>I'm not straight, Marco
>I'm not straight, Marco
Other urls found in this thread:
I am DONE with modern cartoons
I am DONE, that's it
No more suffering, no more browsing Yea Forums
I won't watch another modern cartoon ever again
Congrats contungo, you disgusted me of my own hobby
ME, who has been a big animation fan for 25 years
I believed the last minute sudden lesbians was just a meme, I really wanted to believe this
But thye just kept coming one after the other
I can't believe I defended this show for so long
That's it, that's the last straw
No more chilling, no more watching
Maybe no more watching ANY modern cartoon ever again
You broke me Disney, you broke what little hope and enjoyment I had
May cotungo receive the divine judgment for her immoral sins
I don't think I even want to watch the SVTFOE final
I'm just too disgusted right now
can't even switch to anime, it's all swarming with yurifags
I guess it's a good thing I'm leaving cartoons for good, since I'm an adult now
But I can't help but shudder at this new brainwashed generation
I guess it is finally time for me to leave the Western world for a better place
Farewell friends.
I'm leaving Yea Forums now, probably forever
It has been an honor talking with you all
There was no one in my entourage with whom I could speak about cartoons, not my family, not my friends, not my coworkers
Only with you guys
It was the first time I could discuss with people just like me, and you made me very happy during all these years
But I guess it is finally time to let go of cartoons now
Well, at the very least, I can always revisit series from the 80s, 90s and the 2000s
These are packed with so many memories, cartoons used to be fun
But never can I ever again lay my eyes on a new cartoon series now, it will always end the same: me being dissapointed
This post is starting to get really long now, so let me say: thank you for everything
>cartoons have single handidly make me hate dykes
Fucking amazing, the so called “progressive” movement made me more of a hateful fuck then I ever thought was possible. Was this their plan all along?
She's just experimenting, she's 16
it’s like lesbians want to make themselves even more hated and despised. They don’t want equality, they want to shove themselves into everything at the expense of men and their happiness.
what happened? Haven't been watching in like a year or 2
so are white men in a cartoon shoving themselves in everything????
Marco's temporary GF pulled a Legend of Korra.
Marco is my favorite character and got treated horribly. He’s hispanic, so no it isn’t just white men getting fucked over, its all men.
well thats the case for most people, even the normies, although mostly with the feminist movement. You wouldnt believe the amount of dudes at my high school who are vehemently opposed to feminism, and i live in canada
oh nooooooooo not another one
it's normal to be white, black, yellow, red or whatever
homosex is not
>well thats the case for most people, even the normies, although mostly with the feminist movement.
Thank fuck I’m not the only one then. After what happend to Star Wars I just want to see these liberal fundies burn publically
>You wouldnt believe the amount of dudes at my high school who are vehemently opposed to feminism, and i live in canada
He’s not white is what I meant, and yet they still fucked his character over for having a dick
Marco and Jackie broke up, when he sees Jackie again a while later, she's getting the french pussy now.
what a loss
yeah, but in the artist community, it's a lot more so. And they make this shit, so you get a bunch of faggots and dykes cause they want to see more faggots and dykes.
If you want less homosex, you need less homosex making the cartoons. Get your ass to cal-arts, straight man. And make sure you don't suck dicks along the way oh who am I kidding.
>Hispanics aren't white
she's open for threesomes
It actually does make sense for her character.
But is Chloe?
See you next week.
"Progressive" not to make you love lesbians, but to help lesbians care less about your opinion, like it or not
As you fall into despair inadequate they see less intelligence in you, so yeah, it's all part of the plan
>"Progressive" not to make you love lesbians, but to help lesbians care less about your opinion, like it or not
>As you fall into despair inadequate they see less intelligence in you, so yeah, it's all part of the plan
So they want us to kill ourselves from depression?
did you also experiment zoophilia in your youth ? moron
If that's the only way you'll stop being retarded and spreading your retardation then go ahead. Other options are available, such as by not being retarded.
So by not rolling over and being your castrated privledge checking space IM at fault here?
She's dating Jackie. She's French. I think she knows what she signed up for.
there literally are young girls that let their dogs fuck them, no even worth the (you)
>muslim scarf
To lesbians and queers:
What's it like to have your "representation" relegated to the worst seasons/parts of shows by shitty people who shove/force it in last minute? Literally as headcannon garbage that has next to no legitimacy, because it was never intended by the original creator.
Does this answer your question?
So, they're fine that their representation is only a cash grab to get more viewers/money. It's Black Panther all over again.
>dykes are self centered who don’t care about good stories or stepping on other characters as long as their ego gets jerked off with “muh representation”
I was hoping to get an answer from an actual human being, and not a delusional basement-dwelling tumblrite. Theyre going to be happy with any scraps of shit thrown their way, as long as they can headcannon it and make their shitty fanart.
>just realized women are self-centered
Wowwwwwwww holy fuuuuuuuuck duuuuuuuuuuuuude broooooo
So long as they get “uwu funky little lesbians” they could care less.
People are self-centered.
Oh well that’s the same answer as always.
They don’t care, this specifically to appeal to those
it feels like no represantation at all (I don't want it anyway)
just a shit gesture so the show runners can pat themselves on the back for being progressive
Marco should date a boy just to spite her.
Hey cool you got a trip
Imagine being this autistic
would actually be funny if Jackie got fat instead of gay
Cotungo had no involviment on this episode look at the credits
Same here. And I bet we're not isolated cases.
Day of the rape soon.
And the only way your retardation won't spread is by...not reproducing. So keep going, lesbians.
she does
look at her tumblr account where she gloats because she' so proud of turning a beloved straight character into a disgusting lesbian like her
He can date Tom just so we can have an episode where Star gets cucked
on earth, star was the cuck, but on mewni, marco was the mega cuck
Source, with context.
And why would that be a problem with Marco?
>i'm a babee; i need spoon food agugu
Just comission art of Jackie getting raped by men and pigs pham.
>knows people wont go through her tumblr to debunk his claim
Marco makes a better girl then her current girlfriend as well she just can’t win!
>screencaps own post for video
>nb4 inspect element
We will always have Shadbase's comics
>day of the rape
How much do you want to bet the day after getting a good forced dicking 90% of these “lesbians” turn straight?
>pulled a Legend of Korra.
That's both hilarious and sad.
That just proves lesbians made the right choice. I hope more gay representation in cartoons will lead teens to be more brave about choosing sexual orientation.
I fucking love this copypasta
>That just proves lesbians made the right choice
So you want the gay to be raped out of them faster?
You should go to Central Africa where people with the mindset similar as yours live.
I dont knok why, but 100% newfags will call you a "Orange man fan", but I agree with you user, cartoons used to be fun and great, not only propaganda
Please tell me is only a joke...not again
>heh gays are bad fuck gays rape the gays make them kill themselves
>btw muslims are bad bc boo hoo they throw gays off buildings see i care about gays now :,(
I hate religious nuts who want the world reversed into a perpetual dark age and dykes, dudes who are gay can be perfectly fine.
Nice try Mr. Current year
Mudslimes are the equivalent of a Neolithic race who wants to drag the whole world back into their caves for their pedohpile prophet worshipping theocracy. Same thing with evangical christnuts as well. Religion is for unevolved troglodytes who refuse to get with the times at aspire to better humanity with technological achievements. The left soiled itself siding with backwards slime like that instead of investing more money in genetics and space travel. Evolve or die.
LOL, you must be 18 years old to post here son, clearly you are only a teenager who don't know nothing about how the world work, please read a book or work one single time in your life. You are the reason why the rigth-win is winning all over the world, enjoy more of this kid!!!
>muh under age
Not an argument
Of course is, you don't know how to make a single argument only [Autistic scream], and act like a NPC, insted to be tolerant with all people (even crazy religiuos people), you are brainwashed to believe sex orientation is diferent...both are choices son, and need to respect that.
But "Muh relihuis people, orange man=bad, cartoons with gays without context =progressive"
You are a sad little kid
There is so much anime and such variety that it's easy to avoid gay characters. The closest thing to a default is harem (one straight guy and a lot of straight girls lusting after him). There are also lots of gay and lesbian things but it's easy to steer clear of them. And usually they are portrayed more matter of fact and less annoyingly than the West anyway. You will get the odd gay character whose gayness is entirely comic relief/something that humorously scares/repulses the hero.
Give this boomer a monster, now!
Based AF
Hope on by to /his/, it's a lot more fun hobby.
how are you so new that you don't know this is a copypasta
what a garbled mess of nothingness. are you an ESL?
In a world where humans have degraded to consumers and they're not only encouraged but forced to search for pleasure and seek for their so-called maxime potential by buying useless shit they don't need, is really that weird that some people look for answers in corporations and childish media where in the past humans looked in religion, philosophy and similar stuff? The sense of community is broken by late capitalism, every man is alone in the world trying to make the higher count of money for buying Disney-related shit
Theyre answers, people just don’t want to accept them because they would know that they are apart of the problem. They want to blame it on every where else. People can’t take responsibility for he fact that maybe the human race is at fault and we over value the lives of societal dregs who’d be better off being used as guinea pigs that would greatly improve our own culture and standard of living.
I'm apolitical
>The left can’t meme
Wow you totally showed us how you're not an NPC with that original and witty thought.
You don't know /u/ right? They don't care anymore, they want good stories too.
Shit, someone posted it earlier but it got deleted.
I should've saved it.
Hold on.
We stopped being monkeys not so long ago so most people just go along with whatever shit they're told by the power. If every media tell them that their lifes are useless except when they buy a ticket for the latest MCU turd, 99% of people will believe it and even the people that aren't fully convinced will prefer to follow the herd rather than feeling like an outcast
>You don't know /u/ right? They don't care anymore, they want good stories too.
Yuri cucks are just the same, they have no value to bring to the world
>Implying your arguments have any merit worth addressing
>Implying they're even arguments instead of just statements based on nothing but anecdotes at best
You're not as smart as you think you are, sorry.
>We stopped being monkeys not so long ago so most people just go along with whatever shit they're told by the power. If every media tell them that their lifes are useless except when they buy a ticket for the latest MCU turd, 99% of people will believe it and even the people that aren't fully convinced will prefer to follow the herd rather than feeling like an outcast
I fucking hate this, we haven’t been to the moon in nearly 50s years. We’ve culturally stagnated. I never asked to be born here. I just wish I could leave this planet even if it meant I had to crawl atop the backs of billions of human corpses to do so. I don’t belong here. I want out. Please help me I want out.
>The human race are the cosmic equivalent to niggers
The argument it's that lesbians just "eat" any scrap of representation and what I say is that it's not true. Gotcha?
Just from the surface of my memory: I recently watched Darling in the Franxx. It's not shoujo-ai but it has lesbian character and her gayness is not comic relief but integrated into the main theme of the title.
>ancedonts dont count
Pretty hypocritical coming from the same “listen and believe” mentality where feminists lie to get men blacklisted
>I'm apolitical
Nice try zoomer
>he says spouting shit from a board that last year did the exact same shit while trying to fire Yea Forumsntent creators for edgy tweets they made a decade ago.
