Henry Garcia
How tasty do you think free range children are?
Ryder Myers
>Though, it does beg the question, if they want intelligent human think-meat, why still cull the smart ones before they can be bred... They need quantity over quality
Jacob Baker
We've finished Volume 1 in 3 episodes and we're almost into volume 2. How fast is this anime going?
Austin Roberts
Aaron Price
there is a stream? I already saw some links
Colton Gutierrez
Why don't they just focus on trying to murder them? Mom is planning on killing them anyone anyway. There's absolutely nothing morally wrong there.
Lucas Robinson
Since there are Mothers, are there Fathers?
Matthew Morgan
Spoil it for me, do "dad's" exists in this series?
Why not just lock them in a dungeon until it's harvest time and keep it a secret from everyone else? Seems like MOM is making this way harder than it needs to be.
Juan Garcia
Do they eat the whole body or just the brain? They could at least grant the kid one last wish. Yeesh. Demons have no class.
That would require you to actually kill Mom, for you to convince everyone to run away afterwards, and for the Demons to not immediately swarm the place when Mom didn't answer.
Also, now you have to kill Krone too.
Lincoln Reyes
Probably kept at breeding camps, they probably are treated like IRL bulls
I like this commercial despite not caring for Backstreet Boys
Jacob Rivera
Okay there's 3 major problems with your idea. 1) it doesn't actually solve the problem of escaping the farm, they'd still have to do that after killing her. 2) killing mom is not easy, she is much, much tougher than she looks, and 3) she has regular check-ins with her superiors and if she misses one they send in a team to investigate
You think 3 12 year olds can take down a grown woman smart enough to roll with demons? You either really doubt her or you're not confident you can fight off some twelve year olds.
Then they're not very good at animal husbandry... you need both parents to have the traits you desire in the offspring. Its one of the reasons a lot of very specialized breeds are so inbred. Which probably explains the faces...
Well, the show just said this is some artisinal human.
Well, eating your seed-crop is never a good idea... but apparently they're in a food crisis, so they probably aren't terribly bright demons...
All I can figure so far is Aliens/demons/whatever the fuck they are arrived, humanity lost their spot at the top of the food chain, and only keep us around because child brains are delicious to them
I can see the bitch with glasses being a huge problem.
Zachary Lopez
Yes, because kekkei genkai and capitalism.
Grayson Richardson
Judging from the Mom's Keikaku skills, I'm guessing the new woman is bait
Samuel Jenkins
Shame I can't watch hxh anymore since it's blocked by an hour of narutoshit
Tyler Hernandez
Shit happens, basically. Let's just say Mama is very good at her job.
Daniel Rodriguez
>CN is so inept with modern technology, they let their site get hacked Sounds about right
Lucas Cooper
Now we just cut off our ears and say it was an accident
Grayson Stewart
Guys I heard the sound of Canadian geese honking outside and now something sounded like it crashed into the side of my house but there's nothing there. What the absolute fuck is going on? I felt my wall vibrate with that thud.
>announcing the DBZ giveaway a day later it was up on the internet I signed up for that shit yesterday and I doubt I will get anything, but then again, I've gotten 2 Toonami shirts for free already.
Kayden Perry
The daemons need to eat human brains to retain their own sapience.
>nothing wrong They exists and breath , thats whats wrong.
Bentley Hill
Awww, they took out Emi throwing the ball and Ray catching it.
Owen Brown
The new Broly movie was actually amazing, so as long as we don't get another GT it should be fine.
Luis Edwards
They're just really, really clever. And there's three of them at once. Mama was exactly like Emma when she was younger, she's basically up against herself but with 2 other kids just as smart and resourceful, she's overmatched
Funny how he's getting more and more roles in anime these days. Swear he was pretty much dormant throughout the 00s outside of some MGS stuff and the occasional TMNT cast reunions.
Christian Hall
Asher Jones
Man, where were the roving gangs of horny cougars when I was a kid?
Grayson Cook
Jose Reyes
Yes Dutch, planing requires a lot of thinking and time
Okay in actually raising them, I think a diet of pizza and ice cream while fun might not be so good, plus he's pretty irresponsible. They'd be spectacularly covered on the anti demon front though.
