THREAD GUIDELINES >Provide references for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post. >Keep requests Yea Forums related and keep them concise. >General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads. >However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon. >Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled. >Drawfriends, don't hold back. >DON'T REPLY TO TROLLS OR WHINERS. >Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread. >No one is entitled to a request delivery. >Don't fight spam with spam. >No begging. >To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit. >Have fun!
Requesting Megabyte with corrupted versions of ShineGreymon's wings and tail (wings like ShineGreymon Ruin Mode but more solid), and MetalManemon's arm cannon
Requesting Eep Crood wearing the cavegirl outfit in the right pic. Please draw her in the same pose too.
Source: The right pic is a screen cap from the 70s movie "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth." Victoria Vetri plays the character Sanna who is in the right pic.
Requesting Sigrun from Stand Still Stay Silent standing or walking in her summer dress with a Beretta 92fs in a shoulder holster, preferably wearing her shades.
Requesting the image on the bottom with Miko Kubota from Glitch Techs, and Gaz from Invader Zim. Same outfits as the ref. are ok, or any other booty-shorts-based outfits will do.
Alternatively, Miko and Nadine, but only have Miko playing a game, while Nadine sort of stands guard around her, with a baseball bat at hand, since she doesn’t seem the Video Game type.
Reminder that these drawthreads are a shrine of hypocrisy where faggots who send death threats to artists for going off model for 0.0000000352489736543 seconds, not being straight white guys, or making something they dislike beg artists to give them free shit by using false flattery, and said artists enable their sickening behavior by complying to their autistic requests because getting their dick sucked is more important to them than their fellow artists being treated with basic fucking respect, and once you stop being useful to these douchebags they will throw you under the bus and you will have nothing because you screwed yourself out of every possible opportunity because you essentially told all your fellow artists to go fuck themselves because you're a selfish piece of shit who would rather bend over backwards to satisfy people who are basically your abusive boyfriend instead of pursuing a happy, successful career where you and your fellow artists can create amazing art together. But no, you're basically a Jew kissing up to Nazis so they won't gas you to death and you don't care about other Jews getting gassed to death because "at least they like ME".
Camden Brooks
Requesting Inferno from the Inhumans getting felt up by floating hands while in this uniform.
Requesting Laney Penn & Kim Pine (of Grojband & Scott Pilgrim) poking fun at the viewer for choosing one drum brand over the other (like choosing Vic Firth over Pearl and vice versa).
Requesting a pic based off of the top one with the gems from Steven Universe. If you choose to include the Diamonds have them only about twice the size as the others so they mostly fit in frame, kinda like the Na'vi in the ref.
Hey, since it's established that gems can change the size of their bodies but the actual gemstone, wouldn't it be funny if they had a giant gemstone sticking out if resized?
Aiden Johnson
Requesting Jenny and Inspector Gadget flying in the air and Gadget saying saying "go go Gadget mentor-ship" while Jenny looks in a yeah right smug look
Requesting Ronal and Alibert from the danish animated movie "Ronal the Barbarian" wearing those loincloths/ jockstraps as shown in the movie with Alibert's loincloth different from Ronal's. Keep it safe and NO TROLLS!
Requesting the Test sisters and Rusty Rivets posing like the same manner as the reference. With Rusty sitting between them and the sisters looking at him the same way.
Honestly, it's like this is your first time encountering spammers and their lack of self-awareness. And that is what you are.
Parker Moore
Ryan Adams
Spammers are very, very autistic and very very insistent on getting their request done.
Charles Robinson
but I'm only posting my request once a thread
Thomas Myers
Better than the guys that request the thousandth pic of a spamfu taht they are too lazy to find.
Jeremiah White
This is the truth.