Anyone sort of that who helped spread metoo culture is no better then SJW slime. They’re lines you don’t cross and those faggots betrayed any belief system they claim to have by crossing that line.
That thing with stupid tweets getting people fired it's not new. In WW1 a guy in the brittish goverment get fired becausr he say nice things of Germany before, hech even in college they recommend me to not badmouth my workplace.
Don't fucking pretend you ever cared about Jackie.
>tfw fetish for lesbians
Looks like I win again
>SJW slime
Not that guy, but when you're biggest problem is a campaign against sexual misconduct and you're going to politicize that negatively, you're slime.
No, most of those people on metoo didn’t do anything, it was a witch-hunt against men used by feminist extremists. So no, you’re not slime, you’re lower then pig shit and a subhuman who if the world had any decency would have your head shot out for being the worst examples of mankind in the modern age.
If it was a real witch hunt you will easily discover who benefited for that. Follow the money, if there's no benefit the conspiration is fake.
Who was falsely accused? All I know was Aziz and that blew over, people quickly defended him. Louis CK was just exposed for being the type of guy who casually asks female co-workers if they want to watch him jack off.
BP is legitimately good though, unlike last minute lesbians.
next you will tell me liking vagina is a fetish
Of course it'll be politicized negatively, you goober. Metoo has a lot of men in power just shutting women out entirely, since even the accusation can ruin one's reputation, especially since the hard push for just believing the claim outright is enough for media and the hatemobs.
One step forward, two steps back. Good job.
There is nothing wrong with hitting on girls, feminazis have made it where any contact can be considered rape now. It’s sickening that this McCarthy era mentality is flourishing today.
That's partially true and there's lesbians that despise that too, but (just like with inmigration) the discussion is trapped between extremists
You can't even name any examples.
Chris savino did nothing wrong, eat a dick
>People trying to imply that Jackie's arc is shit because of "last minute lesbians"
Wrong. It's because the majority of romance in cartoons is written like total shit. They're either boring as fuck or just cheesy garbage. This goes for any show that had romance or love triangle drama, including:
>Gravity Falls
>Regular Show
>Adventure Time
>Star Vs. prior to Jackie's lesbianism
>Steven Universe
Most cartoon writers just can't do romance. They can barely write jokes.
Source? Are women finding less work now because perfectly innocent men are just afraid of a accidentally jerking off in front of women or grabbing their exposed thighs repeatedly?
Source on that? I can't find anything about him denying it, just that there were multiple women.
No but they are less afraid of working on certain industries. Or how will you react if the car industry was dominated by predatory gay dudes?
Yeah, people are paranoid because lying attention whores are everywhere and thanks to you feminists you’ve made everyone despise the female sex at a time when we were more equal than ever. But that wasn’t good enough and you had to demand more and more because you’re greedy upper crust white girls who can never be sasisrifed and never have enough.
All he supposedly did was hit on girls, nothing wrong with that. Even then I’ve heard reports that this all started because the office lights were too dim and that pissed off some of the fatties who worked their, hence they made up bullshit to get him fired.
Are you aware that females make half of the population right?
Yeah, and millennial women are societal cancer. Maybe if you weren't raised on shitty disney movies brainwashing you into thinking the whole world needs to be a gynocentric “paradise” where everyone treats you like your own special little princess you would’ve grown up as a decent fucking person.
Excuse me, are you implying those brave, underrepresented PoC countries aren't progressive Wakandan beacons of progressivism?
I'll have you know the darkies are totally above you on the progressive stack and since most of them are muslim as well they can punt you off the roof and you better die just the way you like or you're racist for it.
I don't understand what you mean.
But you can't point out any lies. You were suspicious before and now that's amplified because you're having trouble believing men who continuously don't respect boundaries could exist in Hollywood. Now you're blaming feminists for your feelings with the logic of a lynch money that wasn't racist until that nigger moved in.
Oh shit where did you hear that?
>But you can't point out any lies. You were suspicious before and now that's amplified because you're having trouble believing men who continuously don't respect boundaries could exist in Hollywood. Now you're blaming feminists for your feelings with the logic of a lynch money that wasn't racist until that nigger moved in.
Feminists literally used metoo as a weapon to attack any men for attention and money. Their isnt a sexual harassment problem, you fucking dykes just hate men and want to publicly attack and humiliate them to further your insidious agenda.
Flirting and talking with women isn’t sexual harassment, eat a bullet
OK, so nobody is talking about you, then, so why get upset?
>because people mistake the way i talk to women as harassment!!!!!!
Hm maybe you're not as reliable as you present yourself.
And that's this based on? Your suspicions that you'd believe any anonymous idiot to confirm? You can't pull any reliable sources or examples.
>because people mistake the way i talk to women as harassment!!!!!!
Nice assumption, but if you actually look at these cases most of the so called “harassment” is nothing more then flirting at that. Women now are fucking misandrist slime and a woman’s word is not infallible like the MSM wants to make it.
Who was #metood for just flirting and talking?
>muh citations
Can you have any proof there was actual harassment? Oh right, “listen and believe” but you need sources if you don’t have a cunt. So much for equality of the sexes am i right? It’s obvious to anyone with half a brain that most of these attention whores are lying, and even then their so called claims aren’t even reprehensible acts because again, their is nothing wrong with flirting with women.
Where was it just flirting?
Savino for one
Yeah, all the murican propaganda movies and series make me to love my imperialistics chains too. Part of being an adult it's to not confuse fiction with reality.
>love my imperialistics chains too.
>Part of being an adult it's to not confuse fiction with reality.
Hence why tumblrinas like you shouldn’t be classified as adults
After all this time my only question remains; why is Jackie so fucking thick?
>they gave Jackie the gay
that really sucks, she was so cute. At least I was never into Star VS.
Louis CK.
>Invites girls to his hotel after late night comedy club performances
>Anyone with a brain would interpret this as a sexual advance
>Girls come over
>He asks if he can jerk off
>Some say yes and like to watch him do it, like Sarah Silverman
>If they say no he doesn't do it
>He gets #MeToo'd, loses many millions of dollars, his career is over, media calls him a rapist and alt-right Nazi
It doesn't matter whether there they are innocent or guilty, when the threat of even a false accusation can ruin someone's career. The fear alone is enough to shut doors, put men with power (or even without power considering the drop in sex rates) on guard, and stick to peers or underlings that can't one-shot their character with even an erroneous claim.
Vic Mignogna is the first to pop to mind.
She was a post-pubescent girl, when I was her age in school there were lots of stacked girls in class with me. The real question is why is Star still so flat 2 years later?
Vic Mignogna
Because God gave her a gift.
Say the ones that can't understand why flirting in the workplace with subordinates is bad. Even without feminism the guy will be fired or reprimandend because is a threat of nepotism inside the company
>Say the ones that can't understand why flirting in the workplace with subordinates is bad. Even without feminism the guy will be fired or reprimandend because is a threat of nepotism inside the company
>moving goalposts
>outright defending blacklisting people for flirting
Your parents should’ve aborted you
Consistent leg exercise, and her diet may contribute. It doesn't seem like she shies away from fatty or high carb foods.
You don't know how a company works right?. The company has goals to be achieved with the minimus effort possible, flirting in work and favoritism are a menace because they can disrupt the internal harmony of the organization.
peak Yea Forumsmblr
Vic was accused by fans, not just coworkers. He stands out as one of the only people denying it.
It wasn't just them, there was a coworker who said he came up to her and asked her if he wanted to see him jack off. He's unprofessional and the girls he took to the apartment weren't there to double team him. Nobody called him a rapist or alt-right nazi.
From lol buzzfeed:
>Curtis testified that Savino offered her mentorship when she was just starting her career in 2012, and then kissed her in a car without her consent. “Chris kissed me even though he knew he had power over me with his career and his age. I felt, and still feel, that his true intent was never to help my career, but to help himself to me,” she said in her statement. Joanna Leitch, 33, testified that Savino talked at length about busty nurses and their colleague’s breasts in his darkened office in 2014 as she felt compelled to be polite to him out of concern for her career. The most recent allegation made at the hearing was from 2017.
There's 11 statements from other people.
>/pol/ was right
I don't know what to believe anymore.
>taking about busty nurses
So now it’s wrong to talk about jokes? These fucking touchy bitchs need to get docked in the jaw so they’ll finally stop bitching about fucking nothing like this.
/pol/ is never right. It's just full of the mentally insane who can't admit they're wrong.
>mentally insane
Coming from the man hating dyke who thinks accidentally nudging someone’s elbow is sexual assault
It's also how we feel about the natives.
T. Canadian who lives near a reserve.
>and their colleague’s breasts in his darkened office in 2014 as she felt compelled to be polite to him out of concern for her career.
Literally nothing wrong with that, grow a thicker skin you pussy bitch
>Nobody called him a rapist or alt-right nazi.
Jumping to a lot of conclusions there bud.
You think anyone who doesn't foam at the mouth about #metoo is a man hating dyke who thinks accidentally nudging someone's elbow is sexual assault. Not even that guy, but I seriously hope you're just trolling, trying to get trigger tumblr bitches.
It's almost as if being a comedian doesn't grant you free reign to saying deplorable shit.
>You think anyone who doesn't foam at the mouth about #metoo is a man hating dyke who thinks accidentally nudging someone's elbow is sexual assault.
Either that or a castrated gender traitor, yes
>Vic was accused by fans, not just coworkers. He stands out as one of the only people denying it.
He was accused of hugging people.
Mlp is free of this gay shit
There is nothing wrong with edgy jokes you stuffy prude
>gender traitor
Why should I be on the side of the gender that takes all the attractive women off the market? Fuck men and their heterosexuality.
It fucking ought to. Modern creampuffs would be screaming to have George Carlin and Richard Pryor strung up for their comedy.
Hugging and kissing fans.
That doesn't mean it's good, you retarded shill.
There's edgy and then there's disguising genuine ignorance as a joke. Louis was doing the latter.
I'm an ultranationlist. I don't care about male snowflakes delusions
>gender traitor
That makes less sense than race traitor.
why the fuck is this thread suddenly about fucking #metoo?
god I hate everyone on this board
I'm a monarchist. Wanna do something later?
Are you saying you can tell the difference, 100% of the time?
This one just likens him to alt-right edgy anti-PC people who think the parkland shooting wasn't legitimate and it's for the jokes he was making in his set in December. Much after the allegations.
If your intention is to make people laugh, yes it does. The jokes actually were very funny, if you listen to his delivery. And he was working on those bits, they were not intended for public consumption and were leaked. They probably would have ended up a lot different by the time he was ready to put them out for the wider public. But he's always been a provocative comedian who pokes fun at controversial topics. Now that he was accused of asking women for consent to perform sex acts in front of them, the media has painted a target on his back so they label him 'alt-right' when he leans left if anything.
What are you saying? That the scum that don't shoot the germans in christmas are not traitors to the french race. Nonsense¡
Because if you don't think #metoo suddenly forced poor innocent non-sexist men into being crazy woman haters, you're a woman who likes other women. This is what cartoons do to your brain.
