>Introduce younger, less experienced Gamora who feels nothing for Star-Lord

>Introduce younger, less experienced Gamora who feels nothing for Star-Lord
>Two seconds is spend on the most interesting concept of the entire movie
All of Guardians 3 had better be about this.

Attached: gamora.jpg (480x252, 8K)

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I just want to see Nebula laugh at a joke.

You’re getting Lebowski Thor vs. Beta Ray Bill and you’re gonna like it

they're definitely implying it will at least be a subplot in Guardians3, along with whatever the hell they use Adam for

Has she ever laughed? Trying to think

>nebula trying her best to hold back laughter while rocket teases quill about the movies they watched on earth

I was shocked how integral to the plot Nebula was. She's the only side character who rose to main character importance levels. War Machine does nothing the entire movie, it feels like he was only still alive at the end of IW to have at least one of the side characters alive.

Good. I hope they take the opportunity to give her more personality than exasperated tough girl.

She'll be in a subplot in GoTG for sure. It's gonna be about Peter realizing that as much as he wants her to be, she's not the same Gamora that he lost, and will probably end with him finally comes to terms with losing 'his' Gamora and moving on, while the team strikes up a friendship with the current one.


Attached: nebula-gamora.gif (540x226, 2.73M)

Fuck you're probably right
I want the ending scene to be Peter and her in the cockpit flying away from whatever battle they just won
Peter tells stupid some joke and she cracks a loving smile
Peter smiles back, with hope on his face
We see the beginning of a future relationship
Stevie Wonder's "isn't she lovely" immediately starts playing
And the credits roll

That's actually the least interesting aspect, you mong.

>Gamora apparently already knows her future self loved Quill
>She kicks him in the balls when he tries to kiss her after thinking she was dead

James Gunn did say that GOTG 3 was going to be a Gamora film.

This might be how they set up her and Adam Warlock. She might go out and find him, and they’re both just as lost as the other in a universe that’s somewhat new to both of them, which causes some problems for Peter, who initially wants to try to rebuild what he lost.

>Vortex on Vormir is a portal to the Soul Realm/ Valhalla. Just like Satan's asshole on Sakaar is a vortex portal.
>Adam Warlock can transcend the portal.
>NuGamora is either gonna clinically die and have her soul swapped or merged into her body.
>Thor makes a sacrifice and dies because he see's Loki, Odin, and mum in Valhalla and wants to be there.
>Beta Ray Bill picks up the mantle and stormbreaker.

In what world has this kind of subplot ever been interesting
>no I'm Gamora 2
>no you're Gamora!!!
>no I'm Gamora 2
>okay I get over it at the end of the movie
who the fuck cares?

Attached: 1423200707377.jpg (500x567, 34K)

I want to see Nebula ask Quill to play paper football and he's actually really excited because no one he's met cares to learn the dumb earth game

>James Gunn did say that GOTG 3 was going to be a Gamora film.
Looks like I'll be sitting it out then.

>Korg & Miek join Thor on his adventures with the Guardians. They provide exposition for Beta Ray Bill because they knew him on Sakaar.
>Meet Beta Ray Bill who gets his upgrade from the High Evolutionary. He gives Rocket information on his back story. BRB is initially a rival or opponent of sorts but they end up joining forces against...
>Adam Warlock
>Thor & BRB team up against Adam Warlock.
>Battle takes place on Vormir because of the looking for Gamora subplot.
>The Vortex on Vormir is a portal into the Soul Realm which is also Valhalla.
>Thor, BRB and Adam fight in Soul World.
>Thor finds Loki, Odin, and his mom.
>Thor makes a sacrifice or dies as he misses his family and doesnt mind joining them in Valhalla.
>NuGamora gets Real Gamoras soul merged into her body.
>Quill gets his girl.
>BRB gets Stormbreaker and joins the Guardians as NuThor.

Attached: when-the-sun-hits-that-ridge-just-right-pacha.jpg (300x300, 15K)

>Loses your 2018 waifu
>Cucked by her time-displaced 2014 version
>Literal god joins your crew just to belittle and emasculate you and everybody loves him

Being Quill is suffering.

Attached: If only you knew how bad things really are.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

>Guardians 3
>Main antagonists are Magus and some fucking bug, doesn't matter who
>Bug Man ends up being a minor threat despite a large amount of aliens serving them
>We don't know who they are, just that they have a master who'd be pissed if they lost
>Post credits scene
>They're bowing to their master in some alien realm
>Get absolutely skullfucked by their master
>Then, we get a few words from them
>"Those who fall shall be left behind, for that is the will..."
>Motherfucker turns around after we don't even see his face
>It's Annihilus
>"Of Annihilus."

I thought she disappeared with everyone else?


Annihilus would be nice if they played him up as the exact opposite of Thanos.

Really? Where did she go? I didn't see her at the end.

i honestly want Hercules to be introduced already so we can have a total bro out with current Thor

She dicked off. It is kind of ambiguous because we don't see again, but not seeing her turn into the dust and closing the Guardians subplot with Quill searching for her is obviously implying she'll keep being a thing.

We don't see her, but Quill has a program on his computer searching for her.

in what sense? He wants to consume half of the entire universe's resources?