It’s over Yea Forums. MCU Captain America’s character is trashed, and it’s gonna get worse as more people watch it this weekend.
It’s over Yea Forums. MCU Captain America’s character is trashed, and it’s gonna get worse as more people watch it this weekend.
Okay. I made my peace with it. Comics still exist anyway. Nazi Cap was worse than this.
I knew this would happen, just never imagined it'd be to this magnitude. Evans was the best thing to happen to Cap. Now he's been nerfed worse than 616!Cap when they made him Hydra.
No more fics, art, whatever. Just hollow bashing.
I'm sorry they ruined you to such an irredeemable extent, Steve.
If you faggots had responded better to Sharon we could have had Cap settle down with her and move on.
And to repeat myself () Marvel has given keys to the castle to everyone, shippers and non-shippers, to bash Steve for many years to come.
They're trending #NotMySteve and are pretty much joining the anti-Steve Tony fans. These aren't my views but a sampling of what I've heard.
Stonies are overjoyed in muh divorce drama and that Tony lay into him. Tony stans are satisfied with the epic ending Tony got while Steve comes back three thousand years old, a selfish coward who hid. But a lot are also angry that Steve for his long life and happy ending while Tony died when he'd just gotten a wife and a kid.
Now I'm wondering, did they just go to the anti-steve tag and pull this plot? The Russos even made the stuckies hate Steve.
They killed Steve's entire story in the last 1 minute. They even used the song that played when Bucky and Steve saw each other for the last time at the Stark Expo and used it for Peggy instead. Tell me this wasn't calculated by Disney to destroy the biggest gay ship in the MCU.
Why is being a Capfag suffering? It'll never get better. Evans was THE Cap. Now he's forever the villain because he's the guy who went back in time, erased Stucky, let Hydra torture Bucky, let Shieldra grow, erased Peggy's life and legacy, fucked his niece and caused 9-11.
They did him very dirty.
I'm happy Stucky died. It was worth it in retrospect.
It's the Russos though.
They gave her part to Nat in the Winter Soldier and cut her parts even further in Civil War. I heard rumors, before this ending, that Sharon and Steve were sharing an apartment together. Steve-Prime coming back and Sharon Carter waiting for him would have caused less meltdowns.
Fuck, looking at that pic I miss the hokey old fashion Cap from Phase 1.
I think the idea that they ruined him is bullshit. He found where he wanted to be and lived his life to the fullest, and in doing so made a new future for himself, the one that he wanted. If you want to whine about themes of moving on and letting go - that's fine, he did that, he made a difference where he was and made the best of what he had. But taking advantage of that opportunity is also making the best of what he had to get to where he wanted to be. It doesn't "NOT COUNT" because he finally got what he actually wanted the way he wanted it. Because he didn't have to settle it ruins him? Bullshit.
And this mostly just boils down to Cap/Bucky whining anyhow. He saved Bucky. That's done. They were never going to get married, fucking cope.
>Then, happy and old, Steve miraculously jumped back to our timeline unassisted
I really wish they'd just had him land on the platform instead of going for the whole park bench moment. It clearly confused the scene way too much and made a lot of people doubt Banner's explanation of how time travel works. Hopefully someone comes out and clears that up soon.
>for no real reason, just in time to pass the shield on to Sam. Seriously, why would he bother coming back at all if he was so confident that the present day world didn't need him anymore? Why leave the timeline he made, especially if it really were so much better?
Yes, why - nearing the end of his life - would Steve go back to report the success of his mission and say goodbye to his old friends and allies from his original time. Very likely a while after the Peggy he'd spent his life with had passed away and he had not much time left anyway. Anger makes people fucking stupid as hell.
This is retarded, Steve deserved some happiness, dude worked hard
He was the best. I miss Whedon.
I have no idea how these idiots thought that this would be a good idea.
Disney hates gays.
>MCU Cap now ranks below Ultimate Cap and above Hydra Cap.
This movie was boring.
Feels bad br9
>shipper whining.
And no fucks given. Man earned it, fuck the haters.
>This movie was boring.
Unironically this.
How is his character trashed? The war is over, cap can now retire especially when he's got a replacement now
the war's won. Earth have plenty of other heroes (seriously, count them).
give cap his happy ending and let other heroes take the spotlight.
Maybe time travelling Steve Rodgers exists in multiple timelines.
If "our" Steve travelled from timeline A to timeline B and stayed there, then maybe the old Steve we see at the end is an alternate Captain from an alien timeline C that travelled to timeline A to live out his life similarly to how the original Steve does in timeline B.
I think thats the point. They stressed that they have no idea how time travel works, so there's freedom to say Bruce and Tony were wrong and there were alternate timelines created. Especially with Loki in play.
Nah, fuck all of you. My boy spent his entire life being selfless for humanity to a ridiculous degree, and now the world/universe is in a place where he isn't needed, so he deserves the life that Tony specifically told him to try.
This reaction is the same as that Spongebob episode where he gets the flying pants and the townspeople get mad that he won't constantly do them free favours 24/7.
Why does everyone keep forgetting that there's literally two versions of Steve now, the version that got frozen and the version that went back to live with Peggy, Steve fighting himself supports this
I've been calling it "sliding Steves" theory
Fucking this. He worked with what he had and pushed forward for as long as he needed to. He succeeded in what he set out to do, be that saving Bucky or saving the world. He did good everywhere he went and stayed true to his principles. None of that changed.
But his principles were never pointless self denial and choosing obstacles willingly. So given the opportunity, he went and made a new future with Peggy, where they probably fought Hydra and made Richard Nixon commit suicide and other adventures. In another time.
And clearly Steve was happy doing that. It's what he chose. It wasn't a compromise or cowardice and if anyone thinks that, they just hate seeing Cap get what he wants instead of what they want for him.
>Horrible technobabble
>Ridiculous Hulk
>Ant man
>time travel
>>cliff goes into retirement and no one care
>>steve goes into retirement and everyone loses their mind
This isn't a happy ending in his life time. It's running off to another verse and escaping.
It's not that I don't want Steve to be happy. It's that he has a new life he built, new happiness, people he loves and became friends with who're still alive, in this timeline. I'm not even speaking as a shipper. Running off to live in a fever dream would never be by choice for Cap.
Or they could have said, "Nat's dead, Tony's dead, you're in good hands, I can't do this anymore and I need a break." That would have gotten him sympathy.
Gonna be pretty funny when time traveller Steve and OG timeline Steve run into each other though and OG Steve realizes that he never got his happy ending with Peggy.
New timelines don't contradict Tony or Banner, they actually support what Banner said. People get confused because they think the Ancient One contradicts Banner's explanation of when you travel back to the past the past becomes your new future, with no affect on the history you remember
Damn that's a good analogy. I said this in another thread but Batman and Cap endings would only be accepted if they died while fighting for what they believed in.
But that's their arc. Just as how losing Steve and becoming a harder alcoholic is Tony's arc till Disney nerfed him.
Why is it running away or escaping? That's like saying that people are running away and escaping when they move to another country or state. Or that Thor ran away and escaped from the Avengers whenever he fucked off to space.
Steve basically chose to live somewhere else. He lost contact with his old buddies after they were done saving the universe. That's it. So the only way you can justify shitting on him really is how dare he not spend the rest of his life hanging out with Sam and Bucky instead of Peggy when he got the chance.
He's won the war and the world is in more than capable hands, cap was always going to live with Peggy after the war was over, the war is over now so he can finally retire
The main problem people have with the ending is not that Steve decided to retire and live a more happier life, because Clint did just that and you don't anyone complaining about it.
The biggest problem people have with the ending is the implication that Steve went back in time and knowing what's going to befell his friends over the years decided to play house with Peggy Carter. That's the main issue. Steve sitting around while bullies ruin his friends and the world. Sure, Steve know that the future will be alright because he already lived it, but that behavior doesn't fit Steve. It would be more in character for him to damn everything to undo all the bad stuffs from ever happening.
>Or that Thor ran away and escaped from the Avengers whenever he fucked off to space.
You yourself are saying it in the same sentence.
Steve Rogers doesn't run. Not from his duty. And there are 3.5 billion people who came back to a devastated earth. Neither Steve nor Thor should have run.
>Steve Rogers/Captain America: We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are our own.
I don't even think he immediately retired, given that Peggy Carter likely still worked for SHIELD during that time. The idea that he was in hiding for 70 years and caught up to the present is bogus and contradicts Banner. So we really don't know what he did with his new life with her in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s.
Steve isn't the government.
>Steve Rogers/Captain America: If I see a situation pointed south, I can't ignore it. Sometimes I wish I could.
>Bucky doesn't age
>Steve ages
>Both have super soldier serum
>Steve Rogers/Captain America: I can do this all day.
He never was. He is Captain America.
There were so many little things and weird routes they want with Endgame that really brought it down. It's held up by the experience alone but when you objectively look at it, it's significantly worse than Infinity War, though clearly still a top 5 MCU film
We do know he let Bucky get tortured by the KGB, though.
That's ridiculous. They can have adventures elsewhere. Why should they be chained to one specific place or even time? That's crazy, man. And Steve isn't the only hero. He just helped save the universe with an ARMY of superheroes and you're saying he can't go find the girl of his dreams in another time given that opportunity? I'm beginning to think people like the idea of Steve having to suffer nobly a bit too much.
>Steve Rogers/Captain America: I'm sorry Tony.... I wouldn't do this if I had any other choice... but he's my friend.
Well, unless that choice was Peggy. Am i right?
But the problem is that it all comes down to the Russos or whoever official needs to actually say outright what time travel does and what it doesn't, because apparently audiences don't understand what's going on.
Did Captain America go to the past of the main timeline and avoid stopping disasters because otherwise the timeline would split into a new timeline? Y/N
Did Captain America live with the Peggy of another timeline and so ended up changing the timeline of that reality and then somehow get back to his home reality? Y/N
Every movie has been about Steve learning to move and him never letting his friends or general people down in a time of need. The ending to this movie contradict both stances.
And he is doing that. Somewhere else, with Peggy. Sorry you hate Captain America so much that the thought of him catching a break means he loses his fucking hero card.
How do we know that exactly??
Steven saved literally everyone. History that's already pre-determined isn't his problem any more than it is The Ancient One's.
In that user's headcanon.
He didn't let his friends or people in general down in a time of need. He defeated the evil space lord and saved the universe. You just think he should keep helping the same people in the same place until he's dead no matter what he manages to accomplish or what opportunities he gets. It's fucked up.
Says who? Where in Endgame was shown him and Peggy stopping every little thing that happened in the main timeline? Where?
The implication in that movie was the opposite, that somehow Steve managed to live his life with Peggy in the main timeline without ever contradicting the time-line, which means he left all the horrible shit he learned or experience happen the same way.
I don't understand. What else did he need to save Bucky from at that point? Sleeping alone?
>History that's already pre-determined isn't his problem any more than it is The Ancient One's.
So that's Steve turning a blind to horrible shit BECAUSE. Is that who Steve is for you?
From being tortured from the KGB, something that he can stop now that he traveled back in time and is living a comfy life with Peggy? Most of what happened to Bucky hasn't happened yet. He can still stop it. He just decided to not. Because TIME.