Jaxson Lopez
I got this done on Yea Forums, so never mind
You can still do it if you want, tho
Kevin Gomez
pretzels are the same, though and that user is, by definition, a spammer that can't even take the hint of how shit his request is
Robert Jenkins
>how shit his request is wheredoyouthinkweare.jpg
John Ortiz
No, they are the exact opposites actually, and of the 2 a guy that just wants one thing of characters that have basically nothing is better than idiots that will never be satisfied.
Luis Rivera
Requesting Courtney and Tiff in a pair of Calvin Klein athletic underwear, Tiff in black and Courtney in white
It happened during the fall of the hulks event. Storm Cyke, 3/4 of the F4 (because all the smart guys was comatose), Thor, BuckyCap, War Machine, Wolverine, Deadpool, Carol and her black best friend Monica all became hulks.
Luke Ramirez
(FUKEN CHECK'D) Dude, that is excellent. Not OR but nonetheless.
Anthony Wood
Requesting Luna (from the webcomic Everblue) wearing jogging gear (be it a hoodie with bike shorts).
Requesting the left pic with Raven, Argent and Starfire as the three girls bullying Jinx. Maybe have them starting to rip her top open for even more sapphic undertones.
>I've been studying the enemy for years now and I know for a fact that they're housing all matter of ungodly things in that tower. >Aliens. Shapeshifters. Cyborgs. Interdimensional Demons. I'm telling you people these Titans are not fricking human!
Asher Price
requesting zach and giggles cosplaying toad and toadette
Why not just request the character you want instead of wasting images?
Benjamin Hernandez
Because that's the way I want it. And I don't consider it a waste, since "waste not want not" is a personal motto of mine. Hope this answers your question, friend. :)
Connor Bell
Requesting Bonnie Rockwaller acting tsundere for Ron Stoppable
Requesting the Mexican Porn comic cover on the top with Black Widow, Captain Marvel, and Spider-Woman, as the girls, and Nick Fury as the guy. Have all three girls in skimpy SHIELD uniforms. Micro-skirt version, booty-shorts version, or even high-cut leotard version of the uniforms.
Oscar Bazaldua was The GOAT. Or is, because I don't know if he's dead. Those mini comics were the shit. Thanks for the reminder, because now I'll have to dive into my collection and make use of them.
Jack Allen
Requesting a version of the pic on the right with Yellow diamond screaming into Blue's cleavage
I'll do a colored version later (markers) but I'll leave this for the other guy (the one who digitally colored the other megabyte-digimon design) to do it his way.
Requesting Operation Human Shield but instead of Blacks and Whites, we have Dothraki and Unsulied (or just unsullied if it's easier) as the black troops and the northern Soldiers/Wildlings as the White Troops
Based delivery. Also, you stumbled upon something that's canon with your filename. After Mystery Girl, she fucked around a lot and they even showed a ton of phone numbers on an episode.
Ryan Murphy
Requesting MCU Thanos, smashed right into his base, and with Captain America, pointing at him, crying "Avengers, Assemble!", with as many of the MCU Avengers as possible with Cap(including those returning from being dusted in Infinity War)
Requesting her because I truly forgot how voluptuous they kept on drawing her as the show went on. It's Elise from Dan VS. Optional is she holds the sign over her ass.
Maybe she can make him wear his sister's clothes? Or carry something heavy?
Asher Butler
Hi, this is speaking. Thank you for the suggestions. I started drawing them after some warm up headshots. Sadly, I don't know if I can post here sense they're technically not deliveries.
Ian Miller
Tie him up in his boxer briefs and tickle him, of course.
Adam Anderson
Requesting the left pic with Wilhamena, Rad, Enid, and KO. Rad holding the book and complimenting Wilhamena, Enid sitting next to him blushing and covering KO's eyes.
Requesting Yellow Technique and Black Strategy as the Dirty Pair. If it is not too much trouble I'd like for Yellow to be more /fit/ than usual with more muscle tone and a nice set of abs. Not a huge muscle beast, just noticeably toned
Hate to be that user, but what is the deal with Glitch Techs' production woes? It's canceled, but it's not? It's not canceled, but it is? I'm so confused...
