Are this meant to become someday the real cute and perfect we deserve?

Are this meant to become someday the real cute and perfect we deserve?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Now Nefcy is forcing fucking babies to become lesbians. What the fuck is this show doing?

Using a translator there, buddy?

It’s not Nefcy, Colugna has taken over the show and season 4 is her fanfiction. Better an ambiguous ending than unambiguous shit

Bro nobody said anything about lesbians

I was rewriting but did a fuck up, sorry mang

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You know Meteora is bound to grow with some issues from now on...
Imagine having grown up into your own individual just to regress into a baby and forget everything about it, no memories of you previous life except for some feeling and muscle memory you can't explain.

She will grow to like Mariposa and Hate her brother without know really why.

Spoiler alert Meteora hangs herself with her tail and Eclipsa screams 'oh my baby!'

She is going to grow into this.

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I'm pretty sure they said they were sisters.

Like Caulifla and Kale were.

This was fucked up because they’d still remeber growing up, that means there trapped in a body they can’t communicate in, it’ll drive them crazy.

Do they? Meteora got turned into a baby in the last season, and she doesn't remember being Miss Heinous, except for a hate for Marco that she can't explain.

They got baby brains who will write it up as a weird nightmares. They'll be fine.

It's amazing how many times Meteora has been mindwiped, forced to grow up, and then get sent back to baby form. The brain must be goo by now. It's genuinely terrifying.

I could imagine her growing with actual multiple personalities or psychosis.
One day she can be drinking tea and teaching people how to have the best posture and the next second she can be trying to drink the goo out of a spider.

my headcanon is that baby brains makes them too retarded to remember anything not integral. So they'll have a faint trust of one another

That’s diffrent, it’s been established you retain all your memories regardless of the time difference, I mean Marco’s not an adult so his brain isn’t fully developed and he remembers everything.

>I could imagine her growing with actual multiple personalities or psychosis.
Mewni's already a shithole. If this happens when she becomes queen, it may finally tilt over and die in a fire.

Baby brains are curiously special, user. True, they don't remember anything before the age of three typically, but their brains are much more malleable than an adult's. They watch and catalog everything since they are learning so quickly.Those two are irreparably changed now forever.

What happens if they go back? Won't they get aged up again like Marco does?

This business just seems fucked up, kids having entire life times in strange otherworlds only to be de-aged and forget it all and the show trying to trivialise it.

I just finished watching these episodes.
Holy fuck the reaciton on Yea Forums is the worst form of oversensitivity i've ever seen.
Jackie and BlackFrenchie or whatever her name was does jack shit except hold hands while skateboarding. I was worried/laughing more at the pregnant teen jokes (hits harder for me considering I lived in California with the highest Teen Pregnancy rates. Three friends in HS were pregnant)

The way Yea Forums raged at Mariposa and Meteora, they kept claiming they were lesbians #2 and everything.

No, in the show, they are literally just sisters. Sisterly love. That's it. It's very clear fucking cut. Not even any insinuation that they're gay or romantic. Fuuuck you Yea Forums. Y'ah let me down.

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they even called each other sisters
if youre going to be mad, be mad that they made marco jr a girl for diversity points in a show that is already oversaturated with ladies...
but then stop being mad because she's cute as fuck
but then be mad again because the shaved sides haircut on the other one, christ

the teen pregnancy thing is a GOOD thing, user. that's a right-wingy thing. that's a thing we like. our messiah was one of those. this episode was refreshing, everyone being cool about it
because why shouldn't they? marco is fucking loaded and star is a princess.

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Little brothers are almost a nonentity in shows lately. It's always little sisters. The only prevalent little bro I can think of is Greg from OTGW

>annoying little brother attempts to fix everything by literally killing themselves like everyone watching wanted them to

Damn that was neat.

That's what we thought about Korra and Asami and look where that ended up.


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How is this the same character?

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One was raised in the Savage Land, one was raised in a fucking etiquette school.

She had to repress the monster side hence the school

too add the earlier version was basically raised to reject her half blood and lineage, to be "normal" by mewman high society standards of the time, the later is raised young with a family that embraced both her magic and half blood while growing up in a dimension where despite everything being a fight for survival she was actually encouraged to be herself.