>Tony dusted the whole Thanos army
>This doesn't fuck everything up for some reason even though all they all fail to return to their timeline
I think people want closure with Cap instead of a confusing twist. And it's such a cheap way to set up Falcon and Winter Soldier.
I wish the MCU showed him embracing the future explicitly. They never had time when it came to Steve. He suffers nobly but he's also adapted and learned so much here. And his friends are here. Peggy lived her life.
If Steve didn't go to a different time line, then he has been hiding as Peggy's husband?
Like the article says, magic bullet ending to the past.
I'm saying there's no reason it couldn't happen. Because of what Banner said about your actions in the past not affecting the present you remember. Cap literally could have done ANYTHING. He didn't have to suddenly start turning a blind eye to people in need, or retire from doing what he can to make the world a better place. We know Peggy Carter works for SHIELD, so who's to say he DIDN'T do those things?
Just people who want to see the worst in this because they're pissed off and wanted Cap chained to Bucky like a fucking slave.
>The implication in that movie was the opposite, that somehow Steve managed to live his life with Peggy in the main timeline
Impossible according to Banner. MotherFUCK can someone who knows the Twitters please bug the Russos about this? I need the idea that Cap was in hiding throughout the rest of the MCU letting 9/11 happen dead already.
>literally every thread is devolving into the same old time travel arguments
Thanks Marvel
He could have, but his actions in the relative past would not affect the state of our relative present. He'd just be saving another version of Bucky in another version of history. Banner straight up says this.
This. I liked the movie but the time travel in it was so confused.
It's fucking infuriating because they tried to explain it and then fucked it up for some dramatic reveal.
The real Steve would have done it anyway.
>inb4 they just say putting the stone back also resets thanos back into place like he didn't die
>doesn't matter if he died or not because him figuring out counts as splitting the timeline, putting the stone back just keeps things normal
Exactly. And that's what the Stucky shippers and media outlets have latched on to. I hope this isn't the end of Evans' career.
So does Cap put the soul stone back by throwing it down the hole...or?
The real Steve probably did. But how would they have fit that as a scene into Endgame? It's just implied since he's chosen to live in the post-war era, so he's married to Peggy and doing stuff there, until he comes back old.
>look forward to endgame
>find out it has time travel
>instantly put off to the extent that i’ve been avoiding going to see it when my friends have asked because i’ll just get mad while they don’t give a fuck and enjoy it
My headcanon is that he looks at it and just eats it.
The problem is that he came back in time and stayed there. So if the implication that he was always the mysterious Peggy's husband in the past movies is the correct one, then that means that Cap stood still while Bucky was being tortured, Tony's parents were being killed, and tons of other shit he knew about. It's just fucked up. Add in Sharon and you've the possible worst ending for the character.
Threw it off that cliff that kills girls we like. Awkward having Schmidt there but whatever.
Tale of Two Steves?
If he overshot the quantum portal, he should have turned up old on the platform.
But it's like he's sitting at the bench waiting so there were two Steve's in the MCU Prime timeline?
One of the secrets Peggy kept from Sharon was "You're hooking up with a younger version of my husband"?
Good. Feels very rewarding after all the dicksucking IW got
>yeah they may have given nothing for Cap to do but just wait for the next one bro, that will be his time to shine!
>if the implication that he was always the mysterious Peggy's husband in the past movies is the correct one
It is not. And I really hope this gets clarified by word of god soon.
So if Cap was in a different history than the one we experienced righting wrongs and never giving evil a break with Peggy Carter and shield, would you accept that he chose that life for himself and lived it to the fullest before returning to report on his mission and say goodbye to his old comrades?
>people expecting cap to fix things 50j years before they happen
>when nobody listens to him NOW
>expecting people in the 50s-80s to listen to him when all he is to them is some PR guy
>when he is 'dead' according to the world
Anybody upset about this is a fucking brainlet
>the concept of Steve hooking up with Peggy's niece was viewed as a major negative by fans and actors alike, to the point where the actress playing Sharon was getting hounded by media fucks about it
>the Russos double down on the creep factor by turning her into Steve's niece.
Why did they possibly think that was a good idea?
They made him reappear somewhere else that one time for dramatic effect and apparently to make talking about this as infuriating as humanly possible. It's the only explanation that doesn't contradict the setting's rules for time travel.
>So if Cap was in a different history than the one we experienced righting wrongs and never giving evil a break with Peggy Carter and shield, would you accept that he chose that life for himself and lived it to the fullest before returning to report on his mission and say goodbye to his old comrades?
Yes. Everything will be fine to me if that's the case. Steve and Peggy stopping all the bad things that he knew happened in a new timeline. Add in an alive and older Howard Stark and Hank Pym as the "Iron Man" and Ant-Man of this version of the Avengers and it's a certified kino that i want to watch.
But he won't have sat on his ass playing house. He'd have gotten Bucky earlier.
If the Russos say Steve had to let Hydra, 911 and the Stark deaths happen to prevent Thanos, that's an even shittier way to ruin Steve than I imagined.
It's Steve. He wouldn't let any of that stop him.
>Steve just keeps it a secret that Peggy's work in SHIELD is just benefiting Hydra
What a happy marriage.
I doubt we'll ever get that epilogue but it does sound awesome. And I strongly believe, based on what we know about how time travel works in this setting, that there's no reason that COULDN'T have been the case. In another version of history that Steve lived out, making his own ideal future with the chance he was given.
That one time? Are you talking about the bench or some other place? I had trouble paying attention to the movie. I'm annoyed regardless.
Why would he do that?
Precisely. That's what EVERYONE has been asking in social media. Why the fuck would Steve do that?
I'm talking about the bench. It was the only time we see someone return from a time jump and not reappear on the platform. But that has to be what happened.
Sorry, I meant what makes you think he DID do that?
The movie stupid as fuck ending.
That's a really good question - why would Captain America do that?
Because otherwise he'd be altering the timeline. I mean, moreso than he already did because he never got over his Peggy thirst.
Like I said to the other user: Steve's actions in the past would not have affected what already happened to Bucky in our version of history. Or SHIELD, Hydra, or whatever.
So there's NOTHING to say that he didn't tell Peggy there was a Hydra infiltration ongoing, or alt+F4ing Zola, or putting Stalin in a headlock until he tells him where Barnes is being held. He could have done any of those things, but our version of events would stay the same regardless.
>Odin: You truly are a vain, cruel boy.
>Odin: You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy.
>Thor: And you are an old man, and a fool!
Why did the movie have to validate this exchange between Odin and Thor? Why Thor had to have all of his character regressed the fuck way back?
Is it really altering the timeline if he's been with Peggy the entire time? There's technically no timeline where Peggy isn't with Cap if he always goes back in time to be with her.
Gotcha. They said he overshot his return. Even then he should have appeared in the platform.
If he didn't, then he must have gotten there by a new method. An alternate universe with Reed or Pym or Stark helping him come to this timeline and give Sam the shield.
None of this adds up and that's why people have been mad. I understand the Stucky anger and how easy it is to dismiss any criticism as "you're just a deluded Stucky shipper". But in a movie where they harped on and on about one time line, I'm running into all kinds of walls.
Did Professor Hulk going to the ancient one create a new timeline? Did Steve returning the stone erase that timeline and merge it with the MCU Prime timeline?
What the fuck? No. Of course there's a timeline where she marries someone else, we saw it in Avengers.
>It's running off to another verse and escaping.
Escaping from WHAT exactly?
The war that is already over?
A time loop then? So Steve Rogers, the good man I believe in, had memory of everything, slept peacefully when all the atrocities were going on?
Because he had to change nothing? Then how come Peggy spoke like he wasn't his husband in The Winter Soldier? Did he hide out in the U.K.?
>See picture of Steve
>Sad music plays
>look at picture. Start laughing because of the look on Steve's face
This picture keeps taking me out of the moment.
Did we see what the husband looked like? I can't remember.
it was inevitable. Every plot hole or nonsensical thing will be resulted in a time travel argument. It's sad that the only movie that has done it right and made sense is Primer
Whedon kinda screwed the pooch with Age of Ultron, though.
>Did Professor Hulk going to the ancient one create a new timeline? Did Steve returning the stone erase that timeline and merge it with the MCU Prime timeline?
No. That's that one idiot's harebrained theory that he pushes harder than Sisyphus pushing his boulder. What the conversation between Banner and the Ancient One boils down to is this: If you take away the time stone it splits the specific timeline it's taken from and invites disaster. In the case of the time stone, because without a weapon to use against Dormammu later the world is fucked. But generally speaking, a timeline losing its infinity stones before they can fulfill their purpose creates a branch of time that leads to BAD END.
Banner promised to return the stones to their proper place in history in order to erase the change he makes by taking them away.
Now besides that conversation, the more direct explanation of how time travel works we get from Banner himself. This clearly states that actions in the past don't change our version of the present, but rather creates a new future from that point. Which is why you couldn't go back and kill baby Thanos, etc.
For what it's worth, I'm sorry.
He had a really nice ass.
How did Steve age like that though? Bucky didn't age hardly at all.
Steve in general was a giant plot hole in this movie.
To be fair, the man was robbed 75 years from his life AND the love of his life and as soon he was brought back to life, he started putting his life at risk not only for his country but for the whole planet and the whole fucking Universe.
So let him have his cake and let him eat it too. I'm sure he had remained virgin since he was thawed by SHIELD.
I just finished downloading Primer, funny coincidence.
Because Peggy aged, you see, and they wanted to showcase that Steve a fulfilling life with Peggy. It'd be weird if Peggy aged and died with Alzheimer while Steve remained in his prime throughout all of that.
>Then how come Peggy spoke like he wasn't his husband in The Winter Soldier? Did he hide out in the U.K.?
Because she had dementia?
If you go with the alternate timeline idea, he probably went back there, let people know ahead of time of disasters and shit, and then that caused things that led to him losing the anti-aging ability of the serum.
Let me guess, another autist didn't understood what "alternative timeline" is and is trying to act smart?
shhhh you're not supposed to think too much into it we needed muh happy ending
Bucky was frozen when not being used
different timeline
Shut up shill.
Fuck off retard.
Glad someone remembered.
While I actually like the endings as they are, I think it could have worked out better or at least caused less possible backlash, for lack of a better word, if they swapped Tony and Steve's endings. It's what I expected them to do, honestly, even though Tony jumping on the grenade and Steve getting a life like they talked about a few times, effectively completing their arcs by swapping their personality traits in a way did work out just as well in my opinion.
Even stevefags are wishing he died.
But he's also trying to do what Peggy said, sometimes the best we can do is start over. But that meant his starting a new life in the new century. Not like this.
You're telling user he can't dislike the way steve was portrayed because "they have so many other characters dude, time to move on." Fuck yourself. You're literally upselling him to the next thing like a saleman.
You're a fucking shill.
Wow, marvel haters are really desperate on this board
No, I'm telling user that considering a character ruined because they didn't stay chained to one place is ridiculous, as if he can't be a hero anywhere else and with anyone else and if he does then it somehow negates everything he did, or stood for or whatever. The idea that taking hold of a golden opportunity and following the best path for himself was a betrayal, because he's only allowed to be a hero HERE, in THIS way. Not because he's the only one who can, but because he's supposed to.
