>reads your private thoughts
>steals your stuff
Reads your private thoughts
Other urls found in this thread:
Star can't control Eclipsa. Nobody can. That didn't stop her from trying though. This is her final act of trust, she's given Eclipsa absolutely everything. Now she hopes that this will be enough to keep Eclipsa and Globgor and the 'good', non-murderous side.
Of course, they won't, and Star will have to fight Eclipsa.
That's a pretty shite article.
You can't expect much from ED but for me the biggest gripe is how outdated is. Can't blame it though because the fandom is dead except for the most hardcore tumblrites
get in here
Where did her lower body disappeared too?
Her lower body's covered by her dress, genius.
I don't see her dress either
>makes Jackie gay
>the spoilers for the episodes tonight
Everything Yea Forums joked about possibly going wrong in S4 is comic true almost verbatim.
Welp, they crashed, burned, and blew up this series so there won't be any survivors. It was a good show but someone had to fully fuck this up.
Turns out when there's no brakes on a crazy train, it crashes and kills everyone.
Have you not been reading the thread and deleted posts by the mods (because they also want to push the Nazi-Dyke agenda)?
Reveal spoiler to break a Jackiefag's heart.
>Jackie is bisexual
That just means she's open to fucking Star and Marco at the same time now.
Harem ending is in sight!
Does cartoon nowadays HAVE to add any of the LGBT shit? Do they really? Are there on average to gay people in a group of 5? Do I blame the west for this? Blame america more or europe?
Neck yourself
This is no laughing matter
Blame California more than anything.
Blame Europe.
There's only one thing laughing here and it's my dick.
I just hope there's POV Star/Jackie cosplay porn in the future.
Cotugno doesn't watch this show and forgot that Jackie had previously met a cute boy at skate camp the previous summer, meaning she has shown absolutely no bisexual / lesbian tendencies since her introduction. However, Cotugno has to put her fucking thumb in every pie.
so you're okay with millions of little girls watching lesbians and thinking it's normal and becoming lesbians themselves ?
you sicken me, and the day Frozen 2 will have a lesbian story is the day the Occident will meet its downfall and I will gloat as I would have already left the western world for a better place untainted by Soddom and Gomorra's influence
you'll be sorry and I won't care
you imbecilic cancer
it makes no sense for straight people to hate gays but love lesbians
more gay = more girls available since they won't go after them
but encouraging lesbianism is the epitome of stupidity
the more lesbians the less girls will be interested in you and woud rather make out with the same sex than with you
all you idiotic mongrels always support lesbians, and lesbians are way more prominent in cartoons/television than gays
it is your fault, all of you, you will see the consequences
Elsa will be a lesbian, and little girls will all be lesbians because girls are very influencable
Men aren't as much influencable than females, so it wouldn't affect them to see gayness
it's your right to be gay
just don't put your homosexual fetishes in cartoons for normal people
normal people watch normal shows
gay people watch gay things
don't mix the two
you stupid fuggs ruined everything, but I'm not mad
as I said, the west doomed because of nincompoops such as you fag and I will be rejoincing to its doomsday from afar
Well the lesbian thing is overshadowing the other important bit in the episode. Namely that everyone thought Marco's sister was his and Star's daughter. It wasn't even cleverly disguised innuendo they flat out called Marco a dad. Teenage pregnancy is now ok on a kid's show. Slippery slopes and whatnot.
not like anything is helped by people going out of there way too send sexist/racist troll messages to members of the staff, who have no idea that more than half the time people are just being dicks on the web and thinking the shit needs to be on tv
>this copypasta
I like their future designs
Yes goy- I mean guy... blame each other. Pay no attention to the nose sticking out from behind that nearby curtain... eh heh heh heh..
absolutely heinous
A shame this is copypasta; I even checked Google in the hopes this was original.
>Teenage pregnancy is now ok on a kid's show.
I mean, technically "Degrassi" was a kid's show and that had teenage pregnancy: youtube.com
>muh jewz
Well the creators we see for new cartoons nowadays consist of bullied gay nerds
are they lesbians as well? I'm almost scared to ask but after random bi-Star and bi-Jackie, I wouldn't be surprised anymore.
I'm the original writer of this rant so it might as well not be a copypasta
>Jackie's gay and Marco jr a trans girl
Well shit, Tumblr was right
so your completely fucking mental and a couple gays in your cartoons away from blaring pumped up kicks, neat.
I can't believe I defended this show for so long
That's it, that's the last straw
No more chilling, no more watching
Maybe no more watching ANY modern cartoon ever again
You broke me Disney, you broke what little hope and enjoyment I had
May cotungo receive the divine judgment for her immoral sins
Guys, they're just eating tacos
Literally who said they were gay ???
I ate at McDonald's with my friend, does that mean we're gay ?
you fucking homosexual
Yes, I am in denial mode
part of the leak was at the end of the episode they skateboard away holding hands and jackie says something like "i discovered alot in france"
>the sudden girlfriend ending is real
tacos, they are eating tacos.
I feel patronized by this level of innuendo.
We promised to never let this crap happen ever again bros, WE PROMISED
Please someone stop this madness
y'all bitches i hope you know that.
>yfw Starco doesn't even end up happening
>It goes full Korra and Star hooks up with Janna instead
It happens in every popular cartoon with waifus. Korra, Adventure Time, Loud House and now Star Vs. Mark my words the mc of Owl House will be a carpet muncher too.
Not black, Muslim. Got to make sure its full SJW madness.
At least we're not faggots.
oh no your definitively a faggot
Silver lining: Jackie will remain pure and will never become a single mother to a mulatto baby, which, let's be honest, was the most likely outcome outside of faggotry.
New episode time my dudes. I'm gonna say the M-word.
No new episodes tonight?
She's not wearing a hijab though.
Marco has Mako disease. That's why all the girls he kisses turn bi.
>Steven universe
>Luna loud
>adventure time
>dragon prince
>now Jackie
Will the lesbian propaganda ever end ??
They are LITERALLY turning STRAIGHT characters GAY
WAKE UP people
Nah, it's like exchange for the crew, they aloow Nefcy to do their girl and boy love ending, but everyone else is some kind of lgbt
I see... Okay. Gay people are just so prevalent nowadays that every show be it cartoon, live action, or even stop motion need to have it. Yeah, okay. Being a Jackiefag is suffering.
So we're gonna focus on the dykes instead of the fact everyone thought Marco broke up with Jackie because he knocked up Star? Sigh.
Why, am I turning you on? If so, stop. Just stop. I'm not a LADYBOY like Janna.
Nor does Radish Towlee or whatever that senator's name is from Detroit.
if it acts like a bitch, whines like a bitch, it's a _____
I mean, would you guys feel better if we saw Jackie showing up again with a new boyfriend? I'm not a fan of "last minute lesbians", but I think this was handled fairly smoothly. Jackie most certainly would've gotten picked up by someone anyway, I think that much we can agree. And it seems she had experience with other boys before Marco, going by her dialogue.
I'm mainly triggered we're not getting any tie-ins with her mermaid characteristics and those mild hints from a previous episode.
n-no subs?
Marco becomes Eclipsa's court Eunuch and is not even allowed to eat at the same table as the other characters. Screencap this.
Fuck I'm outside. Just gonna wait for the MEGA in like 20 minutes.
they would still bitch especially if he was brown.
>would you guys feel better if we saw Jackie showing up again with a new boyfriend
Reminder that SVTFOE ended in season 2
Stop. You fags always do this. Don't you try to justify this. Don't you dare try to influence the stupid anons. I know your tricks. You're actually one of the LGBT people.
It's been so long since I've seen Jackie I forgot how fucking sexy she is. If I found a girl like that irl and found out she was gay, I'd start trapping without hesitation.
What? all i know are the spiler, can someone give a resume of everything, did they really make a joke about teen pregnancy on the show?
>paranoia sets in as the /pol/fag readies his detonator
Cotugno is responsible for every bad element of the show. The show stopped being Nefcy's baby with Battle for Mewni. It's dead.
No, I know your kind. Always, always there when the cartoon suddenly turn gay. ALWAYS THERE. Can't be a coincidence.
she's 16 dude.
I am done with modern cartoons
No matter how interesting a series is, no matter how engaged in the story I am, DYKES will ALWAYS ruin it
I am DONE, that's it
No more suffering, no more browsing Yea Forums
I won't watch another modern cartoon ever again
Congrats contungo, you disgusted me of my own hobby
and Marco's a light-skinned Latino. If she nabbed anyone even marginally cooler than Marco, I don't think anons would take it well. No winning with this idealized character. I just want her in actual adventures, like Janna. But I guess not going by that AU version of her being a fucking robot. Light jab by the writers, I'd imagine.
maybe people aren't as fucking psychotic as you are and you need to get over it? have you considered seeing a therapist if all the cap locks screaming is in anyway genuine.
