>slices enough to draw blood >somehow the bandoleer still holds the fuck
Liam Sanchez
The hell did Yagura do when he was Hokage?
Carson Fisher
naruto's a fag who forgives his enemies, he'd probably personally suck the cock of his son's murderer to avoid war
Connor Sullivan
Nah who cares, no one uses that shit anyways
Jaxon Harris
Good work.
Brandon Kelly
at this point, it's not really about winning, just getting their reputation back. Their whole group are just a bunch of butthurt punks who can't stand that they lost their edgy "bloodmist" name
This doesn't make any sense. Didn't Obito control the Mizukage? Did Boruto retcon that? How can Kagura have bloodlust running through his veins when his grandfather was being brainwashed by a Genjutsu? Does Genjutsu have the power to effect genetics now?
Parker Murphy
James Foster
>"come along Kagura" >whips out his tits See, that's what Sakura should have done way back when Sasuke left the village
Samuel Ortiz
that trick only works if you have nice tits, shizuma
Thomas Peterson
For a second I thought the guy was a tranny and was going to flash his tits.
That shit was some of darkest shit and it was just the first damn arc
Jace Adams
>having a scar means you will always be with me thats weird because i dont remember where my scars are from. maybe im dumb?
Luis Garcia
>look at these sweet mantits
Nicholas Sullivan
>I'm only 18 He's legal.
Wyatt Gutierrez
>fag who forgives his enemies Everyone from Alexander to Lincoln has shown this to be the best strategy. Being too harsh on your defeated enemies is what led to Hitler.
Gabriel White
>only 18 WHAT
Ryan Collins
Wasn't there a new season in the works? Has there been any news on that? Though, I never got around to watching arise, partially because I never heard anything good about it.
I dunno. I mean [as] fluffed the fuck out of jack and flcl. if there was something that was still in the works they would have zero problems having people wait for 3-5 years
Jose Barnes
Who's cuter? The one with no sleeves and the sexy armpits or the funny looking one with the big hair?
Now I'm just imagining Sasuke just standing there in the dead of night staring at Sakura's boobs until morning. Not because they're impressive but just that he's never seen them in real life before. (eying them over with the sharingan)
Jayden Hall
>Mocking Boruto when he just zipped past them like he was Sonic the Hedgehog.
Jace Jackson
The short blond ninja girl reminds me of The Mayor from The Nightmare Before Christmas
I got one from a chair, and let me tell you, I don't own that chair now.
Isaiah Carter
they stood by because they knew what was going to happen
Robert Lewis
That isn't public knowledge, and his craziness is because of Yagura's public reputation, not what he actually was like. Or at least, that's my explanation.
Angel Morales
I want to impregnate Pitou and take responsibility!
>look up the games Goddamn, I haven't played those types of games in forever. I won't pretend to be an expert or anything but I have fond memories of these types of games. Though really, Graveyard Sim just makes me want to play Harvest Moon.
Gasser in the Bobobo sequel where he leaves the village and decides to be evil. That's not even a lie.That happens.
Colton Myers
Her mom is a total bitch though.
Colton Sanders
>Harvest Moon. I liked the PS2 game I'd play with my sister. We liked doing that mining thing and thing selling it to the fat guy in red. I think his name was Van.
Ryder Cook
why do you have that in 60fps
Joseph Roberts
Those are terrible examples. Alexander was a conqueror, he invaded and crushed his enemies, there was no element of forgiveness in anything he did. Lincoln similarly didn't forgive anything, he authorized the single bloodiest war in American history and imposed incredibly strict conditions on the South after winning.
Also the Roman Empire says 'hi' to your faggot notions of being harsh creates hitlers. How many hitlers did Carthage give rise to after Rome raised their city and salted the earth? Oh right none, because Carthage didn't fucking exist. That's how you deal with rivals.
Joseph Williams
I should really watch the GitS movie I've watched the show tons of times but never seen the movie
I watched this a few months ago and fuck that ending was weird. My intro to the series was SAC and going backwards to loli major wanting to explore the world was funky.
Nicholas Young
>playing comfy vidya with your sister Cute and wholesomepilled.
Bentley Hill
Imagine watching something called The GitS Movie
Camden Wood
It's always waifu o'clock. But the hour has come regardless.
