Lul Batman smoke weed now lmao so funny

>lul Batman smoke weed now lmao so funny
>his girlfriend calls him PP because his peepee big
>member that iconic scene 30 years ago? well Batman poopoo his pants during it lmao
>if you think any of this is hacky or out of character, you're just a salty fanboy get over it fanboy just turn your brain off lmao

Attached: kevin smith.jpg (275x183, 12K)

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I hate that dumbass, Wide eyed expression he always makes

I picked up his Stan Lee's Mutants, Monsters and Marvel's DVD at Salvation Army yesterday and was JUST about to get off Yea Forums and watch it. Eerie.

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>his girlfriend calls him PP because his peepee big
No, his girlfriend calls him DD because he fucks her so hard she cums in the double digits.

That's really the reason.

Guardian Devil is actually good, which is amazing considering how shitty the rest of Kevin Smith's body of work is.

The only thing good about him was his role as Silent Bob because he shut the fuck up the whole time.

His run on Green Arrow is excellent.

>That time Kevin Smith said he became an atheist because he dog died
>Than later said you don’t be religious to have faith
>He needs faith and spirituality to be a good atheist and a good vegan

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Is he a vegan now? Fuck, didn't think he could become anymore obnoxious.

>didn't think he could become anymore obnoxious.
Surprised there not more Kevin Smith basedboy memes. There so many basedboy mouths moment in this video alone. I like how Kevin Smith more clueless about atheism than when he was clueless about Catholicism.

>Funko Pop badge


What the fuck is wrong with his face? He looks a cancer victim. Not healthy. Kevin Smith looks worse as a vegan than he was fat.

Kevin Smith is someone both liberals and conservatives, Christians and atheists will all come together in their hatred of Kevin Smith.

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You forgot the part where he cried so hard after watching a Star Wars trailer that he had seven consecutive heart attacks.

>didn't think he could become anymore obnoxious
Kevin Smith made fun of Chris Pratt for praying for him when he had heart surgery. Even the amazing atheist said that was dickish.

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What the fuck happen to Kevin Norah? He use to be funny. I remember twitter getting offended by his sarcastic jokes all the time.

Why did Kevin Smith got away with turning black cat into a rape victim and a slut? Frank Miller still getting demonized for having catwoman go undercover as a hooker to help underage girls in the sex trade.

Because Kevin Smith is a liberal and so long as you possess the rightthink, the media watchdogs will leave you alone. Jimmy Kimmell wore blackface on The Man Show for numerous years and you will never see him get reamed for it so long as he keeps towing the DNC line.

Cuz Smith is a good goy and Miller isn't.

Don’t forget Roman reigns a literal Holocaust denier yet the WWE give him a free pass because he goes on anti-trump rants.

Miller's a loony, but don't forget that a fuckton of people were screaming for his blood in the late '00s thanks to Holy Terror and that Occupy rant on his blog.

>Occupy rant on his blog.
Ironically even Alan Moore called occupy Wall Street stupid later on.

Yeah, but Moore is British, so Americans give him a pass because "he's a European sophisticate". If Neil Gaiman said "fuck niggers", Americans would still give him a pass because "oh he has such a wonderful accent".

It’s funny. Holy terror was Sympathetic towards both Muslims living under Taliban rule and gays living in Islamic countries. It wasn’t anti-Islam at all. Yet preacher was openly anti-christian and won comic book industry awards.

What's with thick yanks thinking that someone's smart just because they have an English accent? See pic-related, who was a fucking idiot who didn't know what he was talking about most of the time, but had an army of primarily American fans who thought he was the reincarnation of Einstein.

Funny about Alan Moore though, considering how widely reviled across Britain the Black Country accent is.

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People want to protect Islam from scrutiny and satire because they know that when Muslims get mad, they blow up buildings. Christians will take whatever trash talk you give them on the chin without chimping out, so you can say whatever you want about them without any consequences. Everyone loves an easy target.

*has a heart attack then cries at everything*
I've only ever watched Tusk and it was so fucking cringe. What do people see in him besides a fat pig that wears oversized clothing?

Clerks is fucking fantastic, and Mallrats is almost as good.
The rest are alright, though I don't know about Chasing Amy or his horror movies.
Completely ignore Yoga Hosers, that was just made because his daughter is friends with Johnny Depp's daughter, and they wanted to start in a movie.

For obviously different reasons than Miller

Fucking butthurt snowflakes everwhere. Holy Terror is a shit comic like everything Miller has put out for years. Preacher is a good comic, so it can get away with more.
Btw, did you miss that whole shitshow about that Jesus comic being pulled due to controversy? Holy Terror at least got published without problems.

All his sleazy low-brow RomComs like Chasing Amy and Zack & Miri are garbage.

NPCs are really, really dumb and buy into mass media stereotypes, so to them bong = intellectual, French = romantic, German = stern etc. That's how you get braying idiots like John Oliver being hailed as thought leaders by every gape-mouthed onions chugger on twitter.

Figured as much.
He's good at high comedy-low romance, but when you flip that ratio it doesn't work.

I want him to try writing a run on Nightwing. He nailed Dick in Wydening Gyre, and I want to see more. If he does that well, why not give him a year or two writing Batman, or at least Detective Comics.