Milestone and Static Shock Co-Creator Michael Davis Suicided The Day Before His Birthday
So does this mean no cake, or?
Dakotaverse was always an interesting idea.
pretty cool. I should kill myself too. thanks Yea Forums
Remember to put plastic down. Be considerate.
sure, okay
Why? Was he depressed? Was he bankrupt? Was he sick?
Well... shit.
Haven't seen that macro in a while.
Why tho?
Depression? Bad things going on in his life?
The OP link is more detailed but it omits the actual source, which is one of Michael Davis' family members via FB.
The FB source:
He's depressed many times and tried to an hero a few times
Never heard of Milestone
Probably all of the above?
I attended one of his Black Panels at Comic Con. He was a pretty angry, frustrated dude about a lot of things. Just read any of the articles he's written.
wait he's alive. what the hell?
Have we been had again? I admit I never go to links.
>This morning Michael Davis woke up to read this on Bleeding Cool and called me to ask if this was some kind of birthday prank. I picked up the phone, after grieving for my friend since I had woken up 8 hours previously, and my knees buckled, I burst into tears and Michael has to calm me down. He’s good like that.
>Michael Davis has been the subject of a sustained hacking assault in recent months and it seems that whoever it is, and he has suspicions, got into his Facebook page and waited until today to turn his birthday into hell. They also have access to his e-mail account, private videos and media, as they also posted a video of Michael singing Kareoke within the last hour.
bc had the story. as it turns out he was hacked and way too many people thought it was true
>I attended one of his Black Panels at Comic Con. He was a pretty angry, frustrated dude about a lot of things.
He centered his entire career and identity around his skin color and relied on being oppressed and discriminated against in order to get customers and earn a living. He had to pretend he was miserable and persecuted to pay rent and push the idea that the only thing about him that was special was his skin tone. No shit he was depressed.
Now if only the rest of you DCucks would follow suit, the world will be a better place.
That means we getting birthday cake after all! Hallelujah!
The lesson: Check your OPSEC and your passwords.
Another lesson: If you find a dead body, report that immediately to the authorities. Furthermore, according to Newsarama's Chris Arrant:
>When you publish an obit, confirm the person has indeed died. Better to be late than incorrect, especially in those cases.
In response to this development, Heavy has retracted their article. The rest Rich linked have been archived in time. The Beat also quickly retracted that article.
>He had to pretend he was miserable and persecuted
Clearly he must have been miserable enough if he off'd himself.
Milestone made some great comics. No surprise that Yea Forums doesn't care.
News of his untimely demise has been greatly exaggerated, it seems
So is he dead or not?
I've got enough sad shit to deal with today without adding fake, extra sad to the mix.
>A publisher built entirely on the foundation of superficial identity politics
I'm sure their books contained tremendous depth and substance.
Who would care enough to report him dead?
You wouldn't know because all you do is whine about your internet culture war instead of read comics like the permatriggered little pussy you are.
It was garbage
Haven't you heard? Black people cannot create a character or identify with a character unless said character has the same skin color as them. They lack the intellectual capacity for such a feat, hence why publishers such as Milestone needed to come into existence.
Michael Davis.
Have sex.
>Black people cannot create a character or identify with a character unless said character has the same skin color as them.
checkmate, ayytheist.
>Never heard of Milestone
Do you like comics about black characters who have to remind you that they're black on every page and only ever talk about how black they are and literally the only in the world that matters is that they're black, black this black that black black black?
If so, then Milestone comics are right up your alley, Tyrone.
Are you from 1990? Cringy Boomer
This can't wait a month!
Milestone comics are also from 1990 and are cringy as shit, too.
I'm clearly more of a Jamal, sucka!
>Milestone was nuMarvel before nuMarvel
First the beatings and now hacking. Why are MCUcks so violent?
I don't know if you are serious or not, but don't do it.
Ironically, Dwayne McDuffie was only good when he was writing white characters. Every time he wrote a black character, he would reflexively go Full Ghetto Mode and it was shit.
Then he ate a stick of butter and had a heart attack.
Oh, thank God.
There is literally nothing wrong with people committing suicide
Yes there is.
Trust me I'm a lawer.
t. Japanese
>There is literally nothing wrong with people committing suicide
Depends on the country. In Japan, the government bills the deceased's family for the cost of clean-up, damage and any assorted inconveniences caused by a suicide.
>the government bills the deceased's family for the cost of clean-up, damage and any assorted inconveniences caused by a suicide.
And this is bad because...
Google this was a hoax. His account was hacked
why should i have to pay 5000 bucks because my idiot brother off'd himself? fuck that, im responsible for me and thats it
Because having an idiot brother should be illegal.
>t. hates socialism
In Japan, the billing mostly happened as a consequence of suicidal nips jumping in front of trains and making everyone late for work. It ended up happening so frequently that the government had to enact billing the dead person's family as a way to discourage jumping in front of trains and inconveniencing other salarymen.
Do it attention seeker
the early 90s was full of cringey pc stuff
Yeah, the proper way to kill yourself in Japan is to go to Aokigahara and hang yourself. That way you aren't bothering anybody,
>the early 90s was full of cringey pc stuff
>the proper way to kill yourself in Japan is to go to Aokigahara and hang yourself.
Then some faggy gaijin soiboi with a youtube channel can find your dangling corpse and livestream himself making Nintendo Switch faces at it and laughing.
Yes, there's. Killing yourself is never the answer and it's an act of cowardice.
>accusing others of cowardice
Americans are only brave when they're defending Israel.
My immediate thought was, "Wait, isn't he already dead?" but I'm apparently a big racist casual because I was thinking of McDuffie.
Was there honestly any other recognizable name that came out of Milestone besides McDuffie?
Denys Cowan.
He's not dead retards
they're not the only one reporting it.
>Michael Davis is not dead. Early Monday morning, the writer/artist's Facebook account was hacked, and the party responsible posed as a family member and posted an obituary.
Upon waking to reports of his death circulating online, Davis called Rich Johnston to confirm that he is still alive, and that the report that he had killed himself on his birthday was false. Davis not only spoke with John stone at length, he provided proof that his social media accounts have been targeted by an unknown person or persons.
>Michael Davis is dead.
This is a loss for the comic book community. Truly we shall not ever have another figure whose contributions will influence creators for deca--
>Wait, nevermind. He's alive.
Oh, good, this means I get to keep saying the "nigger" word today.
Well that will discourage them as well.
imagine expecting accurate, credible journalism from hobbyist media designed to sell overpriced pacifiers to cognitively stunted adults.
What are the status of the rights on the Dakotaverse? DC still licensing that shit or were they fully bought out at some point?
I'm wondering if when this dude actually dies there will be a clusterfuck because the rights can't be renewed because his estate is tied up in court.
Can someone mirror/upload to YT those two videos by Michael Davis?
>‘This is the last thing I need, to reach out to people to tell them I’m not dead… cause it makes me want to die.’
OP signing off with a reminder: Reginald Hudlin and Derek Dingle are traitors.