I'd probably say to play an actual Harvest Moon or Rune Factory over GK. Like I said earlier, the game kinda lacks real content. Even Stardew is better in that regard.
do you still have Boomerang despite not paying for it? They did a free trial a while back but I thought i ended.
Also It's kinda weird that they air the same 14 episodes of Bunnicula when they have 3 seasons, and nothing but Season 4 of Courage, and the same handful of episodes on a portion of their shows and Scooby Doo Movies.
Are they just trying to bore viewers into using their app? or are they about to kill the channel dead?
Noah Barnes
This whole plot really just boils down an anti-smoking ad >hey Kagura, come smoke with us. Look how cool we are andyou could be cool to >no Kagura, drugs are bad!
Asher Hughes
>boruto finally understanding his fathers actions does this mean boruto is ganna be less of a cunt to naruto?
Josiah Hernandez
I hope another war happens.
Jaxon Ortiz
I want to stab this freaky fish guy!
Christian Carter
These new jannies are cunts, so maybe.
Jordan Stewart
It was cool, I miss the comfy times here and there. We had a notebook where we wrote down prices of stuff and things in the game.
The shark guy's VA sounds like Vic, but I'm pretty sure it isn't.
Jeremiah Fisher
I hate the style in this show. Sarada and this blonde boy's pupils are obnoxiously larger.
Ian Bailey
That "sword" looks dull as shit.
Tyler Hall
Ryder Perez
It sounds like the second series tried to be a bit more serious, though I'm guessing the author was probably taking the piss out of series that had darker sequels. Shame we'll never get a complete translation, or anime.
No sword in Naruto actually makes sense. Some of them are just pinecones, some turn into snakes, all of them are bullshit that you shouldn't waste time thinking about.
Bullshit, Lincoln didn't even hang the leadership of the confederacy. Radical Republicans hated how soft Lincoln was to the South.
Jose Wright
lel you honestly think Demarco would ever air rape porn like that?
Chase Scott
DeMarco only ever watches the first episode when deciding if a series is for Toonami. And he is a faggit.
Ian Hill
Can we have an episode without her? Please?
Jayden Garcia
They beat him into a redemption arc.
William Walker
>hey mr psycho murderer fish dude do you pinky swear that you have good intentions >yeah sure totally, please forget all that stuff i just said about how awesome war is >k, i'm gonna join you now literally dumber than sasuke
Angel Long
>falls unconscious face down in water >lives
John Sullivan
Not the weirdest one.
Jonathan King
Is buruto good yet?
Zachary Harris
Huh? I thought he killed him
Elijah Ramirez
I don't have directTV but finally somebody noticed the bunnicula thing. the channel has been dead for a while
Anthony Ramirez
I really want to post that excellent new gif of Momo from MHA giving a POV boobjob but I don't really feel like getting banned.
Each GitS adaptation is its own separate take on the source material, they're not really part of a single continuity. The movies have their own version of characters and events completely separate from the TV series. Same for Arise.
Oliver Ortiz
Zabuza's was based (It can't be beat!). He even almost used the decapitation hole I think.
Now I can't fap to this but I could definitely watch it for a couple of hours.
Benjamin Cox
Just some edgelord kids being edgelord kids
Tyler Richardson
Blue Ball Paternity Test.
Nathaniel Smith
They aren't magic. What kind of show you think Boruto is?
Angel Sanchez
Only Kisame's sword does that
Leo Johnson
A low indigo? Man, I can never tell with this one. Not like the other.
David Wright
Weird that hardly anyone has done a dedicated translation for the series for people to get all the details. It's either incomplete wikis or whatever is written on some forums or tvtropes
I like the hair in this. The opposing motion of the breasts also shows she's thinking about her breasts more than if she were just doing it in a basic way.
>No sword >Zabuza >Orochimaru >generic ninja who are equipped with normal swords >Sasuke
Liam Rogers
Man, I need to get me some of that self motivation and one of them thar Goals & Purpose in Life. I started reading "How much do your dumbells weight?" today. It's cute and informative.
Bentley Butler
My grandpa was literally Hitler so I guess I have to be as well
I thought so too. I think it's supposed to match the music, but that only makes it look awkward/
Levi Moore
Did you know you can have commercials without women in them? As opposed to not that, or ones with just women.
