What is the "other stuff" he's referring to?

What is the "other stuff" he's referring to?

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Other urls found in this thread:


One of the largest scams in crowdfunding history

his Twitter

The Ripping Friends.

some music videos and commercials
and those weird yogi bear cartoons that aired on cartoon network back in the day

>It's been over 6 years since the estimated delivery date

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His personal porn stash.

So how do we know it's actually him and not someone larping?

I don't think twitter would verify him either way.

Those shitty comics he did once.

on his blogspot?

The New Adventures of Beany and Cecil

the absolute madman

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this is one of the cutest drawings of stimpy i've ever seen and probably the cutest drawing of john's i've ever seen

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Abuse-related trauma

Well yeah I assumed that, twitter checkmarks are worthless now as they are given to any no-name journalist instead of being used for verification
But did he mention on his blog or elsewhere that it's him?

John KRICfalusi?!
More like, John KROOKfalusi!

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No, published comics.

Wonder how long his Twatter account's gonna stay up for. I haven't checked it out yet but I have a feeling each tweet he made is bombarded with a bunch of negative shit.

>I have a feeling each tweet he made is bombarded with a bunch of negative shit.
It is

it's pretty much exactly what you would expect


Statuatory rape

looks uncreative and centered around gross-outs

his angry messages he sent to people he raped

Show me another short where kids are forced to eat a human face

Says it shit if you want but it's certainly creative

Hi, John. How are you doing today?

>less than 200k
>delivered a 60% finished cartoon
>largest scams in crowdfunding history
How dumb would you have to be to believe this

PTSD in several women, I'm guessing

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that joke would have worked if he said, "what's Ligma?"

A tweet came out 16 minutes ago saying it wasn't real

what a madman

Why is this 12 year old licking John k’s ballz?

groomed children

Gimme the rundown on this lad

made some memorable stuff in the 90s, made some shitty stuff, then it was found out he groomed a lot of young girls back in the day and thats no good.

Yikes. Has it been proven that he groomed or is it just allegations?

oh theres enough evidence for a book, hes been creeping on young girls since the AOL days, there's a few threads if you google "john k grooming" with a shitload of links and such that i cant link here.
more recently he did so via twitter but the account he was using is now gone. the one in this thread might be a fake but its normal for people to be vigilant about him.

>that i cant link here.

Why not?

Jimmy the Idiot Boy? Galaxy High?

He won a lawsuit against Katie Rice and another lady so he most likely didn't do anything. Letting non-family underage girls live with you is weird but not illegal

Honestly, even if the grooming pedo stuff isn’t true John K has a long list of absolutely shitty things that was known before then that makes him awful person

He's an amazing layout artist but a bad animator, something he admits

Nothing has been proven and the guy has been excommunicated with no evidence

Like what?

There was no lawsuit. He didn’t “win” anything. Stop your hero worship and grow an independent brain.

Show proof of the lawsuit win. If he actually won it would be easy to find it.

It's a larper.

various traumatic memories

Probably just a lie to imply he's working on other projects of substance behind the scenes that you don't know about and he can't talk about. I'd wager he's just bullshitting.

The fact that he's posting again after months of radio silence
And it's confirmed that Robyn sued him, look it up

>The fact that he's posting again after months of radio silence

He's been posting on Instagram infrequently.

The funniest thing is that even if he completed it (lol) I doubt any of the major reputable film festivals would want to associate with him.

300 IQ user right here

He basically admits it in the features/commentaries with Katie on the Ren & Stimpy DVD, but this was before there was a word for what grooming was

No. There is no record of that. But there is a lot of proof from his victims, easy to google. I’m not going to hold your hand. Stop believing bullshit because you liked some dumb old cartoon.

And he's been updating his blogspot

The joke would be funnier if he said "Please, no meat touching, ma'am!"

That is so ligmaesque