The core values of my country are the illustration ones, so no, it's a bad idea
Better than Star vs SJW
So, yes, people are calling him alt-right, as I said. And alt-right is generally used as a term for Nazis/'white nationalists', so it's equivalent to calling him a Nazi (even though he's a Mexican). And the article shows people accusing him of sexual assault which is pretty much equivalent to calling him a rapist.
If the finale was Marco transitioning into a girl just to spite Jackie, that'd be hilarious honestly
>all these absolutely assblasted faggots ITT just SEETHING because a fictional teenage character kisses other girls
Fucking lmao. Just go outside some day, losers
>Why should I be on the side of the gender that takes all the attractive women off the market? Fuck men and their heterosexuality.
Oh, so you’re a dyke then. In that case you need to be stung up on a tree
>waghhhhhh jokes are naughty and mean spirited
You sound like a soccer mom trying to ban the simpsons in the late 80s. SJWs are the new anti free speech moral panic fanaticals.
>That makes less sense than race traitor.
Typical nu male response
Wait, what the fuck happened here?
I thought we were talking about Jackie being gay.
Where'd this #metoo shit come from?
>Where'd this #metoo shit come from?
Whenever people start talking about agendas it becomes an inevitable topic
Shit, meant this for here
The article was about his set a year after the allegations though and "alt-right" is an ill defined term that the president's news of choice (by way of hiring them as advisors) Breitbart called themselves the news of the alt-right. They didn't mean "the news of nazis" as the term was wide usage and implications. Also this clickbait article functions in that dishonest way many of them do; it says people are calling him alt-right when by people they mean more than one idiot of twitter. It's over-sensationalized and multiple levels for clicks.
If a fictional man not getting some pussy upsets you the viewer on a personal level you need some goddamn help. That is not a normal amout of investment in fiction. You are far more diseased than any homosexual.
see, this comment tells me you are an evangelical (probably inbred too) and I just cant take freaks seriously.
>SJWs are the new anti free speech moral panic fanaticals.
No, that's still the right. The left doesn't try to ban games or media. Conservative Matt Bevin wants to ban The Walking Dead and blames it and video games for mass shootings.
>“These are quote-unquote video games, and they’re forced down our throats under the guise of protected speech,” says Bevin. “It’s garbage. It’s the same as pornography. They have desensitized people to the value of human life, to the dignity of women, to the dignity of human decency.”
People are weird when it comes to rejection. It's like they blame you for their frustration as if you are supposed to be comfortable with their advances and the way they don't take no for an answer.
It's competence. If you can't compete it's not my fault and it's a fucking cartoon Jackie is not real.
On what fucking planet.
It's been considered for a few decades now that making sex jokes at work is considered inappropriate behavior. You've just never had a job before so you're not aware of the most basic office etiquette.
Literally who? One conservative who no one's heard of? I could name many liberal feminists who want to outright ban 'misogynistic' porn. Also the left has discovered that government censorship is more difficult with the First Amendment, but they still try to censor things through private means (harassing and boycotting advertisers, complaining to people's employers, etc.) You can split hairs and say it's only censorship if government does it (which is false) but the net result is the same; thoughts deemed unsafe for public consumption get shut down. The left definitely does more of this than the right although the right isn't blameless (James Gunn's firing is one of the few right wing examples I can think of).
to be fair they dont even have running water, living like that would make anyone a gypsy lite
Tons of us loved her, were you not here during season 2?
It's their own fault, given all the free money the government gives them.
There's nuts on every movement, just ignore them like everybody does.
Waifufags who were more interested in her being in fanart and porn is not "beloved". No one gave a shit about her character or personality, they just liked her design.
Yeah, no one heard of him, but somehow he's the fucking governor of Kentucky. Someone people elected.
Who are the liberal feminists who want to ban misogynistic porn? The Family Research Council wants to ban porn and the president is speaking at their event.
>if I can't have you then I'll just eat you, Marco
This just makes it seem like the whole crew wanted her to be gay.
We can never have nice things, huh? You wonder why anime is becoming more and more popular every year, don't you?
Serves you all right. You trusted California with your entertainment.
>"Woman are shoving their shit in everything."
>"Women are dumb."
>"Rape when."
>"I don't understand why they don't like me."
The 'we' part was about the breakup and sendoff of the character. When she refers to Jackie dating girls she makes a point of using 'I', not we.
Why are you quoting several people?
You're forgetting
>"I'm a nice guy, but Harvey Weinstein getting accused of being a Hollywood scumbag makes me hate all women."
Anime has more lesbians (no bisexuals) that western cartoons.
I'm saying most of anons problems with women are anons own fault.
>”We don’t get a lot of time in this series to really explore Marco and Jackie’s relationship, so I at least wanted to give it a good, heartfelt send-off!”
>”I think we can all agree that Jackie is definitely gonna be dating girls in the future, right? I feel like that’s pretty cut and dry.”
you’re just reaching really hard at this point, the whole crew including nefcy are infected. pretending otherwise is just denial.
and it's made to be sexy, not to make a statement. Not the same thing. They couldn't even make Jackie's new girlfriend hot.
It's creepy conduct. You don't talk about coworker's tits, especially with a female coworker. It's unprofessional, and just one of 11 statements.
>Nefcy did this
>Absolute madwoman
Fucking RAD
I accept your concession.
Not really., they just follow anime conventions (and some are writen by pervert woman)
Explain what you mean and how that negates what i'm saying.
>Randomly sexualityswap an established and liked character for brownie points
>People who liked the character are upset
I hardly see anyone complaining about women as a whole in this thread. One comment saying women are self-centered, one complaining about millennial women, one or two comments seemingly advocating rape. Not much for a politically charged anonymous Yea Forums thread with over 200 replies. The vast majority of complaints are about lesbians specifically, and in context people are mad about previously straight characters being turned into last-minute lesbians over and over again in cartoons. We're just venting. Most of us don't hate women and probably don't care about lesbians who mind their own business instead of being committed to 'queering' previously straight characters.
>No, that's still the right. The left doesn't try to ban games or media.
Literally what SJWs are doing now with anything with big tits or violence. You mutated the left into a backwards conservative shell of its former self
What games are the left trying to ban?
Yes. Janna will fuck Star into submission and become her king
Pffff... hahahaha. I'm not the fan of bijackie myself, but seeing everyone throwing a tantrum is worth it
Mortal kombat X has desexualized all the different characters in it
Sony has established a new policy to preemptively censor games in response to metoo
>another last minute lesbian
im glad i ended up being bored of star vs during the second season.
That's not banning, that's marketing.
Pol get almost everything rigth, but only because they are against (((trans))) agenda, that make them insane...
It has the same effect, don't pretend to be retarded.
Source? Also that isn't banning. Also how would anime tits be related to #metoo?
Some works like Revue Starlight are sexy just because the miniskirt thing and others use sexual situations like a part of the plot or to make a statement.
They gave random characters skin-tight body suits instead of skin-tight bikinis. The game is still extremely gore-y and has some of the best re-designs in the whole franchise. You're acting like they deflated the balloon tits when all they did was make them dark blue instead of flesh colored.
I wonder if anyone would accept commissions for art of Jackie undergoing conversion therapy and learning the hard way to love cock again?
>force feed you something you hate
>you like it afterward
if it worked like that this thread would be a lot different user
How? No platform, dev, blogger, politician, or company said "tone down the sexiness this time or you're banned". How would that even work?
>Isn't banning
Essentially the same result. Strongarming franchises to change their content
>Anime tits
Because "Muh objectification"
Forcing companies to self censor has the same effect as banning. It disallows an "unapproved" product from being produced and denies fans of that product what they want.
Radicals breed more radicals from the other side. Despite being a very tolerant guy, I really feel the same as you here.
Same as how a normal person might see a bunch of people going "day of the rape" and slowly turn into an SJW.
wtf is this
No excuses. No concessions.
/pol/ was right about what? more gays in cartoons? that's been happening for like ten years now. it feels like something is being taken away, doesn't it? like straight people are supposed to feel like less or something? are they trying to make us all insecure?
It's a fucking excuse. They want to evade MPAA ratings, and is Sony they are incompetent.
Homo sexuality isn't normal, though. Natural, sure, normal, no.
>Y-you can't redesign a costume to be a body-suit instead of open cleavage otherwise it's censorship for muh dick ;_;
not him but its not even really the gay that upsets me, i would be fine with jackie being gay if they had any kind of, you know, build up, instead of shoehorning it. if anything its offensive to gays
"Natural" in the twisted way that being born without a leg can be "natural" because it happens to animals too.
>"Sony is concerned the company could become a target of legal and social action," an anonymous Sony employee told the Journal. Business Insider has reached out to Sony for further comment on the new policies, and will update if we hear back.
This anonymous source is either retarded or fake. Japan getting the wrong idea is their own problem, it doesn't have anything to do with a push to ban anything, especially since #metoo has nothing to do with jiggly DoA tits.
Godspeed, motherfucker
Humans were fucking the same sex since Greek times. Just because you fell for Christian brainwashing doesn't mean humans being horny little fucks who want to bang everything and everyone isn't about as normal as it gets for us.
>The left doesn't try to ban games or media.
well ye, thats still natural. I dont see how it wouldnt be
That's hetbait. It's probably more productive to complain for that instead of going full incel
You're stretching logic to include any show getting canned or any scrapped concept as getting banned. We didn't get cannibal Bob's Burgers because it was banned. Invader Zim was banned. Vasquez was banned from making what he wanted.
Same fucking deal, faggot
>and has some of the best re-designs in the whole franchise.
How does it feel to have no penis?
Yep, you’re trying to ban sexuality like the typical feminist prude.
Nope. You can't deflect this one to big bad capitalist companies. The left owns this. You are the party of no fun allowed.
If that is a selling point of your franchise and you remove it, don't be surprised when fans jump ship.
You all twitter mob anybody who "objectifies Women" they can only do what they think is right to avoid starting those riots. You are the party in cultural power and you are the no fun police. Own it.
Are you a 60-year old man with no imagination or something?
oh god, what is hetbait?
>Sex was the selling point of Mortal Kombat
Confirmed for being an underage who was born after the era of the arcade. It was the overall mature themes, but mostly the violence, that hooked in kids and teens to play Mortal Kombat. Removing the blood and gore is more of a heinous decision for the franchise than juts covering up the tits for a character who still has big tits.
>it's not baaaaanning
>we just fundamentally alter the product before it launches, or fundamentally change the product years down the line after it's already found a fanbase
Great, so much better.
Strawman. No excuse you censoring prude. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MALE SEXUALITY
Who is to blame for this ?
Sony want stupid underage kids to buy microtransactions, if going full inquisition or full sex on screen is irrelevant to them
Learn to read you literal fucking retard. I didn't say THE selling point, I said A selling point.
It is better. It's not banning, it's the same process that has been in place since it's inception. It's marketing.
Deflection. They would not be self censoring if it wasn't for leftist prudes making a fuss at every opportunity. Fact.
