odin in the first act of the Thor movie. It's no more "sentient" than Stormbreaker.

not so much after the first movie. After that it becomes more like he does what he wants but thinks he is still God among men.

I liked valkyrie more. Only if she looked more like her comic version she would be the best mcu waifu

Attached: valk_merge_sm_by_kpj11-d7kvrn6.jpg (650x919, 313K)

All jokes aside similar story beats and concepts are a double edged sword. CM may share a lot of stuff with other movies (I assume because again, haven't seen it) but it might be that the execution sours the perception.
Man of Steel had the same problem. You can't just say "What? Avengers had collateral damage! Nobody cared then!" because Avengers wasn't filmed like gritty disaster porn and conflating the two is disingenuous, right?
So CM *might* have the same problem, and that's a discussion worth having.

movie wise you mean?

It's enchanted to return to the hand of whomever is currently wielding it.
It is subsequently enchanted to only allow itself to be wielded by someone who is worthy by Odin's standards, and to grant that person a measure of Thor's innate powers (hence Steve's lightning).
That's it.

That versions is canoncally dead because she was of an inferior race

Third best. I liked her better when she was drunk and waering the darker armor.
Actually, maybe fourth.
I'm actually kinda shocked how much I like a lot of the MCU female characters. I was not expecting it.

>She's dumb eye candy the entire film

Dumb eye candy when she walks, alone, out into the hell of No Man's Land, to save the lives of people she doesn't even know.

Dumb eye candy when she ventures into the lion's den to confront what she believes to be the literal God of War.

Dumb eye candy when she actually does fight and defeat him.

>You live inside a bubble

Yes, it's called "the atmosphere".

I haven't seen a single meme featuring Goose.
Or Carol, for that matter.

Which is odd. "You can't tell me what to do anymore" seems a shoe-in.
"It's alright" with a clawed-out eye.

Comic hammer is a living cosmic storm from the beginning of creation

>Dumb eye candy when she walks, alone, out into the hell of No Man's Land, to save the lives of people she doesn't even know.
Why should she take sides and start killing soldiers on one side of WW1? Oh that's right, because they turned it into a black and white Nazis vs the Allies war.
>Dumb eye candy when she ventures into the lion's den to confront what she believes to be the literal God of War.
Yeah, that's not to smart, and she never really figures out anything til it's explained to her by the villain.
>And she wins by simply being Strongest There IS!
Yeah, she dumb. Like Hulk dumb.

Attached: Hulk AOU.jpg (992x558, 36K)

Comic Thor is the son of Gaia with Earth powers he constantly forgets he has.
Its irrelevant to the MCU.

You cant

Mystique's whole deal is being a ninja. You don't see her coming. It doesn't work on Carol directly because she is virtually invulnerable, but Mystique still hurt her by murdering Michael Barnett, and later, by sending Rogue after her.

Mystique first appeared in Carol's mag.

Yeah, she's pretty much what Madam Masque is to Iron Man.

So she just trolls Carol since she can't fight her directly?
That's unfortunately not very cinematic.

>defending a character that is a future oscar winning box office success
Kinda impossible to defend stuff that doesn't need defending

Honestly, isn't this what Lex Luthor does in almost every Superman movie ever made?

Attached: Luthor and Otis.jpg (630x411, 67K)

Context, user

Kryptonite helps. Not a lot, but it helps.

In what way?

This isn't the comic book version; the comic book version died fighting Hela, specifically in the act of saving MCU Valkyrie.
Who doesn't have a name, does she? Weird.


Well, apparently her name is Brunnhilde, like the comic books version, because that is totally not confusing. Why not Krymhilde?

Oh, she was naive. She naturally assumed the side her friend was on was the 'good guys'. Just like she assumed Ludendorff was Ares' assumed identity.

He still never kicks Superman's ass directly.
He stabs him with the Kryptonite exactly once.
Otherwise he just sends super-goons at him, which is what Mystique does with Rogue.

Madame Masque was also his lover. Her name does not refer to her ability to disguise herself. She is crazy and twisted, not pure evil like Mystique.

Nope. I liked her better in the X-Men movies.

"Mind over muscle, Superman."

>She naturally assumed the side her friend was on was the 'good guys'.
So she went from "Men are violent, Ares is provoking them to madness" to "this one guy (who is a spy and a liar) spoke to me for a while, so I guess I'll wantonly slaughter everyone who's not on HIS side, even though I'm not supposed to be taking sides in a pointless mad conflict".

I take it back, I insulted the Hulk.

>He stabs him with the Kryptonite exactly once.


I wouldn't want to see a movie about you, is the problem. You sound boring and kind of a bitch.

Its the one time Luthor commits direct physical violence against a weakened Superman in the movies, is what I am saying. It's the closest he gets to "fighting" him.

Attached: Luthor.png (1024x768, 1.18M)

Okaaayyyy.... but you like Captain Marvel?

Really, if a movie about him makes 1.1 billion dollars, I don't think he'd lay awake at night worrying about that.

Another Truman show?

mind you she has to do something in her movie. Ares still is creating problems but WW still has to fight other soldiers.

Roughly as much as Wonder Woman. I am ok with both movies. Both needed a more interesting main villain. Intelligence > Ludendorff.

The "villain twist" in Captain Marvel is a lot less obvious. Overall I thought Pine was better than Jackson's hammy Fury.
The Kree Squad was far less fucking annoying than the Howling Dipshits injected into Wonder Woman.
Both are about a 7/10 for me.