Ignore him/her
It's yet another tumblr migrant
They ruined the board from day one
it was a running gag. Marco wanted to fill out his lunch card to get a prize if he ate 50 tacos so he went up to everyone asking them to let him buy their meals, not with his money, so he could get the points. He had Mariposa with him in a baby carrier and everyone he went up to, mostly old season 1&2 characters, kept calling Marco a dad or asking if Mariposa was his . It was implied they thought Star was the mom but Ferguson straight out says it.
i'm pretty sure at this point there wouldn't be anyway to truly please people, the over reliance on shipping drama over the years kinda made that abundantly clear that regardless of how this ends someone isn't happy. the robot thing was a pretty obvious jab, and yeah it would have been cool to at least see her exposed to the adventure angle.
I hope once all this is over, some fan makes an edit to copy and paste the inevitable Starco ending to the end of Battle for Mewni, and also trims out anything building up Eclipsa since the payoff for that was so lame. Then we could have a show I would be happy to rewatch and just forget the rest of this bad nightmare happened. They do this to every fucking show, I don't know why I still let myself get fooled into following Western animation at this point.
>That broom
I feel nothing but sadness in my heart.
So I haven't watched it yet.
Other than, apparently, Jackie getting a girlfriend instead, does anything else happen?
Like, does it go on a shpeel about homosexuality/acceptance etc etc? Or is it just "She has a gf" and no one really addresses it?
If the former, then right. Fuck this show. If the latter, then who the fuck cares about a girl who has not been relevant for two seasons and really is only liked because of waifufags. (Although admittedly she was a great character those few brief episodes where she is REALLY relevant)
I bet you retards will still flock to watch the owl house even though it's directed by cotungo herself, the person who destroyed svtfoe
don't tell me what i can and can't watch /pol/tard
It's just more evidence that Cuntuggo is in charge if this show, which in retrospect should have been clear for the past 2 seasons. Everything fun about the show is gone, it's now social justice lectures about redistributing pour property to aboriginals, and brown lesbians we've never met but are supposed to be in love with, and monsters who eat people that we're supposed to side with before the explanation has even been given, and a whore that fucked every breed of monster in existence and clearly doesn't give a shit about Mewmans and we're supposed to be on her side, and shipping that they built up to have dissolve off-screen, and Tomco dragged on for fucking ever when everyone hates it. This is not what I signed up for, it's not good, it's not fun, it's not enjoyable, it's not cute and perfect. it's fucking infuriating and this happens with every goddamn cartoon. Fuck this show, and fuck Cotugno.
I was going to harvest Starco tears but this surprise homo with Lamp is just as delicous
Funny how only disgusting dyke writers force their homosexual fetishes everywhere while gay male writers do none of that
Women are the problem
Eat shit, Jackiefags.
Your lesbo queen will never be seen again.
Delicious, salty tears
>posts are a minute apart almost exactly
>while the ip count barely rises
>trans Marco Jr and bisexual or straight up lesbian Jackie with a black French girlfriend
If Tomco happens I wonder if anyone in these threads will actually kill themselves at that point, I love 2019
Seriously. Voltron. Korra. Star VS. Mi Petite Donkeys. Adventure Time. Steven Universe.
The moment the show starts pandering to their fanbases, ESPECIALLY the Shippers, you just get all sorts of fucked up. It's been going on nigh 10 years now, and we still haven't learned.
Fuck, cartoons were better prior to the massive usage of the Internet or social media to talk about cartoons/comics. The good cartoons back then even made fun of fuckers like us (Animaniacs). Make a good show, and if people like it, keep making it. Don't LISTEN to the people that like it unless there's a near 100% acceptance that one element of the show is garbage. That's the secret.
is there a mega on board yet?
I'm not a Jackiefag but it hurts bros
No, tomco would be an improvement
Both Marco and Tom are better off without Star "I destroy my kingdom's legacy because much feelings" Butterfly
Okay mods, you're right. This thread can go back to /trash/
>>trans Marco Jr
It's girl not a trans user, but she might grow up to be a lesbian
I'm not a /pol/tard. I'm fine with 'anti-monster racism bad' if it's handled with a little subtlety and balance. The Mewnipendence Day episode handled it well. What sucks now is that we have been given no reason to like Eclipsa and Globgor and a lot of reasons to dislike them but Star has devoted her life to helping their cause and we're just supposed to be on board with that. The writing is so shitty. Why not have an episode showing what happened between Shastacan and Globgor in detail BEFORE having the heroine be supportive of him? They just assume we all turned our brains off because Mewmans are racist and that makes Globgor and Eclipsa good by default I guess.
Ignoring what the fans want didn't make the Avengers movies good
The surprise Jackie GF is kind of lame... But ain't nothing wrong with liking some chocolate
They just appear, talked a little, and skated away holding hands. That's it. Not even addressing verbally she is dating her.
I just have to wonder how someone who truly enjoyed the first 2 seasons can still be enjoying what this became?
I mean I agree, Star is a terrible girlfriend. A bromance that leaves her behind is my ideal.
Legal in many states
Your opinion's noted, but even then you have to ask yourself... Is Avengers' "Bad" the same level of "bad" as Star VS. or any of the other cartoons I mentioned?
Why the fuck would you want it? Have some self-respect. The show is dead.
So that's we have reached the timeline where it is IMPOSSIBLE to not have at least one lesbian in a cartoon
Despite them making 0,5 of the population ..
So the amount of rage towards this on this thread is autism. Got it. There's many, many, many more things to more righteously get angry about in Star VS. than this.
it's the latter. In fact the episode is pretty hetero what with everyone thinking Marco and Star had a baby together. The whole point of the episode was Marco worrying he was a shitty boyfriend to Jackie and her having a girlfriend was a quick way of showing she was fine and happy. Also to give some echo creek characters one last appearance. It was a pretty comfy episode actually unless you're a waifu fag. Jackie even tells Marco Star is special gal and not to mess that one up.
I dunno I have 3 sisters and they're all bi or lesbian
i ain't gonna lie man what you said makes alot of sense to me, i mean certain criticisms should probably be heard but pandering to nutcase shippers is fucking retard candy, on one hand it gets you more dedicated viewership, but on the other hand it lowers the quality of your product desperately trying to please a horde that can never be sated.
Why is ablady alive?
Kurumada and Araki insert their homosexual fantasies into their mangas but their characters are manly fags having adventures. Kishi is closer to Cotugno though.
This. I'm not for homosexuality. I'm not for shipping. But honestly, at this point, Tom and Marco have that perfect level of a relationship to be a much better romantic couple than -anyone else- in this God forsaken show.
Some guy in their lives probably raped them.
It's a sexual metaphor
Considering how much Starconteasing the episodes had I doubt Tomco will happen.
All "anger" and "outrage" in all threads on Yea Forums are just reverse marketing shilling tactics meant to engage people into discussing the show and bump threads for the sake of spreading awareness of said show.
It's all about occupying the mental mindscape. It absolutely doesn't matter if something is loved or hated, as long as it's not ignored.
No, not yet
The only people currently enjoying the show are the tumblrinas and not even for the show itself but the progressive messages. Unfortunately, Cotugno and her minions feel validated by their praise
*honk honk*
this show is spiraling out of control and I feel disgusted
this is the gayest shit i've ever seen and not in the good way
how is this a bad thing?
Can a drawfag depict Nefcy getting decked or pushed into oncoming traffic. I'm not a Jackiefag, I'm just done with how this show's been handled from a fun show to blatant propaganda. Also, if Star is supposed to be a self insert for Nefcy, it doesn't reflect well on her character as a belligerently selfish and clueless cunt.
This is just the boiling point and it also makes it even more obvious that this is Cotugno's show and makes all the horrible things that have been piling up so much clearer. We were waiting for things to turn around but it's not coming. Bad people with bad motivations took over the show and are intentionally trying to ruin it. Are you guys really excited about what's coming? Is Starco even worth waiting for after this dragged out Startom shit? Fucking Mina is the Big Bad, the crazy dumpster lady? All the mystery built up for Eclipsa and she's just an incompetent mother who's in over her head? The buildup of Kellco and they dealt with it offscreen? Jackie being a lesbian is a minor thing but it contradicts her previous crushes on guys and undercuts all the emotion of the breakup with Marco and the whole relationship, and just drives home that Cotugno is in charge of everything. Everything is so awful, how can you still enjoy the show?