And I'm also telling you to fuck off, retard.
>anti-aging ability of the serum
not a thing
Even Hydra Cap didn't get this much hate. Or have such thankless memes made about him.
Russos really redeeming Nick Spencer.
Did someone tweet this to Evans or Russos?
What the hell is this article even talking about? None of that makes any sense. Steve is fine going back and living his life how he wanted. The future already happened. He couldn't change any of the outcomes no matter what he did. He literally just chose to live back in the past with Peggy. What happened in the future had already happened. He didn't break any of the rules.
>what about the people who were just brought back after a big time leap
He's still literally there. Just old. He came back at the same point that pretty much everyone else came back from being nothing.
What do you read now?
If it was any other chump sure
But it's Steve so that doesn't apply. Indomitable Will is the whole point of the character
>Indomitable Will
Not with the Russos apparently.
>Steve Jobbed.
I blame Feige's hard-on for Downey.
Make me fuck off, shill
It's enough that you know that you should.
you mean Interstellar
a fucking cripple
Maybe I'm retarded, but during Banner's explanation on time travel, didn't he say that altering the past wouldn't change the future, and it would instead create a separate timeline? How did Cap return as an old man then? That should have happened in an alternate reality that he created by staying with Peggy.
There were two Nebulas standing face to face and one shot the other, so that's not the biggest paradox in the movie
Maybe that timeline has Pym, Stark and Cap working together in Shield and them being able to supply Steve with more Pym particles so he can return to this timeline? He has the quantum device.
That's why - I think that's a timeline where Steve took his time to go back and have his dance, rescue that verse's Bucky, Starks, try his best to stop tragedies unless new disasters happened. Then, as an old man, he comes back here to give Sam the shield.
It all happens in 5 seconds. Besides, banner can make him pop in and out of the machine to de-age him. If Sam and Buck wanna tap America's Ass. Are there already porn vids?
Stop caring about plot holes, Disney knows better than you childish manbabies.
It's like people forget about why he's called the "Winter Soldier" in the first place.
What's the confusion in all of this? I thought it was pretty well established that we're running on DBZ time travel rules where time travel is really travel to a parallel world.
Considering how rapidly in succession Civil War, Infinity War and now Endgame happened in succession on top of Age of Ultron stressing how badly Steve's hurting. Yeah, I can't blame him for bowing out when the powerlevels suddenly jump with Captain Fungus on the scene.
We never saw Peggy's husband once throughout the MCU. For all we know, going back in time and marrying her was what he did all along.
Easiest fix would have been cap using the last Pym particles to return the stones. That way he does the self less thing while stranding him in the past.
People don't want to accept it for two reasons: Because of the way the Ancient One described the effects of her reality losing its infinity stone, and because Old Cap didn't reappear on the platform. But yes, that's exactly how it works, and it's much simpler than people are making it out to be.
Time travel is hopping between realities that are at different points in their history. There is no backward and forward, only sideways. Therefore you're always in the present relative to your own point of view, so altering your own past is impossible.
Is no one else excited that with the acquisition of fox, there is the chance for cap/wolverine war stories?
Now that you mention this. I want an alternate time line where the Defenders happen.
Cast a young Evans clone as Jim "Toro" Hammond, the original Human Torch.
Evans as Cap and Gerard Butler as Wolverine.
Godfrey Gao as Namor.
Invaders, not Defenders.
Captain America deserves Peggy's tits and retirement from his duties. Get dabbed on you stuckheads.
Returning the stones erases alternate timelines. There's only one now.
Someone wrote a more logical fic that fits Endgame's Time travel rules.
archiveodourown - work - 18622231- Just this Once, by dsudis
I've been told I should, I know you're a powerless faggot and that I never will.
That's not how the time travel works
I cannot believe the amount of people who don't get the DBZ time travel rules jesus christ
Sorry! Yeah, Invaders.
I wanna see Cap's face getting stepped on by a chick in leather.
I still can't get over how dumb Thanos's plan is. If you kill 50% of people, within a generation they can go back to the same number of people there were before. Congrats you saved 25-50 years of resources, a vanishingly small amount compared to the fucking vastness of the universe.
>Soldier does his duty.
>Saves the fucking universe, has seen shit.
>Is tired of fighting, decides to retire for good.
Really niggers?
He can be happy in the present, he doesn't have to literally retreat into the past.
It's bizarre how they had the villain point out how the heroes were all stuck in the past, consumed by regret and unable to build a future for themselves, and then not only do they ignore the argument, they make it even more valid with Steve's frivolous abuse of time travel.
>t. Someone who didn't read the run
He's fucking crazy
The implication is that Old Man Steve was always around, he just avoided the main cast/didn't change any major events as to not alter the flow of events and prevent an offshoot reality from occurring.
Basically, he was smart about how he did it and as a result it was always part of the main timeline.
Running back to the past for a do-over is not retiring.
There so many timelines it's not even funny.
Even after Captain Cuckold returns the power stone to Morag a split second after he leaves, 2014 Thanos is still in and dead in 2024. NOTHING CAPTAIN DOES RETURNING THE POWER STONE CAN CHANGE THAT.
Endgame is a pretty shitty movie if you actually pay attention and dont get overwhelmed by the fan service
Not even that because the Russo brothers made it clear that he destroyed half of *all* life. Not just sentient life, but all of it, down to bacteria. Which means that everyone had basically the same amount of resources as before relative to the size of the population.
Because the movie breaks its own rule with old cap
>2014 Thanos is still in and dead in 2024.
No, the stones correct alterations. Everything that happened to alter the timeline is erased. It's like they never went to the past at all.
returning the power stone undoes 2014 thanos dying in 2024 because of anti-ripple effect features
jesus christ it isn't that half of any species' current population was the magic number, it was the culling as a lesson
It is if you were unfairly ripped from that past and flung into an alien future.
How many times did the movie need to say "YOU CAN'T CHANGE ANYTHING" for you to get it?
Why are these guys saying that Cap took the long route?? He didn't! After staying with Peggy and outlived her in an alternate timeline, he used Pym particles to go back in the main timeline. He didn't took the long route.
Another wrong point of the article is that you should return the infinity stones where they belong so that it wouldn't create an alternate timeline. No, even if the stones were returned it will branch out into a different timeline. 2012 Loki escaping is a different timeline now, same with the timeline Peggy marries Cap.
Nope because then if it prevents 2014 Thanos from going to the future then how does the final battle happen? Guys come on you're smarter than this
Most life has not accelerated to the same degree as mankind has, and much of it has even dwindled due to our population growth. Halving all life would lead to ecological collapse in many places. Humanity gets set back to 1970's numbers, but grizzly bears go extinct and the world's oxygen supply diminishes from half of all forests and algae going poof.
The current ending does not contradict time travel rules, except for the minor detail of him not appearing on the platform.
Bucky was in cryo for 99% of his time.
>it was the culling as a lesson
A lesson in fucking what? "Recycle your plastic straws or you're gonna die"? It's fucking bullshit. The universe is VAST, once a species becomes space-faring there's no importance to conserving resources. The only reason we need to not pollute Earth and conserve our resources is because we're stuck here. If we could, say, mine the moon and use it as a landfill, recycling and conservation of resources would be a joke.
And you are just an idiot
1. Why would captain outlive peggy then go back? Hes lived 80 years in that timeline, its forever changed!
2. Every time someone went to the past and they returned they landed on the quantum pad. Perhaps you noticed Rodgers never came back on the pad and instead just appeared of a bench
He's from a split timeline that they accidentally created when Nebula interfaced with her past self. 2014 Thanos is not the main universe Thanos. This is also why Nebula could kill her past self and why alt Gamora can stick around.
Bucky ages. They would just freeze and unfreeze him as needed
He lived 80 years in a world he previously didnt. Everything is changed
> Hes lived 80 years in that timeline, its forever changed!
If he changed the timeline, how can you say he took the long way?
You don't understand it at all. It wasn't even the same timeline.
>Hes lived 80 years in that timeline, its forever changed!
That's not his main timeline, he's a soldier, he'll eventually come home no matter what.
>its forever changed!
of course it was changed, that's my point
>Every time someone went to the past and they returned they landed on the quantum pad.
lmao, my plot device should be consistent.
Except he was always there, and his presence on the bench proves that.
He was just smart enough to avoid changing anything he knew happened, which in turn made his shenanigans into a stable time loop.
As soon as they traveled back in time the timeline split. The reality 2014 Thanos came from is not the same as the main timeline the final battle happened in. When the Infinity Stones were returned, the timeline that split off was erased. The reality 2014 Thanos came from was deleted and Thanos himself would have ended up stranded if he weren't also snapped away.
I'm not sure what's the problem.
Future Steve didn't change the past. He just went back to 1970s after Past Steve got frozen.
Future Steve could have changed his name and made sure not to interfere with current events. Probably told Peggy not to tell everyone even Past Steve.
>Having both multiverse theory and stable time loops in the same story
Russos you absolute madmen
Not a paradox though
So he doesn't tell her about shieldra? Or if he did, Peggy allowed Hydra to grow inside?
It was literally explained that Time Travel doesn't work that way, and that nothing you can do it the past can change the present. The obvious inference is that there are multiple timelines. But millions of people seem incapable of grasping that, and apparently think that, for example, Sharon Carter was making out with a guy who looked just like and had the same name as her uncle Steve. They'd rather believe in secret Steve living for decades in total secrecy from EVERYONE than that he could somehow reappear somewhere a few dozen yards from the pad.
>Except he was always there
The amount of reaching you have to do to come to that conclusion is outstanding.
You think that FOR SEVENTY YEARS Peggy didn't tell a single person about her husband?
It would have changed the whole timeline. He has to let everything plays out without interfering.
"Cap should have returned in the quantum platform"
"He's not in the quantum platform, he took the long route"
But then how does he give Falcon his shield when it was clearly fucked in his encounter with Thanks?
It has to be a shield from a separate timeline
This is absolutely correct despite the retarded reddit spacing.
I doubt the split timeline was actually erased, it probably just exists now as an alternate reality that's just like ours, except Thanos just kind of vanished before GotG.
I think there might be a plot hole here though, I don't remember if Thanos was clued in on something happening before or after they took the power stone. If it were before, there should technically just be an extra power stone floating around somewhere since they nabbed their power stone from a freshly created alt timeline.
Thanos was the end of the line for steve.
>It was literally explained that Time Travel doesn't work that way, and that nothing you can do it the past can change the present
I know, what are you pointing at? The changed timeline? The changed timeline is the branched out timeline.
Repaired by Wakanda after final battle. They specialized in vibranium .
>I doubt the split timeline was actually erased,
So you didn't watch the movie, then?
His presence at all is a change to the timeline, because he wasn't there to begin with. It doesn't matter if he stayed out of big events or not, him being there, occupying space and eating food corrupts the timeline. That bagel he had for breakfast could've been some street urchin turn billionaire's life-saving meal in the original timeline. That restaurant reservation he made with Peggy could've been one that saved another couple's marriage, leading to a child that would now not exist because Steve wanted to fuck a sweet pair of british titties for the rest of his life.