Attached: Wonder Woman 5.jpg (634x427, 57K)

>Really, if a movie about him makes 1.1 billion dollars, I don't think he'd lay awake at night worrying about that.
Is this the "more money = better movie" argument I hear ladderfags repeat so often?

I guess if his life was a tie-in for the biggest movie in the last ten years, It would make that kind of money too.
But it's not.

I wouldn’t have a problem with Carol if she was introduced sometime around the 1st Avengers film. There was an account of a superhuman in the mid-90’s yet no mention of her before?

And I really rolled my eyes at how she was too busy playing space cop and not deal with Thanos. For fuck’s same, the 1st Guardians film has Nova Corps deal with Ronan of the Kree Empire who was working for Thanos. If anything we should’ve had Nova introduced instead of Captain Marvel.

>Ares still is creating problems but WW still has to fight other soldiers.
Maybe, I dunno, knocking out these guys she believes are in thrall to Ares? None of them can really hurt her, so it's kinda wtf when she starts cutting them to ribbons when she could easily disable them.

I guess its
1.scarlet witch widow

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>I guess if his life was a tie-in for the biggest movie in the last ten years
The post-Avengers sequels like Dark World and Winter Soldier were tie-ins to the biggest movie in the last 10 years at that point. And they didn't do that kind of money.
This is a very fake argument.
Capain Marvel was bouyed by the Marvel Brand, sure. But it wasn't propped up by Avengers 4 any more than Aquachad was drug down by League of JUST.

they still stand in the way, basically knocking them out keeps them from doing soemthing far worse like hurt someone else or themselves trying to hurt wonder woman.

To be honest I don’t think her solo film making just over 1 billion is entirely reflective of the star power of the character herself
It was released after infinity war and right before endgame, the period of time where everybody wanted to see every film to not miss anything
It would probably be better to just wait and see how she fairs in the MCU post endgame without captain America or iron man and the Thanos storyline being wrapped up

I really wish she had her own super hero outfit. The one she gets just looks like a Renfair outfit. I mean strange got his. I feel the Fem Heroes got shafted on super hero costumes.

Based tranny Carolfag

Given the emphasis on this scene, I guess an A-Force movie is an inevitable at this point. But if that's how we're finally getting MCU She-Hulk, I'm fine with it.

Attached: A-Force.webm (1146x480, 1.6M)

I was ok with spidey being there. However I havnet seen the movie yet.


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It’s gonna fail.

Evans and RDJ not being around is going to make people lose interest. BP and Strange are going to have sequels which will make money. I don’t think any new Avengers headlines by BP, Cap Marvel, and Strange are going to bring in fans like Steve, Tony, and Thor did. I’d even argue the most popular team will be Thor + Guardians since they’ll have crazy adventures in space.

What I’m anticipating for is the next Spider-Man movie after Far from Home. The only reason why most people would watch it is to see the post-Endgame fallout where everyone who disappeared is back after 5 years. Homecoming didn’t make as much cash and having 7 Spider-Man movies in 17 years contributed to a lot of viewer fatigue.

>I guess an A-Force movie is an inevitable
No moreso than Mighty Avengers.
The female Guardians of the Galaxy left, Pepper doesn't want to hero (and Paltrow probably won't more than cameo moving forward).
Carol is likely to head back to the cosmos.
There's not a whole lot there.

...where did 'Wonder Woman has to be super smart' come from? She's always been kind of a dense bruiser. She's good at fighting and... not a whole lot else. This is one of the few consistent character traits she even has.

>What I’m anticipating for is the next Spider-Man movie after Far from Home. The only reason why most people would watch it is to see the post-Endgame fallout where everyone who disappeared is back after 5 years. Homecoming didn’t make as much cash and having 7 Spider-Man movies in 17 years contributed to a lot of viewer fatigue.
Sinister 6 or for some reason someone said secret wars which is just the 90s cartoon of spidey.
I really wanted a Total carnage spidey but Sony being a dick about it.

>There's not a whole lot there.
well you got Adam warlock and shit

Diana has never been a genius, but the "Oooo Ice Cream!" "Oooh Baby" nonsense is relatively new.
And the way she lets Trevor lead her by the arm through most of the movie is just kinda sad. And really, Trevor really makes her mission harder than it needed to be. She could have eliminated Ludendorff and Poison at the castle and fucked up Ares whole plot almost immediately.
Revealing to the Brits and their allies that there is clear supernatural influence on their conflict might have given BOTH sides pause, and forced an immediate confrontation with Ares. Diana learn nothing along her journey that gives her any extra advantage over Ares, so the fight likely goes the same, only this time Ares isn't surrounded by allies.

I take it you have zero idea what A-Force is.

no I was speaking about the Cosmos shit. that's what I meant by there is something liek that out there.

Lets be real, Carol's only here to introduce pic related to the MCU

They could very easily bring in more female heroes to pad out the team (She-Hulk, Spiderwoman) plus Valkyrie and Scarlet Witch are still around and they are probably gonna shove Shuri and Okye in as well

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"there's not a whole lot there" was reference to the fact that the female heroes are now either retired (Valkyrie/Pepper) or scattered across space (Nebula, Gamora, Carol) so there's not much to make an A-Force out of.

A Young Avengers movie is vastly more likely.

To be fair, how many versions of her origin story do we have? We get remakes of a lot of people's origins pretty fucking regularly (lookin at you, Uncle Ben) but I feel like even comic books don't really do the whole naive amazon culture shock thing... pretty much ever. When we meet Diana, she tends to be pretty savvy and experienced, which is explicitly not the case in this film.

She sounds like she deserves a good socking, bootlicker.