>Starts a retarded argument
You first. Actually play the fucking game and realize what a minuscule impact the redesigns have.
well no ones disagreeing with you, also if the dudes in that game are shirtless then i would say youre right about that being bullshit, otherwise i dont think the bodysuits are that awful. Censorship is never good though
they aren't really lesbians, user. Yea Forums is just fucking with you because they want to make everyone upset
you're rewarding them
the ones I feel really sorry for are young people today. I mean I grew up without any friends but at least if I did have friends, people wouldn't think we were having sex just for spending time together.
Show that begin with straight teasing but end with gay couples without real development.
No, it's far worse. If you ban something, at least fans can go underground to get it. If you CHANGE something before the wrongthink even hits the public, you've prevented an idea from even being created.
You are the no fun police and you admit it.
You have no idea what the word strawman means, stop using it.
If they redesigned the characters to not have hourglass figures and be flat chested, that would be de-sexualizing them. Giving them a different outfit that STILL prominently shows off their hips and bosom does not. It just makes you a virgin idiot upset he can't get his dick wet because he has a poor imagination.
I'm sorry it had to be this way, user. Keep rewatching what you love.
Lesbian conversion therapy scene from American Horror Story.
The "you're either with my or against me" spoiled brat mentality a lot of people have. They can't stand females rejecting the male character and sees that as an attack on masculinity. Rejection is the opposite of a fantasy, it's a nightmare, and people can get all sorts of shitty when dealing with it.
el homosexualismo no se reproduce solamente recluta
You've created an opponent in your head and altered my speech that can easily be dismissed without addressing the issue. That's a strawman.
It's always being changed though, that's always been part of the process. I don't care how sexy girls are in MK, buts it's "the fun police" as in "you police fun". What your saying doesn't make sense.
No, you're just a living caricature who thinks that someone wearing a bikini to wearing a skin-tight bodysuit = desexualizing them. Especially in a decades-old franchise. You're literally upset that old good, new bad" even though the characters still have sexy figures.
>it's not MEE it's those OTHER LEFTISTS!
Aren't you an anarchist little neanderthal.
Oh good point, I guess marketing is this new thing leftists just made up.
It's literally trying to turn little girls gay, of course I oppose this
Now girls will grow up thinking it's normal and become lesbians themselves since it's seen as "free" and "badass"
It's called BRAINWASHING you sick cancer mongrel
>It's not uuuuuuss making the decision, we just strongarm no fun into the cultural ethos and force companies to make that decision
>but it's the companies ultimately making that decision so we have nothing to do with it :3
fuck off.
Worse than Cotungo
It's not really anarchist to be aware that throughout all of human history, sex and pleasure has been a major motivating factor and even used as a means to emotionally manipulate the populous.
I know you want to think that the world for thousands of years has had the same old Catholic Church stance on sex, but about half the cultures now and even more for centuries prior were pretty okay with sex.
>force companies to make that decision
Yeah, everyone's the poor victim when it's convenient. Everyone's "forced" into "banning" everything that ultimately doesn't get produced if you're fair with this logic.
>Clearly Asian chick with glasses and no distinguishable art style
This could be one of a billion people.
It's fucking Sony. They ruined almost all of it's business before SJW was a thing
>Changing the cultural landscape towards nofun with your loud extremist minority taking over hollywood, cartoons and the media as well as your twitter mobs isn't a problem because companies in the past make decisions based on OTHER factors
fuck. yourself.
Yeah but she gets rejected by her female love interest, cucked by a guy, and ends up alone. Female-female pairs are unable to pilot the mechs. Also Tumblr was up in arms because a group of 'genderqueer' characters were presented as villains, while reproduction and pregnancy was glorified. Basically it was the opposite of what degenerate Western cartoons would have done with the same themes and character types.
>extremist minority
The extremist left. The people who twitterbomb, dox, threaten children, slander them out of a job, bully people until they almost commit suicide for drawing something they don't like. The people who will review a movie or game poorly because it isn't "progressive" enough. The people who jump into a production three seasons in and change the sexuality of a character for fun. THOSE people.
LOL, Be this burger, user is from WV, check their spelling
Grow a thicker skin or take yourself out of the gene pool permanently, dyke
>excusing censorship because some prudish feminist hates tits
People like you are why the government needs torture for traitors.
Didn't this type of edgy teen personality die when LiveJournal did?
Ruin Comics, Cartoons, Films, Television, Video Games, Tabletop Games, Flirting, Jokes, and more and you'd be surprised at how many people get pushed to the point of so much anger they nearly lose coherence.
Everything fun is being destroyed by a small group of people who are driven more by their passion to "correct a problem" then they are about making good art.
"I hate cartoons now, why do they push this gay shit".
What's the problem? 2 characters broke up and didn't see each other for a while. When they do meet back up, one of them is seeing someone new. This is not unusual in real life or in media.
"But shes fucking Gay all of a sudden!"
She never said she was straight, even if she had, she's a teenager, maybe she changed her mind. Why did you assume she was straight?
"She was dating a boy, hello?!"
Bisexual people exist. Get over it. I know life is suddenly impossible because you can't take one look at someone and assume you know who they are out to fuck, but maybe try to deal with it.
"I'm just so sick of the gay agenda!"
It's called representation. Different sexualities exist, so we show that in our media. There are still plenty of straight people on T.V., quit crying and acting like a bitch.
"But this is a kids show!"
Its a show about teenagers. Sometimes they like to date each other. Sometimes they like to date people of the same sex. Try not to let that revelation give you a heart attack.
"Whatever, fuck it, I'm never watching cartoons again because of this".
Awesome, I'm going to hold you to that. Also, If you have time, could you quit the internet as well...or maybe just kill yourself. It would really help the rest of us out.
The last doxxing I heard of wasn't even doxxing, it was getting basic info as the name of a company's marketing manager was public. What you're talking about is a large group of individuals. They aren't a unified extremist group and they didn't jump into Star vs. and force change from inside. To think that the creative team is compromised over doxxing, harrassing extremists based on a female charact getting s girlfriend is kind of crazy.
Living rent free in your head.
Because God knows you were totally going to play games like Life Is Strange if it wasn't for those damn lesbians.
They aren't ruined though, they're still there. If all it took for something to be ruined is a gay here or there, why were you so invested in the first place?
Nobody cares beside ragefags and muricans.
You are putting words in my mouth and you know it.
and everybody clapped\
Fuck yourself. Life is Strange is a great example. The first game was genuinely really good and never got overly political. The lesbianism felt natural, was driven by player choice and was not intentionally abhorrent to male players. Extremely well made. LiS 2 is ORANGE MAN BAD COPS BAD the game, where the leftists decided to crank up the shit dial and create a contrived mess of social commentary instead of having a fun game with likable characters.
>they are still there
not in the same form as they have been for decades and far worse off because of it
>grow a thicker skin!
>the government should torture you for not agreeing with me!
You've got to be a troll.
>The people who jump into a production three seasons in and change the sexuality of a character for fun. THOSE people.
These are your words. What did I get wrong?
>Life is Strange 1 was a great game with likeable characters
Jesus Christ, imagine being this desperate to be right.
We'll see ya next week when you have nothing better to do boy!
The science is sound. Libtards banned it because they value feelz over realz.
The doxxers and mobs as well as the creatives pushing for the ideals are not all the same people, but they are all apart of the same ideology expressing itself in different ways.
Nowhere did I say that Jackie is gay because of twitter mobs. You're being misleading.
Best story based game since the transition to 3D imo. Not to be confused with the best story in a game, mind you. It took what worked with telltale and raised the standards exponentially and introduced a mechanic that gave an all new meaning to dialogue trees and decision making. Avoiding much of the problems of the stereotypical Bioware Wagon Wheel. I really liked Max, Kate and several other characters. Even Chloe started to catch on towards the end. Even those that weren't likable were interesting. LiS 2 is none of this. The game is just "My dad got shot by ebil white cop and now I need to go to Mexico and hide from the Trump supporters"
Jesus. Between jumping off the RWBY ship before the middle of season one and dropping Star before the birthday clown episode, I think I have spider sense.
All I'm hearing is, "Things are different now, and I'm scared".
Check it out. There are going to be gay people in your t.v. shows, your games, your books, and your movies from now on. It's happening. Sometimes they will be heroes, sometimes villains, sometimes mary sues, or token, or one shot, or random, or badly written. Sort of like straight characters. Sometimes their romantic endeavors will be all we know about them, just like straight characters. Sometimes, a character you thought was straight will suddenly do something gay. Just like real people. You've got nowhere to go. The gays are everywhere, behind every tree, under every rock, learning to storyboard and animate and write. Its time to give up and let a dude suck you off, and learn to like it. Or, just get used to gay people in media. Or...you could kill yourself. If you have the time.
Fine, but why not have them already be gay or become gay as the story goes on instead of just 1 episode and then hit with the gay ray?
When you type a paragraph about the people who will _____ when you're talking about a singular people, you're trying to tell me they're all part of the sake group, but it's clear that you just mean anyone vaguely on the left. You've roped them together so now being okay with a gay character is something doxxers do. But that's not what you're trying to say so I'm not sure why you wanted to generalize so far when you're really talking about specific actors, the only thing in common being that they can be described as being on the left. I'm not being misleading, you clearly lead up to connecting these dots to what happened to Jackie. If there's no connection between who jumped on the staff season three and who was doing the doxxing, why mention all of that to begin with? It's likely not part of the same ideology as they're completely different actions that can be done for different reasons.
Exactly. You'll never actually listen or understand. You write everything off as reactionary when it has a very real and reasonable basis.
Gay people should enjoy their own specialized media. Japan does this quite wonderfully. Yaoi and Yuri are clearly marketed and sold and defined to the niche demographics they are designed for. But at the end of the day, normal people still get what they want without having a character go gay for shock value three seasons in.
In short, go whole hog faggot. Make your own homo shows and comics and video games and enjoy them. Just leave us and our established franchises the hell alone.
Your illiteracy has nothing to do with me.
More conservative values demographics, mostly. Not that guy, but these shows are often marketed episode by episode and focusing on gay shit is too risky for the execs. It's why AT and Korra have sudden lesbians; the shows were ending and now they don't have to convince the execs to let them. The show is their job security, so they don't want to spring it early on because they all want the show to be marketable.
So what you're saying is, they know fans will be upset and the decision will be unpopular, but they do it anyway because they need to inject their beliefs into a franchise that has no place for it? Great. Just as bad as "fetish inserters"
You described a group too broadly. I get it now, they aren't literally doxxers, you just feel like they could be. Because a female character has a girlfriend.
No, execs want to market the show globally and there's still some countries that will legally murder you for being gay.
Well atleast The PPG reboot went all in on the fetish insert.
>Humans were fucking the same sex since Greek times.
That's grossly simplifying the issue and misrepresenting it. Homosexuality was far from the norm in ancient Greece, with most men thinking that being penetrated made them less of a man.
The thing that everyone talks about is the shit with the greek apprentices, which was mostly adult greek men fucking little boys. And this was A) highly controversial even back then and B) something that happened late into the decline.
Imagine if, 3 seasons into a cartoon, a character who was gay decides that she is straight and becomes a nun.
