Is there any Yea Forums character that can defeat this girl and her stand?
Is there any Yea Forums character that can defeat this girl and her stand?
Other urls found in this thread:
>(the speaker makes their way onstage, slowly spinning. The audience applauds.)
>there are two options to be considered. The first being "hit," and the other would, of course, be "miss."
>Now, this is pure speculation, a guess, if you will, but from what I can gather, there has never been a miss, has there?
>(places hand on chin)
>Quick question, how many in the audience tonight has a boyfriend?
>(audience members with boyfriends raise their hand)
>Okay, okay, that's cool. Now, here's where it gets interesting... Looking at the statistics at work here, I can assume with some level of certainty that your boyfriend, in fact, does not in fact kiss you.
>(audience chatters)
>From here, the boyfriend will find another woman.
>(a diagram appears on the screen)
>The vast majority of former boyfriends have told us that, in this newfound relationship, they feel no regret, no longing whatsoever for their previous partner.
>Thank you for coming to my TedTok
>(audience applauds)
Ricardo best gachi
So what's the stand name?
Never Miss?
wait whats her/his name?
What is the actual raw footage showing the "hit or miss" quote?
I don't want to have to investigate or even know what this thing is called, I just want to see the source clip.
Hulk and 'THE WORLD,
Nah, it's [Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?]
first stand I see where the stand itself is visible to common people but the user isn't
>implying Scooby isn't the user
Looks like somebody's stepping up to get Narancia's crown
Why do people hate this girl so much?
Same reason as Boxxy and Cracky-chan.
>guys find girl cute
>guys start spamming said girl to no end
>anons who don't like her get pissed off
>shitstorms upon shitstorms
I don’t the allure of this flat chested child with the face of an elementary student. Anyone whose attracted to her is a pedophile
Gosh, user. Did you figure that out yourself?
Or they could just be attracted to skinny boys
>not posting dobbo's actual stand
Good new user, that one is not a skinny tranny. She is literally just an ugly ass bitch
You are straight
lost weight fat fuck
Because it looks like a boy and that threatened the sexual orientation of many.