Do you not remember that Meteora's first life was all aboug hiding her real self?

>The way Yea Forums raged at Mariposa and Meteora, they kept claiming they were lesbians #2 and everything.

Wishful thinking because its cute.

This shit is insulting and the implications behind it just like with Marco. How the fuck did Disney greenlight this?

How's that?

>Beginning felt jokey in a fanfictiony way even though it wasn't bad, Star gnawing on Marco etc. Maybe I'm reading too much into how this had a new boarder, though nearly all the boarders blend together for me and I dunno which half he did
>Star throwing the book at the demon was FUCKED UP. I love violent Star but it feels like that should've been dialed back once you start making her a force for peace and change. Also it came out of fucking nowhere
>Eclipsa and senpai drag the ep down, as usual. It's fucked up how much Star is into age-regressed Miss Heinous, and eating cake shaped like a Mewman after being accused of Mewman-eating is like making the people you fuck dress like babies after being accused of pedophilia. And Globgor actually DID eat Mewmans (or, in this terrible analogy, raped a baby). And they're vegan because fuck you
>Other goodbye scenes were fine. Hate to say it but I'm kinda liking Seahorse now. Buff Frog's kids are canon teens so it's a good bet BF's chronologically younger than Star
>Yeah they really can't write Moon living in the shitty yurt as believable for the character. She just kinda comes off like she had her free will forcibly removed, which I guess she did, by the writers
>Anons were mad at Star for dragging Tom around but I think he felt like way more of a bitch here. She's literally leaving home and has had her identity stripped away; cut her some fucking slack and let her have her moments
>Hope Star's shifty eyes and uncertain tone during her lines about not being a princess come to something more than sucking Eclipsa's dick and letting her keep the crown
>Yeah Doop-Doop stuff was nothing and is probably one of the loosest connections between title and ep the show's done
>Tomstar conflict was done decently. They're both just not a great match and hey maybe this should've happened like a fucking season ago

Parts that weren't Eclipshit and Doop-Doop were fine. It was mostly a Point A to Point B ep but they pulled it off okay

Wow I forgot there's still a filter changing f a m to "senpai"

I agree. The episode was really bad, but saying they were lesbians is just false outrage.

cotungo hijacked nefcy's show

and you think it's going to stop the dykes ??

They're just salty waifufags upset that they're getting cucked by a black female Frenchie. I couldn't care less because Jackie while cool, was always pretty bland too. She never added much other than being a shipping plot point for Star.
I don't see the same outrage directed at Star when she's clearly extremely bi too.

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They just look like really bad, donut steel OCs.

Britta's Tacos
>Mariposa isn't nearly as offensive to the eyes as Meteora. She didn't bother me at all, and here I thought this show made me hate babies
>Star was barely used but it worked well because she still felt like Star and not Eclipsa's bitchboy. Funny how that works
>Yeah everyone's beaten it into the ground but I liked the teenage pregnancy jokes and it felt like pushing the envelope a bit for this show. The characters really do feel more like actual teens than they did in S1, and maybe that's like the one thing these last two seasons have going for them
>I liked seeing Echo Creek characters again. I don't think the move to Mewni was bad on principle, even though those seasons mostly sucked, but they could've and should've done more occasional Earth eps
>Nefcy seems to have forgotten how she did the StarFan voice. Too low, most of her lines sounded weird. I'm glad she came back, and she was weirdly normal-ish
>They can just namedrop D&D? Weird
>I thought Sophomore Slump was fine as a last appearance for Jackie but she was pretty good here, personality-wise. I never thought they needed a MARCO APOLOGIZES TO JACKIE ep like her fans wanted, but they actually did one and it went okay. Maybe everyone can stop posting about her crying and being sad without Marco all the time now
>I do think the idea of Jackie getting with a girl/possibly realizing she's gay after Marco comes off as stupid and maybe kind of offensive (too much like Marco made her gay), but I thought the stuff with her girlfriend was done tastefully enough
>Compared to Ludo, whose last couple appearances almost feel like they detracted from the character, Jackie still feels pretty decent