Unless you're saying he was there fucking Peggy in the main timeline since the first MCU movie, and Sharon knew Steve was her uncle the whole time and decided to fuck him anyway.
user, if he did create an alternate reality, he'd still show up on the pad. They would intentionally show him appearing on the pad because there's no fucking reason not to if that were the case, the pad working differently adds nothing to the narrative and doesn't make sense. The fact that he shows up on the bench is pretty explicit proof that Steve going back was preordained, and he simply didn't alter any major events to keep it that way.
>Unless you're saying he was there fucking Peggy in the main timeline since the first MCU movie, and Sharon knew Steve was her uncle the whole time and decided to fuck him anyway.
Actually a lot of people are saying that.
I did. They never imply that split timelines are actually erased, they just said that they could prevent them from existing in the first place by coming back later to replace what they took.
>the pad working differently adds nothing to the narrative
Except it does. The dramatic reveal of this at-peace Cap is the whole point.
You know they don't need the pad right? They used a van too. The places they went back in time didn't have pads to land on. The pad is just a convenience. Banner even said "he shot right past it," to directly state that he's using his device.
This, in an alternate timeline.
>Sharon knew Steve was her uncle the whole time
I mean she doesn't know that for sure, I'd assume Steve likely used an alias to avoid fucking up the timeline. Getting false credentials isn't too hard when your wife is bigwig at SHIELD.
They don't really mention that in the movie, and cap didn't take his shield with him through the time travel. So he couldn't have gotten it repaired.
>they're not erased, they just never exist
What did he mean by this?
>they just said that they could prevent them from existing in the first place by coming back later to replace what they took.
But if the timeline never existed at all then you have paradoxes like where the fuck did Thanos come from after they already cut off his head, who did Nebula shoot in the chest, etc.
No, he says "he shot right past it" as in "the opportunity he had to return as gone by, he very clearly isn't time traveling back to us for some reason."
Do you really think Cap is smart enough to reverse engineer his fucking time travel suit and reconfigure it to cause him to appear exactly on a nearby bench?
Wrong the pad is needed as the return anchor. The pad IS the replacement of the van.
If literally anything stops the Guardians from forming as a team, the galaxy is fucked because they don't stop Ego.
Let's just say old Steve met with T'Challa in secret and had him to repair the shield for new Captain America.
It's the difference between preventing something from existing and deleting something that already exists.
Offshoot timelines aren't created when you introduce a stable timeloop which is why Cap didn't create an alt timeline at all.
Because that timeline does exist. They accidentally created it when Nebula fucked with the chain of events by alerting Thanos of her location.
So Peggy doesn't tell her family anything?
Peggy has no pictures of Steve?
Steve's not allowed to meet his own family?
Steve has to live in a room and not interact with a single person for 70 years.
Yeah, this makes perfect sense.
But the guardians may not form because thanos is dead. Gamora and nebula have come to the future.
Calm down satan. What happens if we fill the moon. And before you say how fucking big the moon is, think about how much trash has been created in just 20 years. Now imagine that on the scale of fucking centuries.
>as in "the opportunity he had to return as gone by, he very clearly isn't time traveling back to us for some reason."
This isn't supported by a single line of dialogue in the entire move. The window of opportunity never closes. He even said he'll be gone "as long as it takes" before coming back.
Right, so I guess that universe is fucked.
I mean it sucks but that is what it is.
One of the few actual plot holes itt. It's easy to fix via retcons as suggested, but it's never actually explained in the movie so it counts.
I going to assume that Tony sent everybody back to their original time and erase their memories.
Well, except for gamnora
Peggy keeps him chained in the basement as her sex slave is the only thing that makes sense. And maybe asked someone to release him in the year 2023, in her will or something.
Ancient One straight up says they need to prune the branches, aka delete the timeline offshoots.
Peg married look-alike Steve and her family/friends didn't want to say anything because it was too awkward.
There's a thousand ways to explain how he got a shield. Of all things, that's not a plot hole.
What a useless post.
>fags seething because their gay ship wasn't canon
>Sharon meets her uncle
>He no longer looks exactly like Steve because he's aged
ez pz
He could do any number of things to change his appearance enough to be difficult to recognize.
Again, all he really has to do is make sure he doesn't change anything that he knows will happen, since that'll actually create a split.
The movie is very explicit in telling us that people will appear exactly when they're supposed to when they travel back. That's why Nebula shows up exactly when everyone else does, despite being delayed by Thanos' intervention. If time travel worked like you seem to think it does, they'd be sitting around on their asses wondering "where the fuck is Nebula she """shot right past it""" hurr durr".
How does it work then, Einstein?
It is, because it's never explained and we never get any hint as to how it actually happened.
Yes, it's easily explained away, but that doesn't actually mean it's not a plot hole. The movie never bothers to explain it itself, it just sort of happens.
Pretty sure she just said "I'm not letting you take my stone because that'll create a split and my timeline will get fucked by Dormammu without that stone", and only actually gives it up when she realizes that Strange probably set up a stable time loop which will prevent that from happening.
That said the other Avengers probably fucked up and created a split timeline anyway when Loki escaped.
>What happens if we fill the moon. And before you say how fucking big the moon is
Let's do the math.
Moon's surface area: about 14 million square miles
100 years worth of 150-yard-deep landfills for 8 billion people: about 7 square miles.
So if the human population remained constant, that would be two million years to cover the moon in trash. In the Avengers universe, Earth-Moon trips happen on a daily basis. They're not cheap YET, but in a few hundred years they will be. So that gives Earthlings about TWO MILLION YEARS two get their shit together and mine other plants and launch their garbage into the sun.
So yeah, in the Avengers universe, since humanity is space-faring and apparently has no problem getting to the moon and back (and other planets, and other solar systems), conserving resources is not a priority.
In the real world we need to conserve resources. In a world where flying to the moon is like driving to the next city over, not so much.
They're delusional fujos who thought their trash ship was canon and are now in full meltdown mode just like Klancetards.
>Again, all he really has to do is make sure he doesn't change anything that he knows will happen, since that'll actually create a split.
What about things other people know happens? He literally couldn't do anything else he might alter some event that was critical to some other person's existence. Him just being there immediately creates a branch that can't be fixed unless he's deleted from the timeline
>people getting this anally annihilated over no stucky
Christ cap isnt gay, he kills nazis
He did say "Hail Hydra" in the movie. I didnt think they would go there.
He said it ironically though
Because he always existed in the timeline. We, as the audience, didn't get to see him, but the implication here is that he was always there throughout the timeline.
>the implication here is that he was always there throughout the timeline
Because that implies he ALSO always fought himself after the Battle of New York.
They kind of fucked up letting Loki go, so everything after that is already divergent.
Wait fuck that means there should be a spare mind stone floating around too, fuck.
Anyone else liked how the Ancient One immediately knew what was going on?
Ancient One was based as fuck.
>You're a few years too early. Stephen Strange is 20 blocks away performing surgery.
Jesus, people are really giving this to much of a thought.
Cap didn't give up, because the battle is over. Steve just went back home like any soldier would do after the war.
This is the end, deal with it. They are literally giving you closure and giving you the option to get out of the wagon and not care about this fucking movies anymore.
I don't know about you all, but I'm going to take it.
In general it was great to see old characters back, including the Hydra villains
>character assassination is alright because that's what I would have done
fuck off
He deserved his shot at happiness and took it. Fuck anyone who thinks that he shouldn't have.
You can say he's an ass, but he's America's ass.
"The world has changed, and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes, the best that we can do, is to start over."
Peggy Carter, CA: The Winter Soldier
Go on and fucking tell me this isn't character assassination
>character assassination
My nigger. The dude saved the fucking universe after 10+ years of doing nothing but fighting. The world is in capable hands that he can trust to be there when they need to be.
It's one thing in the comics where cosmic-level shit happens on a monthly basis. But in the MCU, the war is over. They've fought the big fight, and Sam & Co can handle what comes next.
That was his philosophy going in, yes.
But the entire point of endgame was to prove that wrong.
>none of us can go back
Looks like she was wrong.
>the best that we can do is to start over
That's exactly what Steve did.
>character stagnation is good because that's what I would have done
Literally the WORST part about cape comics is how characters are never allowed to grow too much, because they have to resort to a status quo.
We just got a Cap who spent seven movies fighting and growing and he's passing on the mantle. The story is actually continuing rather than resetting.
It's fucking kino.
"You can't change anything" means that he went to other timeline, stole the Peggy from other Steve while the other guy was rotting and freezing
>in the MCU is over
It ain't fucking over when there's millions of people that just came back from a experience that's so similar to what he went through he would be capacitated to help them, when there's a Loki running around with the Tesseract, when there's still so many evil fucks that want to conquer the world.
so thanks for confirming what everyone is complaining about, that the movie ignored all of the previous character development just for the sake of fanservice.
Agreed. If I'm glad for anything, it's that it killed Stucky. I'm a Tony fan first and foremost and those faggots wouldn't stop trashing him.
Because Cap becoming the Carter family dick is true to the comics.
>Character stagnation
stagnation is what happened retard
that Cap was in love with Peggy and that he was a man out of time was the entire point of his arc until AoU, where he mentioned this
But I guess trashing character development the way it was meant to be is just alright for some of you. Just keep ignoring 8 years of development and go backwards.
user we both knew going in that the snap would be undone. The message about not living in the past would never be compatible with that.
I hated Tony in this movie. But it had lots of Anti-Steve fanservice so Tony stans get the last laugh. But he's dead.
Wow the Russos really didn't want anyone to "win" and leave the theatre happy.
I thought it was a great moment, but it kinda seems like a plothole. I thought that when they went back, it was a different timeline, meaning anything done there won't change the current time. So when Steve stayed in the past, shouldn't he be in a different reality now? Meaning he doesn't meet Bucky as a super-old man?
>pic related
Wow, it's almost like a decade of war can change a person. He fulfilled his destiny. Now it's time for him to move on.
even if he went to other timeline that would mean he stole other Steve Peggy's, the other guy was just rotting on ice while he went and slept with those big ass titties... that's fucked up along with the total trashing of his previous character arcs.
>It ain't fucking over when there's millions of people that just came back from a experience that's so similar to what he went through he would be capacitated to help them, when there's a Loki running around with the Tesseract, when there's still so many evil fucks that want to conquer the world.
All things that Sam and the rest of the Avengers are qualified to handle.
Why is Steve the only one who can deal with it?
Dont get it. People mad that they didn't push Steve to be a homo?
pyms not dusted anymore though so he could just make more.
I would be 100% fine with Tony's death if it wasn't for the not wanting to continue the cycle of shame line he said to Peter in Homecoming in reference to Howard.
let Evans in peace, he didn't have any say on his character probably, it was forced by the higher ups and the Russos. I'm alright with shitting on the Russos.
Anyone who thinks this was character assassination or that Steve is a bad person for going to stay with Peggy in the past is an idiot. He did more than his fair share over and over and over, he doesn't owe it to anyone to stay in the future if he has the option to go back to the past.