Yeah, it just sucks because it's tainted by what a shitbag she was to Tom and this will they won't they plus Marco being mentally three times her age atp. Tom and Marco platonically fucking it up as Bros as Star drowns in the toffee swamp is my preferred end.
Okay, now that's the gayest shit I've ever seen.
He was fun
fuckin lmao buddy
Cotugno has taken the lead. Think about it.
Star/Nefcy: Failed white princess, give her wand.
Meteora/Cotugno: Biracial princess that inherit the magic and even as a baby is better than Star (magic is in good hands)
Please, blame Cotugno and Disney. Nefcy is a victim of a conspiracy to destroy her once-beautiful and pure show.
Pretty much. It's literally the most innocuous thing in the episode. People are disproportionately angry at something that wasn't even that explicit. They held hands in a poorly animated scene for a split second
Did everybody forget how gay this show was all along?
You're just upset that Jackie is a dyke. Personally, I find it funny. Have you tried not being a fan of Jackie?
best character
that chapter was actually good
Mariposa is bebe gorda or thicc loli?
>Are you guys really excited about what's coming?
Hrm. I'm actually thinking hard on this.
The last time I was "excited" for an episode of Star VS. was actually Starcrushed. I didn't really buy into the
>series ended at Season 2
bit, but there it is. I stopped enjoying the show and started watching it more as a "how much further downhill is it going to go from here"?
Star VS stopped being a Saturday Morning Cartoon and became a TMZ Reality Show you watch when you're contemplating putting that cold, iron, gunpowder laced barrel into your mouth.
Our queen was back. For 5 minutes, our queen returned to us. God bless Nefcy. God bless the Star crew. God bless America.
Might as well not be a fan of the show. Same shit.
I'm for true love, and these two got it
This. I liked him
Remember when I said there was a flamboyant anime demon OC that looks like Tom but the only difference is that he has no pants and has a magic eating stomach with lips? I wasn't kidding.
It's pretty common among lesbians and if they're all sisters it's probably not a coincidence.
They consider themselves sisters.
I disagree, rather I think The suits watered down Nefcy's pure autism. Hiring Cotugno was the equivalent of mixing liquid diarrhea, gasoline, and a match in the mix.
he's gonna end up on vacation with Janna isn't he?
it's fucking weird how many people we suddemly gained that are bitching about the grey morality/monster racism crap as if it where a new thing and not shit set up in season fucking one.
Where were you when marco realized that free will is an illusion in a world where you can know the future?
>so long gay Star
trips confirm
Seriously. When was the last time Star did this with Marco? Marco and Kelly had this going, but that was taken behind the barn and shot with a 12 gauge between episodes.
But no one knows the future, therefore free will prevails.
I want to slice Daron Nefcy's abdomen open and strangle Sabrina with her entrails. Not because of the dyke shit but because no Brittney
It's not about Jackie being a lesbian. This is just the straw that broke the camel's back. The last in a long line of insults and just more evidence that this is The Cotugno Show and how horrible it has been recently has not been a coincidence.
Beach Day was a clusterfuck but those Starco moments is why I keep watching this shitshow
Eh not really. Looks like standard effeminate drow. Besides he is way more entertaining than Tom
Yes, they did. Just about everybody in "Britta's Tacos" thought that Mariposa was Marco and Star's daughter rather than Marco's sister
Why would I be mad about this? That means she gets girls as well as guys. Jackie's eating pussy while Marco is. It's a win win.
obligatory faster with motion blur
>girls cant be on screen without fucking
You are part of the problem user
No they're just young and exploring/accepting/whatever your sexuality is way more common with today's youth
You can't reason with mousekeeters. It's better to ignore them.
Marco is Mako-tier now. Such a bad boyfriend, he turns women lesbian.
And doubles too! So yeah pretty much.
Father Time knows the future, dumbass.
Pretty much everyone thought Marco was Mariposa's dad and that Star was the mom (well Sensei specifically on thinking Star was the mother)
Why was Star so fucking high in that episode?
Ok, will we make a bingo card for the finale now or wait another week?
I think perhaps Star may die/pull an Allura and she'll kiss both Marco and Tom before disappearing.
Epilogue moments have Tom and Marco chilling in the motorbike gang "ambiguously".
Work of fiction, numbskull.
Glossyrck does
Marco wasn't even a bad boyfriend. Jackie was just super gay and Marco was gay for Star.
Isn't that an offensive stereotype? I thought they were LGBT allies
Mariposa willingly age regressimg herself back to infancy was pretty hot.
We aren't against it per se. We're against how hamfisted and heavy-handed and one-sided it has become, and how we are expected to side with Eclipsa and Globgor when there are almost comically obvious reasons why that is not justified, and also how we are supposed to be excited about a final battle with fucking Mina who is not intimidating at all. It's just all shit.
No. Because in the show they have no chemistry, no real 'fun' interaction, and no indication of yearning to be near each other. What you want is pure shipping and, if acted upon by the show, would be as much of a sin as all the other ship-pandering this fucking trainwreck of a series has done.
I've always looked forward to it really. Lately though I'm complaining that it's not done right. Too onesided. The complexities and gray-area thrown away easily for bullshit.
It's like watching a 5-star chef purchase these top quality ingredients (season 1), start assemblying and putting them together using a top-tier crew and appliances (season 2), watching him start to show very unhygenic qualities like sneezing or coughing into a bowl or not washing his hands (season 3), and then leave it in the over for an hour too long and throw it at your face (season 4)
Everyone. EVERYONE thought she was the starco kid. Even Jackie. Holy fucking shit.
Neither was Mako. Not really. The Bryke tried to pretend like all romance drama was his fault but it was actually the fault of the two bitches.
While bland, Mako wasn't an asshole.
The breakup buddies thing lasted a single episode. I can't imagine outlining this last season and deeming that worthy of inclusion.
Huh, Jackie went to France just like Marco’s mom did.
Things are great when you're not in charge of dealing with your hometown's racism.
>While bland, Mako wasn't an asshole.
Didn't he kiss Korra while he was dating Asami?
Tom deserved it. And he desrves to end up alone. His inclusion in season 3 was the beginning of the end and I personally blame his character for the downfall of the show.
Eh maybe I wasn't paying attention. I know Sensei basically flat out said how he thought Star was the mom while most everyone else merely commented on how they thought he was the dad with Jackie calling Star a special one for Marco and to not lose her
>No. Because in the show they have no chemistry, no real 'fun' interaction, and no indication of yearning to be near each other. What you want is pure shipping and, if acted upon by the show, would be as much of a sin as all the other ship-pandering this fucking trainwreck of a series has done.
Fucking this
Based jarcuck. So glad to live this moment finally.
Pretty much, even Ferguson kinda implied too, Jackie probably took a look at the baby and thought "They really have fun at mewni"
Doesn't that, essentially, make him a bad boyfriend? True he didn't do any bullshit like ignore Jackie, treat her disrespectfully, or not be considerate. But being gay for Star while being in a relationship with Jackie is definitely being a bad 'boyfriend'. Not a bad person, but a shitty romantic partner for sure.
It's a trope as old as time. The Lesbian-maker.
you forgot your uncle chan pic
I think part of this is because Tom became such a bitch for Star. If Janna saw how he was back during Blood Moon Ball willing to fucking torch some mother fuckers she'd like him more
They became "breakup buddies" in one episode, yeah, but they had a relationship forming for quite a few others before this.
He wasn't consciously aware of being gay for Star and Jackie was the one to realize it before him and broke up with him because of it.
I guess it's kind of shitty but not in a way he could do anything about it.
Caused by a curse outside his control. Like injecting a person with heroin and blaming them for their addiction.
I liked this episodes for the most part, I didn't like how Jackie got a gf not because I'm a /pol/ quite the opposite I'm very liberal. The problem is that bi girls in cartoons have become a cliche and in wish there was more representation for bi or gay dudes, what if Marco friends were now boyfriends that would have been fun or something.
It's going to happen anyway. There are a couple of storyboarders and directors literally in love of Tom and they won't leave their husbando heartbroken. Also Jantom is huge in tumblr, the only audience that matter.
Welp. Anyone got a tumblr account they dont use so they can go call cotugno a coal burning dyke loving nice person
Because of your post I want Janna to get with Tom and be a bad influence until Tom is full Demon Lord again.