Maybe I have shit taste but next to recent stuff this was a surprisingly good ep. Wasn't the best thing ever, but it sure wasn't the worst just because of the Jackie GF. Don't think it was particularly necessary to do that with her this late in the series but it's not even in like S4's Top 10 Worst

I like her new redesign

Beach Day
>Don't really have anything to say about it but the beginning flowed pretty well. I really just have a lot less to bitch about when Eclipsa and her ugly family aren't constantly onscreen
>Weird American flag joke considering Star's not even American. Which is probably the joke. IDK it was weird
>Star's outfit was super cute here. Sort of interesting to see she has a semi-hourglass figure. I think they were always kinda going for that under her clothes (see her S2 spider dress), but like the long legs you don't think of it much because of her normal outfits
>Jokes with the taxi and Cloudy fucking up everything were done pretty well. This episode wasn't amazing or hilarious, but it was p consistently nice and Star and Marco had some good moments
>Star was a bitch to that old lady. Wow, she took your photo because you're cute. What a WEIRDO
>They could've done more with Star realizing Beach Day happened and it didn't change a thing, but they got the idea across
>Father Time stuff was mostly a clusterfuck. So exactly when did Star get that picture, anyway, besides "before Starcrushed?" After Just Friends? After Bon Bon? Before all that? I think it really would have helped to see the moment where past Star got it, maybe even before this ep
>Also it's weird how this Beach Day plot was hyped up at the beginning of the season and then mostly forgotten until now
>And it is pretty unbelievable how Star's been supposedly constantly hyping herself up with the photo when it disappeared for an entire season

Yeah, whatever, this was okay and pretty cute. They still do Star and Marco together pretty well when they're not forcing them apart or pushing a weird kinky dom/sub employer relationship

>I don't see the same outrage directed at Star when she's clearly extremely bi too.
There was

They made Marco Jr a girl because they wanted to avoid the implications of a "Blue Lagoon" scenario in Gone Baby Gone.

2 episodes, 2 lesbians reveals. kek it's over

Meteora and Mariposa referred to each other as sisters.

Gone Baby Gone
>Feels petty shitty that Eclipsa makes Starco watch her disgusting spawn when they're literally in another dimension trying to live their own fucking lives. They should "accidentally" let her die and have Eclipsa face the consequences of her irresponsibility
>And just in case it isn't clear, I wasn't looking forward to this one
>I'm vaguely interested in the shit about to go down on Mewni but I know I'll be disappointed. It's conflicting
>I was going to bitch pretty recently that we haven't seen Star's hearts change all season, that I remember anyway. They finally did it with Brunzetta and the joke/timing was great
>Yeah okay Meteora looked sort of cool in Butterfly and normal forms, but, as usual, any appeal just melted away as soon as she started talking or doing stuff. Mariposa's design is kinda shit. She's too much of a female Marco and she's too chunky for someone who hasn't been getting enough to eat. I doubt it's THAT hard to find food there
>Yeah this was just a stupid fanfiction premise of an episode. The concept is shit (it didn't hit me at first that it was just made to show the babies as teens but that obviously was why. They could've just not introduced baby characters at all), Meteora and Mariposa being "sisters" and having shitty joke caveman-ish names I can't be fucked to remember was shit, it just felt like fanfiction because who actually cares about these two OCs made from blank-slate baby OCs and their haaaaarrrrrrd life in the wilderness? Fuck literally everyone who thinks this deserves a spinoff
>Meteora drugs Star and Marco and shows she not only looks like but is shit, just like the rest of her shitty family. She should've just died last season
>Yeah okay the gay anime vore fetish villain was really fun and probably the best new character in a while. Should've just had Star and Marco against him and cut out the chaff


I was really afraid they'd just have the Shit OC Duo stay in that dimension, but they went the slightly less terrible route of more forced infantiization in the end. I can't even find that creepy now, because it was creepy the first time, last season, and both the show and the audience was way too cool with it

I like to think I judge eps pretty fairly most of the time, but I admit I'm super salty about everything concerning Meteora and this probably warped my perception of the whole thing considering it did do some stuff I liked. I do think it felt like lame fanfiction and can't see how we're supposed to care (at least with Marco and Hekapoo's sexy Neverzone adventures we had some prior investment in him because he wasn't a literal fucking baby) but maybe it wasn't objectively quite as bad as I'm claiming.

it was over well before that

Me too user. It was a cool design choice to use bland and faded colors for Miss Heinous and vibrant, more alive ones for Meteora. Works with the whole rebirth aspect.