>When we meet Diana, she tends to be pretty savvy and experienced, which is explicitly not the case in this film.
Diana is always assertive. Her common plot element across every origin is that she's independent enough to defy her mother and queen and set off to set things right. She's never this character meekly being chaperoned about by Steve, occasionally breaking into violence when a fight starts.

Not to mention when we pick up with a "savvier, more experienced" Diana in JUSTice League, she's STILL uncertain, and taking a dressing down from Bruce Wayne of all fucking people, a guy who was busy being a sociopathic villain just the week before.
Gadot's Wonder Woman is really the worst female superhero currently active.

If you faggots hadn't started the whole "lets boycott Captain Marvel and review bomb Rotten Tomatoes" before the movie was out, majority of the criticisms wouldn't be quickly dismissed as being incels.

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No, no, no, that was never SAID, totally not a happening, nuh uh, Fake News, all a Disney plot!


speak or write at length on (a subject).
synonyms: expatiate, expound, expand, enlarge, elaborate, speak at length, write at length, talk in detail
Pretty sure they are gone.

Become a real woman, tranny. Do you think that shitposting on Yea Forums will make us accept your mental illness? Do you think that your gaping axe wound is a vagina? Yes, your chromosomes always were and still render you to be a man.
Accept it.

>Do you think that shitposting on Yea Forums
Shitposting on Yea Forums is I am pretty sure business as usual anymore, as you adequately demonstrate.
Also, I am pretty sure you are railing on someone who left the thread hours ago.

They need a new marketable characters now that they close the book in the original avengers.

>Disagree with me without hurting my dewicate feewings ublublublu

That's the OP. That's who they are.

Defend this character based on her own merits and not how she makes you go “yaaaaas qween” when she poorly connects with anyone on screen yet still wins because she’s supposed to

Attached: images.png (591x466, 17K)

Oye nena, voy a decirte un secreto...

Why? You aren't credibly attacking her, her movie or her place in the MCU isn't "threatened" by your opinion of her, and you don't seem intelligent enough to change your mind, nor do I gain anything if you do.
So why would I defend her to you?
Wheedling to get someone to like a character is what pathetic Snyderfags do, not Marvel Zombies.

>moar of Scarlet Witch

I didn’t see her movie because I chose not to, if it came out after endgame I may have but everything they were building her up as (every comparison was to a man hilariously enough) made me disinterested in anything she could do. And from what I saw in endgame I was right, she brought down the movie and trivialized Tony’s death, she took victories that weren’t hers and spent the entire movie talking down to every character while each one blindly praised her (except for widow who got annoyed with her but she was dying in the movie so she didn’t have to like her) If they didn’t call her in in the final hour than I’d be fine but she absolutely brought the whole thing down even with her limited presence

These two. The fact that you have to constantly make threads about her just shows you really want to be reassured on your bias. I like her and I think that's enough to me.

>I didn’t see her movie because I chose not to
Ok, totally cool with that.
Oh and I really don't have any feelings about how you enjoyed or didn't enjoy Endgame. Or Carol's bits in it. I enjoyed Captain Marvel and really, really enjoyed Endgame if that matters at all to you. Whatevs.

I never liked nu-Carol but it’s fucking hilarious how she and Brie Larson are making involuntary celibates mad

So she’s Superman?

The absolute best part is how they keep making these threads to get roasted in.

More or less. More likeable than Routh or Man of Autism, less so than Chris Reeves. But then almost everyone is less likeable than Donnerman.

I suppose good for you I’m happy someone enjoyed her I just don’t like the plot hole she opens because of her inclusion in endgame

>she brought down the movie and trivialized Tony’s death
How exactly? I'd like to see that cut where she apparently did all these things you claim, specially this
> spent the entire movie talking down to every character while each one blindly praised her
Considering she's at the beginning briefly, then as a hologram, and then at the end where she exchanges like 10 words tops with Spider-Man.

>I just don’t like the plot hole she opens because of her inclusion in endgame
Endgame is a time-travel movie. Plot-holes were always, ALWAYS a given.

>I just don’t like the plot hole she opens because of her inclusion in endgame
What plotholes does she open?

desu I feel like people only like Wanda because her actress is cute and has big tits

You can either be an interesting character, or a plot device heavy hitter. MCU Carol is the later, except for when she talks to Pete. That was literally the only point in time in the whole two movies where she had some charm and character to her.

Yup, because I see a lot of people using the argument that Carol's powers weren't "earned". Motherfucker the very first time we see Wanda, she already has these powers, and on top of that, they weren't explained AT ALL, whereas you can see how Carol gets infused with the Tesseract's powers after blowing up the engine.

If she had the speed to fly from earth to tony and fly him back to earth within a day than she had the speed to fly the gauntlet out of the battle field and drop it off somewhere while she stomped thanos. (Considering he needs the power stone to even hurt her she would’ve won handily)

And from my understanding she ended her movie putting Ronan on notice, so how did she not hear about thanos raging a genocide across the universe? You see the problem of introducing a character stronger than hulk or Thor in the eleventh hour?

I like the fact that she's been made to suffer.
When a character suffers, it feels extra good when they cut loose and start wrecking the bad guy.
That's why Wanda vs Thanos was way more compelling and cathartic than Carol vs Thanos.

>If she had the speed to fly from earth to tony and fly him back to earth within a day than she had the speed to fly the gauntlet out of the battle field and drop it off somewhere while she stomped thanos.
That's... Not a plothole though, at all. Nobody could remove the gauntlet off him, not Thor, not Wanda, not even Tony in fact. Only way they won was by removing the Stones themselves.

