Billy Batson & Mary Bromfield

say something nice to them Yea Forums

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This was pretty funny.

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They are cute and fun.

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They are twins, making them anything but is retarded, Captain Marvel Jr. is the only extra hero needed beside those two, and if you have an issue with the current comics remember these characters are not copyrighted, therefore in the Public Domain.
but Shazam and Billy Batson are trademarked by DC so you just can't promote it with those words.
And Captain Marvel is trademarked by Marvel.

What about Captain Thunder?

I loved Mary in Formerly Known as the Justice League comics.

No longer blood related

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I still believe that them being related is gonna be revealed at some point.

Hopefully before an awkward moment.

Fairly certain that's trademarked by DC.
It's similar to the Tarzan thing. Tarzan's character in the first book is public domain, but the estate holding the trademark will fight you if you try to use it.
Trademark in general is a messy business, but that won't stop fanfiction!

Well, the current comic makes it pretty clear that they are not biological family,
but you know comics, 5 years from now some other writer is going to take the book and he will either not read the previous run so he doesn't know they are no longer related or he will simply ignore it because he liked the old status quo better.

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I have impure thoughts about them in either form and I'm not alone

They look pretty good for 80 year olds

They deserve a nice big car...A HEARSE!

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Live action Mary is possibly the cutest girl I've ever seen.

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So why does Billy transforms into a buff man while Mary transforms into a skinny adolescent girl?

>So why does Billy transforms into a buff man while Mary transforms into a skinny adolescent girl?
I think it was explained that the super-powered version of the Shazam Family is the ideal versions of themselves.

That 's some revealing dress.

Mary's a babe.

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Mary a cute.

No mentally sound woman actually want's to be an amazon, it's an unfortunate side-effect of lifting


Like after them fucking?

Why are they midgets?

>Shazam 2: Black Adam
Black Adam uses his wickedness to turn Mary Marvel into Black Mary but her good side rebels and separates into White Costume Mary
Black Mary= Michelle Borth
White Mary= Grace
later on they have a cat fight

Attached: shazamed.jpg (301x190, 37K)

>TFW you get blacked so hard it changes your alignment.

They are Wayyy younger in that book and the stylistic choices of the author.

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Black Mary = Lawful Evil
White Mary = Chaotic Good
Red Mary = true neutral

They're both as cute (and powerful) as can be

is Sen still working on this?

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What comic is this from please?

It was a backup in Shazam #1 from the current run.

Thanks fren. I thought this was an actual ongoing.

Just dropping to remind you all not to lewd Mary.
That is all.

The entire point of them being long lost siblings is, well, the LONG LOST part.

I'd kill for a Mary ongoing. Kara gets one, it's not fair.

Is Kara's good user?

Can I lewd Billy though?

I'm behind, but the few I've read of Andreyko's current run was alright

What about Chaotic Evil Mary?

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They will never have to suffer from things like rule 34 now that their movie bombed horribly

When Lawful Evil Mary does a bad fusion with Chaotic Good Mary. (Played by Isabella Moner)


That's just Desaad playing flesh puppet. *NOBODY* wants to stick their dick in Desaad mate.

Sen does the impossible then.

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Yeah, right!!
Face it, user.
It most probably already happened.

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It's the fact he ditches the shaved bald part of the look.

>bald scalp=ugly and trashy
>just has hair styled and dyed=naughty and perky

user, SEN's a woman

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They have defeated Sivana and Mr. Mind.
That makes them actually pretty based.