11:00 Dragon Ball Super 108 (of 131) >FRIEZA AND FROST! A MUTUAL MALEVOLENCE? 11:30 My Hero Academia 47 (of 64) >ALL FOR ONE 12:00 The Promised Neverland 3 (of 13) >181045 12:30 Sword Art Online: Alicization 12 (of --) >RULE R AND MEDIATOR 1:00 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 33 (of 39) >JULY 15TH (THURS) PART 3 1:30 Black Clover 67 (of --) >A FUN FESTIVAL DOUBLE DATE 2:00 Boruto 29 (of -) >DECLARATION OF WAR 2:30 Naruto Shitpuden 247 (of 500) >TARGET: NINE TAILS 3:00 Hunter X Hunter 140 (out of 148) >JOINING THE FRAY X AND X OPEN HOSTILITIES 3:30 Attack On Titan 9 (of 24) >WHEREABOUTS OF HIS LEFT ARM: THE STRUGGLE FOR TROST PART 5 Week 361 of Toonami
>Ratings for 4/21 11:00 DB:Super: 787,000 11:30 My Hero: 512,000 12:00 Promised Neverland: 424,000 12:30 Sword Art Online: 418,000 1:00 JoJo: 393,000 1:30 Black Clover: 377,000 2:00 Boruto: 332,000 2:30 Naruto: 300,000 3:00 Hunter: 297,000 3:30 AoT: 253,000
Cameron Adams
I wish she was but official documents say she's 14, and Midnight Bliss ages her up.
I think her being an adult who looks like a kid makes her cooler, but I'd still be wrong.
Thomas Torres
>Traitor in Dragon Ball Super >Traitor in Promised Neverland ARE THERE ANY OTHER TRAITORS I SHOULD BE AWARE OF!?!
Why didnt the redhead bring up the fact she mentioned the harvest
Jeremiah Reed
He would totally only be interested in the power the demons have to rule over the world and not because his newfound bond with his son has awakened paternal instincts!
She couldn't understand Krone, she doesn't speak jive.
Hunter Robinson
So please tell me this is the point where Emma abandons the idea of getting those other snot-nosed brats out and just focuses on saving her, Norman, and Ray?
John Robinson
As far as Emma knows, Isabella only knows that someone saw the demons. Krone likely tried to play a bluff.
Why would a demon marry food. Its like marrying a pie
Leo Robinson
This is ultimately a game of 9001D chess between Norman and Ray. At this stage in the game, they are still using pieces like wonder girl and mega milf to achieve survival to the end game. Anyone else's plots don't matter
Jaxson Rodriguez
Perfection is subjective, but she is in the same category as Sailor Jupiter and Yozakura
Charles Perry
anything worth holding in a bathroom break for in this episode
Blake Barnes
Post characters you want to see sword fight Kirito
The Toonami General pastebin needs some drinking rules for Promised Neverland. What are your suggestions? >Someone makes a super creepy face >Mama mind fucks the kids somehow >Emma gets emotional about leaving other people behind >Ray/Norman demonstrate their 200IQ
> trying to corrupt an AI society > send in a video game addict to fuck it up for them I feel like this would be a good story if it wasnt for nips shit taste in MC's
Oliver Jackson
there's an American pie joke in here somewhere but i'm too lazy
Angel Hall
Nathan Garcia
Cake is better
Anthony Edwards
this is dumb as fuck, but I like that they're pointing out memory storage issues in SAO.
Adam Kelly
Alright folks, Deep Space Radio here and we're ready to go!
We've got some interesting bits for you tonight. First we're going to start off with this: youtube.com/watch?v=lOO8Um_jmLI There's a new trailer out for Godzilla King of the Monsters and now there's tracks from the OST online, and this is fucking boss right here. It's Blue Oyster Cult's Godzilla theme in movie soundtrack form, with chanting that reminds me of sumo wrestling somehow. Appropriate, given the central conflict between Godzilla and King Ghidorah going for the goddamn championship belt, man. I cannot tell you folks how fucking hyped I am for this movie and music like this gets me pumped. I can guarantee you another Godzilla music playlist when the movie drops. I hope you guys are looking forward to that as much as I am.
Next up, some heartwarming little diddy by this fellow on youtube, channel by the name of PPF. It's a cover of the Flower Garden track from the SNES Yoshi's Island game. youtube.com/watch?v=3S4J2OC-vs0 And boy howdy is it perfectly done. That is to say, it's an almost exact replication of the song using real instruments. Even if you don't care much for the song (it's short and it's meant to be background music for a game, so I can understand even if I don't agree), I hope you can appreciate just how spot-on it is. But really, it's a very cute little song. Just imagine the little Yoshi sprite doing its little idle march-in-place to this, with the squiggly crayon art that game had. Fond childhood memories. That game had a great soundtrack - the ending theme was the first time I can recall a game legit pushing me to tears, happy or otherwise. It was just so beautiful after all the work put toward getting there. But I digress. Back to the music.