>And from my understanding she ended her movie putting Ronan on notice
If you had seen the movie instead of speculating about it online, you'd know her movie took place in the 90's, way before Thanos.
>how did she not hear about thanos raging a genocide across the universe?
I'm sure she did by the time it all went down, but it's not like you can tell where a singular character is unless they make a big splash, something that happened only when he snapped his fingers. Plus she states she was busy already dealing with other planets. Again, not a plothole, if you pay attention to what's said, these things are answered.
>That's why Wanda vs Thanos was way more compelling and cathartic than Carol vs Thanos.
No, it's because you know Wanda for longer. Not even Vision was mentioned in the movie and apparently nobody cared about this.

>Motherfucker the very first time we see Wanda, she already has these powers, and on top of that, they weren't explained AT ALL
The first time we see Wanda she's a prisoner in a cage having been experimented on.
That's pretty much everything you need to know right there. They experimented on her using an infinity stone. AoU explains she signed up for it to get revenge on Stark.
It's the same power origin as Carol, just with a darker tone to it (human experimentation) and a motivation that grounds it in the greater MCU and ties into her motivations.
Compared to Carol that yeah, has a same power origin, but the rest is just kind of coincidence.

That’s a part of it certainly but she had a good rapport with the other characters. Her scene with Clint in age of ultron was better than anything carol had in endgame

>No, it's because you know Wanda for longer.
That's also part of it, yes.
> Not even Vision was mentioned in the movie
Not by name but Wanda does say "you took everything away from me" and it's pretty clear what she means by that.
>and apparently nobody cared about this.
I did.
I would've rather had a revived Vision show up than Carol desu.

The only positive thing I can think of is that since her movie did so well, maybe now studios will be less hesitant to make more female-led superhero movies and we'll get to see some lesser known characters get a chance to shine. So good job, Captain Marvel.

Do you not remember when she had the gauntlet after she talked down to peter?

>That's pretty much everything you need to know right there.
LMAO the double standard. They didn't even explain how the Mind Stone gives her powers like these, while her brother is a speedster. You can try and bullshit it in any way you want with headcanon ("uhhh mind stone allows the mind to go faster") but truth is, their powers are complete asspulls.
>she talked down to peter?
How did she "talk down" to Peter? Is English your first language at all?
Furthermore do you not remember why she didn't fly further away?

And the stabbing.
So that's two, isn't it?

>why she didn’t fly further away?
Because she forgot she could? Just like how she forgot about Ronan?

It's actually
Valkyrie (Although probably Nebula as of Endgame)
I like damaged characters, I guess. It means more when they do cool shit because they've suffered something other than being told no.

They still would. Don't kid yourself.

She was more likable in Endgame than in her own movie and although she didn't get as much screentime, the interactions with the other characters seemed warmer and more genuine.

>Just like how she forgot about Ronan?
Ronan is dead...
>Because she forgot she could?
And no, because they were basically playing capture the flag with the Gauntlet, passing it around. But it's curious how you're complaining that she didn't solve the movie by herself, which means you'd complain that she did just that so she's a plothole too.
>the interactions with the other characters seemed warmer and more genuine.
Definitely not, and I'm saying this as someone who likes her. I don't think you watched her movie.

>she was more likeable in endgame
Seriously? Wow that does not paint a good picture of carol

>Money=superior character or better writing

I for one agree. That's why Jake Sully is the best character in fiction.

>We could have gotten Monica Rambeau instead
OP asked you to defend her, not bury deeper

How does a random explosion give Carol the powers she has?
You're the one complaining about asspulls. Experimentation is still better than "an explosion did it" because at least that requires some intent.

Ronan wasn’t dead during guardians one where he WORKED FOR THANOS AND HAD BEEN FOR QUITE SOME TIME. Where was her notice then? Not on the two planets we know were attacked by thanos

>playing capture the flag with the gauntlet
Then why not fly out of range of everyone? She destroyed his shop she could’ve easily put the damn thing on the moon

y'know, people kept complaining about Monica not being a real Captain Marvel because she had no ties to the Mar-vell lineage and I kept trying to warn them that MCU Carol probably wouldn't either.

You don't even see any "experimentation", they're in cages with their powers already. For all you know they were captured and they were already like this.
I'm saying that people who claim they "didn't earn it" have a double standard with Wanda because she also has these powers from the very beginning, not different at all from Carol, and her powers are even crazier because they don't even have any sort of explanation, while Carol's powers were established from the start to have a connection with the Mind Stone. It is an asspull just like any power is an asspull, but somehow in her case is worse because reasons.
>Where was her notice then? Not on the two planets we know were attacked by thanos
Since we don't know yet what happens between the ending of her movie and Guardians of the Galaxy (just as we don't know how Ronan became a radical), this complaint is dumb because you're attacking the movie for not explaining something that still hasn't appeared in any movie. Literally like complaining how the Rebels got the Death Star planes in Episode IV before Rogue One happened.
>Then why not fly out of range of everyone?
She passed the Gauntlet and the point was to undo the Snap. I believe at that time Thanos blew up the EX-CON van and the shockwave sent everyone reeling, including her.

I would watch a Stardust movie.

Sorry, not "undo the Snap", but to Snap away Thanos' troops that were overrunning them.

>You don't even see any "experimentation", they're in cages with their powers already.
They looked sufficiently fucked up enough to tell that it wasn't a pleasant process.
>For all you know they were captured and they were already like this.
AOU explicity says this wasn't the case.
Hell, the stinger technically said it wasn't the case because they're listed among Hydra's other projects.
I think you're projecting your defense of Carol on other people. Wanda's closer to Hulk, (and thematically like Vision) than Carol, really.