Jaxson Edwards
This but I definitely want to see both of them holding it
Elijah Taylor
Seconding and/or requesting Johanna for this
Ryder Anderson
Adam Evans
10 images wasted and nothing that was suggested got done
Proof of cancer
Joshua Nelson
the carl one got deleted
James Gutierrez
We know, honey. We know. Remember this ? We all saw it.
Jayden Jackson
Apart from a halt in Season 2's production? Nothing major. And since that's old news, production might have picked back up. I think the short end of it was that the network got cold feet about the future performance of the show, then put a sort of "airing" embargo on the first season, which is all done and completed, then stopped production for the second season for a while.
But this happens a lot in drawthreads. This time people just started bombarding with suggestions.
It's like when someone says they're looking for requests and you see they get a load of wasted posts that also don't get done, replying to someone (easily) pretending to be a drawfag. Still hope any of those drawings gets done And it won't
Thomas Richardson
one got done (the carl one) but was deleted.
Brayden Myers
Requesting Linda Belcher posing like the picture in the right.
at this point, unless the number of posters is somewhat balanced with the number of image posts, all requests are "waste of image space" no one cares but you, the bored and the butthurt
Cameron Edwards
Requesting the image on the left with Big Mabel and either Candy or Grenda but BigDad THICC as the other fully-visible girl in the photo. I'm actually surprised he never drew them, or that no one even payed him to do so.
Furry requests aren't allowed on Yea Forums drawthreads. Beats me as to why.
Nolan Lopez
Considering a lot of cartoon characters are, indeed, anthro, it's a strangely specific exclusion.
Christopher Rogers
Only the ones that are female and/or cats.
Jonathan Foster
Don’t be an ingrate.
James Morgan
Cartoon animal characters are allowed and quite a few requests of them get done Sexualized cartoon animal characters aren’t around because that is when it gets into furry stuff
Aiden Diaz
did ask for anything, and it will still look like that no matter what i say, or how you feel
How about this for a Body Bags request twist? Requesting Toni Sinn or Maureen Scorsese, or both, holding the sign, almost tearing it in frustration and anger.
Requesting Lydia Deetz and Death riding the Haunted Mansion, reacting however you feel is appropriate. (Doom Buggy in the reference is the ride vehicle, because dark ride pictures are hard.)
Requesting young, skinny Madam Mim pulling her top up with one hand, giving us a nice underboob shot, while she pulls her skirt down with her other hand. Bonus points if we get a tease of her pubes. Not a whole lot, just a bit peeking out.
Requesting Ziza dressed as Rainbow Mika. Also requesting her doing the Amazon's hip attack from Dragons crown. You could combine the two if you want, but I'd be happy with either.
OR here, I love this! Very colorful and I don’t see any rush. Thanks a bunch!
Ayden Price
feels like something's missing, but i don't know what
Parker Cox
Her BigDad outfit change is too subtle and still too much like her original clothes? It's not like user drew a bad take on it, but I feel like that's it. Also, those would not be tights, they would still be socks, but knee-highs, not thigh-highs.
Requesting Gavin's Mom or Agnes Flanders in the same outfit, purse included, and same, or similar pose, as Marge in the image on the top. Just keep the black jacket/hat-shades for Gavin's Mom, and the beret/glasses for Agnes Flanders.
Requesting a drawing of Noodle from Gorillaz wearing a one piece outfit with her covering one eye like in the reference. Also can you have her lifting up her butt?
Requesting Shuri and Valkyrie hitting on a flustered Peter while Michelle, Liz, or both Michelle and Liz get jealous. Or just have them all hit on Peter, whatever's funniest.
I'd like to use it more often but it tends to bury every other type of ink/marker unlike it's gold version for some reason. that and it dries much slower as well.