Why does she only use green magic, I thought that magic was tied to negative emotions.

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I wish they would let Star age up in that dimension so Star and Marco could be the same age the next time they go there together.

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Toffie was still in there.

silly user, S2 isn't canon

Lifestyle in addition to genetics can actually have an effect on a person’s facial structure. It’s why identical twins don’t always look identical as they get older.

Seriously this. They should've taken the opportunity to do that in Ransomgram.

Man I would kill for a neverzone video game. It just feels like such an odd dimension when the show already has shown plenty of dimensions and none of them had time fuckery or mouth demons.

With this episode I feel like at any point Jackie could've punched marco's shoulder and said "Oh and if star's up for it, we're down to really party with the two of you"

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The show downplayed every thing, it’s one of the reasons why most people think it’s shit.

And the original Sailor Moon dub said Uranus and Neptune were cousins. Doesn't mean they are.

I don't really care about the whole jackie thing. This episode though was just fanfic tier

I mean really? Like it's not outside the realm of possibility but it's still stupid as shit

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> "Blue Lagoon"
context please

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how was she able to repress her ears?

There is something hot about a monster that can be both scary and elegant. Maybe that is why people like Disney villains.

i wish people would not take the neverzone serious.
its a kid show, they playing this entire age thing as a joke, maro is 40 years old and is played as a joke.
nut nope nope, everyone need to make questions that the show obvious will never ever answer with no need to do so because is a fucking kid show about a crazy girl with magical powers.

True, but the ending to the episode where the Neverzone got introduced gave it a touch of serious, with Marco just looking at his room feeling out of place and not remembering his password.
If they wanted to keep the idea jokey they should have removed that scene.

that's because it's a fucking dub and not the real thing

Two toddlers grow up together in savage lands and by the time they're teens they fug and have a kid

not the first time something that seems serious happens in an episode and gets dropped completely afterwards

That does sound like Jackie.

>I'm Jackie!
>I used to be thin maybe a bit scrawny.
>Now I got a big butt and my thighs are kinda funny
>I'm Jackie!
We love you Phat Jackie!

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For whatever it's worth I don't take the Neverzone seriously. I think aging Marco to an adult was a stupid idea because I knew the audience was bound to take it seriously, but I think I get what they're generally going for with it.

But in this episode it feels like the show itself seemed to momentarily want the audience to care about the struggles of Badass OC #1 and Badass OC #2 though.

the Marco just go out with the puppies again not taking it serious.

That was the joke. The jarring tonal shift was supposed to be funny.

>forced infantiization
this isn't tumblr

>What's Narnia?

Eh, I just like to make anything with Meteora sound as bad as possible because I hate her being turned into a baby as a plot device/development and because it feels too much like a situation that some fetishist can get off to.

I'm not like morally offended by it or anything.

Neverzone is just a wet fantasy dream where everything and everyone is a EDGY D&D, MAD MAX character.

>"I guess the real prize was the friends we made along the way."
FWIW they were trying their best to recapture what made S1 enjoyable and I appreciated that. The Starfan13 stuff was good but I'm going to have to rewatch the S1 eps to see if Nefcy overdid her voice.
>because it feels too much like a situation that some fetishist can get off to.
You would have shit your pants on the daily when Totally Spies aired. Maybe cartoons aren't for you.

Actually, no, not really. I haven't really seen Totally Spies but I'm pretty sure stuff like them getting fat or hypnotized, or, in this case, turned into babies, lasts for just the plot of a single episode and is meant more as a joke.