Time moves faster. Kirito's been there for 2 years.
Jacob Evans
They make her look pretty cute. I don't know how it helps her sight though.
Jaxon Peterson
Ya know, I have loved MMOs ever since I was a kid and I want to get into this show but there is something stopping me from.. taking it seriously.
And I think using little girls for more RAM Power and that little memory card becoming fully sentient and aware of the situation and starting a fight like that and chain saying "System Call" kinda put me out of it.
Remember when Cartoon Network somehow had the license to the first Dot Hack series and would air it at like 1 in the morning on Saturdays years ago?
Jason Price
will the stakes get high in the current season?
Noah Roberts
Remove goblins
Juan Johnson
Just tab target
Tyler Campbell
nice job of whoever made this to remove most impact frames
Henry Campbell
Reminder that the Dark Territory basically means nothing in the long-term, because an american PMC and an army of gook MMO raiders are the real bad guys after Quinella
Between SAO and Promised Neverland we've got an hour of talking every night. And this is coming from someone who loves Promised neverland.
Jayden Carter
So if I'm understanding this, parallel to this gay little medieval human society, the demon realm has been functioning in a similar way with AI souls and all that shit
William Hill
System Call! Body Modification! Enlarge Butt
Josiah Allen
So, DJ user, since you're also a Godzilla fan, what's your favorite film? Who is your favorite kaiju?
Ah that's actually a good idea. They might have a bit of extra work, but at least the kids will have a less "smoke and mirrors" thing involving demons and their living situation.
Kayden Brown
I like my spider ladies to only one pair of eyes. You heard me.
>should be able to set aside 10 Why the limit? Can't she choose not to delete as many as she wants? She makes it sound like she has no choice.
Jayden Mitchell
Promised Neverland at-least has mind games and the trio are good protags.
Bentley Thompson
im glad we didnt get neverland AND one of those hour of SAO things
Brandon Turner
TPN's talking is at least interesting and I give a fuck about who's saying. SAO can't even do half of that.
Robert Howard
.hack//Sign was a really odd show with gorgeous music and nothing happening 90% of the time. .hack//Legends of Twilight manages to have better animation (not a high bar to pass) and a story that moves better, but is far less interesting and meaningful to the world they live in. Also it does the weird sexual tension between siblings thing that a lot of people can't stand.
Easton Davis
Damn, that is almost perfect pitched for the MIDI original. Fine work.
Her permissions are highest within the simulation, but the simulation was designed to have the dark territory overwhelm the human realm. She has no control over the simulation's core design.
Kevin Baker
Brody Campbell
>MOOOM I can't come down to eat dinner I have to stay logged into my MMORPG to listen to an NPC talk about a quest for 30 minutes
Robert Martinez
If SAO is so bent on spelling out a convoluted backstory that they are filling the whole episode with a brick of exposition dialog, maybe they should have just had a narrator to begin with. It's times like this that I'm glad that .hack was mostly content to let the characters wander around not knowing anything at all.
Grayson Bailey
It's been almost 20 minutes and no fighting has happened, just sitting in one spot talking.
Jaxon Lewis
oh no dont't
Christian Butler
Jayden Turner
Its a wasted potential of what would be a good story
Henry King
>Only desired one thing for the last 200 years It's sex, isn't it?
Think back to episode 1 of this season if you really give that much of a shit, the two guys in charge of the players that attacked Kirito's group. One's ex-Laughing Coffin, the other's the most crazy bastard in the franchise, and they'll lead an American PMC unit to raid the Ocean Turtle to try to steal the Cardinal System. And they'll plug Underworld into the internet and have koreans and chinese raid it like it's just another MMO.
Yeah, that was pretty weird. I think there was also something like Zodiac Knights or something.
Juan Morales
Not quite. She's basically raid boss strength, not invincible deity strength. The Dark Territory can win with a zerg rush if it's just her and the integrity knights.
That happens sometimes. I'll dislike or not care about a song at first, but as I hear it more often, or in a better setting to hear it properly, it grows on me. Also that is a badass movie poster.