>Since we don't know yet what happens between the ending of her movie and Guardians of the Galaxy (just as we don't know how Ronan became a radical), this complaint is dumb because you're attacking the movie for not explaining something that still hasn't appeared in any movie.
They had to have known this question was coming though. They chose to put Carol in now instead of just waiting one more movie and it opens up a lot of questions. It's not unfair to demand we not ask them when they knew damn well that it would create these continuity snarls but did it anyway.

So does Carol actually have fans? All I ever seem to see are obvious falseflag trolls repeating the same generic insults.

>See? Great return on investment.
>Clearly wasted far more time writing that than the guy who responded.

I don't think you're following me here, so let me be clearer: Infinity Stone-based powers are complete asspulls in themselves and shouldn't need more explanation beyond "oh yeah they got it from there", that's all I'm saying. Pretending someone has to "earn" their powers leaves all these people who quite clearly didn't "work" their way up to get them in a limbo.
>They had to have known this question was coming though.
They did, and that's why the screenwriters said her next movie might be a prequel talking about the Kree/Skrull war, because so far we only saw the beginning of it.
>They chose to put Carol in now instead of just waiting one more movie and it opens up a lot of questions.
But why exactly? Only a few are actually complaining that she wasn't there to stop Thanos from the start, as if not solving all the problems is somehow a flaw in the character. The real reason why none of that happened was because we wouldn't have a movie.

>Pretending someone has to "earn" their powers leaves all these people who quite clearly didn't "work" their way up to get them in a limbo.
Do you really not see how
>War orphan subjects herself to experiment to get superpowered revenge on the weapons contractor that killed her family
is thematically different from
>Soldier gets superpowers from an explosion
One informs on the character and their motivations, the other does not. That's what people mean by "earning" it.

>But why exactly? Only a few are actually complaining that she wasn't there to stop Thanos from the start, as if not solving all the problems is somehow a flaw in the character.
Let me clarify. By "after endgame" I mean giving her her powers then too. Having her be the first of a new batch rather than "well she was around for all this other world ending shit she was just doing something else somewhere else".
Carol being active off screen for 20 years is a bad idea, just like Diana "loses her faith in humanity for a 100 years" was a bad idea. It leaves the same taste in the mouth.

have sex incel pissbaby

>Soldier gets superpowers from an explosion
Except if you had SEEN the movie you'd know that's not all there is to it, she aided Mar-Vell because, after all, she wanted to use her technology to stop wars from happening, and unlike Wanda, Carol got mindwiped so only until she got rid of the Supreme Intelligence's control, she knew what she had to do. In fact she got her powers after trying to stop Yon-Rogg from seizing it, as an act of bravery and without knowing she'd survive the explosion. If that isn't heroism I don't know what is.
>Carol being active off screen for 20 years is a bad idea
Not necessarily because the plan was to introduce her earlier in Phase 3, the reason why they didn't are well known (Perlmutter). It's why her next movies are gonna be prequels and not sequels, they had a script written for YEARS before it had to be rewritten to make it fit in this continuity.

>Except if you had SEEN the movie you'd know that's not all there is to it, she aided Mar-Vell because, after all, she wanted to use her technology to stop wars from happening
Is that before or after she gets her powers though?

>Not necessarily because the plan was to introduce her earlier in Phase 3
But they didn't. So they should've adjusted the plan accordingly. Now they're trying to backfill in her character rather than expand on it organically and that never works.

I'm a fan. I even requested this fanart over in the drawthreads a couple years back along with several others before and after

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Before, actually. Mar-Vell explains this to her and Maria Rambeau mentions it too.
>So they should've adjusted the plan accordingly.
Like they did? I don't understand what you're saying.

>How is being an arrogant feminst a good thing?
A character doesn't have to be pristine perfect.

Well there was supposed to be an Inhumans movie somewhere in phase 3 but then its tv series bombed hard...

>Like they did?
Then they wouldn't need prequels as a crutch.

I thought the TV series was a consolation prize from the movie getting scrapped.

The prequels aren't crutches. You could ask yourself why there was never a Black Widow movie either, and why she's getting a prequel after dying. Truth is, they're doing this because they refused to give female heroes a chance and why Wonder Woman at the time was a "big risk" to WB. In fact having to do these speaks more of how they're now forced to make movies that aren't set in the present when they could have made them back then, instead of trusting their gut.
The movie was downgraded into a TV series, it's why the first episode got an IMAX screening.

There wasn’t a black widow solo movie because there were never black widow solo comics. You’re not wrong in there being a lack of female lead super hero movies but it seems that supergirl cat woman Electra and aeon flux left bad tastes in everyone’s mouths. Carols best stories required characters that they never had the rights to hecnce why they had to use a skrull from the comics who couldn’t shape shift there instead of the handful of other characters. And black widow getting a prequel makes sense beyond the fact she’s gone, we can actually see her origin and they can also try to set so ething up for winter soldier while seeing her take down a baddie or two on her own. Carol getting nothing but prequels just shows how little connection she has on earth and how poorly she works with “equals”

>There wasn’t a black widow solo movie because there were never black widow solo comics.
Sure but it's not like these movies adhere to the source material so closely. That has never stopped them; and with the constant references to "Budapest" and the winks towards her knowing Bucky from the past, you'd think any screenwriter would jump at the idea of writing a movie about that shit.
It basically writes itself, and it's precisely what her prequel movie will be about... But that should have happened in Phase 2 at least, not on Phase 4 when she's already dead and won't come back.
>Carol getting nothing but prequels just shows how little connection she has on earth and how poorly she works with “equals”
And here I thought she was flawless, huh? Turns out she actually has flaws, wow.
I've been writing about that for a long time, that all they need to focus is in her inability to connect. Even in Endgame during the funeral you see her standing alone, since not even Nick Fury was close to her... That to me is the best way to built her, go deeper into her disconnect with Earth and how she sees outer space for comfort, just like Richard Rider.