This. people are obssesing over the gay couple instead on all the cute stories and fanart of people mistaken Mariposa as the Starco we could get
Eh not particularly. As Jackie said he was pretty much average. He wasn't great because they weren't really compatible and he wasn't truly into it, but he still tried to show her a good time and such. He wasn't bad either because he didn't act like an ass or cheat on her etc
Nope. Korra kissed Mako while he was dating Asami.
Everyone. Ferg and Alf, Starfan13... everyone made a little comment about Star and Marco violently fucking and going through birthing a child. On a children's cartoon. Just like that. Wow.
And also, WOW Star looked good in the beach episode.
Don't blame SU for this shit, at least Ruby and Sapphire were always meant to be gay from Day 1.
I'll give you that. I was even considering posting something about that. But can you REALLY tell me he wouldn't act like that (the makers of the show wouldn't write him liek that) without the Bloodmoon "Curse"?
>The problem is that bi girls in cartoons have become a cliche
Jackie isn't bi. It's implied that she's a full on lesbo and realized this while she was in France.
Ferguson also. He shouted to everyone that Star and Marco had a baby. Those literal words. And the thing is Marco didn't do a very good job of convincing them otherwise. Everyone still thinks Mariposa is Star and Marco's baby and her being Marco's sister is just a coverup. And to be fair that is a standard cover story for teens who have kids.
Now i kinda want more characters reacting to Mariposa thinking she's Marco and Star's child
someone already sen't dumb shit to cotungo a month ago and she seems completely incapable of understanding trolling, literally poking her with a stick just makes her think she's more justified.
>Jackie turned gay
>Marco's sister also turn gay
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Are they fucking serious. Is Nefcy still writing this show? This really doesn't feel like the previous season.
Season one:
>Gee, maybe there's more to this Mewnipendence Day thing than we were led to believe! Maybe we weren't totally the heroes, and the monsters have been oppressed by us.
Season four:
>I'm a Mewman, I'm literally retarded and lived in a giant monster's house all my life without noticing it. My ancestor's never did anything productive with the property they stole, because they were retards, like me, and lived in comically large houses. The monsters kicked me out of the house on the order of Eclipsa, which is morally just and Star has no problem with, just like the people writing my dialogue would have no problem if the Native Americans kicked their asses the fuck out of California and back to wherever the hell they came from! I don't like Globgor because he used to eat people, and that's bigotry, because he's a monster! I also downvoted Eclipsa when she sang a beautiful song on a reality show! I did that because I'm a bigot, not because she stole the home I'd lived in all my life from me and redistributed it to a monster! The hero of the show, Star Butterfly has no problem with this stuff, that's how you know it's good and everyone should like Eclipsa! The real threat is a mentally insane war veteran who calls herself Star's mud-sister and likes tongue-fucking donuts inside dumpsters! Isn't that a thrilling villain for the finale?
Mariposa wasn't gay. They had a sister relationship
What did she do to get banned for life?
>"The Madwoman will deliver! Just trust Nefcy!"
>"What the fuck?! Why is Cotugno forcing all this?!"
>"Well, who cares if she needs to project. Starco is end-game, it won't be affected."
>"Nothing is sacred with Sabrina, is it?"
You Are Here
she has a pansexual pin though.
And here I thought teenage pregnancy in cartoons was a French exclusive
I want to believe that, but cmon really?
That is garbage because it undercuts all the drama and weight of the relationship and the breakup and Jackie's attraction to Marco which was clear and even her attraction to ther guys like the guy at the skate park she mentioned.
I have no problem with Ruby and Sapphire making Garnet, or Pearl's Stalagmite Boner for Pink/Rose. I respect that out of all my complaints for Steven Universe, none of them has been abrupt character change.
But the show did change from fun adventures with amazonian rock alien lesbians and their boy sidekick, fighting monsters INTO crying-crying-tears-tears-lgbtmessage #1/2/3/4/5-space "opera"
>a relationship so cute and perfect that a random stranger photographs and tells you
Nope, it's another writer. You can see it from how S3 has been going down hill.
Lesbian incest. Even better.
I want to see Marco's parents telling people that that's Star and Marco's daughter.
Just so they can go back to fucking like newlyweds while Star and Marco have to be fake teenage parents.
Someone sent her dumb shit? Surprised she didn't post about. Maybe after the show ends
>Ludo is both happy and angry, because now he has to make a new plan to steal the wand from this new princess
>Buff frog congratulates Star and gives Marco a speech about becoming a father
>Mina is happy Star didn't breed with some filthy monster
>Marco broke up with Jackie because he knocked up Star?
Does that mean she fucks dogs?
>People are mad that Jackie is bi now
What are you, gay?
>France flag colors
>Pansexual flag stripe orientation
Are they also in love of how they destroyed this show with the painful dragging
So, who am I suppose to blame here. If madwoman Nefcy isn't the reason this is turning into shit than who is?
They were friggin babies when they showed up taken in by a foster family, and grew up together. Not everything has to jump to being a gay pandering though of course people will anyway so...
I fucking love Blushmallet.
And while that Star is hot, at the same time I want to say that's a very weird looking Star, and it turns me off.
Yeah I found that fucking funny and kinda cool that they put some edge to the show like that, teen pregnancy is not common in America but the show has global audience and they know that so it's pretty cool. It's interesting because they acknowledge that 16 year older should be totally be fucking if they're attractive, like each other and more importantly live unde the same roof.
It should be illegal to push political agendas into childrens shows
Jackie's a fucking lesbo, deal with it.
it was an anonymous ask screeching to her about forcing lgbt shit while obviously trying to gode a reaction, alot of people seem to not understand that normalfags still don't grasp when there being fucked with and will jump on any chance they get to make themselves seem right and just.
We saw how you react. Please just calm down.
She is a good artist.
She is a bad writer / director.
She is Sabrina Cotugno.
Yeah i live it because of it is so real hahahaha
aight but too what extent, some motherfuckers on here think don't be a dick too your sibling tier stuff is propaganda.
The comics did a good job at portraying Qilby's madness.
Go to Facebook -> Toyzillalive -> a 1 hour long video
Daron Nefcy at 40:15 - when everyone online star marco star marco. like a couple season ago if we did what the audience wanted the show would be super boring and idk how we would do stories
she's just an uncreative hack.
I wish I had seen that. That user clearly took one for the team. Not like it did anything other than make cotugno feel superior once more, but still funny
funny how pushing a political agenda is basically just a minority existing in fiction
Unspeakable horrors
It's so cliched that it's a short-haired brown piercing-riddled dyke just like Star wanted to get beaten by a buff brown nose-ring wearing dyke. Like, WE GET IT COTUGNO, YOU HAVE A TYPE AND IT'S BROWN ALTERNATIVE BUTCHES WITH PIERCINGS! But, um, here's a thought, the show isn't all about you! Or it wasn't back when it was good.
I thought teen pregnancy was common in america?
lurk more newfag
But do you know who else is bi? Star.
Go as far as you want buddy. Let the rage out. Just know it isnt anonymous on her page.
Like 20 years ago, not anymore. Because it was so common society went all in on shaming teenage mothers so it's not that common anymore.
Some people on here think don't dick your sister is propoganda
Cute and Perfect is love
Cute and Perfect is life
I don't even give a shit if she's bi or a lesbian, THE QUEEN CAME BACK and made this season better.
>Sabrina Cotugno.
>also working on Owl House
Why don't you go back to you're pornless site or resetera.
>Star gets so mad about not being truly happy with Marco that she bitches to Father Time about it
She will never be satisfied with a photo until her and Marco are actually a couple
>if we did what the audience wanted the show would be super boring
I'd take that over the steaming pile of shit they gave us for most of seasons 3 and 4.
Dont even bother trying to watch that. You know it'll be more garbage
She took over the show when she took the director’s chair.
SO exciting in fact, that you fucks got dragged along for the full 4 seasons.
Imagine that.
spoken like someone who belongs back on fucking Yea Forums mate
Hekapoo: Damn you really jumped straight to it didn't you?
Eclipsa: Wow looks like some people got up to some "adventures" didn't they?
Ponyhead: Girl you coulda done better
River: (sneaks up on Marco in the middle of the night and holds him at knife point from behind) "We need to have a talk son..."
Who's complaining? She eats taco while eating tacos.
That amounted to fuck all. Breakup buddies was the final anticlimax in an aimless plot thread.
It has Cotugno's fingerprints all over it. Literally every shitty thing that has happened on the show, she has written about it as her headcanon more than a year ago on her blog. She is Lauren Zuke, she is Adam Muto, she is Lucifer, Beelzebub, Old Scratch. She is the devil and she's here to do the devil's work.