Not that user but that's the US media olygopoly fault.
>The extremist left. The people who twitterbomb, dox, threaten children, slander them out of a job, bully people until they almost commit suicide for drawing something they don't like. The people who will review a movie or game poorly because it isn't "progressive" enough. The people who jump into a production three seasons in and change the sexuality of a character for fun. THOSE people.
Why bring up THOSE people if you're not actually talking about those people?
You don't have to want to murder gay people to not want to see them in your media.
They are all reflections of the same ideology expressing itself in different ways. If you still don't get it I can't help you because you can't read.
>Humans were fucking the same sex since Greek times.
The Greek times? My dude the gays were assfucking since Ancient Egypt. My mans Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum were doing each other while having side-wives just to be bred.
Yes, you are Jackie.
You can eat as many tacos as you want, but as soon as you reach 25 you will be back to hotdogs like 90% of all young girls.
Why did you think Jackie was straight? Do characters need to have their sexualities spelled out on their shirts so you don't get freaked out?
Shit, she did "become gay" as the story went on. Did you miss the line about her learning a lot about herself when she was in France? That's code for, I kissed a girl, and I liked it. These are teenage characters. Sometimes people figure out what they like in the middle of a story. I don't understand why that messes with some people. Are you concerned you might turn gay on YOUR overseas trip now that you know such terrible things are possible? WTF?
>They are all reflections of the same ideology expressing itself in different ways.
But you're only able to say there's something wrong with the expression, not the ideology. In fact you're not capable of addressing the ideology, which is why you only focus on the expression.
Stop pretending like this character development was handled well just because it agrees with your politics.
>Why did you think Jackie was straight?
Because most people are straight. Duh.
We're done talking. It's obvious you can't hold a conversation and you have some sort of reading comprehension issue.
>You don't have to want to murder gay people to not want to see them in your media.
Exactly. And execs know this. It's why they get less excited when a creative wants to do things their way. Fun fact: Marcos two friends were shoved in by execs because they didn't want the show to he too girly.
Ok. Great. Regardless of creative intent, a show has been made and that show appeals to a specific demographic. Regardless of what the original plans were, this is what the show is. To revert to excised ideas that weren't there originally is disrespectful to current fans.
Why bring up doxxing when you want to talk about people writing a character as gay? Do you see it as equally harmful and spiteful? You're outlining a feeling you get and baggage you carry over and project. It's not really about what they did, it's the context they did it in and your feelings about it. This is the same retard logic people use to call pewdiepie a nazi.
Normal people want diversity represented in media, genius. That's why when you say the stuff you're saying now, you get attacked from all sides.
Also, plenty of gay characters in mainstream Japanese media. You rattle off a few niche genres and expect me to believe their whole industry is neatly segregated? Get the fuck out of here.
Like I said, it's here to stay. Gay people exist, and the media will reflect that. Get with the program or go live in a cave.
Or kill yourself.
Current fans are often okay with gays. She's a side character who developed and came out.
Experimenting is a thing in your teens, Babs. It's normal to believe you are something and end up discovering you are not that entirely.
>Get with the program or go live in a cave.
>Or kill yourself.
There are other options.
Incorrect. Normal people want enjoyable media. Your vocal minority twitter mobs are not normal people.
Perverts want pervert media and to be left alone. Het romance fans want het romance and to be left alone. Action fans want good action and to be left alone.
Get the fucking memo. Make your representation stuff, just don't put it in established normal stuff like Star Wars or a cartoon without any of this shit set up.
>she developed
did you write that with a straight face? be honest.
Go ahead Kim Jong Un, Putin and Merkel will be glad
>All I'm hearing is, "Things are different now, and I'm scared".
Then you are NOT hearing
We already got that episode, though.
>cultures descend into homosexual perversion just prior to societal collapse
really makes you think.
>het romance can include bi
She's one of like five Marco girls. Plenty of people still want his dick. Not sure why this is a problem for het romance.
You’ve just never tried sticking something up your ass before.
So then why don't you continue to assume she's straight? She's still a person, and most people are straight. Maybe her matching your assumptions isn't that problem here, maybe its the assumptions your making. It seems like the reality modeling software in your brain sucks. I don't think that's reality's fault.
They buy gay media because gay media make money, not incel delusions.
what youre doing right now is actually strawmanning
i'm sure xir face is far from straight.
because people just WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE HOLY SHIT
it's not like there is a group of guys storming into female romance novels and demanding equal representation of thin, pimply weirdos. You enjoy what makes you happy and we LEAVE YOU ALONE.
Either you regret writing it the way you did and you're not going to admit it or you're embarrassed that your poor reasoning has been exposed.
Whatever helps you feel good hun.
This. Why do some people on here live in a bubble? Stuff like RuPaul’s drag race is so popular that even Star vs references drag queen shit.
It's funny that you see this as an invasion when you just described StarFan13.
Character Development is for Characters. Jackie coming back was a cameo at best. Anyone still carrying a torch for her needs to just stop watching the show altogether. Her time is over.
Considering male mammals fuck each other all the time and the fucking bonobos, probably humans practice buttfucking even before civilization
You obviously know I can hold a conversation. Thanks for clearing that up.
This isn't reality, it's fiction. She became gay because Cotugno decided to make her gay. Even though there was no buildup to it and it doesn't fit with what we did know about her. It's just Cotugno inserting her fetish for butch brown girls like she did with Star (again with no buildup and no prior hints). It's lazy writing and undermines Jackie's previous relationship with Marco.
>believing the "peaceful bonobos" myth
Humans are too K selected to do what bonobos do. Our biology doesn't allow it.
Actually, I just want the dude to kill himself. Population is out of control as it is.
>she was never important to begin with so it doesn't matter what we do to her
How am I not surprised?
Whatever makes you feel good hun.
It's like i'm really at hot topic
the cotugno meme is shit. The whole crew are terrible writers and have time and time again dropped the ball on this show. It’s like you purposefully pretend you don’t know how shows are actually ran.
Some people are bi. She was a skateboarding hair dying chick with dozens of piercings... she's not the straightest acting girl.
I told you ALL JarCO was not a Good Ship !
People like that are not inherently bi and to imply otherwise is serious stereotyping. Superficial stereotypical features is not a replacement for actual setup and development. Political angle and sexuality aside, at the end of the day it's an example of poorly defined character development.
Don't male animals primarily buttfuck others for dominance? Considering they never invented lube like we did I doubt it's very pleasurable for the one on the receiving end. Even the Greeks when they did have gay (pedophilic) sex practiced intercrural or 'between the legs' sex, not anal. They considered fucking anally to be disgraceful, and also considered an adult man fucking an adult man to be disgusting, as much as gays try to use their pederasty to promote homosexuality.
Undermines her previous relationship with Marco? Seriously? So if you date a girl and break up and then she goes hard for the choco taco afterward does that just ruin the time you two spent together? Shit, you thought she was straight, this is terrible!
Also, FUCKING PROVE she became gay. Show me the clip where she says "I'm 100 percent straight, and always will be". I was joking about people having their sexualities written on their shirts but it sounds like you really need it.
You just proved me right. Thanks.
She's a background at this point. One of six Marco girls and no one he is currently dating and she isn't Star. No reason for her to have build up in the western kid cartoon format.
Literally nobody said anything about peaceful.
>oh so you admit it was horrible rape?!?
Nobody said anything one way or another, your transparent attempt at putting words in people's mouths to change the topic is transparent.
Sorry user.
>:^) HAHA she never said she WASN'T secretly an anal vore fetishist so it's not a problem if she turns out to be one with no set up checkmate incel!
Whatever makes you feel good hun.
If you can't do something like that right, you don't do it at all. This is "poochie died on the way back to his home planet" level of writing.
>This isn't reality, it's fiction. She became gay because Cotugno decided to make her gay. Even though there was no buildup to it and it doesn't fit with what we did know about her. It's just Cotugno inserting her fetish for butch brown girls like she did with Star (again with no buildup and no prior hints). It's lazy writing and undermines Jackie's previous relationship with Marco.
Sorry, Never liked the ship I (yes have no proof of it) but believe Jack was only there to make it look like Marco had to develop feeling for star. It would be way off it Marco just liked her from the start out of the blue and now that Sartco was a thing there's not need to Jackie and to make sure the fans get it Made her Bi,
>I told you ALL JarCO was not a Good Ship !
If I didn't know better I'd say you work with them or rubbing some magic balls you know things way before they happen.
I didn't say she wasn't important. But she clearly isn't anymore. She's not back on the show, she appeared briefly and moved along. A cameo. I also never said it doesn't matter what's done with her. I was challenging the idea that she is receiving bad character development by pointing out that she's not really a character anymore.
Also, way to go putting words in my mouth after bitching about others doing to you throughout the entire thread.
Try helium, I hear its pain free.
>I didn't say she wasn't important, but she's not important
You compared human mating habits to bonobos. I'm telling you why they aren't comparable.
No, it's worth doing regardless. She's doing her own thing and dating people. It's not an emotional arc topped with "a very special episode". It's not that type of show and she's not that type of character.
What setup do you need? How much does the show need to spell out so you can wipe away the tears and except that a character you thought was straight isn't? What should have been done?
anal was fine in Ancient Greece, in fact men where preferred over women. Don’t know where you’re getting your information from but it’s wrong. Even throat fucking another man made you cool.
I'd be fine with that. Nuns are celibate anyway
>if a girl is a skater she's probably a dyke
Nice stereotyping asshole We know she had a previous male crush which the truth cube would have detected as deceptive if it wasn't true or if she had a female crush she wasn't mentioning. Also we know she felt super comfortable being physical with Marco, draping her legs all over him, initiating kisses with him, practically air-fucking him at the concert, and holding hands without looking awkward or pressured (if anything he was the awkward one). And yet in Cotugno's fanfic it seems to imply that she discovered she was a full blown lesbian, not just bi. Even if she was bi, it came out of nowhere and was never hinted at, and just happened to match Cotugno's apparent taste in women as seen with Star and Brunzetta, and Cotugno's history in Paris. It's shitty storytelling but is just one more example of Cotugno's ideology screwing up what was once a fun show.
Have her look at girls, comment on girls, have ANY SIGN AT ALL.
Look at OK K.O., If Enid turned out to be full homo we'd be able to point at the first 10 episodes and be able to see it coming. This is literally off screen one line out of nowhere sexuality swapping. If they killed her offscreen or in a cameo it would be the same issue.
You mean like this?
You're wrong, and receiving oral might have been seen as alpha but giving it was seen as totally degrading for a man. Any men receiving anal were typically slaves being raped. Do more research.
Oh she talked to some girls I guess she's gay now. Thanks.
When I was a kid, the moral used to be that girls could be any thing they want and liking boys stuff didn't make them less of a woman. Now the new moral seems to be if a girl isn't a cute little princess in a frilly pink dress baking cookies, she must be a dyke or at least bi.
>>:^) HAHA she never said she WASN'T secretly an anal vore fetishist so it's not a problem if she turns out to be
>What is My Little Witch Academia
>Who is Sucy
Mate admit it your argument just boils down to 'STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE."