>A Young Avengers movie is vastly more likely.

God has spoken.

>she's literally based

Do you literally not understand what the word 'literally' means?

I understand what you were trying to say, but most modern versions are not as ideal as the one you describe.

She is an unlikable Superman.

I wonder how Zoe Saldana feels. No matter what, she'll have starred in the most profitable movie of all time.... the only difference is the color.

>How does a random explosion give Carol the powers she has?

That wasn't random. The engine Mar-Vell made with the power of the Space Gem wasn't just an engine, it was the platonic ideal of a space ship engine - it would turn whatever you put it in into a space ship. So when Carol blew the engine of the Quadrijet, the space engine took refuge in her, turning her into a tiny blonde space ship.
Everything she does is just a function of that.
Space flight, super speed: well duh. Energy absorbtion: that's just refueling. Photon blasts: that's just her revving her engine.

That's pretty much the only part of this that doesn't make me piss blood.

>There wasn’t a black widow solo movie because there were never black widow solo comics.


nobody on the site understands what based means to begin with. thats what happens when you repeat aave terms you've never heard in context

>That to me is the best way to built her, go deeper into her disconnect with Earth and how she sees outer space for comfort, just like Richard Rider.
The true strength of the Volcel.

>She is an unlikable Superman.
Are you sure you're not just projecting Brie Larson onto the character she plays?

the burden of proof is on the claimant

reminder that carol has ignored her best friend and her neice for literally a decade
even tony stark never got that cold

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That is precisely what she is doing wrong.

I was hoping for a playful, down-to-earth Carol who becomes outright terrifying in battle. Not a sort of robot.

Things making more money doesn't mean you will get more of what you like. It means you will get more of an IP but as videogames and movies have shown it will likely be a bad imitation.
Look at Game of Throwns, Fortnite and Capeshit. Once a thing get's too big it has to appeal to the lowest common denominator. The fact that you don't know this means you must be part of that group.

>carol has ignored her best friend and her neice for literally a decade

We don't know that. For all we know she comes to Earth every week for beer, cheeseburgers and scissoring.

It'll be fucking hilarious the next time there's an incel shooting and some leftist gets paralyzed for life.

She seemed like a guest star in her own movie. You probably could have just made it a Nick Fury movie where he was investigating this powerful being that fell to earth and it would have felt like more of a solid story.

Disney probably felt weird about doing a movie centered around a clandestine assassin. Literally the only reason they pushed carol is because of how few female hero’s they had a direct claim on she hulk is tied up with universal all of the X-men were tied up until recently, I’m surprised it took them this long to get to valkery but since Thor was never a big draw on his own they probably felt like they didn’t want to expand on him to much. Hell think about Disney shooting down the original iron man three because of not wanting to deal with themes of alcoholism, and it took Deadpool doing well as an r rated superhero movie to even consider letting an mcu movie get a rating like that. Her getting a solo movie before fury is also a legitimate question but everything I’ve heard about fury incaptain marvel makes me not want to even think about it

What was likable about her to you in endgame? Cause I’m coming up with nothing, she was just a mcguffin to come in and make the boys look bad

she's not around enough to recieve tony's time travel phone call at least

we know the monica girl is being cast with an adult actress for future films, if is right and carol is bad at connecting with others, it would be a natural lead into the character's next conflict

what are memes

>everything I’ve heard about
having an opinion without even watching the movie, the absolute state of Yea Forums

kill yourself brie you subhuman incel

It's like being on Yea Forums and listening to Sakurafags.

you are wrong stupid and worthless like all carols fags all 5 of you

>Superior character compared to Shazam and Wonder Woman

Carolfags have such shit taste

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>The prequels aren't crutches. You could ask yourself why there was never a Black Widow movie either, and why she's getting a prequel after dying.
Yeah but I am asking that. And I actually like Natasha. It's not really necessary; they've developed her character enough.
And now like you said, it's being done to fill a quota, not because they have a good idea. Just like Carol as pushed to be the company's Wonder Woman even though she was never a good fit for the role. And now they have to back fill in her heroism so she's not a huge cunt for being absent for the stuff audiences actually cared about. It's a mess. Rather than holding the comparatively smaller L of admitting to dragging their feet they're trying to damage control it away and I'm glad Endgame ended so strong because I wouldn't want to have to put up with this floundering for something important down the line.

At least she is better than the current comic counterpart, which is a discount Superman with her new backstory.


>And here I thought she was flawless, huh? Turns out she actually has flaws, wow.
Those are flaws with her concept and narrative, not her character. But I'm not surprised you're trying to act like they're the same.
Guess what. Those aren't fixable. Character flaws for a satisfying arc would've been.

kill yourself incel

I've yet to see the movie but she was absolutely terrible in Endgame. The only good part was seeing Thanos punch her so hard that she was rendered uncouncious in one hit.

Will watching her movie make me like her more or less?

>everything I’ve heard about fury incaptain marvel makes me not want to even think about it
Why give an opinion about a movie you haven't seen?
>And now like you said, it's being done to fill a quota, not because they have a good idea.
No that's not why, it could have been done before but wasn't because they literally fucking chickened out. The real mess is thinking female heroes don't sell and then when they do, have to do course correction and retroactive fixing so they don't come off as bigots.
>Those are flaws with her concept and narrative, not her character.
No, they're most definitely flaws of the character because that's how she was conceived when she was Binary in the comics: too damn powerful that she felt out of place on Earth and had to leave for a long stretch of time.