Nope. It's because this dusted his character growth.
This movie showed him as stuck in the past, obsessed with a person he loved 80 years ago, only knew for a few months and had one kiss with.
He had more growth with Sharon.
To be fair MCU Cap's only missions post-ice is just fighting Hydra. Before Winter Soldier Steve wasn't doing too much of anything. In AoU he's fighting Hydra and even post-Civil War he's still just fighting Hydra. after Hydra is gone Steve leaving to rest is fine. Sure he has to watch Hydra take over SHIELD but he knows that they'll fail keeping the circle tight.
Ah thanks reddit-kun
At least partially.
How could someone even hate Tony in this movie, though? Unless you're just mad he got to do the ultimate sacrifice and is recognized as the greatest hero over Cap?
That's what I want. But all hate has been about STEVE.
I want the Russos to be the ones questioned for this character growth nerfing. They showed him growing, adapting, getting friends here and that's a hallmark of Cap and Steve Rogers. But now he gets to go back but he should be making the choice to stay here, if they held true to his MCU character. He didn't need to continue being Cap. But he should have stayed here.
And it's not even about Stucky as a gay relationship. It's like the friendship only deserved 30 seconds of interaction.
Tony and Rhodey got lots of moments in this. Why not Steve and Buck?
Imagine tying your enjoyment of something to a fictional character like this.
>He didn't need to continue being Cap. But he should have stayed here.
If he's not going to be Cap, why does it matter where he went?
He went back and lived the life he was always supposed to have.
Do you think old Cap will be featured in other films and act as an advisor/mentor for future Avengers or they'll just say he passed away and be done with him ?
Steve is not the only one capacitated to deal with it but he wouldn't simply look the other way. That's who he is. Steve is a paragon, much like Superman is supposed to be. Either get it or fuck off.
I can see him showing up in Falcon and Winter Soldier as Captain Rogers but outside of that would feel unnecessary
>knowing about character arcs means you're reddit
thanks for showing me that people at Yea Forums can also be disney fanboys and shills
Not that user but I was hoping for both of them to die. But I'd imagine people hating Tony for what you just said and also the fact that Tony laid into him when he shoved his arc reactor into Steve's hands.
I have been watching a lot of hate directed to the Russos on twitter, so it's not like people are angry with Steve himself, plenty are just saying they will ignore the ending of Endgame and are shitting on the Russos, so just keep going. Sooner or later they will have to acknowledge they fucked up.
>steve has to spend his entire life on the job and is never allowed to settle down
>Please don't bully my reddit spacing.
Also implying you know shit about character arcs.
rest in piss
you don't get how a paragon is supposed to be, do you? Yikes user, thanks for showing me.
I bet you're also fine with Superman snapping Zod's neck.
>Sooner or later they will have to acknowledge they fucked up
You're really putting WAY too much stock in twitter outrage.
Just to check, I searched #endgame on twitter and scrolled for a few minutes. Didn't see a single negative tweet.
Note, I'm not saying they don't exist. I'm sure they do and I'm sure there's plenty of them. But they're not some sort of overwhelming majority, or even a sizeable percentage.
I'm not even the same guy. Thanks for showing your newfaggotry anyway, reddit spacing was a falseflag operation invented by some trolling fucks that wanted to out newfags easily.
>you don't know shit about character arcs
and you probably think fanservice substitutes for actual storytelling
>I bet you're also fine with Superman snapping Zod's neck.
In theory, I actually am, if it was actually necessary. Although Snyder's version was hacky as fuck.
A paragon is allowed to retire. He still serves as an inspiration for everyone who comes after. At some point, his job is done and its time for the next generation to take over.
What fucking idiot wrote this? They complain about ignoring/breaking the rules of the world but then go on to ignore the rules of the world.
If cap can only make a branched timeline, then that is what he did and in that branch lived out his days with Peggy. That does not disrupt anything in the main MCU timeline. Cap lives a life in his new branch and 616 continues on as we saw in all the MCU movies, as it can not be changed, per the rules of the movie/time travel. This negates almost all of this guy's complaints.
So, if cap lived out in a branch timeline that does not affect the main MCU timeline, who is to say he wasnt a hero in that timeline? Why couldnt he have been married to Peggy and just help build up shield and wipe out hydra and have them watch over the world? Why is that such a hard conclusion to make?
just let the honeymoon phase be over. The outrage over Steve is the biggest scandal over Endgame, and without RJD/Evans sustaining the movies, everyone will start to see the cracks.
The fact that a half of Endgame was spent setting up additional storylines or their Disney+ shows is going to be recognized as a shitshow, I'm looking forward to it.
>Sooner or later they will have to acknowledge they fucked up
Yeah, I'm sure they care a lot more about the few angry people on twitter and Yea Forums than they do about the $1.2 BILLION it made this weekend.
It's the 18th highest grossing movie of all time. And it's been out for three days.
Marvel couldn't give two shits about what some people are saying on twitter.
so how did he come back to the original timeline without the device, just being there on the bench all this time along
so he fucked up with the other timeline, stealing Peggy from her real husband, while also erasing her kids from this timeline, and also let the other Steve rot on ice, all in order to get his happy ending? Wew
>The fact that a half of Endgame was spent setting up additional storylines or their Disney+ shows
Aside from the ending scene with Cap and the Wanda vs Thanos scene what are you talking about? Both of which were appropriate
>without RJD/Evans sustaining the movies, everyone will start to see the cracks
Good point.
Remember when they carried Black Panther to a billion?
Remember when they carried Captain Marvel to a billion?
Remember when they carried GotG 1 and 2?
Remember when they carried Ragnarok?
I remember all those. It was good times.
> The fact that a half of Endgame was spent setting up additional storylines or their Disney+ shows is going to be recognized as a shitshow
The ONLY possible scene that would apply to is Loki stealing the tesseract, which took all of 10 seconds.
You're literally seething right now.
Your assuming he didnt come back early to watch Tony's funeral or come back early for any other reason.
You're looking at it all wrong. If its a branch timeline nothing is erased. They still exist in the main MCU timeline. If he doesnt go back to create the branch in the first place, then that duplicate branch kids couldnt exist at all. Him going back is what creates the branch in the first place. If there is no change, then the branch doesnt exist.
Loki escaping with the Tesseract
How Banner learned to live with the Hulk
Gamora escaping and Quill going to look for her
Thor being with the Guardians
you're deluded if you think that people will simply look forward to movies without the aura of RJD and Evans. So many people just went to watch those movies because it's additional storylines for the MCU started by RDJ and Evans.
It's the end of an era, and they choose to end it without giving a fuck about what they previously had built. Captain Marvel showed us the start of it.
>he actually thinks people only care about GotG because of Cap and Iron Man
Don't you people get tired of being wrong about MCU fatigue? It's been 10 years and you're continually proven to be idiots.
readI'm sure I have missed other additional storylines being setup... oh yeah, Captain Falcon, Ironheart, Stinger or however they're going to call Scott's daughter heroic alter ego, the A-Force spin-off being setup by showing the female heroes together.
>Loki escaping with the Tesseract
Took 10 seconds.
>How Banner learned to live with the Hulk
Was important to the movie and has nothing to do with Disney+.
>Gamora escaping and Quill going to look for her
Took ~3 seconds and has nothing to do with Disney+
>Thor being with the Guardians
Took 30 seconds, was part of Thor's arc in the movie, and has nothing to do with Disney+
Want to try that again?
>it doesn't count as setting up additional storylines because I said it doesn't count
you fucking shill tard, guess that making the Gamora coming back being from the past and all that fucking story wasn't just the entire last third of the movie, not sir, it fucking wasn't
>My interpretation of this character is the only valid one
Cry more, youre only distracting from the kino support group scene.
Even if you count all the moments you've mentioned:
1 - they add up to maybe 5 minutes of screentime? Certainly not "half of Endgame"
2 - most of those scenes are important character moments for Endgame
3 - since when are future teasing threads not allowed? That's how things work in franchise movies.
Gamora coming back is fallout of the third act, not a third act designed around bringing Gamora back
>guess that making the Gamora coming back being from the past and all that fucking story wasn't just the entire last third of the movie, not sir, it fucking wasn't
You're right, it wasn't the entire last third of the movie. It was an incredibly small part of it.
Also YOU were the one who brought up Disney+, but now it seems you want to change it to "all additional possible storylines that could be addressed in sequels or TV shows." Which, fine, but at least admit you're moving the goalposts.
so the movie that was specifically said to tie all the loose ends spent a nice portion of its runtime (don't fucking say the same retarded shit about the Gamora part only "being 5 minutes of the movie" again), instead spent the runtime adding more loose ends, adding setup and ruining character development
Fucking fanboys I swear
>Redditor is asshurt that people aren't agreeing with his viewpoint.
It's kind of hilarious watching him sperg out, I've just taken a back seat to watching him.
I wish they gave their actors the scripts.
Evans spoiled the ending in Shanghai. Would someone who knew the actual ending do that? Or was it Evans who wanted that? Because if that's the case, his career is over. Stuck fags are the worst.
Look at 0:25 of this -
Evans was asked what movie would he go back to if he had the Time stone. He said he's go back to Peggy Carter. One Russo cut in and asked but what about Bucky. Evans said he had closure with Bucky, that he's his boy, but not Peggy. That she is a lost love. Then the Russos started yelling "bucky" to make the crowd chant it.
> don't fucking say the same retarded shit about the Gamora part only "being 5 minutes of the movie" again
But the loose end part of it is. It happens at the very end of the movie. Her presence was part of the fucking plot of the movie, you nimrod. It's not like her entire time in the movie was spent on a sequel tease.
user... read again what I previously said before raging like a tard
>the fact that a half of endgame was spent setting up additional storylines or their Disney+ shows
Im sure its literally one person too.
He's not even trying to hide it.
Fair enough, I misread.
But regardless - claiming that half the movie was on sequel teases is factually incorrect. There's no possible way you can actually believe that.
>I'm sure it's just one guy that doesn't like the ending of the movie, all the complaining on Twitter and Instagram, and Tumblr/other outlets doesn't count
miss me out with that shit
Time travel ruins everything.
>all the complaining on Twitter and Instagram, and Tumblr/other outlets doesn't count
Yeah, that's totally a significant size of the audience, and not just a few cherrypicked comments
>He didn't need to continue being Cap. But he should have stayed here.
you implied it was only one guy, go to the fucking #notmysteve hashtag on twitter and tell me it was just one guy
because you're not moving your goalposts, do you? first saying it's a single guy, then saying it's just a minority?
Okay, Yea Forums - we need the official ruling. Do RT scores count this time? Or is this one of those "they're not real" instances?
I have to know what the narrative is.
>you implied it was only one guy
Yikes, the irony of you replying to a guy who didn't say that.
>Listening to RT
I liked Endgame but come on user.
Was he preparing us?
That's my whole point. When CM got reviewbombed, people here said it was proof no one liked her movie. Yet now I'm sure they'll say it's just shills and people don't really like Endgame.