I'd fap to this and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Hit-Girl's sexy
Nathaniel Brooks
I'm somewhat disturbed but intrigued a
Andrew Smith
Do you realize that you've messed up the construction badly yet started to paint
Luke Moore
The right eye should be abit down because it doesn't link with the left eye. Nose looked kinda fat that it felt like it's poking your face. Eye-lids don't match. I think the left eyelid is much open. Lips abit up. Not too much. The eye looked like something chewed on it
The Ben 10 outfit still has a swimsuit/leotard "look" in the arrangement of the armor plate things. It could still work with how much more THICC original Drew's design is.
Christopher Rogers
I've never seen the show but I dug this lineart so I practiced speed colors. I can't make out the sig and reverse search is unhelpful, who is the artist?
continuing this request from last thread Requesting Ky Stax in male blacked underwear that's black midway briefs. He can be shirtless and can be doing a pose like the female in the middle ref pic.
Requesting the drawfags leave and stop giving these hypocritical assholes free art they've done nothing to deserve.
And before you go "lol what wuz ur request dat got denied hurr hurr", I have gotten at least 75% of my requests delivered, and when nobody would deliver my most recent one, I just went to another artist and paid them to do my request because I'm not a pathetic, broke loser who begs talented yet integrity-free artists to give me free art of my shitty waifu while at the same time telling the SU crew and CalArts grads to kill themselves, unlike you spineless, false-flattering faggots with vague, unrealistic standards who can't stand the fact cartoons you dislike are popular and the people who make them are happy and successful, yet do nothing to help this artistic medium you claim to respect when in actuality you don't. Literally fuck all of you, I don't understand why the drawfags are so willing to enable your sickening behavior and waste their skills on appeasing a group of smug, know-nothing shits who live in their parents basement.
Logan White
Eli Sullivan
for this being your first time taking on multiple characters, the end result is really good great delivery, user!
Jeremiah Reed
>filename Do it, fuck sense.
Dylan Morgan
I love this copypasta
Gavin Hill
That's a pretty good drawing. It's just too bad you wasted it on appeasing a faggot who probably jerks of to women in Klansmen hoods and creams themselves to the thought of an LGBT holocaust.
Robert Lopez
Who wrote this? Do draw threads really make people this mad? I do these requests for fun, and that's only if I like the idea. I don't really think I have skill, that's why I don't sell my art/services. This is supposed to be F U N.
Gabriel Harris
Requesting SpongeBob and/or Patrick strangling this faggot for completely destroying the animation fandom and turning them into spoiled brats who think sending people death threats and whining like a little bitch constitutes criticism.
Fun? What's fun about a bunch of neckbeards living in their parents' basement shitting on a bunch of underpaid animators who are working their asses off and demanding they be lynched for being off-model for less than 0.00000000042 seconds?
What's fun about mocking and demoralizing aspiring artists animators who are just trying to make it out there?
What's fun about bigoted idiots shitting their pants with rage because a cartoon has a diverse cast and/or crew, and claiming that giving children struggling with their gender or sexuality validity is somehow wrong because this modern kids cartoon isn't pandering to 30-something white trash?
What's fun about low-IQ self-felaters bitching and moaning about how "the industry is so terrible blublu cg sequels and minions ruined animation" yet when a wide-release 2D-animated movie or original and artistically ambitious film comes out, they DON'T EVEN GO SEE THEM, THEREFORE MAKING STUDIOS THINK THAT PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO SEE THEM AND CONTRIBUTING TO THE VERY PROBLEM THEY HAVE WITH THE INDUSTRY?
What's fun about a group of people who act genuinely confused as to why the entertainment industry hates that a narcissistic, racist, sexist, braindead orangutan who puts children in death camps holds the highest office in our country?
What's fun about telling women who were sexually harassed or FUCKING RAPED that they're liars trying to get rid of all the men in Hollywood? Does that sound fun to you?