Meteora being forcibly turned into a baby is a permanent plot development that has lasted the entire rest of the series and is now essential to the character, and it creeps me right the FUCK out. And I actually don't even mean "because someone could be getting off to it," but in like an existential way and because the rest of the cast has had so little real reaction to it in-universe. Yeah it's stupid but I just really don't like anything about it.

you're just supposed to be happy that the dindu nufin Eclipsa was able to reunite with her whole family

Yeah, well, I'm not.

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I agree with you mate, I found the situation fucked up because is less like killing a person and more like swamping its brain for a new one and dumping the old one in the trash.

They don't kill the body but they do kill the person.

how come Globgor doesn't ask any questions about why he's daughter is still a baby 300 years later?

You know what else would be jarring? Marco immediately reflecting on him actually being an adult man but still finds himself attracted to Star a young teen girl. That would be funny if the show actively pointed it out and focused on it.

Stop, stop. I can only get so erect.

Selective shapeshifting, I guess. I wouldn’t know for sure. The show isn’t very clear about this.

He probably assumes that she got crystallized and released with his wife

>kids having entire life times in strange otherworlds only to be de-aged

This didn't start with this episode yknow.

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>she had Marco's mole

I get the feeling Meteora wasn't the original plan for Heinous...

>Two girls holding hands
I fucking hate the internet sometimes

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>Teen Pregnancy Starco
PROMOTIONS to Nefcy and her crew

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>StarFan voice. Too low
Her balls dropped.

Starfan13 is a fucking tranny

Man remember that user who insisted the psychotic with an agenda wasn't going to be allowed to fuck the show up?


of course the guy posting hero girls says this

you expect them to scissor on screen in a cartoon for kids?? kill yourself

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I didnt said that.

With love, from cotugno

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worse, she turned Jackie into herself

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>Honey & Clover
great taste

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>Honey and Clover
>its a shitty Slice of Life Drama anime
Thanks to remind me that it would never be a series inspired on JJBA

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>two females who said they were sisters and are close because they've been alone, together, since childhood






>shoulders are literally dodgeballs complete with visible seam
The fucking fuck?

So what was the point of dropping them off in weird fantasy world with fucked up time and leaving them there?

Wonder what else she'll project herself onto in her upcoming new show

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so we got to see them as teenagers and not retarded diaper shitting babies

The show just needs to quit referencing the neverzone already. It seems to come up every other episode now and does not really lead to anything

The point behind Heckapoo doing it, not the writers.

they went in there themselves or something, Hekapoo dropped in when marco was putting the kids too bed and left her fucking portal open.

have sex incel

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They will grow up to be the perfect couple.


they look like faggots

What about that statement says incel?

yeah idk why they made her dora the explorer 2.0 they even said they lived in poverty there so how come she got the chub

dont fucking reply to them please

>Why are there lesbians in my kids show! It should only be made for mid 30s straight white males! REEEEEEEEEEEEE

I don't know guy, I just don't know

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This cute and perfect will make sure of it.

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>On the distance you can hear an asian girl in a round ball screaming: "AT LEAST WE ARENT SHIPPFAGS!"

So Hekapoo isn't completely incompetent.
Does anyone here think she left that portal open on purpose because she wanted something bad to happen to Meteora?

we will never see Rigs frackled tits. R.I.P.

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hair dye is a common more common commodity than toilet paper or food in Venezuela, the two places do look rather similar and both eat spiders and skinflakes so I assume that it's the same there.

No clue about the marco-mole tho.

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That's old lore, the current explanation is who cares it's whatever that one storyboarder wants it to be, sometimes its ebil magicks and sometimes it's not.

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I dont know why but the only marco ship i can get by is higgs. Maybe its because there was a lot of potential character development between the two. real shame the writers seemed to think differently

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Just seeing this calms my soul. Thank you user.

You Jackiefags got your wish. She shied up in S4. Too bad you didn't count on the monkey's paw

>Tom fangirls are drooling over the one-off wish-granter fag
>Some are even ditching Tom for him

>there's an episode where they try to catch up Globgor on the 300 years he missed
>major plot point is whether or not telling him his daughter grew up to be an all powerful monster that ravaged the kingdom

It's understandable. As far as demons go, Tom is some pretty weak shit. The tail actually improves his design but we'll probably never see it again.