>go to the fucking #notmysteve hashtag on twitter
You really want accounts like "MCU: HOMOPHOBIC OR SEXIST" as your examples?
Y'all ever thought that maybe, just maybe, the timeline didn't actually change? Maybe Steve was there the whole time. Maybe we've been in this "new" timeline the whole time? We wouldn't know it, of course.
Or maybe, just maybe, it's a goddamn movie and you're ruining it for yourself by nitpicking every detail after all the editing and shit. Wait until we start getting deleted scenes.
Cap should have never returned old
A picture of him with peggy from the past would have been enough to imply what happend to him.
Then we will see Sam getting the shield from a delivery with a note from steve saying its your turn.
Implying steve has always been planing to pass it on him before they went rogue.
... so basically, you're telling me that You made this article and wanted to farm clicks and decided to start shit on this board by posting your article here in hopes of not getting called out by that singularly annoying one user that routinely keeps shutting shit like this down with annoying-as-fuck walls of text?
There is a certain breed of individual that we'll have to start identifying as not passing a certain IQ filter. They are aware of variables, but ignore them and routinely fail to take the information into account when discussing the context of what they've seen.
For example, if at any time you ever asked "why didn't they just do 'X' to Thanos during Infinity war" After Dr. Strange already explained the 14,000,605 different outcomes where such things that were most likely attempted several hundreds, if not thousands of times over with differing variations, Endgame went through great pains already just to show how deadly and dangerous Thanos was without any stones. So, any and all alternatives seen by Strange was merely delaying the inevitable.
By this same token, Steve went back into quantum time with not only a plan that was detailed *offscreen* on how steve would return the stones, but also with any low IQ faggot needs to go back and read that he's carrying the fucking INFINITY STONES and process that information to the equation. All the time he needed in the literal universe to come up with a plan on how to make it possible to enter back into this reality's timeline without causing any hiccups or fuckups.
Mind you, he's in a world where Sorcerers exist and geniuses such as Howard Stark and Hank Pym are willing/able to help.
Things being offscreen and unexplained with this many variables being present in-universe makes questioning how he got there utterly moot.
I went to check #notmysteve and it's almost all Stucky posters like picrelated or people angry that now Peggy's not a strong independent woman.
>no more Evans posting either
Thank the gods.
>he thinks Evans posting will stop
>And it's not even about Stucky as a gay relationship. It's like the friendship only deserved 30 seconds of interaction.
Before Steve leaves, Bucky says "I'm gonna miss you". He knows what Steve is gonna do, they talked it out offscreen. He probably was offered the shield and told Steve to give it to Sam instead.
Not ideal, but it's something.
Steve fucking off to the past to live a normal life after dealing with the Nazis, a terrorist cell, a rogue AI, his fellow superheroes, and three alien invasions over the course of 10+ years is perfectly fine. The real crime of the movie is Quill not reaching out in any way to his mother's family or looking into the music of the 21st century.
Here's to hoping Falcon made him a playlist.
I'm sure Gunn will find a way to give him an Awesome Mix vol 3.
>Tony and Rhodey got lots of moments in this. Why not Steve and Buck?
Maybe because Bucky is fucking dead for 99% of the movie and therefore not relevant? How do you expect him to have any screen time when he's literal dust.
Nope he's the Captain his whole Point and Purpose is that he never, ever gives up optimism and a sense of workability with the world. He never, ever runs away.
But they move had him run away and help Hydra and lie to Peggy because Chris Evans is sick of playing Cap and wanted out. It was a shitty, dirty ending for a legendary character.
RT is corrupt. Stop using it.
When's Cable?
I wish we didn't have to infer so much for Cap. Even with 1 hour and 6 minutes of screen time, I wish they'd given one more for a heartfelt conversion. Marvel does this to other friendships too. From 2016 to 2019, Tony and Rhodey didn't interact on screen. Clint and Nat as well.
He was also chilling with the Avengers and loving with them, he had a girlfriend, he ended up leading the team, et cetera. Could be that his deteriorating relationship with Stark and the lack of finding a long term goal lessened his grip on the future, though, which is sad.
Funny that you mention fucking MoS of all things instead of a story where Superman decides to "look the other way" and retire
>Tony laid into him when he shoved his arc reactor into Steve's hands.
Well deserved, if you ask me. Though I wished they hadn't included that in, no need to divide the fandom even more.
How do you think Steve reacted to all the Hydra loyalists Peggy was working with over the years? Obviously he couldn't do anything too drastic since it would fuck up the timeline, but maybe he gave them side-eye whenever she brought them home for dinner? Or he could even pull some pranks from behind the scenes like he did with Pym in 1970.
My problem with critics is that, sometimes, they kill all the joy about watch a movie. Steve's ending in Endgame concludes his character arc. Period. He had powerful moments in every Avengers/Captain America movies and Endgame was the cherry on the cake. I can't ask for more perfect ending and I don't want. It's over and it was awesome. Get over it.
If anything, Thor is the only one who actually need a proper conclusion.
That's the best part.
Buck doesn't deserve another new life of fighting. He just wants to rear goats and be fucked by M'Baku.
Bucky is just as tired as Steve man, let him rest
How do you all not understand this? He was NOT in the main MCU timeline. He was in a branch timeline where he could work with Peggy to clean up shield and make sure there was a global peace keeping force so he could retire with her. His branch timeline exists independent of the main timeline.
What happened to frozen Cap in this timeline? Did he just leave himself under the ice for 70 years?
It would have been better if Sam met Old Steve in NYC.
>Sam walks down the bustling streets of downtown Manhattan, hands deep in his pockets as observes the reunions and celebrations of a grateful NYC.
>He's happy but a bit melancholic as well, the enormity of that last battle still hanging over him like a cloud, so distracting that he almost misses the soft "Sam" spoken by an elderly man on a bench.
>From here the scene plays out like it did in Infinity War, but rather than ask about the ring Sam becomes frustrated.
>"Where have you been this whole time, man? I find it hard to believe you'd just sit on your ass for another eighty years!"
>"Oh, I've kept busy Sam, don't you worry my young friend."
>He points up at the city skyline.
"What, you were washing windows in the Twin Towers or something? They don't look any different to me."
>He winks at the camera and with a sly smile says, "Of course they don't."
Hes a different timeline as evident by his non broken shield he gave to sam wilson
I dont know, we dont know anything. I was assuming him cleaning up Hydra, but I dont see why he wouldnt do that. There are plenty of questions as to what he would do, but hell, thats enough for several other movies. All we know is that he danced with Peggy and grew old and married someone (we assume Peggy). But there really isnt a way to know.
What we do know is that whatever he did, it doesnt affect the main timeline and people who cant get that through their skull did not pay close enough attention to the movie (specifically the sorcerer supreme).
>muh head canon
That's so cheesy that it made me lactose intolerant.
The second half of my post is certainly head cannon. But see this No matter what he did do in the BRANCH TIMELINE, it has no bearing on the main timeline.
God I hate shippers so much
This all seems like shipper whining to me. Especially if you're obsessed with a non canon ship you're setting yourself up for dissapointment. They could also never make everyone happy because they can't make all ships canon at once. But I can't count the number of times fans have exploded into rage that some ships there was never even any indication of existing don't at the very last minute take over the whole plot and suddenly turn it into a love story. Or fine, even people who just want low key last minute canon, why hang your enjoyment on something you had no reason to expect? If it happens great, that's a nice suprise, and if not, so what? I got the frustration with the How I Met Your Mother finale because they suddenly auto destructed a relationship and marriage they'd spent a season on, but in this case, there was nothing in the canon.
Especially in genre fiction it's always easy to just make your stories and art anyway because some magic fix to death or getting old is so easy to imagine (they mess with his age like they did Ant Man's, Bruce or Shuri makes a youth potion, some weird thing happens with his biology or the Time Stone and he's spontaneously young again and since Agent Carter is dead now he's free). Or you can always make AU or ignore events because it's just fiction. Responding to every single franchise or media property or story with huge shitfits about shipping is obnoxious. Complain with your friends on tumblr, fine, people are always free not to like things and say so but attacking staff, crew, etc. and angry hashtag campaigns are ridiculous.
it would be cheesy but it would work
although I would change it to the Triskelion
also Bucky is going to be wasted, he deserved a chance at life, have him come back with Steve to the past.
This movie makes no sense.
it literally isn't about ship faggotry more than it is about the character perception of Steve. If people didn't feel strongly about it we wouldn't have fucking articles, a hashtag and fix fics in less than 12 hours after release.
90% of Stucky shippers knew that shit would never happen, so painting all complaints about the ending of the character arc as the ramblings of some fujos is stupid.
I may be firing at random spots here, but it's the same thing that happened when people criticized Captain Marvel and everyone called the critics incels, chauvinists or trolls instead of dealing with the criticisms. That's not fucking right.
Did Evans want this maybe?
I like Steve and Tony (especially Tony) and I left the theater happy.
>If people didn't feel strongly about it we wouldn't have fucking articles, a hashtag and fix fics in less than 12 hours after release
This thread is literally the first time i hear about any whining. Also the movie has been out since Wednesday outside murriland btw
>90% of Stucky shippers knew that shit would never happen, so painting all complaints about the ending of the character arc as the ramblings of some fujos is stupid.
The #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend tag from a handful of years ago that was just a hidden agenda for the stuckies to make their shit canon says otherwise
>spent his entire life trying to do the right thing
>lost the only woman he ever loved
>watched the world crumble around him time and time again
>get back up every time
>lose in the most spectacular way possible
>lose again
>faced with the reality that everything he's done means nothing
>find a sliver of hope
>unite humanity under one cause and right the wrongs done
>save literally the entire universe
>finally have a chance to rest
>takes it
I don't know why people are upset with this. Yeah, shit happens in the past, but Cap is from the future. He knows everything works out, so he doesn't need to go out of his way to change things. Yes, he gets old and can't fight anymore, but he doesn't need to. He witnessed all of humanity and other species come together to fight Thanos and save the universe. He knows that even without him there, things will work out in the end. The man just wanted to rest. He wanted to have a life that didn't revolve around fighting. That's perfectly understandable and I think it fits with his character.
>this thread is literally the first time
Yea Forums is not the entire world in the internet you know.
We also got jokes about Steve letting 9/11 and HYDRA infiltrate SHIELD from the moment the leaks were confirmed.
Oh sure. For example you mentioned an hashtag and i checked Twitter, there's nothing currently trending on the top 20
Why would people want Steve to change things in the past anyway? The whole point of it is that he realizes everything worked out in the end (not just Thanos being stopped, but Hydra was shut down eventually, Bucky got rescued, etc.) and it's OK for him to retire. If he's just going back to be Captain America in the 1950s instead of the 2010s then that seems contrary to what the movie was going for here with Steve finally taking Tony's advice and getting a life. Bucky even seems to understand beforehand that Steve's going to stay in the past so he's obviously OK with it too.
If you had the chance to make your timeline better because you know the future, wouldn't you take it? Especially if you're a hero?