Carter Bennett
since he goes into berserker mode when swordfighting, he feels he is unworthy to be on the side of peace and gay shit and feels he should just hang with the other bloodthirsty swordsmen who accept and respect him.
Connor Williams
A shit one
Eli Gonzalez
Playing single-player games with family was a wonderful experience. Either you or they play, and you just have fun experiencing this title and giving each other advice on what to do. I miss those days.
I still need to start the Rune Factory series, even if I am somewhat bitter it's more or less supplanted the actual HM games.
Some of them are. But only Samehada has that thing, the others don't.
Carter Wright
Not "they", the ferret belongs to the little girl, Misha. Tsubame just works for her as a maid. Well more like she was a stalker who managed to convince her dad to hire her so she could stalk the little girl more closely.
Hudson Scott
>I started reading "How much do your dumbells weight?" Did you know it's getting an anime?
Flashback time. This time it is crucial to the plot.
Henry Cruz
I remember playing with one of my friends older sister in AWL I even gave her tricks and tips she didn't know
Daniel Cook
>Camera zooming lel
Robert Jackson
>was at dentist for regular checkup the other day >new hygienist commented on my fangs being larger than normal >sudden flashback to my middle school years where we had soda drinking contests by the pool >dude used a pocket knife to poke a hole in the base of the can and open the top to win each time >decide one day to bite the can at the case sideways for my hole and open the top >win the contest by a second because my mouth was already there >after that thought i suddenly feel shame about how many times I smiled over the last few decades and everyone seen my fangs just a random thought id thought id share in the twilight drunk hours with you all.
Naruto vs. Nine-Tails was very cool in Ultimate Ninja Storm 3.
Jaxson Butler
Damn that's hot
Matthew Allen
Some faggot user kept hyping Nart meeting his mom but her forced sympathy about being called a fucking tomato and her curb stomping a bunch of guys as a tiny loli made it hard to care about Naruto seeing his mother.
Aaron Edwards
I don't get it, has Naruto really not had control of the nine tales until now? It's been like, a whole series and hundreds of episodes into shitpudding. just zone out during the show anyways but still it feels like this is something he would have accomplished already
>This furry ass fox in chains visual Is Naruto going to fuck him into submission?
Dominic Sullivan
never once thought i was gay before aside from that one time i almost gay sexed a middle school buddy but damn that fox was chained up in a very sexual position and now that narutos mom is getting in on that shit all those little blue balls ganging up on that OH GOD THAT POSITION THE FOX IS IN
Angel Evans
Is Froppy choking her to death?
Levi Anderson
And so the Kyubi was defeated by taking balls to the face
>redirect For fuck's sake, do none of you know how to link properly?!
Jordan Wright
He has not. Controlling the beast wasn't his top priority until now.
Hudson Russell
I hate how 95% of Naruto's skillset is Shadow Clones and Rasengan.
Learn some new jutsu, dammit!
Juan Morales
I REALLY wish that had a pumping effect.
Justin Morales
He never got along with the giant beast said to literally be hatred. He'll get talk no jutsu'd eventually.
Logan Jenkins
Ah, I see he has gone even further beyond.
Nathaniel Myers
It's because boruto lacks the absolute depths of awfulness that its precursor had leaving it with very little to contrast the overall blandness of the series.
Colton Cruz
>Plasting a giant fox with the combined piss of you and your mom
This is when Naruto jumped the shark in power levels.
Joseph Adams
We did it bros we finally reached Nine Tails Chakra Mode Naruto
Oliver Gonzalez
You know, I actually kind of feel like Talk no Jutsu would be appropriate here. Like, this is a supposedly nuclear-tier chakra demon who is filled with rage at everyone around him. It'd make sense for Naruto to not be able to go toe-to-toe with him and instead have to talk him into cooperating in a relationship like Killer B has with his tailed beast.
But instead, THIS is the time where he wins by just hitting the guy really hard. I don't get it.
Have you ever once heard the word eddy used during you're everyday life by another person.
Jack Fisher
Probably because it was.
Carson Ortiz
Tragic parent-child relationships always get to me in anime. Remember to call your mother often, anons.
Tyler Bennett
Naruto, my boy, did I ever tell you about the Hidden Eddy village? They where a ninja village filled with Uzumaki just like you and deeply influenced our own village's history. In fact your mom came from there, but we let them get wiped out during a Great Ninja War. And, they where good friends.