Doop Doop was unexpected more than the shipping drama.
So she can only write relationship drama by stretching will-they won’t-they for 4 seasons? The very definition of a hack.
Still on Yea Forums you fucking refugee.
>literally knocking tacos.
If it's a minority, how come it's shown in almost any and all situations? How come it's not proper to the percentages of the US to show accurate representation, both in terms of sexuality and race? In the US, where SVTFOE is made, there's 73% whites, 13% blacks, 5% Asians, and middling 9% of other races. Yet, in a show with ten characters, instead of it being 7 whites, 1 black, 1 Asian, and 1 "other", it's 2 Whites, 3 Blacks, 2 Asians, and 3 "others". That's not proper representation. Making shows where everyone is gay over-represents homosexuality, makes it appear "regular", and normalizes what has always been a fetishistic behavior secondary to the act of breeding.
Before then we didn't have all the gay shit (other than background stuff) and forced leftist ideologies.
I bet she somehow made off with that t-shirt too
Contraception has a role to play.
isn't that the name of the episode? I was sort of expecting him to come back and bite Star in the ass or just take over the rest of the episode. Maybe he'll show up again, but I'm not a fan of Justin Roiland taking any larger role than a off color gag.
We had contraception 20 years ago.
Probably better sex education though.
Problem is, sexuality is a choice where someone's skin color or sex is not. This smells like indoctrination.
epic meme lard larper
Dragging out caused more damage than could have done if they were together already so congratulations i guess
Remember when everyone was going crazy over hotdogs? It was a metaphor for gay orgies.
I'm sorry is your argument that you want less lesbians and more pro breeding propganda out of this show?
because I think we have seen some pretty heavy pro breeding propganda tonight
ohhh I get it now. That's subtle. And hot
They actually called each other sisters. I'm guessing the staff threw that in so the audience wouldn't ship them together.
I really really want a last minute Male gay relationship to appear in the show, there are so many fucking last minute lesbians that I feel a gay one is needed.
Tbh it was cool at the begging, but now it's a fucking joke if you want to be controversial and push the limits make characters gay and kiss on screen, it seems to me that more people are okay with lesbians because they're hot and it's a common fetish for dudes and women.
Creators should be brave and make two important dude characters kiss for a reasonable amount of time.
Hey at least the majority of gaybos dont want kids and are sterilizing themselves. Means they cant teach future generations
I agree, sexuality is a choice, just like forcing non-biological fetishes into Y7 content. What is making me angry is that someone thinks this is an acceptable choice, leading to hypernormalization in children, just like those "SPIDERMAN ELSA TEEN PREGNANT OOPSIE" videos that are allowed to flood YouTube.
>Jackie and black French girl eating eachother’s spicy tacos.
>That Marco bought them
>So he could win a prize
>That was stolen
$50 says Janna shows up wearing a Britta’s taco shirt.
Get laid you fat piece of shit
You know she did it
What the fuck they get high and or drunk? That's the only explanation
Sorry pal, I'm partially drunk and misread your post.
It's still unreal, guys. I can't believe she came back. it's so un-fucking-real. I wrote SONGS about her return and she blessed us with her grace.
>River: (sneaks up on Marco in the middle of the night and holds him at knife point from behind) "We need to have a talk son..."
>No episode with River taking Marco to the swamp and test him to see if he's ready to be a father
Stop posting about your lesbo.
It's not like she's going to let you watch or anything.
Post known criminals
What happened in this episode? It seems way more interesting than the one everyone is debating about.
Can you imagine if Disney started adding shit like this to their movies? Imagine the outrage. Only reason no one is loudly complaining anymore is either because
>Social media is censoring it for hate speech
>Parents stopped letting their kids watch normal television
You'll be happy to know the barbarian girl squashed that nonsense. Star starts ogling her again and asks her if she remembers her who she is but Brunzetta tells Star she doesn't know who Star is. Crushes Star right there and then and that's the end of that attraction. Barbarian girl still probably plowed Marco though.
>Stop posting my queen
Sup Starcofuck?
Yeah that's fair.
>Jackie gets shipped with Star and Janna on the regular in fan art
>Jackie get picks up by a regular girl who can do parkour and skateboard
>incels come crawling out of the woodwork crying
Would you have rather Jackie not show up at all? You would've bitched about her getting thrown away. Would you have rather she gotten a boyfriend? You would've bitched if he was cooler than Marco, you would've bitched if he wasn't cooler than Marco.
She wanted to keep the Beach Day photo so bad that she took a photo of a photo to keep it. That's crazy.
Fuck you, I'm posting my lesbo.
how much you wanna bet this shit happens in Frozen 2 and there is no major outcry because no one cares?
literally a self insert moment
Oo i agree that adult content like the elsa lesvian bs is bad, but for the most part sexuality isn't a choice, kids would be gay or whatever no matter what.
I know this because, there's been studies on this, adopted kids from gay couples are just as likely to be straight or gay as kids who grow up in straight families, there's a lot of cases of twins in which if one is gay it's very likely that the other one is to suggesting a strong correlation to genetic and therefore nor environmental. Showing kids that being not straight is good because it are society more empathetic and good.
>Would you have rather Jackie not show up at all?
I'm not bothered by this at all but yes. I just want Jackiefags to suffer for Jarco.
This is Marzepan say something nice to her
When you start making plot while thinking with you're dick, you're not making anything coherent anymore. There's a reason pornography never wins "Best Script" when it comes to award ceremonies, and hopefully this episode batch helps you understand why.
Spiderman 2 pizza time theme to go with the thread anyone?
imagine such a time where this wouldnt be so obvious
I hope she won't grow up gay this time.
>implying parents completly monitor what their kids watch.
caught some woman fuckin around with her phone while her five year old watched youtube for kids shit ( i could see it was those fucked spiderman cosplay shit)
That lesbo is fine. Post her all you want.
The reality is very few people are watching this show anymore.
Id bet you $500 there would be mass controversy
>>Jackie gets shipped with Star and Janna on the regular in fan art
Why are you making things up? All I saw was her fucked with big black dicks. Also Marco's dick.
Her parents relationship is cute and perfect
did you sing any of them? I might as well take a look now that she's back. Doesn't seem like she'll show up again until the finale, maybe.
Ah, LUGs, got it.
>because it are society more empathetic and good
who learned you how to spoke? the same guy who taught you sex ed?
>Janna's been banned from the taco stand
Fair enough
you are definitely not Star and Marco's secret love child, everyone knows it kinda looks like you are Star and Marco's secret love child but I can assure you that you aren't so please don't look into this any further.
Janna has a particular interest in one kind of taco.
Imagine hating Jackie so much that you cheer on the destruction of your favorite show.
Bad argument. Nature vs. nurture arguments forget child rebellion. It's why college students promote communism and teenagers think drinking is cool. In the same vein, being gay while with a very strict religious family, or being straight in a liberated one, can be affected by the child's need to revolt.
>Meet me behind the dumpster, we'll let the kid watch if you want
>You would've bitched about her getting thrown away
Yeah probably. I think they gave Jackie a good sendoff to be honest.
Hekapoo drops in and left a portal behind. Babies crawls in for 10-15 minutes. Ages up 10-15 years. So pretty much grew up in the wild and raised by a witch.
I think I sang every Jackie song I've written tonight during my concert. I'm sure I brought her back.
>You did what? You lost your crown, your ancestral home razed to the ground, your parents live in literal mud huts now, the butch dyke your bi for doesn't even like you, and your forced to raise your usurpers children like a literal cuckold? And I thought I had it bad dodging Trucks of Peace in France!
>Go ffffffuck yourself, Marco Diaz.
>Because I sure won't.
seek help Jebus
I still remember in S2 the only complaints most of Yea Forums shouted about was the animation. Those were the time. Before this LGBT garbage.
>Jackie gone = the show is gone
Wow jarcucks are actually broken oh lord no.
That's what I think too, but when I see these episodes getting tons of views on youtube, I become very confused
So did Starco die again?
I did, and Jackie returned to help us Jarcofags in need. She heard our cries and she pitied us.
Someone's not taking the recent episodes very well it seems.
Might be why they made Marco's baby brother into a baby sister. There was already some fan art out there with Metora and Marco Jr.
Remember to post the results if any user
nah its pretty canon, Star broke up with Tom, and Marco and Star are living together still, Kelly was gotten rid of
nope just bitching about gays n the colored
>So did Starco die again?