People like you are the reason why I hate humanity so much. Enabling and rewarding this kind of behavior is absolutely fucking disgusting. I'm just gonna tell you right now, I hope you enjoy living on the streets, because that's what's gonna happen once this shithole board gets tired of you, because no self-respecting animation studio or comics publisher is going to hire fucking scum like you. And as for the rest of you fuckers,
Lucas Martinez
Guess I really just meant posing/framing wise. Not so much the style. This is the art from the thread that kicked all the inital talk off.
>Yea Forums is one person Worst bait ever. Take a shower
Liam Nguyen
Christ man lighten up.
Carson Foster
...each and every one of you is exactly the reason why animation and comics aren't taken seriously as an art form, because you're making it look like people who watch cartoons and read comics are entitled, disrespectful, hateful little retards who do absolutely fucking nothing to help this medium they claim to respect. This is why people like Nico Colaleo and the Teen Titans Go writers absolutely hate people like you. You crybabies don't know a single fucking thing about criticism or how animation works at all, yet when people tell you to shut the fuck up and stop treating human beings like shit, you act like you're the victim for being told to have some fucking manners and that it's wrong for people to stand up for themselves and their fellow man. People think that the only way to be seen as "cool" or "tough" is to completely throw basic respect and common courtesy out the window and be as rude as possible to everyone. Well news flash, brainlets, it does not make you cool or tough. It makes you look stupid, immature, and weak, especially considering you burst into tears and call on your precious mods the minute people start criticizing YOU, you fucking spineless hypocrites. Treat others like garbage, and you get garbage in return, it's not that fucking hard to figure out.
I hate this fucking website and what it did to society. I hate each and every last one of you buttheads. I hate that nobody is allowed to genuinely enjoy anything anymore lest they be labeled "le autist with shit taste". I hate that legitimately good works and creators have a bad reputation because of fucking morons like you. I can't wait for global warming to kill us all, maybe then a new species will rise up and actually make positive contributions to their new world, because we sure fucking haven't.
I honestly thought the first post was too long and I wanted to check, that's why it cuts off.
Reminder that being a drawfag on Yea Forums means you support the following: >racism >sexism >homophobia >transphobia >biphobia >hate speech in general >rape and rape apologists >harassment >doxxing >the complete and utter devolvement of criticism from a tool to help people improve or assessing the overall quality and merits of art to a shield assholes hide behind so they can get away with all of the above
Hudson Morgan
Requesting Jayjay being jealous of Ethan for being so on-model and anatomically correct.
Yes hewwo could you pwease draw mai waifu she’s from some obscure cartoon nobody cares about plz put her in a swimsuit with her tongue out pretty please with hot pockets on top??!
Anyway I’m gonna go back to my SU thread where I’ll explain at length how evil the artists working on them are for not being 100% perfect and how they’re the cause of all the world’s problems, I hope they kill themselves, and if they tell us to stop doxxing and threatening them they're just babies who can‘t take criticism! Minorities shouldn’t exist, gay rights are heterophobic, Savino did nothing wrong! Also if you reject my request fuck you, we don’t need your services anymore.
I'm bored as hell, I blew my creative load for the day on that Hit-Girl attempt. I've also been tinkering with for few hours. This shit also bumps the thread so I don't mind posting.
Landon Wilson
Remember when no one went to your shitty blog?
Michael Smith
Nah just the remake of the Force Awakens scene of the Peter Griffin Han Solo & the Brian Griffin Chewie in the Millennium falcon.
He's still here, and false-flagging. Could be any of you.
Carson Fisher
Requesting Charlie getting fucked by Netflix-tan (I don't know if there is one, if not then just some guy with the Netflix logo for a head, I don't fucking care) while flipping off the camera, saying "get ready to see me first thing when you log in, asshole".
And I will.continue until I get a delivery. So you just spam shit that you don't even care it gets done? Fuck you.
Thomas Powell
Shut up for the love of god. I cant believe someone can be more pathetic that the loincloth guy, but here you are.