Kill yourself leftist.

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>Carol is a spaceship
Nigga is you objectifying our yass queen?


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Only 5%. The rest are shills

>I was hoping for a playful, down-to-earth Carol who becomes outright terrifying in battle. Not a sort of robot.
Funny. I wanted that from Clark.
I got one solo movie that was a slog to get through and a bunch of crossovers that I skipped out of apathy.
But hey at least Carol managed to narrowly dodge that second part by not doing much of anything.

you are the one defending carol fag thats you retard

As you all like to go on about it made a billion dollars what’s it need with my money? And if was seriously more likable in endgame than in her own movie who would want to see that? I’m giving an opinion on a character who came in ten years after an establish franchise is about to finish and just told all of us she’s better than the characters we’ve come to love and we know that because they were apparently named after her

Le incels

>just told all of us she’s better than the characters we’ve come to love and we know that because they were apparently named after her
When was it told she was better than all of them? Where are you getting all this?

She didn't start out as Binary, they built up to it.
So you're saying they've jumped the gun with her too. She's a fucking DCEU character... That's where this franchise is going.

>Last time you didn't have me.
(And now we need a prequel to justify that bitch of a line.)

I didn't defend anyone. Maybe you should kill yourself.

Dumbass she literally ended up in her movie where Binary began, as a fucking powerhouse that destroyed everything at her wake.
Really you're desperately trying to find a way to weasel into an argument and into a "gotcha" moment, these are specific flaws that she has exhibited right there in Endgame, when she barely is a team player and has to learn how to, yet at the end she stands alone at the funeral because she knows NOBODY. Again, like Richard Rider, who you'd know if you read his comics.
Yeah and then she said "the other planets didn't have Avengers to help out". Don't take things out of context, specially when everyone was trying to convince each other to go to space and beat Thanos.

Attached: carol_danvers-binary.png (1257x896, 1.18M)


you're too stupid to even pirate it?

>carol haters are literal fake nerd boys

Attached: shocked.gif (360x210, 725K)

>To be honest I don’t think her solo film making just over 1 billion is entirely reflective of the star power of the character herself
>It was released after infinity war and right before endgame, the period of time where everybody wanted to see every film to not miss anything
>It would probably be better to just wait and see how she fairs in the MCU post endgame without captain America or iron man and the Thanos storyline being wrapped up

Superhero film is not just the hero
the villain can also be the main draw

If she’s worse on her movie than she was here why would I want to watch it? I’ll watch spider man and probably the black widow movie but if carol is front and center now why would I want to keep watching stuff with characters I hate?

To have an informed opinion, but here's the real deal: If you actually watched the movie where a lot of your concerns are solved, then you wouldn't have anything to complain about. Therefore it's better to say "I'm being told", "I assume", "according to that one tweet", etc.
If you don't want to see it, it's fine. But don't pretend your opinion about it holds any merit.

>Dumbass she literally ended up in her movie where Binary began, as a fucking powerhouse that destroyed everything at her wake.
How much time in the comics did she send as Ms Marvel before Binary was a thing? How many stories?

>Yeah and then she said "the other planets didn't have Avengers to help out".
Which is an attempt, like the prequels, to justify that bitch of a line.
No matter how you keep trying to argue it the prequels are damage control to explain where she's been for 20 years of shit happening.

None of that was adapted. Are you being obtuse on purpose? There's parts and pieces of her origin in her movie but in a different setting. They still went for the Binary mode that came later. This isn't strictly about her Ms. Marvel era.
>Which is an attempt, like the prequels, to justify that bitch of a line.
No, it was literally to explain her ABSENCE. You're being obtuse as well.

These threads are about as much effort as Carol deserves. Given how poorly her defenders argue watching her movie wouldn't solve anything but explain your sunken cost motivations.

You’ve challenged them to an impossible task user. It’s not just hard mode, it’s impossible mode

>None of that was adapted.
And that context might matter. Power creep is bad, IMMEDIATE power creep is worse.
>They still went for the Binary mode that came later.
Kind of like how Man of Steel skipped straight to the killing instead of building his character first before challenging it by forcing him to kill.
Gun jumping is not good.
Are YOU being obtuse on purpose? Seems like it.

hating a character because Yea Forums told you to is lame on every concievable level and i am forced to conclude you are fourteen

t.discord tranny

>And that context might matter. Power creep is bad, IMMEDIATE power creep is worse.
But she was already powerful enough back when she got the Psyche-Magnitron, though. All she got during the Brood Saga was a boost...
Why are so many people here who don't know shit about the character trying to talk about "power creep"? She WAS already this powerful, I'm sorry you can't deal with this fact, but the comics are this way. Cosmic-tier characters are too damn powerful for Earth bullshit, and that's the way it's always been.

>Nobody that disagrees with me is capable of independent thought
It's possible to hate your precious waifu without being told.
Hell if I knew nothing else about her uninteresting uncharismatic plot hole ridden ass at this point I'd be perfectly justified in hating her because she forces me to deal with mental midgets like you.

In your buzzword-filled mess of a post you did absolutely nothing to disprove what he said regarding basing your opinions on a character on what Yea Forums says. Just because you decide to do it out of your own volition doesn't mean you didn't get constant feedback from here to reinforce that notion, baseless as it is.

if i said i hated shazam or captain america:winter soldiers purely because of trailers and tumblr posts, people would justifiably call me retarded

I base my opinions on Carol on the fact that ever since she's been pushed as Captain Marvel she's been a boring and hamfisted attempt at capturing lighting in a bottle despite the fact that nobody cared. And despite her book pulling cancellation numbers constantly, she was thrown a movie and they marketed it exclusively on her having a pussy in both senses of the word.
But sure, you're the real deep thinker. You're special and unique and totally not a fucking sheep.