>If Enid turned out to be full homo we'd be able to point at the first 10 episodes and be able to see it coming
Now I know you're trolling. Every interaction between her and another major female (Red Action, Elodie) is chock full of no homo gay teasing to tease viewers with obvious sexual tension.
I seriously doubt Cotugno likes women. She just pick black chicks because brownie points
What the fuck are you talking about, how is it relevant?
anyway, it's more like >Stop taking what has already been established as something I and people like me like and turning it into something else after it has gained a following
It sounds like we agree? Maybe reread what I said?
The only widely accepted homosexual relations were pederasty, a man fucking a boy. It was seen as a temporary teacher-student relationship that ended once the boy reached adulthood. Once a boy started to grow facial hair and look like a man, continuing the relationship was seen as unseemly. And they did not do buttsex, again it was between the legs. Where did you do your research, Buzzfeed?
You're welcome. Now you can pass on to the next thread.
I suppose I should stop talking to my guy friends or I may turn gay, because straight people only talk to the opposite sex, right?
I didn't say she wasn't important (She was important in older seasons). But she clearly isn't anymore (Shes not important now, in these later seasons). Get it?
Yeah, if you pose like you're hitting on them and you're a background character, maybe you should.
You got what you wanted, go. You're free.
Wikipedia isn’t research, it’s very clear you just searched up homosexuality in Ancient Greece and felt it was enough research just to read through a Wikipedia article. Simplification leads to wrong information.
Sure. Treating a previously important character as though major developments in their life don't matter and wont effect the fans at all is very bad form. She may not be important to the SHOW anymore, but that doesn't mean she still isn't important to the FANS.
She seems her usual confident self. Guess I can't look happy in front of my friends either.
Admit it, you have nothing. Your best deflection was her talking to some girls. You are worse than crack shippers.
>Have her look at girls, comment on girls, have ANY SIGN AT ALL.
>Have her look at girls
You left the goalposts here, buddy.
Ah, you're just pretending to be retarded. Clearly I meant looking at girls /in that way/, but I need to be extremely verbose and clear so you wont get confused.
Its what you asked for.
Anyway, she has been gone for 2 seasons and wasn't in every episode from the seasons she was in. Its been years in continuity since we saw her.
She says in the episode, point blank, I went to France, I tried the puss there and it was good. Maybe that's why our relationship didn't go so great. Here, meet the French puss I brought back, shes into sports and hot peppers like me. No hard feelings, Marco, stay classy, later.
Have you tried having a friend jack you off, maybe with some lotion or something? Just give it a shot, man, don't be uptight. It's 2019, it's ok to fool around with dudes or even date one if you like. Nobody will even care, I promise.
Stop excusing bad writing because it agrees with your politics.
In what way, user?
In the anime Little Witch Academia, Sucy has a scene where she's suddenly a creepy vore fetishists. No one knew that before- but no one questioned it or threw a tantrum over it.
In the recent Star eps Meteora and Mariposa did some weird shit that had them regress back into babies. It was never established that 2 characters would suddenly ask to become infants again.
Weirdly, I've yet to seen /svtfoe/ complain.
Turning a character gay is apparently the nightmare spawn of Satan's asshole but turning a character into a baby out of fucking nowhere is just, eh whatever not so bad. And then there's other things like Marco growing a gross faggy hulk-body and aging into a 30+ year old.
You keep spouting "They changed it now it sucks" but I doubt you care about any of those other changes. You've never even thought about them once- because it seems to you Jackie being straight is the only relevant fact and fantasy that matters in the show for some reason.
Why not?
The only reason you're bitching and moaning about is because it disagrees with your ephemeral reactions and/or politics
Don't pretend you care a shit about bad writing when Star vs was already a shitshow
not in a casual conversational way with the expression and personality she normally conveys to others.
I'm not going to pretend I know what you're talking about so i'll just say two wrongs don't make a right and leave it at that.
As for everything else, I wouldn't say they were handled wonderfully either. This show has gone way downhill this season in more ways than just making Jackie gay.
>it was already bad so you can't care if it gets worse
Oh, you're are a fan, eh? I can tell because of how much you like the show and the crew. Fuck you. The show doesn't owe you anything. You're not special. Your opinion isn't worth shit to the show. If you think the show somehow screwed Jackie over, and I think the opposite, where does that leave us? Right back where we started! With the creators not having to give a single fuck as they move on telling it the way they want to tell it.
If you have such a relentless hard-on for Jackie being "treated well", then write a fanfic. Or make your own show without surprise fags in it.
Or just keep sitting on your ass bitching and moaning about how the gays are ruining your precious fucking character and hurting you and the other Fans.
Or...you could...you know.
>Just because you fell for Christian brainwashing
It's almost disheartening to see those who claim that they are "mistreated" to continue to blame Christianity/religion as the reason many people continue to not take them seriously.
The reason why religion was so strict to begin with is was due to the the need to create a state of mind that wouldn't lead to self destruction. As the human consciousness evolved so did the religion with it's lessening of "restrictions".
Though Christianity and other religions weren't the only things that partook in this transition, it's usually all "internet warriors" will aim at.
But personally speaking, the one's who seem truly "lost" are the ones who claim to be "transsexuals". I will never forget witnessing a situation where some believed that "if earthworms can choose to be whatever gender they want, why can't humans do the same?"
Many of these "minorities" are being strung along by higher ups who not care for the cause, but the commotionial stir it can cause, which then typically leads to money.
Any mistreated individual with any fraction of self respect would be against being used in such way as a "tool to further someone else's gain". Unless of course the lack of self respect is itself the problem, and they would rather lay down and die as a mindless puppet that they claim so many others to be.
The show and the production staff have a duty to their established fanbase. Sexualityswapping a character randomly with no setup is not proper execution.
You sound personally invested in this matter, why are you getting defensive?
II know it's an edit, but is there a loop of just the pants part?
Unless of course, commodity fetishism aside we live in an indulgent age where people just want to be happy with whatever society and technology offers them.
I doubt you'd (or atleast most people) would be as virtuous if 10$ gene splicing kits came out tomorrow and you could transform yourself into your favorite character or celebrity/get the body you want on a genetic level. You'd be fine being a corporate tool as long as you get to look like Superman or whatever you believe best represents you.
It's not that easy to dismiss people's desires and base impulses as 'weak' you see, they're universal to mankind.
>staff have a duty to their established fanbase.
ha ha ha
"A duty"
Are you daft?
What kind of huge fucking tool do you have to be to type that with a straight face and genuinely believe it.
But magic and dimensional cutting scissors are?
You holding out on us user?
(((Christian brainwashing))) I dont know user, is not about be gay, is more about be a fag
>It's not that type of show
So a show with good writing?
>Colored hair
The signs where there.
Do you think the established fanbase for this show is you? Do you honestly think this?
Not an argument.
If you are providing a product to an established franchise (seasonal followup for example) you owe it to your fans to create something that delivers on what you've set up. If you do not, do not be surprised when fans get upset when something becomes fundamentally different than it was before.
See: Korra, Star Wars Prequels/Sequels, New seasons of The Simpsons etc.
These aren't just for a couple of butt buddies in a California animation house, these are for fans across the world. Ignoring that is if they are the only people that matter is foolish and leads to shit content.
I think that more fans would agree that this could be handled better and differently or rather not at all than not, yes.
It's not Degrassi.
Fuck that. Some fans only want the exact same thing they liked in the original. Or do you want to tell me that every last criticism you see about X online is valid?
It's not black and white. Just because teams owe their fans general consistency and decent writing doesn't mean they need to follow every criticism exactly. That's impossible. Just because they CAN'T follow every criticism doesn't mean they don't owe their fans anything and should treat established shows as playgrounds to fuck around in with no thought on how it will effect people.
At the end of the day, this is an example of a poorly handled character change. If you're gonna do it, do it right, or don't do it at all.
Okay but, what they have to deliver is for "Fans", not a fanbase. Their fans are 10 year old girls watching after school and gleaming over a Star vs backpack.
The fanbase isn't 20-something men on Yea Forums BAWWWWWWWWING about a gay character. Same with Starwars, you think the movies made a billion dollars with random forum goers on the internet? That you're the most important person and are so entitled the creators should listen to you? On a Mongolian image board known only for being a cesspool of White Nationalism and Homophobia by normies no less, let alone the show creators?
You sound goddamn deluded mate.
Kids don't deserve shit writing either. Not a good defense.
Is demolitionkun here? I need to know he's alright.
>I doubt you'd (or atleast most people) would be as virtuous if 10$ gene splicing kits
>You'd be fine being a corporate tool as long as you get to look like Superman or whatever you believe best represents you.
You imply much, to assume that such a feat (that would at this point in time, be deemed "fantasy") would not be both instinctively/objectively "feared" by people born in the last 100 years and the next (let's be fair here) 50 years.
Unless you're talking about some form of virtual reality that was created with the intention to escape the said "real" reality. Then sure, plenty of people (of "today/now") would be on board,
But if not, you must have more faith in the reaches of science that those who actively participate in such fields.
With one's own humanity, science has it's limits. But if the era ever comes to where that's no longer be the case, then you can be sure that we won't be considered "human" anymore.
>It's not that easy to dismiss people's desires and base impulses as 'weak' you see, they're universal to mankind.
There's nothing "weak" about having any desire, as under most circumstances, it's not within the control to have such/said "desires".
Whether or not you act upon them is where said "being weak" comes into play.
He's hallowed in the eternal grounds of rightness, next to Bauhaus user.
They all laughed at him... they wont be laughing now.
No one paid attention to the Marco Jr and Miss Heinous thing because
a) We don't care about the characters. One of them we never knew of until now - as a girl, anyway, and before she was just a fetus. The other was unlikeable for her entire non-baby life, and I wasn't crazy about her as a baby either.
b) Personally once I heard about Jackie that was the last straw and I had no desire to watch the show any more. The show has been shit for a while now.
I'm pretty sure the terrabytes of cuntboy porn out there proves that liking vaginas can definitely be a fetish.
[spoilers]Futa isn't gay, just a penis fetish.
What's this in layman's terms?
All I see is big words
Now that we know Jackie is bi does this mean she hanged with Star because it made her horny.
You're so full of horseshit.
If we take your line of argument literally to the letter it translates as;
>"Kids watching at home deserve good writing so they should get proper comfy gay/lesbian characters who are handled well and not introduced clunky out nowhere since the effect of learning someone can be revealed as gay so drastically is bad writing/morale to teach IRL. Kids deserve better writing in this sense"
And based on the thread so-far you ain't tumblr-tier enough to stand by that rhetoric or condone it faithfully, are you?
Not him, nor have I watched the show save a few episodes.
But was the show about people a bunch of different "weird" shit like people wanting to jack-off to floor tiles?
Please stop posting that retarded image.
If you're gonna make a gay character, do it for real, otherwise don't, it's that easy. Avoiding doing it for real is just admitting that they know most people don't want it in the show so they need to sneak it in after people are already invested so it isn't a risk at all.