Lewd Momo is a nice Momo, but I wish she wouldn't suffer.
I don't know much about the recent HM titles, just that they've stopped making them for a bit now. I have a 3DS one in my backlog but I don't think it's getting played anytime soon. That's not even going into that big split Natsume and Marvelous had and now XSeed's doing the localizations.
>Eddy currents Imagine walking outside. It is a peaceful day and the wind is just slightly blowing. It's warm out, and a tree at the top of a hill has very nice shade. You try to get to it, but you walk into an EDDY CURRENT.
Leo Smith
>bruh wtf is "eddy" I only know like 200 words speak small so I unnerstand
Nolan Scott
>During child birth Better hope Naruko doesn't get knocked up
Justin Walker
Women are so fucking inferior.
Jayden Morris
On tonight's episode: Naruto learns where babies come from.
So apparently destroying the Eddy village was necessary so that the survivors could go to the other lands and teach each of them how to seal a tailed beast so everyone can have their own nuke.
Kevin Parker
Why the fuck would you ever make a female jinchuriki then?
It was either she died by his hand, or she got used as a living Jinchuuriki bomb by the enemy against their home. And to be fair, she jumped in the way on her own terms didn't she?
Mason Brooks
>Naruto is indeed the reason the leaf got fucking wrecked by the fox
Ayden Phillips
So in a way, Naruto is responsible for the 9 Tails destroying the Leaf then?
Jacob Campbell
But then the village would have gone boom boom.
Colton Watson
It's almost perfect, isn't it?
Hunter Richardson
James Hughes
Is Karin good at seals too or does she just exist to be a chakra slut?
I haven't been paying attention to shit in this weird Naruto lore. Was Naruto's dad some mega-Chad in the ninja world? What did he accomplish?
Logan Moore
Technically Minato's dick is responsible for the Kyubi wrecking Konoha
Julian Stewart
>You watched that short movie in that Naruto game where Kushina called Obito her favorite and wished her child would be just like him.
That hit me a bit.
Jaxon Bell
Obito never said that he was upset that Kakashi killed, he was upset that Kakashi let her die.
Rin was dead from the moment they put the beast in her, Kakashi should've saved her before that. Also, I know this is unreasonable. My first post was a joke.
jesus he talks so freely about his horniness, when can america achieve this where you dont have to apologize for drawing a girl with tits and ass
Ryan Ward
She's a scientist and chakra slut. That's it, basically. She never learns sealing, and she doesn't even do anything about being Naruto's cousin, which was a huge wasted opportunity.
imagine being so stupid your brain shuts down at hearing a 4 letter word you don't recognize
go on, allot some new memory for it, you weren't using it for anything important, probably just memorizing naruto jutsu names or some garbage, go memorize 10 new words and try to use them so you stop sounding like a fucking moron all the time
I have no idea how her healing abilities have to do with being an Uzumaki. Naruto, Nagato, and Kushina weren't shown to be able to do that.
Angel Perez
She seems to just be good at sensory type abilities. I don't think anyone taught her seals.She has the same power as Kushina, though. The chains thing.
Lincoln Foster
>allot What the fuck man are you having a dtrij?
Jordan Morgan
I have the full image of one of those that pops up in that gif.
Naruto, did I ever tell you about the Hidden Eddy Village? You mother was from that village during a more civilized age. That village produced women with the tightest bodies and the perkiest breasts in all of the ninja world. Your father and I used to run train on those girls at the end of every successful mission during the Great Ninja Wars, part of official ninja “training” of course. In time, your mother learned jutsus you can scarcely imagine. That sexy jutsu? Child's play to her. Hardly any of the Hidden Eddy girls even wore undergarments. And with all the acrobatics they'd constantly be doing you'd get a glimpse of all those pussies mid jump as they'd do a ninja vanish while slicing the enemy's dick off. It was ridiculous, like a constant porno Naruto, you have no idea. And she was a good friend.
Jack Hall
Easton King
I swear that has to be one of the most overused phrases in anime dubs, y'know?
Make the word "allot" one of your 10 words, gentle brainlet. Here's a starter pack, go look up what these mean and try to use them: cherubic, poltroon, castigate, denouement. In addition to "allot" that's 5 new words you didn't know yet, halfway to your goal of 10.