>I base my opinions on Carol on the fact that ever since she's been pushed as Captain Marvel she's been a boring and hamfisted...
Blah blah blah, you didn't see the movie. Nothing else to say here.

You're dickriding a big pile of nothing like Carol Danvers so I'm still pretty damn justified.

I didn’t hate the character I hated the actress. I was never a big fan of carol but I liked her team dynamic hot headed afraid of being forgotten and fiercely loyal, I only started hating the character after they pushed her into the role of captain marvel and I loathed what she was in the movie

>See the character you hate in the comics because disney said so.
You are exactly why crap gets made.


It's as transparent as it gets.

No really, justify seeing a movie I think looks like crap just so I can confirm it was crap.
Justify being a slave that badly. Because it's not "for knowledge" when I can just read a synopsis and determine it's not for me.
You're just defending it because you wasted time and probably money on it. It's a sunken cost defense, plain and simple. You HAVE to like it because you've invested and if it's bad that means you've made a dumb investment. And the more you defend it the deeper that investment hole gets, so the more you have to double down.
It'd be pitiful if it weren't self inflicted.

>Justify being a slave that badly
I mean, you still consume Marvel movies so what exactly are you saying here?
>"I'm not a slave, I'm not a slave! I like being chained but I'm definitely not a slave!"

>You HAVE to like it because you've invested and if it's bad that means you've made a dumb investment.
You must have confused the thread, this isn't a DCEU movie, I don't have the mental retardation of a Snyderfag.

>Brie Larson brings some nice warmth and personality to the screen
>"the avengers failed because I wasn't there, now billions of people are dead and it's your fault"
>obviously forced "charisma" otherwise

I did think her short interaction with spidey was cute tho

>now billions of people are dead and it's your fault
This is what Tony said, not her.

If any of our opinions had “merit” we wouldn’t be screaming them at each other anonymously on a Mongolian throat singing forum.

Every attack you’ve made against me is on the basis that “I don’t belong here” and I get that it’s just funny that you think that’s worth something. I didn’t need to see suicide squad to know it was shot, i only saw it because a friend bought the movie and I watched it with them, there opinion justified. I don’t think captain marvel (the movie) is shit I think the character is, I think the movie is a cookie cutter marvel movie. Black panther had fans as obnoxious as you what they didn’t have was a main cast member as stand offish as Brie. So maybe I’ll watch the movie if I get Disney plus but I’m not going to waste my time and effort confirming what I already know through previews and inference

You're a retard if you genuinely believe this

>Every attack you’ve made against me is on the basis that “I don’t belong here”
No, they're on the basis that you insist on talking about a subject you don't know anything about, because you didn't watch the movie. Therefore, any opinions you might have on it are based on hearsay and your own assumptions about it, not what the movie actually has.
And quite frankly this obtuse refusal to see it is a clear sign of a devoted bias against it and not an actual, rational position, so why are you still trying so hard?

What’s left of the movie to watch? The whole thing is wrapped up in her trying to find her memories and after traveling through the far reaches of space she comes home to find a bunch of tokens who build her confidence up until she can effortlessly defeat the villains at the end. I’m assuming I missed some finer details but is that the crux of the movie? And everything I heard them do to fury is enough justification to not watch the movie. A fucking space cat is the reason he wears the eye patch fucking seriously?

>to find a bunch of tokens
Wow. All I had to read to know you're a racist piece of shit.

That’s cute

>all of those characters are boring

Attached: abaitb9.gif (496x498, 391K)

She doesn’t have friends she has “proof” that she isn’t racist, shits depressing


>This entire post

Attached: 1555597203283.jpg (3000x3000, 368K)

Hell,Black Widow deserved to be the first female lead MCU movie much more

>Ok, now this is rising to the level of unintentional comedy.
Yep, the lack of self-awareness is unbelievable, but hey, this is the same sort of people who pretended to be black during Black Panther and said stuff like
>"I'm black and I hate all this pandering!"
For anonymous internet points.

>the rest of the normie world remains indifferent to it.
Even the most normiefags from shithole countries didn't liked it, give up user. You're embarrasing yourself

Is that why it's making so much money abroad? Or wait, that's also fake because Disney funneled money into overseas markets to buy tickets there too?

I can't believe so many basedboy virgins are so spineless and so pathetic that they come to the defense of the soulless, unpalatable woman that is Brie Larson in order to call people misogynists, alt-right or incels and would rather do so than actually contribute to their principles by fighting for feminism elsewhere where it actually matters.
Where are you for Cynthia Nixon or the Aligarh Uni controversy if at all? Probably don't even know about those issues, too busy getting into arguments white knighting for a cracker-bland woman who probably doesn't even recognize the fact you exist, with all that edamame extract dripping from your mouths like foam she'd probably mistake you guys for bigger retards than you actually are.

Annihilation of the MCU, you mean.

White knights do realize that defending this shitty movie won’t get them laid right?

Liberals suck corporate cock. They are pro corporate communists.

This thread proves. Even here their only argument is to call someone and incel. Funny sinc3 the white knights defending this shit are 100% virgins. This is just like this season of Game of Thrones.

You literally said nothing that disproves his statement that she can’t emote

They truly are obnoxious fags with a political identity crisis