Ryan Brown
And even he has gotten deliveries so no, I'm not leaving until I get one.
Joshua Taylor
Do you want an mspaint shitty doodle? Cause that's how you get troll mspaint shitty doodles.
Hudson Lopez
Jason Brown
That's why I'm not saying which one it is and even then I may be just referring to a req I don't like wouldn'tt I? Also doradofag was an asshole and still git good deliveries, which is what prompted all of this.
Nathan Moore
I never get tired of this girl
Gabriel Diaz
Adam Jackson
Camden Turner
Hysterical. Can you also do Cheetah doing the "Daddy would like some sausage"?
Requesting Jinx groping Raven, or White Diamond groping Blue Diamond like Mako is doing to Ryoko in the middle pic. Text isn't necessary but you can put it in if you want.
Requesting the right two pics with Germaine, but have her taking her top off in the two pics. Like the first is her grabbing ahold of her top and the second its above her head. Bra still on so its sfw.
Can't post draw I drew because image limit was reached. Sucks
Anthony Reyes
Well maybe we gotta ask OP about when we gonna have the new DrawThread post.
Hello,OP could you make a new DrawThread post?
Levi Cooper
And you can't post it in the next thread either, unless it gets re-requested... What to do, what to do? Use imgur
>make a new DrawThread post? Not until this one gets to page 10. Them's the rules, unfortunately.
We've still got nearly 40 posts until the bump limit. Nominate deliveries for the next OP which the creator of the next thread is free to ignore or shitpost like there's no tomorrow.
user please eat healthier and drop a boiled egg into that cup noodle next time
Also, I frequented Yea Forums drawfag threads usually, does it happen often that Yea Forums drawthreads reach image limit?
Kayden Fisher
Yes, we hit image limit just about everytime The draw threads are infamous for not being allowed to make a new one until this archives even though they are dead weight. This leads to many page 10 bumps (suspected to be from mods) and sometimes unjustified comments removals from mods when it’s at bump limit just to keep it going
Samuel Price
ill make sure to do that the next time i chow down on some noodles.
Ryder Ramirez
Andrew Cruz
Requesting Invisible Woman
Asher Hughes
We are all waiting for the thread to die you fucking dumbass
Daniel Fisher
Only bumping because your blatant falseflagging was pathetic.
Landon Stewart
Just make a new thread already since retards keep bumping this one, that way this one can finally die
Nope, based jannies are on our side. They'll delete it on sight
Liam Ortiz
Tyler Nguyen
what the fuck are those colors? those lines? this is amazing
Gabriel Barnes
time for a new drawthread OP
Robert Cruz
Hey shilly, can you at least take a request if you're blatantly going to post your commission bullshit?
James Baker
shouldn't you be at /aco/ pretending you're new?
Evan Morales
Less than 20 shitposts left until bump limit!
Carson Collins
there's still the slow crawl to page 10 after that, you reprobate
Jonathan Young
then let's make it quicker
Jonathan Hill
They pretty much always do barring some major even; there was one recently that fell off early but that's extremely rare. Drawthreads here often last a day or more afterwards though.
Elijah Martinez
Just post it in the next thread with a link to the request.
Oliver Rodriguez
>Here's the Platinum half, at least. Do artist do deliveries collabs? I wonder if it would be too clashy, style wise, with some other person coming in for the other character's half
James Russell
That's pretty much what a lot of the fusion charts were.
Far as clashing goes, depends on the people doing it; some people have styles similar enough that they could pull it off.
Bentley King
Thanos is purple.
Evan Evans
>That's pretty much what a lot of the fusion charts were. Terminate yourself, my man.
Chase Morales
William Walker
In what way were those fusions done by multiple people not collaborative deliveries?
Connor Carter
they inherently don't have to take into account any the other person's design choices, and are also inherently shit, like you and you sweet mom it's like multiple people doing the same request at random, you slut
Noah Baker
up left up
Xavier Cooper
Requesting in which way
Christian Flores
Can I request Thanos as The Joker too?