It didn't amount to much anyway. Sasuke's mom probably didn't tell anyone, and fucking no one seemingly realized Naruto was Minato's spitting image or allegedly quoting his mother until he was a teen.
Jayden Ward
Have ANBU ever actually accomplished anything, especially when wearing the mask?
>That seems a little excessive. 20,000 words is the average for an native speaker of English. A particularly well-read person with a large vocabulary can have double that.
I haven't but my grandpa and dad both have had them. Probably gonna get them too, not looking forward to it
Carter James
Mikoto didn't tell anyone but it does give the village reason to suspect the Uchiha are behind the ninetails attack on the village. Because that's where the most obvious leak was.
Liam Smith
>wife getting FOXED
Hunter Long
I did when I was 8. Was extremely painful when it was in the urethra
Yeah, but the idea of Kushina sure as fuck didn't exist early in the series even if Naruto being the 4th Hokage's son probably did. You can tell in this whole flashbaack that the Uzumakis were hashed together to give Naruto a destined family concept rather than originally planned out.
Daniel Bennett
Charles Robinson
Noah Morris
>fapping during Naruto >hear naruto's mom giving birth >sounds like porn noises MY DICK
You've never heard of eddies in the space time continuum?
John Sanchez
But aniki, Leorio is back
Juan Murphy
Brandon Baker
Lesbos don't sell, you homo.
Naruto makes more sense as a girl considering he hyperventilated and passed out when he even thought about hurting Sasuke.
Sasuke is a hotter chick but he makes more sense as an autistic edgy boy.
Henry James
plenty of them knew about it, but were ordered by the 3rd Hokage to not talk about it. The village was also eternally butthurt that it's the kid's fault their village got fucked and the best Hokage died.
Oliver Allen
I can't wait for Leorio to punch Gon's nigger of a dad. Using Nen Bullshit
If you speak English as your first language you should already be at 20k or above. Shooting for 25-30k is not unreasonable, that's where most college educated people are.
I guess I've never really counted how many words I know or use. I should do that at some point.
Evan Evans
Don't call me Aniki you fucking hooker.
Ian Sanchez
Is it true that giving birth is equivalent to a man passing a que ball through his urethra? Or is that just some scare tactic women use to get sympathy for giving birth?
Caleb Baker
I had this feel all the time when Bleach used to air lots of lewd noises
Does Togashi honestly expect me to care about any of these furries?
Alexander Taylor
It's impractical to actually count all the words you know, but there are tests which approximately estimate based on a vocab test. There's "tiers' of English words based on how commonly they're used, and the more words you use from more obscure tiers the more broad your vocabulary is estimated to be, since generally speaking people who use much less common words tend to know more words overall.
Kevin Bennett
Why didnt Killua just ask for Gon to be sent to his house?
Jonathan Hernandez
Jaxson Brooks
Time for Alluka x Nanika.
Cooper Gonzalez
>it sbeen like 8 years since hxh ended kinda diminishes what is happening now because i know there is zero chance for continuation
Well, that was a long, fun night of asskicking (and laughs), but now the last non-rerun is over. Time to go to bed. Remember that every true warrior craves not more war, but peace and a chance to rest. There are no treasures greater than those close to you, like you, my good toonami general friends.
thats not a red chinese dress its those things moms wear to bed when your dad isnt home from work at midnight and its just you and her my mom did it a few times and she said thats what mommies do
Jose Cox
Brayden Lewis
>she isn't property killua is cringed and bluepilled
Isaiah Gutierrez
>skipping levels 1-3
Aaron Anderson
Eat a sandwich in the hospital room and accidentally get mayo all over his hand? Why would he do that?
Levi Hall
Assuming she didn't want to do something scary.
Carson Peterson
What does being chairman entail?
Anthony Lee
They say that childbirth is worse than a kick in the nuts. But after a few years a woman often says she'd love to have another child, while a man will never say getting kicked in the nuts wouldn't be so bad.
Leo Price
It's hard to truly say, but the whole "oh, women have it worse with birth" is just stupid gender shit. Sure, it's something men can't experience, but there are still plenty of painful things both sexes can endure, and some far worse than whatever women face in birth.