In an effort to be as original as possible modern writers throw away the entire historical basis of conventional storytelling but end up creating bad stories instead of original stories.
Lesbo dumping is a new fad for modern mass media for nearly a decade. If you haven't seen it coming a mile away, I don't know what to tell you.
lol. It sounds to me more like you spouted off half-assed based on a general idea you heard somewhere that "The Greeks were totally pro-gay", read my posts, thought "That can't be right" and looked it up on Wikipedia, only to see that it confirmed what I said, since that's what the research also says. Then accused me of getting it from Wikipedia. If you have better information, post sources.
For years i though that this world would go for The Syndicate/Batman Beyond, Fallout or Demolition man Route
But i was fucking wrong, ITs Full ROLLERBALL
>S..stop exposing the agendas I fell for!
lol no fag
Some people would fear it.
There wouldn't be a whole lot of philosophical thought on how or why they fear it. Going off today's society the whole rational would just boil down to "Is different. Different BAD."
You know, the same reason people thought Microwaves and unnatural things like automobiles were moral profanes against nature.
>There's nothing "weak" about having any desire
If someone has a desire to dip a kid in fondue, fondle and molest them while dressing up in a fursuit- that shit did NOT just happen overnight. The desire was either repressed of formulated over years, and its that persons fault for letting it develop that way.
I don't think anyone can help what they act on, they can only help how they act on it; People are going to start self-modifying one way or another as science progresses, rather than being some Luddite or reactionary it's better to think about how to do it responsibly than fight the tide.
Can you dumb cracka ass nigger kikes stop spreading misinformation about Greek history. Thanks.
Actual Ancient Greek literature user. 300 years and you assume opinions on a subject stay the same in a civilization.
>Hugging and kissing fans.
fans that specifically asked him yeah
I take it critical thinking isn't your strongsuit?
>it's better to think about how to do it responsibly than fight the tide.
What you said is implied in my post too yes
Godspeed, user. I don't believe you'll be gone forever but you have awakened. It's tough getting up after such a long slumber, but waking was the hardest part. You're in the endgame now
Your just blaming your shitty personality on other people.
They didn't make you hate anyone. You always hated it but they made you aware of it.
It's always "I'm not racist" "I'm not homophobic" until that person is put in a position where it's no longer a theoretical situation.
All they needed to do was put lesbians in anything and now "they have crossed the line" even though in most contexts the lesbian portion doesn't even matter.
"Oh they are making the gay person the strongest."
How is that an argument when they normally make the straight person the strongest?
It's just hypocritical bull where someone has a feeling that they don't like something so they look for any reason to justify it as long as they don't have to say that it's because it's a gay person or a minority.
There are plenty of shitty homosexual characters but people don't start hating heterosexual characters because of individual heterosexual characters who are shitty. That's something that someone who has dehumanized someone thinks.
Calling someone a cuck for having a different opinion than you is a telltale sign of it.
You are no longer trying to find fault in their argument and instead finding fault with the dehumanized person themselves.
The progressives will kill the left. I promise you. The fight will never end, but the old "moderate" left as we know it are gone.
>any future objections to transhumanism boils down to different bad
Gonna be a yikes from me. I'm sure this issue is just as black and white as you think it is.
Good. Get rid of the reasonable people and if all you have left are the wackos, they have nowhere to hide.
You'll be back
I'm glad I progressively fell out of this hobby because now stuff like this doesn't affect me as much as it did, but it's still kind of sad thinking about what western animation is becoming. Probably I wouldn't have started distancing myself if it weren't for stuff like this, either.
I remember picking up one series after the other, thinking that maybe this time it wouldn't transform into SJW pandering, and being let down every time. There's not even room to look at the other side and ignore anymore. Honestly at this point the entertainment industry as a whole should collapse and restart anew, but I suppose this is a very unlikely scenario.
To expand on what and already mentioned... [1] Japan already has a pretty big reputation for spouting lolsorandum shit into the medium, so any Yea Forums dweller worth their salt is already inoculated against such occurrances and [2] LWA is produced from Studio trigger, of Inferno Cop and KlK game... with prominent members falling out of Gainax productions like Gurren Lagann, all of which featured extreme and over-the-top scenes and utilizations of characters. Any weird or aberrant behavior could simply have been filed away as a result of those influences
Come on guys. The "sporty tomboy turns out to like girls" trope is so old it's cliche, not even worth getting mad about.
>but the old "moderate" left as we know it are gone
No, they are just Republicans.
Korra and She-ra are about as conventional and by the numbers as storytelling gets. Also, being receptive to fan input, or having "themes that antagonize traditional values" have nothing to do with narrative structure. The pic is a dumb, confused mess.
That's really what you took away from my statement? Your reading comprehension sucks.
>There wouldn't be a whole lot of philosophical thought on how or why they fear it. Going off today's society the whole rational would just boil down to "Is different. Different BAD."
Look at transgenderism now- there's volumes of medical literature, psychological studies, academic articles on ethics and gender, ect.
Now say you either support it or you don't, either way- is it honestly likely you've researched and read 900 page articles on neurophysiology and cutting-edge science on it?
Or did you read a twitter/bible-verse/inspiring tumblr quote and come to all your decisions and beliefs in 15 minutes after feeling educated enough.
Given that's the rationale for going DIFFERENT GOOD or DIFFERENT BAD-
Actually maybe this entire point will be completely lost on you, so whatever mate.
>"themes that antagonize traditional values"
Not to mention Korra is as traditional and authoritarian a protagonist as one can get. She's a very traditional valued character when you stop and think about it.
I'm just making sure not to expose my kids to faggy brainwashing.
why, why is it always lesbians, for fucks sake Jesus Christ god fucking damn it.
I'm so tired of clam hungry bitches. Can't we just have one fag? Just fucking one? Make it a trap so everyone's happy I don't care. Just fucking let a sausage get involved for fucks sake. We really are being over run by Mexico aren't we? Cause all I can see are tacos
500 years from now people like you will come across a preserved archive of /d/ material and come to the conclusion that anal vore and unbirthing were common practices in our society because they read about them in our 'literature'
>[ ] Not Told
>[ ] Told
>[X] Fucking Told
You're comparing mechanical functions with machine to the alteration of one's own body.
I'm not sure how to explain how stupidly different that is.
>I don't think anyone can help what they act on
They most certainly can. It's what you said
>they can only help how they act on it
That's two different things.
Also I'm not
No one thinks turning into a swan and fucking women is a common practice, you colossal retard.
Gonna be kind of hard when their dads a fag and also can’t get a woman pregnant
Wouldn't that mean quite the opposite?
Continuing off What sort of stance are you making because
>Or did you read a twitter/bible-verse/inspiring tumblr quote and come to all your decisions and beliefs in 15 minutes after feeling educated enough.
It goes both fucking ways. But it's typically the ones who are for "more than 2 genders" who do this.
Good on you. I never thought id have to be that way but i legitimately have to watch 90% of the shit my kids look at before i can let them see it. I don't want them to have any sort of political or cultural ideology pushed on them, in an age when most shit out there is propaganda
Says the autist who looks through snippets of poorly citated Wikipedia articles for topics that are far too complicated to condense into 2000 words.
This is truly epic pasta
You're already doing more than most parents do today. My folks watched my kiddie shows with me when I was young as well. Up until an age, they felt I was smart enough to understand certain things. It was always a pain having to hide the fact my parents let me watched R rated movies as it would just make them look like bad parents. The bad parents are the ones not making sure their kids are brought up right. Like not understanding the separation of reality and that being fictional media is to entertain.
Millennial parents are fooled into thinking liberals are the good guys when they are just "right-think" protected propaganda machine. It is up to parents, and society to teach their kids. Not the mass media.
And I'm supposed to believe you're a scholar who researches original ancient Greek literature for traces of data on homosexuality.. based on what exactly? You haven't stated anything indicating you have any knowledge at all on the subject.
wow cartoons are truly fucking shit lately. You know, I really wouldn't mind some bi/les characters or whatever if it was done with good taste and for the purpose of creating interesting characters. Obviously the purpose is just to shit homosexual propaganda all over your face. Yh also
>black dyke
good one
>itt /pol/drones shit themselves because there are people not blindly following there rhetoric
>You're comparing mechanical functions with machine to the alteration of one's own body.
>I'm not sure how to explain how stupidly different that is.
Conceptually the leap isn't that far off.
tl;dr that's why we have the anti-Vaxx movement and people who believe vaccines or any 'unnatural' medicine amount to murder. People don't have a rational complex understanding, just a dogmatic rejection.
>It goes both fucking ways
Yes, as anyone who read my reply would conclude.
>But it's typically the ones who are for "more than 2 genders" who do this.
Do you seriously think Bible thumpers have read decades of medical literature or researched shit? Both sides do it but I don't see how anyone can come to the conclusion that Have-nots are more well informed.
>Good on you. I never thought id have to be that way but i legitimately have to watch 90% of the shit my kids look at before i can let them see it. I don't want them to have any sort of political or cultural ideology pushed on them, in an age when most shit out there is propaganda
You sound like a whiny Christian mom from the 90's outraged about Southpark or Simpsons.
> It is up to parents, and society to teach their kids.
As an objection to this retarded proposal that parents are infallible, what's the use in something like this when those parents have been entirely taught and educated solely by mass media.
t. seething fag
>what's the use in something like this when those parents have been entirely taught and educated solely by mass media
That is a false as you expect they did not have good parents telling them not to believe everything you see on the "idiot box" and never trust your government.
Season 4 introduced a bunch of shipping shit. Yea Forums in standard retardnation got hung up over it. The current writer is using the show as threopy for their sexual experiences like cucking, bad luck with guys, and finding their bi-self in France.
This has been parroted 50 times in this thread alone. Why do jans ignore this thread but auto-sage other threads with only 100 replies?
>They did not have good parents telling them not to believe everything you see on the "idiot box" and never trust your government.
My mom goes to church every week mate. She's more than happy to have fox news and idiots tell her how to vote and think and so do millions of other people. If you think parents are just somehow naturally more wise and immune to media-manipulation you'd be pretty far off.
I'd argue in some respects our generation is more cynical of government/media than the previous one since we grew up with it all our lives thus developing cynical immunity/ironic detachment, and Boomers take media at face value having never been taught self-reflection from a generation that didn't have the mass media they did.
>My mom goes to church every week mate.
Stop reading right there as I can already tell you are some angry athiestfag.
So...uh...what was the point of this?
so your line of thinking stops with other people who don't already agree with your naive religious beliefs? That's awfully closed mind champ
Not really winning any noble prizes by shutting your hands in your ear and getting a pat from the pope are ya
Literally no point. Boys kiss girls.
It was a phase.
He tried to make up a word for the feeling of "you know I don't like this but you did it anyways so you must have meant to upset me".
ship tease bullshit is profitable for viewership and online fangirl retardation
t. seething fedora tipper
>people bitching about the dike
>nobody notticed the transgender restroom marco goes to
The friendzone Star while Jackie experimented.
>My mommy knows best she'll teach me the way the light the path to jesus christ
Shouldn't it be past your bedtime kiddo?