>hurr durr why they force Peggy niece as lvoe interest
>hurr durr why they force time travel so Cap can spend time with Peggy
Is just a retarded minority but i hope they dont retcon it sooner with "we deage Cap so he can get a relationship with Sharon"
Every movie made fun of Steve never being able to move on, and in Endgame he flat out says "Some people move on...but not us." The point has never been getting Steve to move on, but rather emphasizing that he can't. Something had been holding him back and hurting him for the last 10 years and after saving the entire universe, it was finally time for him to rest.
yeah user I'm sure that everyone that is complaining now also participated in that hashtag.
Don't you realize you're doing exactly what I'm describing in the post?
Whedon ruined Cap during Avengers, Russo made him cool among the mainstream audience
Not if I knew that everything would work out on its own anyway. If anything, trying to change things just introduces the possibility that other things could end up going wrong - maybe if he tries to shut down Hydra early then they it keeps Pym from inventing Pym Particles or Tony from being born or something else that could really screw up the timeline? Especially in Steve's case where he's already saved the world multiple times - he's coming back from a future where he knows things will be OK without him doing anything to change them, so that's just confirmation that he can rest.
If he told her not to, sure.
He didn't move on, he moved back, quite literally
>everything would work out on its own
>they got erased
>but Steve returned the gems to their respective times
>Thus Thanos and its armies still exist and the bubble timeline where they knew about Future Avengers plan was erased.
>wtf why doesn't Steve singlehandedly build an utopia?
Shit happens user, should Cap look up every murder in history to try prevent him or something? Or is it only about "too big" events like the 9/11 meme? How do you determine what's fair to change or not? You're setting up an impossible crusade
>an impossible crusade
>for someone who defeated a threat like Thanos
But it did, user. The 2023 that Steve's coming back from at the end is one where the good guys won without him doing a thing in the past to help that happen.
Oh sure i forgot that punching space tyrants makes you omniscient and omnipresent
Well now I feel bad Cap didn't take Bucky with him somehow. Bucky's even more out of time than Cap, and genuinely had his life stolen from him, rather than Cap who willingly sacrificed it and was given a second chance.
Do you even understand how RT works?
That and knowing the future helps, yes.
>Shit happens user, should Cap look up every murder in history to try prevent it or something? Or is it only about "too big" events like the 9/11 meme? How do you determine what's fair to change or not?
Not to mention other factors like how can Steve safely predict what would happen by changing this and that, and what about new problems arising from the new history and chain of events
This is retarded
Do you? RT collects reviews and then judges them and gives their own score to that review. Even though they are not providing the criticism to the scores themselves, they do apply the score to the reviews, allowing them to skew the overall rating. Also, they have been shown to change things on their website, including deleting negative audience reviews, to bump up the audience score for movies. They are owned by the same companies that produce said movies. If you dont think they skew their data, you are quite naive.
Did 9/11 happen in the MCU?
Garbage movie that doesn't deserve any of the massive amounts of money and praise it's getting.
The writer is wrong for two main reasons, Hayley Atwell wanted Steve to be her soul mate, she lobbied Marvel to make it happen. Both of the actors did it to make it happen even though the writer clearly doesn't realize this. She didn't want to just move on nor did she want her niece to be with her man. Which is why Cap got the ending he wanted. Bucky knew it too from the time he jumped out, he knew what he was going to do so end of the line wasn't a copout, it was just his friend getting what he wanted. Apparently that's a bad thing somehow.
I think the writer just wants Cap to keep being Cap till he dies with no true resolution.
>RT collects reviews and then judges them and gives their own score to that review
No they don't. They're either instructed by the journalists on the metrics they use or the journalists do it themselves. You seriously think they've been fucking over the press for years and no one complained? Why would the reviewers subjugate themselves to this
Did everyone forget about TWS and Cap's stance on forcibly solving problems before they actually happen?
Guys... did you pay attention to the movie? Anything Cap changes in the past, such as getting together with Peggy, has ZERO affect on the main timeline. It creates a separate and independent branch timeline from the main one. That is how he is able to bring an unbroken shield to the main timeline's present and hand it to them without creating a paradox. There are two shields in the main timeline now, the one broken by Thanos, and the one from Steve's new alternate branch timeline.
I would assume he did in fact make a lot of changes and probably helped Peggy cleanup the Hydra agents in shield and created a world where cap wasnt needed. That would explain why he would give the shield away if his world no longer needs a captain America (and thus his shield). But that is all a guess.
Regardless, any changes made in the past have NO AFFECT on the main MCU timeline.
That isn't a problem, all of those events led to them eventually winning. He isn't going to change shit because it would ruin the future.
He picked a spot in the timeline and did nothing to affect it, you can tell he thought it out because he still didn't tell one of his bestfriends about his wife.
>I think the writer just wants Cap to keep being Cap till he dies with no true resolution.
To be fair, that's basically how it works in the comics (except without even the "till he dies" part), so it makes sense that some people would expect that.
>t. didn't watch the movie
Cap should have died desu. Either in addition to Tony or instead of him.
You can read the reviews they judge. The critics do not use a universal score for the movies. RT applies their own score to the criticisms. If what you said was true then other websites like Metacritic would have an identical score to RT as the critics would provide both with the same "universal score" (which doesnt exist).
Critics are under a strangle hold by movie makers. Give movies made by Company A consistent shitty scores and Company A will no longer invite said critic to early screenings of movies. No early screenings means that they lose web traffic/clicks to people who do get early access. That means these people they lose money. Critics have come out and flatly stated they fluff their scores for big movies as to not piss off the bigger companies (ie Disney). As RT is owned by the movie companies, they do in fact have the ability to push critics around.
You have to let those events happen to close the loop.
The sharon thing is a nonstarter, they're not blood related.
WHAt a retarded conclusion
It’s like they didn’t watch watch of the past movies where Steve’s disconnects with the modern age and disillusionment were part of his core arc
It’s why he risks his skin and even his principles to save Bucky, the only tether he has to his past left
There's only one steve now. The loop is closed. Which is why he didn't come back on the platform.
>This is retarded
Not as much as Cap being a coward.
Fix-it fics i guess?
Yeah but it’s equally unreasonable to ask Chris Evans to do this forever
>The sharon thing is a nonstarter, they're not blood related.
They're not related but he kissed the woman he watched grow up as an uncle.
He was fucking his own niece since Civil War, then.
What a creep,really Russos?
>RT applies their own score to the criticisms
They don't, again you're talking about a very big scandal material that would drive away journalists from the site. If it was a matter of paying journos to shut up then why not buy scores to begin with and cut out the RT middleman entirely?
>If what you said was true then other websites like Metacritic would have an identical score to RT
They wouldn't because MC and RT measure different things, or at least RT's main "tomatometer" does
Which makes the most sense and why he doesn't change the past.
It is his own version of retirement though. It's an island in time that he already apparently did before. It's his idaho.
Ok, sorry, I was wrong that critics CAN submit a set score. However, your own post clearly states that RT staff submits reviews themselves and applies their own score. Everything I said still rings true (minus that some reviewers do submit a universal score, I was wrong on that, my bad). RT can easily go grab as many critic reviews as they want and apply any score they want to them. They have the ability to manipulate a movies score (and admittedly do so, for better or worse, by applying their own score to reviews).
They cant change the past, you clearly did not understand the whole movie.
>RT can easily go grab as many critic reviews as they want and apply any score they want to them. They have the ability to manipulate a movies score
If it didn't reflect their opinions any writer could contact them, you act like they're in any position of abusive power
Literally no one thinks this and you should be ashamed of spreading clickbait.
>kill 2014 Thanos before he gets the Power Glove or whatever
>the events from 2014 to 2019 still transpire
This movie's version of time travel is self-contradictory. They change the past, but it only changes in ways that suit the plot.
Commander Rogers,directing a new verdion of SHIELD, that was kino in the comics
What was changed?
Anyone fucking complaining about this is a dirty fujo shipper and their opinion should be ignored.
>If it didn't reflect their opinions any writer could contact them, you act like they're in any position of abusive power
You act like they are not. THEY ARE in that position. You are merely stating they have not abused their power. They have manipulated the data before and have even talked about it. You may believe they did that with good intentions, and maybe sometimes they did. I just dont believe that RT wouldnt, at least occasionally, bump a movies ratings to make their parent company more money.
Someone tl;dr for me? I have no idea why everyone is mad.
They never change the past. They only make alternative time lines. These are essentially alternate universes. Go re-watch the sorcerer supreme/hulk scene.
>to make their parent company more money.
Why would there be so many miserable ratings for DC movies then? WB owns like 30% of RT.
>Angry homo's being angry
Those guys were DOA. I loved Cap's ending but reality is China dominated that decision
>I just dont believe that RT wouldnt, at least occasionally, bump a movies ratings to make their parent company more money.
You're the one giving too much importance to the site and its scores. There's movies that have excellent scores and barely make money, like recently Spiderverse and Shazam in the capeshit field. You cry about abuse because you want to believe you have a titan to fight, a freaking review aggregator site
It implies he lived a full life, twice technically since he's like 200 years old.
A number of reasons. Mostly its people not understanding how time travel in this universe works.
Cap at the end goes back in time to be with Peggy. They think this betrays all his friends because he didnt change the past to help them while he was with Peggy. However, HE CANT CHANGE THE PAST. It is clearly stated in the movie that going to the past creates a new timeline/alternate reality. He simply disapears from the main timeline to go live in an alternate one. There is nothing to say he doesnt make changes to that universe.
However, some people are mad he didnt take Bucky with him to the past. Or that he tells sam to be cap and not bucky (and gives sam an alternate realty shield). And probably some other dumb shit.
Either way, most if it comes from people not having paid attention to the movie.
Pastebin the article then. be the solution to this faggotry.
I don't know about the fucking irrelevant shippers, but a lot of people here are meme'ing that Cap retiring is a coward move and that if he went to the past he should've done it to fix everything bad that happened ever, because
>They only make alternative time lines.
That's even stupider. Why call it time-travel then? Call it alternate universes. If "2014 Thanos" was actually "alternate universe Thanos" then why even fuck around with bringing people back five years after they were gone? Just bring them back to an identical universe five seconds after they were erased and call it a day. There are infinite universes anyway so just save yourself the trouble of those lost five years.
>So, any and all alternatives seen by Strange was merely delaying the inevitable.
He clearly states there's one where they win...
The movie is just badly-written. You don't have to defend it.
Being a stevefag, I don't give a shit they tried to give some finality to his decade long arc. He'll be pulled out of retirement someday again anyway, perhaps that's when he'll truly walk the path of 616 Cap.
He saved the ENTIRE universe and was the leader of the Avengers. Dude wanted to live a normal life. What's the fucking problem?
Why isn't there an alternate-Thanos that alternate-fucks the alternate universe?
And didn't you JUST say that returning the soul stones erases the alternate universes? So Cap's alternate universe still exists even though he returned the soul stones...
By putting the stones back and not affecting the timeline, he snipped all the branches friend, which is why he didn't show up on the platform. He closed the loop.
He came back to the original timeline from his alternate one (where presumably he helped to stop all the shit that happened that he knew about).
Hence why the shield is restored (since it didnt even encounter Thanos, and likely didnt get much use) when Steve hands it to Sam.