They're having the time of their life. With no obstructions.
user they have a child together
>Hekapoo drops in and left a portal behind
You think she didn't do it on purpose? The ruler over all portals just magically forgetting to close one right where the heir to mewni is? Hekapoo is known to do grimey stuff
Starco survived on a fucking time travel paradox. Your ship is alive because of a lie.
No. Star and Marco had a kid together.
Now they're trying to raise her on Earth where she'll only have to deal with normal racism instead of monster racism.
>Hey, over here!
Her fault for letting SJWs in
Marco and Star are gonna give you a lot of siblings
Hekapoo, ONCE AGAIN, tried to kill a baby. This time two of them, including a completely innocent little goblina. Monstergirlfags keep defending that sociopath and its sickening.
The ship is alive because Star never wanted to let it go.
Star kept Starco alive. Jackie is the one that killed Jarco.
did we really need to spend the first 10 minutes with all the other useless Earth characters and only the last 2 minutes with Jackie?
You can't say no to Disney, they're like the mafia. Cotugno probably also blackmailed Nefcy with dirt about her alternative cuckquean lifestyle.
Not likely, you work with who is available in the industry. She should've probably hidden her cuck porn tapes further away from her staff but she is a victim as much as us.
hahahaha of c-course because that would be silly
Tom got really fucked over
>Gilrfriend leaves you again and this time for your best friend
>Come to visit them in a effort to be civil
>See they now have a kid together and are happier than ever
She let Marco go so she could eat tacos in France.
Also mexican food.
Of course she would do it on purpose. Now I understand why Glossaryck hates his kids. Little shits. Wouldn't surprise me if they ended up teaming with Mina in the end.
When is Heckapoo gonna make the mistake of killing John Wick's dog because of some stupid MHC thing?
Can we have last minute Male gay relationship in the show, there are so many fucking last minute lesbians that I feel a gay one is needed.
Tbh it was cool at the begging, but now it's a fucking joke if you want to be controversial and push the limits make characters gay and kiss on screen, it seems to me that more people are okay with lesbians because they're hot and it's a common fetish for dudes and women.
Creators should be brave and make two important dude characters kiss for a reasonable amount of time.
did she though? If Hekapoo was trying to kill or kidnap a baby then why didn't she kill or kidnap them? Like did baby Meteora already kill her or something? Why else would she fail to kill a baby?
>cuckquean blackmailmind
So it's true then. Do you think we can save the show if we out Nefcy as a cuck ourselves? Or is it too late and we should've done so years ago?
Mexican food in France must be godawful.
Like their tacos.
To make jokes about people believing Marco's sister is actually the starco child, people didn't stop believing at the end of the episode, now the school is probably exploding with people gossip about how Star and Marco left, because they're raising their child
I think Yea Forums finding out Nefcy liked loli amputee MLP artwork is more damaging that cuckoldry, which has become vogue in naughty circles as of late.
You don't exist, you are not canon, and nothing you do matters.
I really want Tom to find out about Star and Marco's child.
Tom fucked off for three episodes, and all three episodes went heavy on the Starco dynamic.
Starco's death and rebirth was always foretold from the start. The suffering, healing and rebirth was all part of Nefcy's plan. Everything I analyzed from Nefcy's chart became true. The intense romantic plots. Multiple ships and adventures. The incredible amount of leftist representation. Death and resurrection. It was all here.
Yes, but we liked Nefcy, so we kept that to ourselves. Cotugno would not have been so kind.
I know what you mean. Over-saturation of lesbians is getting off-putting and kinda unfair for gay guys. It's happening in a lot of shows trying to show representation. Going for the safe-gays.
At least they threw in a new hot demon guy.
They don't even shave their pits, much less their tacos.
>"That's you, that's how dumb you sound."
Didn't one of the storyboards show that's going to happen and like everybody else, he's asuming is Star and Marco's child
agh my heart
Can we have some more of this Star was really fucking hot in this episode and I thinks there's a part where she's opening her legs in front of Marco. It's hot to think she magically shaves because at her age she could have a semi bush
Nope but sadly it's going to be foreshadowed by Lesbo Jackie.
Link the archived thread where you interpreted it or it never happened.
Not vogue enough that it wouldn't be perceived as tarnishing the family-friendly Disney image.
Marco got his GED. No wonder everyone thinks he knocked up Star.
>Star confesses she loves Marco in front of everyone
>Marco goes after her and disappears for a few day, Battle of Mewni
>Several months later he breaks up with Jackie
>Gets his GED
>Leaves for a nearly a year
>Show back up with Star and a baby
So what people thought was that after Marco left to chase Star in the Battle of Mewni he really left to cheat on Jackie go fuck Star. Several months later he finds out he knocked up Star and had to drop everything to go raise his kid. Him getting his GED was just further proof of this for them.
God I can't wait for the r34 of him giving blowjobs with his stomach while being condescending with his face.
They just went ham on the color scheme on a sephiroth copy
>Next two episodes are Sad Teen Hotline and Jannanigans
Sounds like some Tom episodes to me
Man, sometimes I imagine the kinds of folk who post this, hope Anxiety War finds ya before the FBI does.
What DIDN'T she do? Did you see how many disguises were involved?
How nice of them to introduce us to Tom's endgame!
Yeah but this shit is flanderization of the lowest denominator, I want gay dudes who are just dudes and or manly. Gays in the media are always so girly which is kinda insulting to be honest.
Jackie's a fucking lesbian
She was stuffing tacos up her ass and shitting them out on people's plates.
hes literally every old anime villian, nothing new
You pretty much described the whole situation satan, are you trying to normalize teen pregnancy and parenthood, prince of darkness?
>this guy will have more porn than Meteora and Mariposa together
One step at a time. It will eventually get there.
I know and it's hilarious.
All thanks to yours truly, sabrina cuntugno
so why does Meteora always hate Marco?
What's up with that? Is that gonna get Marco killed in the end?
>You get to have a loving family again, one of you even lives in castle
>Hard pass
>Oh wait you also get to eat different foods that you've never heard of all you need to do is shit yourself and eat mush for a few years
>We're in!
I'm a Jackiefag and I am not bothered by this. I'm just glad she's happy.
Who hoped for a sideplot of Eclipsa and Globgor talking shit out in the neverzone ep?
They still have a lot of things to clear up
But it's hot dude, people think Marco and Star are fucking. Which would be a reality 5 minutes after the show ends.
Imagine the how horny they are, forn2 years they've been in love.
That's probably not going to happen buddy. But I did write a 4299 word document explaining astrology in brief and going through most of Nefcy's chart and what it could mean for the show. It was just sitting in my /sveg/ folder and I totally forgot about it.
I haven't read this since I made it. 3 years ago. Didn't even spell check. Man this is going to be a journey. I'll upload it somewhere and link it once I'm done.
What if Marco & Star fucked in Hekapoo's dimension and Star gave birth there? Would the child cease to exist if they went back through the portal?
Family is overrated. Being able to find your next meal is not.
>milennial humor
Star and Marco would be fucking if either of them would cut the bullshit and just admit that they're in love.
Why does he have a mouth on his stomach?
What a fucking bitch, she should be a little more fair with characters established sexuality, and this is coming from the straight guy that think that more gay guys should be in cartoons
I can do you one better. How about when you're in a roll with a show that's gaining momentum, DON'T GIVE THE KEYS TO THE WRITER'S/DIRECTOR'S ROOM TO ROOKIES WITH AN AXE TO GRIND.
Everything was going smoothly, the themes that they wanted to explore WERE being explored with measured and expected progression. The audience was having fun and engaged. The care put into development was appreciated and built upon through active fans theorycrafting throughout the hiatus.
>The show is still good! You're just an angry Jackiefag!
>"Guys! I justed watched the Broly movie!"
>they touched tacos
Jesus christ
Still doesn't justify harming children for perversions.
If anything, the show was ruined some more with Star's stupid time paradox rule with the photo.
This is terrible.
Because magical demons.
Meh, she acknowledged she had fun with Marco but that he wasn't all that. She enjoyed it for what it was, reassured him, remembered some fond memories, and then moved on with her life.
Jackie was never the girl for him. And they both acknowledge this as true.
She wont be. Her whole schtick is "GAY IS BEST" and "HAHA YOUR GRANDKIDS ARE GONNA BE BROWN"
>not if I raise them correctly, unlike the father that wasnt there for you
Tomstar basically broke up in all but name.
Tom leaves to give Star time to sort out her life and figure out what she wants to do now.
Star's immediate response is to go back to Earth and move in with Marco again.