Hard to pick a movie, but I'm inclined to say Destroy All Monsters or the original Mechagodzilla. Vs Mechagodzilla 2 might be my other favorite. Mecha-G 1 is my favorite kaiju though, he's just such an asshole. Gigan's a close second on that same track.
I wasn't really sold on this one at first but now that I've listened to it again, I think it's worth sharing. youtube.com/watch?v=hVmbWMS3W4I This is Put Me To Work by Big Data, who you might remember from Dangerous. It's a new single by them that popped up on my recc list and I gave it a shot. It's a solid groove and I dig it. Kind of sounds like it might make good workout music if you're into that kind of thing. The chorus really hooks you, and I like the tone of it. I know I trend more toward the fast-paced satanic metal techno stuff sometimes but I like this, it's nice.
they are gonna fuck shit up before the apocalypse comes and fucks everyone's shit up. If they succeed in fucking shit up, only 10 get to survive. If not, only the strong will survive
Jacob Diaz
>40 year old fat guy's soul reincarnated as little girl fucklight
Jackson Allen
Is this basically "Console Commands: The TV Show"?
She isn't though. She's half of the system's administrator program. So even if everything is deleted she still exists in a file somewhere ready to be loaded back up once they boot up a new simulation. It won't be "her" so to speak but another iteration of her.
Brayden Powell
She's not real, dood, even in-universe.
Justin Morgan
youre just not intelligent enough
Austin King
Giving her kid the I am Jazz treatment takes away any attraction I have towards her.
Lucas Rivera
Loli's plan is to delete everything because shit's fucked, if Kirito helps he can pick 10 people to spare
Ryan Nelson
>Delete entire world >save 10 souls Is she planning to make another world for them or are they just going to sit in literal limbo forever?
she knew it'd kill her, that's literally what she just told Kirito
Robert Baker
>She gives Kirito a useful monologue >Probably won't be relevant for the rest of the series
Isaiah James
I hope there's a doujin of those two with that specific scene.
Jeremiah Perry
When does Yugioh get raped?
Christian Bell
She'll back them up into datacubes for Kirito to do whatever the fuck with in the real world.
Lucas Kelly
black people
Jack Harris
I thought booksmart already happened
Nathaniel Moore
That actually is pretty decent workout music. I'll put this on my playlist. >Mecha-G 1 is my favorite kaiju though, he's just such an asshole. Gigan's a close second on that same track. You have exquisite taste.
It's weird enough for NPCs to leave their shops at all, let along letting them play Mario Maker.
James Allen
She's basically just going to hard reset the world to before the girl became an admin
Lucas Rodriguez
I'll watch it when it's done airing. I'm fucking tired of keeping up with these [as] shows. Do they all have to air at midnight or later on a Sunday? Then they go and wonder why nobody watches their garbage even when it's decent.
Kevin Evans
16 + 7 = 10 copied and put in a folder outside the deleted world, or something like that.
Gavin Walker
she's kind of the big good, but then she gets to party hard to a crisp
Cooper Adams
>Have to click through 30 minutes worth of dialogue boxes to hug a NPC
Jose Reyes
She doesn't have the authority to make another world. You people need to get this through your heads: she's just an admin WITHIN the simulation, she doesn't have permissions to do things outside the simulation. Creating a new simulation falls outside the scope of her role.
Henry Anderson
I curse all who enjoy this drivel.
Owen Campbell
I actually caught a couple episodes. It's not awful. I'll probably forget about it in 2 months.
Andrew Williams
Nah, we don't watch that shit. We watch Rick and Morty and Eric Andre.
10 is a practical amount that Kirito might be able to steal. Her idea is to kill everyone peacefully by instantly erasing their minds, rather than leave them to suffer what Rath will put them through. I don't think she has a way to do a batch lookup of the IDs of the dark territory either. So if Kirito tells her the names of ten people, she can easily look them up by name and exclude them from the command, but she can't write a command that would list the IDs of only the people in the dark territory and only target them.
Landon Wright
high school girls are fucking lame though
Xavier Kelly
>Yugioh is literally just waiting to get cucked He deserved so much better.
Each person is stored in their own specially made datacube. The idea is that if it's just 10 datacubes, Kirito might be able to protect them from Rath, even if just by stealing them. If it's hundreds of datacubes, he has no chance of protecting them from Rath.