I never said it was a titan or anything you are inferring. RT does affect a movie's box office numbers. If it didnt, we wouldnt talk about it, and it wouldnt be plastered on every fucking add possible. Does that mean they control a movie being a complete success or complete bomb? Probably not. Does it mean they can make a movie more money? It absolutely does. How much? Hard to say. But more money is more money.
>Why would there be so many miserable ratings for DC movies then? WB owns like 30% of RT.
There is only so much they can do. Manipulating does not necessarily mean they can sweep a box office disaster under the rug. RT could easily add 5-15% to a movie and its difficult to dispute that on any critic reviews they add themselves, if they just skew it a bit. Why wouldnt they? Remember, even critics fluff their scores, as I previously mentioned (again, there are articles where they admitted this), that does not necessarily mean they will give a movie that deserves a 1 a 10 (and probably couldnt get away with anything that drastic). Remember, more money is more money and that is what the movie makers care about.
No he shouldn't have. He got the perfect ending which is what is annoying shippers and idealists.
Brainlets are so used to the "would you kill le Hitler if you had a time machine XD" meme that they can't imagine someone deciding not to play God
There's also a group of idiots that think Cap going to the past implies an erasure of all the Avengers adventures
No he didn't. But after it happened, knew it would happen with the younger version of himself that started that loop. the cap that kissed her was from beginning, not the end.
>this thing that would be completely noticeable but has never been proven TOTALLY happens, just take my word for it
>However, some people are mad he didnt take Bucky with him to the past.
Some user made a thread where he argued that Cap probably asked Bucky.
After reading that, I'm kinda inclined to believe it. I hope that Cap really did ask him. I like the idea that they had a proper discussion about it but made different choices and said their goodbyes, instead of Cap just leaving without telling his best friend.
all you had to do to save caps plot is just say that make him use the last amount of Pym particles
I did not say that returning the stones erasing anything, that must have been another user. I dont believe in that theory.
I do believe there is an alternate Thanos that tries to fuck shit up in the alternate timeline. And I think that Cap would have had to deal with that too in his alt world. The difference is that he was married (presumably to Peggy) when he did it. That is all.
I dont think that is how it works. If they said that in the movie, I certainly missed it. But I'm pretty sure that alternate line would still exist, it would just in theory be the same as the main timeline. Either way, Cap going back to marring Peggy makes an ALTERNATE timeline, completely independant from the main one.
They admit to doing it. They have changed audiences scores a whole bunch of times. Just google it. Your just assuming they had good intentions when they did it.
The fact that they opened the can of worms that is time travel, if they ever wanted to bring Cap back, they’ve got a way out. Steve is one who would sacrifice his happiness in a heartbeat for the greater good and if he knew with no uncertainty that he was needed, I’m sure he’d tell them where to find him.
Another option is that in their testing of the quantum realm, they showed that they can alter someone’s age by running time through them. With Pym back, they could perfect that to be able to return Steve to his prime if need be
It showed it to you by him showing up old and not on the platform, he stayed in the main timeline bud. It's definitely magic bullet but arguing about how time travel works is at best, insane.
If what you say is true, how does he have a second, undestroyed shield with him? There is only one, and it was destroyed.
I wonder if the next Avengers will feature old man Steve's funeral
Whedon can go suck a dick
First Avengers was fine but he threw in his OTP and didnt give Steve or Thor enough character development despite it being an ensemble film
The shield was new actually, it had details that the original didn't
Steve was holding Mjolnir while traveling back in time, and he clearly already made up his mind about settling for a new life in the past. The universe decided he's still a pure and worthy soul, get fucked
Hmmm I dont know about that. If its the same as the one cap fights (earlier) with in the movie, then I'm going to say they are the same. Props change from movie to movie. I dont buy that its completely new.
Either way, I just dont buy it. All him not being on the platform shows is that he didnt come back the way originally planned. His time travel devices was pre set to come back to that platform. If he chose not to do that, he would come back sometime else, and possibly some place else.
He saved the world and was relinquishing his power to pay for it. That is sacrifice.
>Bucky should've been the next Captain America
>teased for over 7 years
>hurr durr it is all a smokescreen for the fact that Falcon is the next Cap
What the hell Russos? Why overlook one of the most popular characters in the franchise in favour of racebait?
Bucky is an old tired edgelord, Sam is the young new blood
They're both going to use the shield in the show, just like the comics. Settle down.
Whedon is trash
Even his work that is supposed to be good like Firefly sucks
From an out-of-universe perspective:
-They want the progressive audience, while justifying it with Falcap being straight from the comics
-Sebastian Stan is a good physical actor, but a really crap dramatic actor and can't carry the role
>one of the most popular characters
Nobody cares about Bucky except for fujos and even then they don't care about him as a person.
Its a middle finger to the fact that while Anthony Mackie is a full-blown American, Sebastian Stan is just a Romanian who made it big in America. Audiences wouldn't have accepted a foreigner as the symbol of AMERICA FUCK YEAH!
After the Captain Marvel fiasco, any credibility they may have had has been shot since they’ve shown that they’ll bow down and shift the narrative should they see fit to make a movie look better than it is
I just understood it as anti-looper logic. People and objects can't be changed retroactively.
It just occurred to me that Steve didn't just sit on that bench waiting for forever until Tony's funeral. He'd still have had his return trip of pym particles left if he planned his jumps right, so instead he lived his life with Tits McGee in the alternate timeline, and then came back to his own.
Guys. They retired the character. He's not obligated to bend at the knee for the sake of anybody. The Reason Cap is great is because goes above and beyond, but then when he's like "Ok, I'm gonna go be normal now" people hate him for not Martyring himself. The fuck is wrong with people?
Yes. Basically Steve goes to 50's, stops Kennedy's assassination and saves Bucky or something, and when Peggy dies he'll jump back into his old timeline where none of this happened because it's a different timeline.
I have no problem with Cap retiring, it's just time fuckery that screws everything
>Endgame confirms the abc series as canon
>The netflix series get nothing
How will daredevilfags recover?
>The sharon thing is a nonstarter, they're not blood related.
>Is just in-law, it not bad!!
T. Hentaifucker
He still watched her growing up, now is even more sick than before
Yeah but they can change when their time travel devices take them to.
They do it earlier when they need to go back to the 1970s. They didnt have the platform to do that but their handheld GPS things could.
I think the platform is mostly for synchronizing a return so they don't all come back all over the place
It was the best joke.
He can't because it wouldn't make sense with Steve's arc.
Throughout all of Steve's movies, there have been two things that stay thematically consistent: his disillusionment with the modern age (largely due to the culture shock) and the friction his old-fashioned moral code causes with his attempts to do right in an environment of political and moral grey zones.
So Steve chose someone who could better handle the nuances of the modern world and make the right decisions in a way he had trouble with. That's nto Bucky who, for all intents and purposes, has the same sensibilities as Steve. It's Sam, who despite being weaker and maybe not being closer to Steve than Bucky, is more attuned to the modern world and its issues than Steve or Bucky are.
The point was to hand the mantle down to the next generation, not the current one again
They wanted to give Evans a definitive out of the MCU so fans wouldn't go "DURR, WHERE'S CAP?" the next time there's a Earth-threatening crisis, and they felt he deserved a happy conclusion so he wasn't given a heroic sacrifice like Tony.
Fujos should be gassed
I'm fucking hyped for that Falcon and The Winter Soldier show since it has Macky and Sebastian in it.
Because pic related.
Is character assasination, not even considering the time travel thing
Yes, that is what I was saying. Cap not going to the platform means almost nothing. Its shown their devices can go anywhere/anytime (per the 1970's scene you mention). I think old cap lived out his days in an alternate time/reality (or at least a portion of them).
He know's a younger version of himself is going to kiss her, but it isn't him that realizes he can go back in time.
>What is character development?
11 years of films and the characters are supposed to remain the exact same I guess.
they have great chemistry and the fact that they're all Captain America makes it fun
Abt least in Steve’s case, there’s a way out should they ever want to bring him back in the future with another actor playing the role. Unlike the cases with Tony and Natasha
Come on, without Cap his career is dead.
Me too, user.
>11 years of films and the characters are supposed to remain the exact same I guess.
Coming back to a previous characterization isn't (development) either, same thing with Thor who's now the same as he was in Thor 1. The Russos fucked them over.
>all the Cap/Bucky shippers are pissed
>the Captain Marvel fiasco
>implying that those reviews were legit
>thinking Steve didn't live out his life in a separate timeline
they even show he has an intact alternate version of the shield, as opposed to the shattered one from the final fight, to spell it out for the IQlets
>wh-why didn't steve mess with the past (even though is mission is explicitly to stop messing with the past and put the alternate histories back to the way they should be)
probably because if he does things like stop HYDRA then there's no Wanda with powers and Thanos doesn't get stopped and the whole universe gets destroyed and other very easy to predict worse problems
>Coming back to a previous characterization isn't (development) either
That's not what happened at all.
Pre-Serum, Steve wanted to fight, prove he was worth, be the best. He never would have been okay with just settling down.
But now he's done all that. The war is over. He's complete.
I wonder if he missed the internet, no polio and having food better than just boiling everything
His mission is to give the infinity stones back to their respective timelines, because they are the greatest weapons against the forces of darkness. Besides that he can do whatever the fuck he wants, so long as the stones are there to serve their purpose when the time comes. So he can work for SHIELD with Peggy and out HYDRA in an alternate history.
microwaves come out in the 50s. He'll be fine
I wish they showed Cap returning the stones. It would have been cool seeing him interact with Red Skull.
If it wasn't the solemn Endgame this would've been perfect post-credits material
>Did Professor Hulk going to the ancient one create a new timeline
The ancient one clearly knew enough about the future to not only know that the stone was needed to stop evil, but knew who Dr. Strange was and where he was at all times. She probably heavily abused the stone to see everything up to her death.
Bucky spent all his time frozen, and was thawed out to kill someone for a few days, before they froze him again.
Not only that, Zola was experimenting on him, so who knows whats up with with him.
Me cried like a bitch.
>He clearly states there's one where they win...
The movie was the one where they won.
When you have to try so hard to pretend that you don't understand that your only option is to use the right answer in your response, it gives stupid people a bad name.
I mean falcon took up the shield when Cap was old. Bucky took it up when he was dead.... Cap didn't die in endgame, So.......
I don't think he cares. Dude wants to direct.
It was a good ending
It's all over.
he went back to where he truly belonged
No Banner going to the Ancient One didn’t create a new timeline but the screwup from Tony and Scott that resulted in Loki escaping with the space stone certainly did. No way to set that one back on course
Steve should've took Bucky with him. He's even less adapted for this fucked new world and had to deal with even worse shit.
Better to dash the hopes of fujoshi, don't want them thinking they went through a gay cruise through time and space.
>objectively worse
I don't think you know what this means. Endgame was way better
watch the series
Agent Carter series where 2 hunks fight for her tits and she picks a crippled guy WW2 veteran at the end, aka her husband
I think Steve was ripped out of time later in the time line where actual time line time travel has been found due to the fact the infinity stones are destroyed and cap becomes a time patroller
>they went through a gay cruise through time and space.