Next couple of episodes have literally everybody who sees Star and Marco think they're already a couple.
Synopsis for next week says the Tomstar breakup is going to be made official.
But yeah, Starco's totally dead.
I'm just saying that the show is pushing the same progressive angle it was pushing the entire time.
It's not as good as it was but that element was always there in mostly the same fashion that it is now. Being upset about Jackie being a lesbo doesn't make sense if you've been following the show the entire time.
>tfw you hug your son because your dad never hugged you
Eat magic with it.
You sound just like one of those crybabies wailing over "knighthood", "meatblankets", and "squires".
>When you start making plot while thinking with you're dick, you're not making anything coherent anymore
Wakfu would beg to...
[Remembers the end of Season 3]
Actually, nevermind. You're right. Fuck it.
Sabrina's influence is infecting the gay into the audience.
I don't care for the shipping but I'm gonna fucking laugh hard if in the very end nobody ends up with anyone. Everything becomes mutual.
Incorrect. Everything in this show that is termed "progressive" was given in a subtle, tasteful manner, like Marco's parents being swingers, or teenage girls using their asses to seduce the fans in the bleachers. Now it's so thick with this garbage that if it were a soup you could eat it with a fork.
lol at least they got that right
Because he's some sort of creature that eats magic through the mouth on his stomach.
You ever get a true breather after weeks, if not months, of handling others people's shit? Feels absolutely heavenly to just veg out and not care about anything for a bit.
Could you have gave this in a regular basis instead at the very end of the show you fucking hack writers that have preference for other characters, this is what people wanted since s3.
Yeah that whole sequence was confusing as fuck and ultimately unnecessary and outside of some cute visuals most of Star, the whole episode was pretty boring. But I guess they really need to start forcing Starco through now to appease the plebians.
>Everything in this show that is termed "progressive" was given in a subtle, tasteful manner
Jackie and her dyke don't even kiss. To even get the "Jackie is a lesbo" reveal you have to read the subtext in her words.
Oh and Jackie shows up to tell Marco not to screw things up with Star.
>nerds are cool now
>Synopsis for next week says the Tomstar breakup is going to be made official.
Yeah, Basically Tom is going visit earth to discover a happy Marco and Star raising a child together and asume the same as everyone else and try to kill himself
Bro, they've been forcing Starco since the season started, honestly way before that too. They brought Jackie back just to give Starco her seal of approval.
Sounds delightful.
Sticking your dick up another man's asshole is hot manly. It's unhygienic.
I watched that scene again and it really does seem like Star is talking more about their relationship while Tom thinks they're just talking about the trip. Tom really did unintentionally break up with Star
Meteora's alternative design is great. She is going to look fantastic with long hair in her third life.
But Mariposa was a total let down. Fan artists did it better.
>hot manly
Hell yeah it is
Plausible deniability. By simply allowing the baby to crawl through a portal into a dangerous hellhole where death is nearly guaranteed, but not doing anything directly, Hekapoo can pretend she had nothing to do with it.
Almost forgot about this guy was he supposed to be future Marco or something?
Except it tramples what we had known about Jackie as a character. She's not shown having any interest in girls, but in fact crushes on a hot guy at skate camp. It isn't until she goes to France that she "discovers" some things, and that's following a break-up with a guy.
Please tell me you are not so blind that you can't see how disgusting of a situation this is for real lesbians?
>breaks up with a guy
>goes to Europe
>gets a girlfriend
It's so disgustingly trashy, so milquetoast, a similar scenario to one every tumblrwarrior has gone through that proclaims to be bisexual, even Cotugno became a bisexual after her first boyfriend cheated on her and gave her an STD, that it leaves a nauseating taste in the mouth.
It wasn't bad enough that Cotugno made Meteora, the biracial monster, the most-powerful, most-gifted, most-perfect character even though Star LITERALLY CREATED A DIMENSION AND RESURRECTED HERSELF THROUGH SHEER FORCE OF WILL, Cotugno feels the need to rewrite every character as an act of personal revenge for everyone who has wronged her in her life.
Mariposa is spanish for butterfly.
I wonder if there is any special meaning behind that?
>Tom really did unintentionally break up with Star
In his eyes, it'll look like Star immediately left to go ride Marco's dick and they had a kid together. They have access to time magic so he could believe that.
If they were "forcing" Starco then it would've already happened a couple of years ago. If anything they've forced it to be delayed until the finale.
That's Bobby in real-life.
No, he's just some random guy. We already know what Marco looks like as an adult.
No, just another Echo Creek weirdo. Not sure why they made him look like Marco except to scare him that he could end up like that if he doesn't confront Jackie.
That's what Nefcy wants you to think. She's basically crashed every ship possible until only Starco is left. She doesn't want you to find another ship, she wants you to accept that Starco is the only way out.
God, Marco's parents are intentionally making it look like their daughter is Star and Marco's secret child.
I'm disappointed that they didn't make Mariposa look more like Angie, instead of literally just being female Marco.
Jackie assumed Mariposa Mariposa was Marco's and Star's kid at first too.
So why didn't Higgs show up? I guess she is already dead but if thats the case how is Sabrina's butch self insert still around?
So no one's going to point out the fact we now have confirmation that Janna steals and wears Marco's hoodie?
They should've had Mariposa ask if Marco was really her dad instead of her brother.
>Good boyfriend: one who helps you to be your best self. Who illicit positive feelings within you. Who doesn't seem to restrict your actions or interests but explore them alongside you.
>Bad Boyfriend: one who actively seeks to belittle or demean you. Who illicits negative feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. Who aims to limit your exposure to his influences and interests alone.
Feel free to contest the definition, but as far as I can tell, Marco falls into neither of these camps. And so firmly falls into the "meh" category
I'm not gay dude I'm just really into fairness and lesbians have too much representation and need to chill down and let the dudes show off
Starco moments are few and far between because the staff knows how meaningful they are.
Too bad there's still one far superior ship out there
>you now imagine a three way with these girls
Star didn't create the realm of magic tho, she purified it, by generating and amping a millhorse the realm of magic is literally a pre first settlers thing, also considering Meteora's experience and being able too dip down even before then she's insanely powerful
Oh cool, two new female characters. We should totally start shipping them with Marco, right?
She missed one.
They dropped out of school, left for a year and came back with a baby.
Also, Marco broke up with his girlfriend after Star confessed her love for him in front of the entire school.
There aren't a lot of other conclusions that make sense.
Teen pregnancy is a worldwide occurrence, I think.
I thought for sure back in late season 1 that they were going to go the anime route where they couple gets together early, but it's cut short by some tragic event (monster arm?), usually followed up with either a rescue arc, or it becomes the new status quo.
That is Marco's daughter.
mate even i would have been slightly seeing it as that, like i know some folks can't read social situations, but it adds up as a possibility
>"Man, Marco. Looks like you've been busy."
What did Jackie mean by this?
Homosexuality is just a defect in the breeding-compelling mechanisms of our brains. It serves no biological purpose.
Looks like a Star/Marco fusion
It's been centuries since Higgs went into the Neverzone.
baring immortality, nigga she dead.
Why didn't those two bimbos ever go through the portal? It was so close to them. Curious teenagers would not resist the temptation.
Magic was dead. It was completely terminated. There was no magic left, except for the little fragment that Glossaryck created. Moon couldn't fire off the Darkest Spell not because the crystal was simply broken, but because magic, at that point in the show, ceased to exist because of Toffee's corruption. It's why Star was desperately trying to find any "fleck" of magic while drowning in a sea of corruption.
It was because of that one last spark that Glossaryck made, and putting her everything into it, that she created a new unicorn, and from that new unicorn came an entire dimension of magic. She created life from death. She created chaos where there was absolute order. She did the impossible, and won.
Meteora being able to do X, Y, and Z doesn't fucking matter when it's just thrown in the last season with no development or build up and is done just so not!Tambor can smugly state after a baby destroys a villain literally no one in the show's history has ever been able to defeat "YUP I THINK MAGIC IS IN GOOD HANDS" so that way Cotugno can fellate herself behind the scenes because she's self-insterting you fucking cockgobling retard.
Plus the baby obviously looks like Marco.
they've been only missing for 6 months though
One of them is Meteora, the other is Marco's daughter with Star.
Pretty much.
It's summer again and Marco left right before the new school year would've started. That means it's been about...9 months.
They all thought Star laid an egg.
A year for Star (the start of summer last year to the start of summer this year) and 9 months for Marco (the start of school last year to the start of summer this year), meaning that if Echo Creek is dumb enough they could believe Mariposa is theirs if she's less than three months old.
