What the fuck happened?

What the fuck happened?

Why did it all go wrong

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They removed the fight text in fights starting in season 6

are you the guy who made the "What The Fuck Happened?" RvB thread yesterday?

Are you gonna do this with every single show under the Rooster Teeth network? fuck off faggot

You know what's the worst part? They changed their YouTube name DEATH BATTLE. I don't go to their website but it seems like their putting their eggs in one stale and boring basket.

They said its because Youtube algorithms have made it so that channels that have numerous shows tend to struggle.
Top 10's got moved because the views were cannibalized by Death Battle or something like that

Its honestly funny how easy becoming a researcher on this show sounds on paper when you have numerous people sperging about who wins to this day

Hm. Does that explain why other series like "The Best/Worst Ever!" are gone? I actually enjoyed those.

2009 was ten years ago senpai. Craig left years ago. Gaming Top 10 lists are dead. They couldn't even mantain the AVGN deal. It's time to move on. DB sucks but it's the only thing that still makes money for them.

Did they actually use a Wii peripheral to make a whore cum?

Literally was the ultimate shill video.

Literally because Screw Attack/Death Battle was owned by Rooster Teeth

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The Boomstick character/voice annoys the fucking hell out of me. It’s two guys doing the voices but sounds like one trying to do his best Larry the cable guy impression.


Whatever happened to him?

Its still fine. If you want to watch characters fight to the death its really the best option out there.

You have seen his avatar... right? It's kind of the point.

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That was the exact moment I stopped watching Death Battle, they don't care about the fights anymore and they don't put the characters on an equal playing field

looks like fucking johnny johnny lmao

DB tends to give series that are getting BTFO a pity and usually undeserved win

See Vergil VS Sephiroth

Moved on to a shitty "Continue?" Knockoff. BTW fuck names and titles with question marks at the end.

I mean it's kinda hard to place FF power levels of that era on any objective level

I liked it

Spider-Man versus anime girl

>Link vs Cloud
>Doomguy vs Master Chief

Enough said...

DBX, those are just decided by like a coin toss


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That's DBX those are just for fun and based entirely on who the animator wanted to win.

You think Cloud could beat Link?

I could see it.

Regardless, it was kind of bullshit that they gave Link basically all his gear across all his games but Cloud was just stuck with his starter gear and two starter materia.

Stat numbers from his game couldn't be a factor in that fight though so the gear would mean fuck all. They just used those to say hey he has some gear that makes him strong and tough.

Didn't they use stat numbers in their shitty reasoning for why Sephiroth beats Vergil?

I couldn't, simply because the solider gene modification brings them to superhuman levels judging from Advent Children, and magic being far higher tier in FF than Zelda. If Cloud wouldn't beat him with swordplay he'd outclass him magically.

>Why did it all go wrong
Literally the first episode, not only did they decided to make a show based on deadliest warrior one of the shittiest things on TV, but also was the beginning of the end for Screwattack.

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They Just take characters with similar looks or abilities.

I miss when they where just voices, also they could use the time they take to animate those flash puppets on doing something more useful like the battle animation or doing more research.

If we're using their games as sources, Cloud would completely shit on Link with how busted some materia combos can be in 7.

This isnt me fanboying over a character, this is me saying 7 is a piss easy game and is coded with virtual ductape.

It was never good, it was insanely autistic as shit having stupidly cringey powerlevel discusisons based on measuring pixels and nonsensical math that lead up to a poorly animated pixel fight that you could have wathced on newgrounds 15 years ago.

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These posts just makes me wanna see Carol /ss/ing Billy

Rather based and quite redpilled

Reeeeeeally doubt the guy who animates the avatars is the same one who does research or animates fights, so that point is moot.

Yes. YES.

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Overhype leading to overhate, and a handful of extremely questionable decisions.

>When did it all go wrong?
>When this season has been one of the best

>that Vergil vs. Sepiroth video

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This, it actually felt much more professional when they were just voices like some sort of radio narration or something

the animations of the narrators just make it much worse

>they think Billy being a minor will help him


a guy who got statutorily raped by his female teacher had to pay her child support since she got pregnant

But Billy is white so it wont happen to him

>based on measuring pixels and nonsensical math
This is the part that pisses me off the most.

Because your character loses?

So far they haven't gotten a thing wrong this season. It was retarded how they wanked EXE and implied that Lan's Mom's fucking stove has an OS that operates beyond warp 12, but EXE was the one that should have won regardless. Everything else has been spot on.