You shouldn't be on Yea Forums, your parents wouldn't like it.
Fucking genius m8
people pointed it out, but it's a fucking mixed gender bathroom, that shit used to exist for small buisnesses and there was only one or two desperately trying to push the meme among others because outragefags are fucking cancer.
Actual lesbian here.
I hated Legend of Korra's ending because they were two main characters and despite some small hints it generally came from nowhere. It didn't help Korra was the only one with a distinguishable personality.
This Jackie thing, however, doesn't bother me. She's not a main character and this is generally how these things play out. I had almost exact same interaction Jackie and Marco had when I randomly bumped into my ex boyfriend with my current girlfriend.
While the outrage against Korra is legitimdate (and even justifiable, I personally found Bryke's comments absurd, "lens" my ass) this current freak out over Jackie is entirely because anons are mad their jerkoff fodder isn't into dudes. When I saw it on screen I actually thought "oh man Yea Forums is gonna hate this". People on this thread conflate all instances of lesbianism in popular media together with no concern for how such lesbianism is framed in the story by character role, themes, development, etc.
Anyway, Jackie is a shit waifu. I'm glad plebs with terrible taste are being BTFO.
>Conceptually the leap isn't that far off.
Given what were talking about, it's a pretty fucking far leap. We aren't augmented via machines, not yet anyway.
>Yes, as anyone who read my reply would conclude.
Well I question this as your way of writing truly is coming off as the other side of the coin, for example:
These two post:
Being two sides of the exact same shit that everyone "boogiemans" over.
I could discredit you the same way you did to that other user who said "yikes", but I won't seeing as I'm still bothering to reply to you.
But if the "Bible thumpers" are the ones 'you' need to "boogieman" in your points as being the only people who are "ignorant/uninformed" then by all means, you do you.
But don't act like people who aren't on this flip flop coin sided "way of thinking" are either uninformed, "don't exist" or even give a fuck
Kids don't watch Star vs. The staff is catering exclusively toward tumblr and considering tumblr fucking love the show, they're making a fine job. Too bad the rest don't care for the show or hate it. Actually not caring is worse than hate because hate is a reaction and imply a degree of involment. At least the neckbeards of Yea Forums hate the show rather than ignoring like everyone else without a tumblr account. And yeah, I know tumblr is dead but the ratings are dead too.
an honorary (you) for having [COMMON SENSE]
There's truth to this. Teen Titans Go would not be where it is today without all of it's hate.
This applies to many things.
Uninterest kills, hate doesn't.
Gay guy here, it's cool. I'm not going to assume stupid things about being the process of being included in a medium where it was taboo until recently. It's going to be awkward and bumpy as execs aren't going to be on board immediately. It's cool that we're at this point.
no real point. The show is written by an adult with a mind of a child and immature girls enjoy shit like that for some reason.
> this current freak out over Jackie is entirely because anons are mad their jerkoff fodder isn't into dudes.
could be, or could be that people hate it because it's nonsense and contributes nothing to the character or the story. It was just done because it's fashionable to have homos in yours kids' cartoons and that kind of attitude is just shit. By the way, hatered is such a huge word, I doubt anybody is actually losing their sleep and drooling over it just because people discuss it in a place literally made for discussions about it.
also this show wasn't very good to begin with but at least it was fine guilty pleasure (to me at least) but after s1 it quickly went downhill.
I always felt LoK was badly conceived. It should be Korra siding with progress and democracy against traditionalism rather than muh tradition but whiteys fucking love the noble savage bullshit.
You're thinking pretty small minded and don't have enough gather life experiences to see where someone is coming from with this. I grew up in a mixed home with a republican and democrat who were not church going bible thumpers. Where one was an atheist and the other was also non-practicing. They were not raised by media, but by people.
Important lessons in life can only be taught by your folk(s)/guardian(s), and not by media. Never let media dictate your thoughts or believe the government has your best interests in mind. It is literal brainwashing to think otherwise. Everyone with common sense should know this by now. If you do not realize this yet, Yea Forums(nel) is not for you.
True. The lack of merch is extremely telling. I mean, how the fuck is there no Star fashion doll?
Cause Jackie is bisexual.
The fact you're a dyke I can already tell you're a bitter bitch to think its because of fap fuel is wrong. If anything faggots that just watch to fap to her don't give a fuck. Yet fans tired of seeing their favorite characters for whatever reason(s) getting used for identity politics is not becoming.
To develop Marco and Star's romantic story. Jackie is basically just a plot device, she might as well be a fire hydrant.
It's insane you people think that teenagers should already have their entire sexuality figured out by the time they hit 16. As if them kissing the opposite sex at 15 is evidence that they can't be interested in the same sex one year later.
They want the show to be deep and cerebral when it comes to side characters figuring themselves out.
Thanks for spelling it out so perfectly.
How is it nonsense?
>contributes nothing to the story
The whole point of the episode is that Marco is scared of seeing his ex because she'll be mad, only to discover she's fully moved on. That could be accomplished with either a boyfriend or girlfriend for Jackie. So yes, it contributed to the story.
And even if it didn't, plenty of things do not contribute to DEEPEST LORE and are still funny, interesting, etc.
>just done because it's fashionable to have gays in cartoons
I mean, yeah, it is fashionable and a hot button topic right now, but it's not the only reason.
Artists tend to be fags. More women are going to universities period, especially to art schools. Ergo, it makes sense that animators would have a statistically aberrant number of dykes / bisluts making art. People like to make stories about themselves and things they like. "Fashion" isn't the only reason.
It's like saying Black-centric films during the 70s were just because of "fashion". Yeah, blacks were getting more spotlight and attention during the 70s, they were now perceived as "cool" as black celebrities finally entered popular culture, but that wasn't the only reason. There were also black people that wanted to star in, write, produce, direct works about black people.
>hatred is a huge word
Some of the posts in this thread are obvious copypasta, but some people are clearly furious that this is happening and see it as an attack on men. Read the thread. There's some sincere anger and hate here. I don't think anyone's gonna shoot Nefcy's horseface, but that's not the only criteria for hating something. I hate the Eagles, man.
All the hate for Korra is totally blown out of proportion. It was a shitshow from day one, even back when Mako/Korra's love arc was a major focal point of the show. Straight or gay, Korra was always shit, especially when living up to the rep of Avatar.
>You're thinking pretty small minded and don't have enough gather life experiences to see where someone is coming from with this
Not sure what initiated the need to put this level of "implications" on somebody. But okay.
Could I not turn this around on you though? As well without the need to provide my own personal upbringing just to prove a point?
Because that's what you just did.
>Important lessons in life can only be taught by your folk(s)/guardian(s), and not by media. Never let media dictate your thoughts or believe the government has your best interests in mind. It is literal brainwashing to think otherwise. Everyone with common sense should know this by now.
Can't argue with what's true, but
>If you do not realize this yet, Yea Forums(nel) is not for you.
So you've just been fucking with me this whole time, haven't you?
Serious question
Does any one else find the way modern media utilizes lesbian characters to be ironically exploitative?
I remember a decade or more ago feminist and lgbt groups would complain about movies and tv shows using lesbian characters for titillation but now those same groups are totally fine with lesbian (and only ever lesbian) characters being used as some kind shortcut for being taken seriously, lesbians in modern media are cruise control for "deep", it's just canned drama that the critics eat up and respond to with preconditioned applause like a pen of trained seals, and it comes at the expense of these characters ever having any sort of character arcs or interesting personalities, lesbian is basically their only character trait.
The only variation on this pattern is when they take a preexisting character and make them a lesbian in order to meet some quota at which point that character's entire character becomes defined by their sexuality.
>So you've just been fucking with me this whole time, haven't you?
I swear I thought you were an average Yea Forumsmblr user who thinks more /lgbt/ in media is always a great thing at the expense of quality or being organic. An annoying faggot.
This. I just laughed when Korrasami happened, because I had already lost all emotional investment in the show, and that was the cherry on top of the shit sundae.
I am out of the loop.
is she an actual lesbian now or was it just implied in the episode?
i stopped watching korra immediately after she burst trough the wall bending 3 elements at once.
fuck that show.
>you're bitter but I'm also going to call you a dyke and freak out
>favourite characters used for identity politics
You gotta learn to use Occam's razor. What's more likely, a cabal of evil SJWs are trying to turn everything gay to, uh, something? Or that increased acceptance of homosexuality has lead to more of us getting jobs and being permitted to include ourselves in cartoons?
You're attributing a malicious motive. I'm a lesbian, I don't like trannies. But I don't see the increased tranny shit in media as an attack on me personally. I just see people making art that is in line with their values.
I try.
>hate for Korra
>out of proportion
That's where you're wrong bucko.
Like you said, Korra was consistently terrible with a few brief moments of not-shit (Amon, Red Lotus). The lesbian thing was just the icing on the cake.
What pissed me off about Korra's ending especially is that Bryke - two straight dudes - said anyone who didn't agree with their shitty writing was stuck in a heterosexual lens or something to that effect. It's one thing to have a show suck. It's another to have a show suck and then have two dudes telling you, an actual person whose supposed to be "grateful" for their shitty pittance of writing, that you're too bigoted to get it.
Korra was bad. Bryke's shitty response to criticism made it deplorable. Then again, they've always been cunts, even when ATLA was good.
They didn't actually say "lesbian" or "girlfriend" but it was heavily implied. Jackie tells Marco she wants him to meet "someone", who is a woman she "met in France". They share a meal together, and then skate off holding hands.
>They share a meal together, and then skate off holding hands.
oh that part wasnt on he clip i found.
No. I'm the farthest from that.
The following:
Is all me. Not that any of us would/could know, so no one to blame I guess.
haha, fuckin' cooked it, man.
Honestly I kinda share this sentiment. There has yet to be a series in the last 10 years that has been as exciting and enjoyable to watch for me. Absolutely nothing like watching ALTA for the first time while it was airing.
It's not even like I though StarVs. was some incredible show. It was always a little wonky and miss directed. But it was interesting and there was some genuine intrigue with Eclypsa, Globgore, and possible Star and Marco lineage stuff after he used the wand. But each reveal has been more disappointing than the last.
Seeing what this show has become reminds me a lot of how Steven Universe went for me.
There is far to much gay shit in media to ratio to real-life acceptance. The more it is added, the more normal people get pushed back or annoyed by it.
You tell them sister!! Stupid incels!! Have sex!! YAASSS!!
Based and redpilled.
After Beach Day I'm kind of at a plateau. I've given up on them doing something challenging or interesting with the time they have left. Britta's Tacos and Beach Day were a pretty good coda to the show.
>the ratio
1.) Is it? Give me some numbers.
2.) The ratio of heterosexuals has been definitely been disproportionately high for virtually all of popular media and yet this does not bother you.
3.) Even if you're right about #1, that may not be true for the animation industry.
Media people tend to be fags. Women go to university, particularily art schools, at higher rates than meb. Therefore, the animation industry should have a higher-than-average number of lesbians.
How about instead of bitching, you guys get into art school so it’s not just dykes making cartoons? You too can invade media and change it.