Show takes place in a world of multi-colored people (yellow, blue, green, purple, pink, etc)

>Show takes place in a world of multi-colored people (yellow, blue, green, purple, pink, etc)
>Still feels the need to make the main character's best friend straight up black
Not to mention how he looks exactly like Irwin from Billy and Mandy...

Attached: 780w-463h_061218_big-city-greens-4.jpg (780x463, 101K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck am i looking at

Attached: I'm Batman.jpg (468x510, 38K)

They look nothing alike.

hey Gloria suck my dick yo


Attached: Infinity Gauntlet.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

*kills your show*

Attached: Anne Boonchuy and Sprig Planter.png (1020x628, 506K)

Gotta fill that representation quota somehow, OP!

Attached: I bet you wish you could still fuck Nancy, huh Bill.png (447x460, 201K)

It's called a trope retard.

>S O Y F R O G

You call out a show for using black characters but you do a "all blacks look the same"?

>Sprig's voice

Attached: Hannibal Buress.jpg (500x381, 27K)

Don't bother. He outed himself that he only spams BCG threads because he has no balls.

Keep telling yourself that, buddy

Attached: IrwinBCG.png (350x351, 483K)

How can Chris & Shane even compete?

Attached: The Houghton Bros. drink their sorrows away.jpg (960x720, 71K)

Remy is Irwin without a fucking nose. XD

>Show takes place in a world of multi-colored people (yellow, blue, green, purple, pink, etc)
>Still feels the need to make the main character white

Attached: The Disney version honestly wasn't THAT BAD.png (720x481, 699K)

>Brenda Song

Attached: Snoop Dogg - Drop It Like It's Hot (feat. Pharrell).gif (480x480, 3.7M)

Irwin's on Disney Channel now, yo.

>It's meant to be a stereotype, retard

Attached: penalty.gif (480x270, 1.71M)

New episodes when?

What an awful casting, she sounds like a middle aged woman

Is that crazy frog?

Attached: fcec7e9bd4ec35ee9289a6e4ea60890b3fb79555.jpg (361x480, 31K)

frog penis



Brown is my favorite color asshole

white characters are the perfect punching bag for a cartoon

Little do you realize that Remy is actually a fat, curly-haired white kid who just happens to be colored brown

>No Nose
So Remy is realy Irwin and Mandy’s kid

When did "black and nerdy" become a stock character?

Attached: n9ttk1e8-720.jpg (720x406, 48K)

why put auch an unnecessary complicated design on a shirt?

Probably started around Urkel

Thai girls always sound like that.

Urkle, it's also unironically a good thing. I'd rather blacks be influenced to be weebs or Yea Forums nerds than the typical ghetto influences.

I'd argue that it's become something negative in of itself. True, it avoids stereotypes, but now "black and nerdy" is the go-to device when you want a show to be diverse without the actual effort of making a diverse character. They become literal cardboard cutouts; brown and flat.

Only now I noticed that there are no niggers in Doug

Attached: doug grunge.jpg (400x300, 31K)

It's been extremely widespread since the early 90s, and while such people definitely exist in real life it's pretty transparently done just because it's seen as the least potentially offensive portrayal of a black person.
That being said Remy actually is pretty different from Irwin, they're both dorky but Irwin has misplaced confidence and lacks self-awareness (especially when it comes to his advances on Mandy) that makes the show itself comfortable with bullying him for comedy. Remy's just a soft creampuff and he basically has the straight-man role most of the time, while also not being whiny enough to be annoying.

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The grandmother is the best char

that's not how you spell Gloria

Attached: gloria's air bags.png (1778x2500, 1020K)

She's consistently the best part of the show.

Attached: 760B342E-CF55-4CB6-8739-B33EEF2183FB.gif (360x360, 3.09M)

storytelling in design, shows immediately she's from a prep school

That one user who claimed to have worked as an intern at Disney said the letters on the crest stood for "Sir John's Mundane School".

I mean it's clearly a school crest.

I only watch the show for the DILF

Attached: FD1EF21F-159E-4BF4-BB4E-BA7807A88344.jpg (853x480, 87K)

Brenda Song is fucking nuts dude

>apron launches off, shirt unbuttons itself
200% unrealistic

She's not wearing a shirt with buttons and the apron is just bunched up around her shoulders along with the shirt
Also it's a cartoon