Endtown: Holy Shit, What The Fuck!?!

Been reading for years but what the fuck. Did I miss something? It’s been going so slow since it’s been 3 a week, but I feel this is brand new twist.

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I thought you guys were into endtown. Hell, you all got ME into endtown; what gives?

i think the board and site overall is still cluttered with avengers discussion. What's the context here? Wally and Holly are just in-story comic characters?

That’s what is being implied, but it seems too simple. I wanna know if I missed anything, like has “cardoodles” been mentioned before?

Endtown threads often get moved to /trash/ by uptight jannies unfortunatley. Theres several webcomics with anthro characters they wont allow on Yea Forums, yet theres other anthro comics they do allow.

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That’s bullshit. Endtown is legit Yea Forums material.

is this leading up to some "all a dream" bullshit?

Something like this got foreshadowed years ago. The virus doesn't transform based on real animals, but cartoon characters. Apparently not ones from their home reality though.

But according to the ship in the Kirbee arc, there is no virus...

Are you saying the not virus transformed random people on earth into a lucranian comic book's characters?

Sounds plausible to me. I haven't been keeping up with the comic though.

Apex might have been messing with dimensional shit, and the effect of the "virus" might be a result.

What is apex again?

The big post-war industry that had fingers in everything.

I honestly thought we would never see Holly again. Yet here we are.

Oh, cool, Endtown thread.
Can someone literate get me up to date on what's been happening?
I haven't read it since... The middle of that, "someone has been killing and eating the pigs of endtown and the carnivores are forming a racial superiority group" arc. They had just finished that trial where that horse woman killed a dog who had attacked her laundromat? I think?

Spoilering, just in case.

The wolf that runs the newspaper gets framed for murder and executed. The pig lawyer that defended the wolves turned out to be part of the conspiracy. Walt's GF is killed by her and is able to finger her before passing, which drives Walt over the edge and kills the lawyer and ends up dying in an accidental fire himself after chasing her down.

Current arc is following Wally, Kirbee, and Chick as they are in a new colony by the ocean. Something weird's going on with the colony; Wally keeps getting a slap on the wrist and passed around whenever he tries to do his job efficiently, and he doesn't remember how he even got there in the first place. There's also invisible top-siders in the area. Also, Kirbee found a plant actually growing in the wild.

Sticking by my theory that they're still on the ship - it's the only scenario where all this weird ass shit makes sense.

Some guy storytimed the series a couple months ago, but interest dried up pretty quick. There's just not enough interest to sustain regular threads

>one of the biggest reveals
>no /trash/ thread to discuss it
fucking hell though

All of them? Even holly?

A perfectly viable take on the current colony is that most of the jobs in the colony are workfare designed to keep the populace more or less occupied enough to remain placated and that they have some sort of arrangement with a local Topsider colony rather than the usual "kill on sight." Kirbee finding the plant is important in the context of the story, but not in the context of the setup.

Jesus Christ what the fuck?

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So wait; the crow's "glasses" allowed him to see shit that wasn't there?

It's probably a thing from Marx they're not supposed to have.

Also is probably right. Or considering a lot of topsiders revert to eating animals it's probably a farm

They look like goggles ripped from a topsider's mask, so it's probably related to the augmented reality filter they use to continue to see each other as actual people.

Most of the Endtown threads for the last two years have been made on /trash/. A bunch of the fans and the majority of the fanartists went there for the sake of having a calm place to talk about the comic when the trolling in these threads hit a critical level at the end of the ship arc. Threads that started on Yea Forums began to get wiped (not moved) every time somewhere in the middle of 2017 and it only recently let up.

It's a mix. The visual effect is cartoonish, the animal instincts don't match cartoon characters at all.

There already was one, it hosted some discussion, lasted eight hours and then died to a spamvalanche with a bunch of other threads.

Some things match them being on the ship, some things match them being under the control of Topsiders. I wonder if the ship was always under control of the Topsiders, and is a fly-trap/honey-trap. They were destroying every other mutant hiding place they found, after all, and had flying drones which would have had to have been equipped with radar. A giant metal structure like the Fitzgerald would have had a radar return, dittos or not.

>Or considering a lot of topsiders revert to eating animals it's probably a farm
They don't, they eat their own reprocessed shit. They can't allow any outside contaminants.

>the animal instincts don't match cartoon characters at all.
Wasn't there a point made about Holly craving cheese even though mice don't actually go for cheese specifically? I feel like there was something else too.

Mice will go for cheese, but usually prefer peanut butter and other nuts and grains.

But if these were the instincts of cartoon creatures, that other cat in their introductory arc would have most likely wanted to chase her with dynamite and a hammer, not a knife, fork and rumbling stomach.

oh nevermind I'm thinking about the last arc with the endtown residents performing cannibalism. thought the topsiders were doing that too

>on Yea Forums e-celeb threads are deleted instantly
>on Yea Forums anything that isn't animu is deleted instantly, even posts relevant to the thread but using a reaction image that isn't anime is removed from the post
>on Yea Forums a good portion of actual Yea Forums content is removed because FURRIES BAD

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I remember stoping reading it because of that super-duper flying wizard who comes and kill all dramatic tension
Then i took it back
Then the fucking Dr.Who does it again
fuck this

Aaron, what the fuck my dude?

Been reading since 2013, ummm.......Well holy fuck.

1. It was a Fox
2. Don't forget character death of Dottie, suicide for shock value and other shit.

I'm surprised how much content /trash/ thread is pumping out in form of fan-comics and fan-characters.

What can happen tomorrow?

Don't necrobump man, this isn't /trash/

I gots no idea what to think about this turn of events. Next comic better not be Kirby and Chick getting groceries.


is that a real hand?

Comic insulted fans, serious drop in writing quality.

Now no one cares or hate the comics.

Probably people quitting temporarily so they can binge read later. I found out about this years into the comic. Good times reading a shitload of them, especially with the 5x a week early days.

>Comic insulted fans

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when did this happen?

>comic insulted fans
Having an outcome you don't like is not "insulting fans"