How would you do a fantastic four movie?

How would you do a fantastic four movie?

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Doom for the first. Annihilus for the second. Evil reed richards from the future for the third. Save galactus for an avengers movie. Use doom in soe capacity through out all these movies.

I wouldn't. All previous FF movies have ruined the franchise beyond any hope for redemption.

Give them the Black Panther treatment. Set up Reed and the rest in an Avengers film, maybe Galactus as bad guy? Solo film explaining origins with Doom as villain after.

I’d just do issue one.
Origin during the opening credits.
Mole man steals a few power plants with sinkholes and kaiju. FF get to together and go to monster island and kick his ass.

The Fantastic Four are the world's first public superteam and were active in the 80s but are now quietly working in the background to make the world a better place. Some threat draws them back out into active duty. In this version Reed is older and has the white in his hair, he is married to Sue. Franklin has been born, maybe not Val yet. I wouldn't go with Doom first, maybe Annihilus and an invasion from the Negative Zone.

I would make a Doom and Doctor Strange movie.

Here's your Reed and Sue Yea Forums.

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Triumph and Torment won't even get adapted due to China.

It's a shame that Grufford was wasted in those shit Tim Story FF movies, since he was pretty great as Reed.

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Introduce them as side characters in Black Panther 2, with small main-villain while also introducing Doom as larger-threat

Colbert as Mr Fantastic

I agree. He was great. Fortunately FF comics usually have more than one Reed.

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Not terrible

Neck yourself

Mole man as main and only villan.

Anson Mount is already Black Bolt

>How would you do a fantastic four movie?
Have them already exist in the new post-endgame timeline.

Butterfly effect ! I do not have to explain shit.

Is it even possible to do him right? I don't think we've ever seen a character in literature written as well as him.

Endgame's time travel rules state that changing something in the past does not change your future. It makes a new timeline, Butterfly affect would not work.

>I don't think we've ever seen a character in literature written as well as him.
Really? I mean Doom is great but calling him the best character in literature ever is just too far.

If they were public how come no-one has mentioned them before?

Make Reed an experienced SHIELD scientist who works on top secret projects, explains why he hasn’t been mentioned before in the MCU. After Endgame, SWORD is founded to guard against alien threats. Reed and others travel to space for some reason. They get super powers from the energy around earth that is left over from 2 Infinity gauntlet snaps. Along the way they encounter Annihilus or some shit I just ran out of ideas.

I wouldn't

There really isn't a way to do thing that doesnt look fucking retarded.

If they could do a fat Thor running around chopping up aliens I think they can do anything.

Still, fundamentally, human.