Jace Miller
But it wasn't a commission? Literally did it as requested by ?
Samuel Garcia
Well, those two characters have different art styles, so having another artist come in, who could match Buena Mom's art style better, my not be too clashy. Going off-model doesn't always work.
Angel Cox
not for this thread, you didn't
Jose Thomas
>all these deliveries >still get none Dear Drawfags: YOUR COCKSUCKING THREAD HAS REDUCED ME TO A GIBBERING MAN-APE WHOSE ONLY RESORT TO DEALING WITH THE ALMIGHTY FUCKING GRIEF IT'S BESTOWED UPON ME IS TO SCREAM AND HURT MYSELF. Seriously, I am jumping up and down and throwing my shit in handfuls at the fucking computer in some impotent primal effort to get a delivery. I have been sitting here trying to enjoy your thread - YOUR THREAD, YOUR DRAWINGS, YOUR CONTRACT BETWEEN ARTIST AND REQUESTER THAT THE REQUESTER WILL ENJOY YOUR DRAWINGS - but instead the damn thing's been crawling out of the computer and taking warm shits in my gaping mouth. Swear to god, you should have just added a little door to the computer through which a hand pops out and flips me off, because I am insulted that your requesters or posters or whatever brainless shitstove three genes short of a monkey FAGNUT signs your pics through thought that a person with more than a single fucking digit IQ could enjoy Yea Forums General Drawthread. INSULTED.
Christopher Nelson
2 more
Robert Rodriguez
I'm not sure what's going on in that image.
Xavier Sanders
we have no idea what you want man!
Brayden Anderson
What I want to know is, how the fuck did this user found decent-to-good refs from Mucha Lucha, for a mom character, when all I can find of Actual Best Mom, Mama Maniaca, are shitty 240p screens from youtube?
Andrew Russell
We're at the bump limit, so now comes the long slow descent to page 10.
Carter Campbell
And? Did this get you mad? Will you now cry, because I drew for some other thread and came to this one to post it and maybe do one for someone in here? you're literally acting like a fucking child, grow up.
Brayden Ross
maybe he wants to get banned again? he's been ban-evading for the thread pretty hard now, maybe he developed a fetish for it
Isaac Gomez
Wow How old are you? Or rather, how new are you?
Asher Brooks
>MrKashkiet i'm laughing my ass on weren't you on twitter whining about how to get your shit "out there" more?
Easton Scott
Just ignore them; they're just trolling because somebody else got a delivery,
>A minute apart
Real subtle there.
Adrian Clark
Daniel Nelson
>trolling what's that mean?
Charles Cox
I'll wait for the next thread, post the art and probably ask for some Dexter-related requests, so see you guys there!
Nathan Johnson
>Real subtle there. >so see you guys there! as white knighting goes? sure
Sebastian Stewart
I just want a delivery nothing more.
Blake James
>tfw I get more deliveries in a week than most do in a month The joy has transformed into guilt then right back into joy because it means my ideas are superior choices.
Jason Morgan
>superior chouces That's a weird way to spell shitty characters
Samuel King
It's from the intro; summoning Beetlejuice is altering reality inside her room.
Ayden Brooks
lol Hey, it made the guy stay in the drawthreads, no? Out of spite, or not, it made they guy stay and take people requests here. Right, bro?
Grayson Cooper
Christopher Perry
Gabriel Richardson
The power is in your hands. You can do it, I believe in you.
Nolan Cooper
draw it yourself. if not, then learn
Blake Watson
>still page 7 i told you
Jace Thompson
Just for that, I put a waifu as OP then
Alexander King
It'd still get deleted even now until it reaches page ten.
Thomas White
Begone 0 delivery shitties
Robert Evans
not if people are lazy, and don't even give THAT kind of attention