>Buff Frog: Karate Boy! How could yu keep such se-krit from me?! Master Spy! COME! Vee MUHST Sell-a-brate. Eye vill buh-rink Vohdka. Today! You are a man! Hah HA!
Let's go through what happened.
Dude ghosts for two weeks after a girl who told everybody she likes him.
He comes back obsessed with the place, two months later she breaks up with her gf, drops hs and gets a ged.
A whole fucking year later and this two guys are back with a baby with them that looks like Marco, and is named as the girl, what would you think pal?
Here's your link buddy. Wow I fall off on weird tangents way too much. But yeah I got everything.
it sounds like your letting a personal grudge overwrite sense, the dimension doesn't just disappear nor did she create a new one she cleansed it, you fucking aspy, although dimension creation isn't outside of a mewman queens repituar of spells.
So... yes, time to start shipping them
Why do you think everyone on echo creek thought that was their child
I thought Star's first spell was the flame rainbow.
And only the crocodile knight returned. He must bw amazingly strong by now
If he's a spell, why isn't he inside the wand?
Um what is this?
A friendship that's about to break.
I would think they're too young for a baby??
would have been nice for one character to mention that?
this is a show for little kids after all?
cuck meme fuel
Tom trying and failing to be less of a cuckold
>I would think they're too young for a baby??
Star very publicly went through Mewberty.
Are we supposed to take this as a last groupie session?
>This is the last time the three of them spoke as friends...
Pandering to polyfags and Tomfags
They're suppose to be 15 right now, young, but it could happen in real life with dumb kids without any super vision
Tomstar was saved when was literally dead, and the synopsis of some previous episodes lied, I think we should have some caution even now, but goddamn, in these three episodes they showed us how Marco and Star had a better chemistry than Tomstar in two whole seasons.
Nefcy it's gonna cause a masive butthurt that goes to overshadow the Mount St. Helens if Tom and Star don't broke up the next week.
And things instantly improved and were comfy but still fun. HUHN! IMAGINE THAT?!?!
>I would think they're too young for a baby??
You've clearly never been to Texas.
so in your absolute autism you've discovered why toffee could be killed despite his regeneration, he no longer had a source, gj, thanks for playing tard barn.
Star remarks she missed a whole school year. She's around 16 years old by now.
Doesn't that mean autist-kun is correct, and you were wrong?
Teen pregnancy’s a real thing my dude. So is parents pretending to have a baby when it’s actually their grandchild.
Nefcy finally stopped being a bitch.
We going to see more images of this shit made by Chromosomefarm.
A̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶I̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ ̶i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶a̶r̶t̶i̶s̶t̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶a̶n̶d̶o̶m̶
Even through all the shit that's been thrown at us as of late, at least the cuck memes will never die
Goddamn the average fan of this show is braindead. That has literally never been teased, and certainly not on the scale of the other crap written on that pillow.
shit no, she still didn't create the fucking dimension, the dimension predates mewman settlers, she purified it by generating a mill-horse and ramping it with her own energy.
Man I can't sleep
I don't wanan sleep
Today is a glorious day
For we have been visited by the dyke known as Jackie
And her black french cuisine looking bitch friend
see you next week.
This just confirms what I have been saying, the lesbian propaganda isn't bearing its fruits
The barbarian girl btfo'd Star. Literally told star she didn't know who she was and crushed her crush.
Yeah I agree with you but being able to turn an ocean of oil into pure water is orders of magnitude stronger than whatever Meteora should be doing as a baby to be quite honest and it's kinda sad that Star stopped being the protagonist of her own show to prove that point.
Just another quick shootdown/break up as they clear the room for Starco to happen with no loose ends. I mean FFS they even brought back Oskar.
Literal cuckoldry
Marco is mexican. If anything he's way past proper fathering age for mexicans
There's still one pairing that will never be shot down
why the fuck will they need her help to go back to mewni next ep
>brought back Oscar
Brittney refused to come back to voice her lines however, citing Nefcy's previous tirade following the last recording session she attended.
Now I want this just to see the hysterics from the characters AND the audience.
Father Time tells Star that things are far from over, and Hekapoo warning Marco about Mewni, things are gonna get bad. Beach Day was the quintessential comfy episode before everything goes to shit.
Pretty sure that ship went out the door in Out Of Business.
Seriously that doesn't make any sense. They've got Marco's dimensional scissors. Star can go butterfly mode and tear open her own portals. Tom shows up in the first ep of next week and he can make fire portals. They should have 3 different ways of getting to Mewni with ease. And if somehow all of those get cut off, why would it even occur to them to ask Janna of all people?
Amnesia? the scissors also get stolen? Tom isnt willing to come to their aid?
Almost as if the whole of seasons 3-4 would've been much more enjoyable they had stuck with the Starco dynamic.
>the dyke
STOP SAYING SHE'S A DYKE, SHE'S NOT! She's bi. SU had all gays, svtfoe (and OK KO) has all bis.
She's your waifu Jebus. Come on man. At least she's happy and got a good sendoff, I think.
Interdimensional travel will be cut off using one or many Tramorfidian Crystal Towers like the one used at St. Olga's. It will be used to force Eclipsa and Globgor to stay on Mewni, unable to run away from the fury of Mina's wrath. Janna has been shown to be able to get between Earth and Mewni without Star or Marco's help, meaning she's the key to getting back to Mewni.
>BF actually became canon
Nefcy held that trigger strong, but it seems we're in the clear.
15 year olds having a child is absolutely a thing that happens.
And honestly, if this wasn't a Disney cartoon and the crew hadn't decided "must delay Starco until the very end" it would've been totally believable for them to have had sex a year ago.
A child literally is the fusion of their parents' DNA, so of course she looks like a Star/Marco fusion.
She sucks snails and licks tacos, yeah I know. Also, i'm glad she got a happy sendoff. Jarcofags finally got closure.
They still wouldn't have had a baby cause Marco is a wimp who uses condoms.
MIna is going to kill some traitors and monster scums hopefully.
Bald, mein Bruder.
>The warrior who jobbed to a baby is gonna cause mass genocide
Yeah I still don't believe.
You underestimate the power of love.
Meh. Im sad she couldnt avoid getting ruined, but also i knew it was coming in a way. Honestly her riding off after breaking up with Marco was the best and most cannon ending.
I dont plan on considering any part of season 4 cannon, as its clearly the unnecessary and forced fanfiction season. Honestly, ruining Jackie with creepy forced queer fanfiction bullshit is just par for the course with the rest of this dumpster fire of a season.
And for the queers; enjoy having your "representation" relegated to the shittier parts and seasons of nearly every show, and being considered part of the ruined factor of a show.
Wait, there was a tirade? Sauce?
>Wow, you probably fucked Star the moment you arrived on Mewni
What grey morality? Everything Eclipsa has done gets brushed aside and everyone else is meant to take the fall. Even Globgar doesn't get to pay for anything.
Who wants to bet Janna stole the Britta's Taco shirt? I want to see he wearing it and offer it to Marco since he did "win it".
Its got her musk on it now.
that’s interesting how the guy who is alluded to be eclipsa’s father and has a portrait of himself in marco’s house telling him about the blood moon also have a atlas in which he HE TRAVELS TO ALL THE DIMENSIONS.
It's a copypasta of Daron being a creepy super weeb towards Brittany's va.
Can you choose to be gay? Maybe you can choose do do gay things, but that won't make you like dick. Sexuality might be a choice for you but I literally cannot affect being attracted to cunny.
we both know this only happens when star and marco get divorced
You can convince yourself through habit. It's how folk get turned on by fetishes like monster crap. Homosexuality is no different.
Is bearing its fruits* I meant
Starfan13 was already ambiguously gay
Couldn't cotungo be content with that ??
She then made Star bi for no reason and went on to make Jackie a full on lesbian
I bet she's also responsible for changing the gender of Marco's brother
I'm def not a fan of Mariposa just being a thicc femme Marco clone or being "sisters" with Meteora, but the possibility of Marco's sibling being a girl was clear from how they seemed sure it was a boy and were calling it "Marco Jr." Seemed pretty clear they'd be mistaken on the gender so that the kid could get a better name than that.
Also now that you mention it, it's weird that for an episode with both StarFan and Jackie, StarFan ended up coming off as the less gay of the two.
Janna is the only good character left in the show
How long until she gets ruined too?
teen mariposa and meteora are cute, you know they only did this just to show em older since its gonna end with them still babies