

Attached: Sadie_Miller.png (1078x1920, 176K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Sadie should become a nudist


Attached: nothing at all.jpg (240x374, 18K)

I never got to use this fucking webm I made 3 years ago. IT'S FINALLY TIME.

Attached: 2016-11-15-2139-03.webm (800x450, 228K)

Fuck off

Attached: fucking moron.jpg (1248x979, 315K)

One day I'm just gonna make a tulpa.

Attached: 1555730340975.gif (660x440, 2.78M)

Lars takes it up the butt and asks for seconds!

Attached: lars sadie_mjiusan.jpg (825x684, 119K)

Yea Forums is starting to want us gone.

Fat pig

Delete this


Literally made for titfucks, mating-press, and full-nelson.



Attached: 1554698910517.png (382x383, 181K)

shes a cute fat pig

>Why does she have a face in her ass? I don't get it.
I don't think anyone knows nor gets it.

Crazy whore who stranded a kid and a teen on the middle of nowhere because she couldn't stand being in the friendzone. Thanks to this psychopath I decided to drop the show.

oh honey, don't reply to it

>Crazy whore who stranded a kid and a teen on the middle of nowhere because she couldn't stand being in the friendzone.
Sounds like me in high school.

Come on. Let's not let a Sadie thread die.

It's so weird, is ... is she actually a midget? she seems to have really long arms, not stubby midget arms, but she's REALLY short, and everyone on this show has inconsistent proportions so who can say
never agreed with anything so hard in my life. It'd solve her confidence issues. Plus we know Lars sleeps naked
I'm kind of glad the inclusionism representation bullshit of the modern day hasn't touched anything I actually believe in, like nudism

I don't know. I knew girls her height in high school. But you are right about the show's inconsistency making it hard to tell.

I'm sorry dad.

I want to fuck the chubby donut girl but hate her as a person

So you want to hatebang her?

Attached: 1556348949372.png (658x672, 145K)

Well there's this related guy pic-



i can fap to this


>Drawfag from last thread never delivered on Sadie choking out Emerald with a sleeper hold or something similar in the mud

What a tragedy

Attached: 1516407544595.png (1307x825, 225K)

Or Sadie dressed like 2B...

Attached: nier-automata-2b-robot-super-duck-x-phicen-16-figura-D_NQ_NP_683972-MLM27737983932_072018-F.jpg (990x990, 78K)

Let's try to keep this thread alive so maybe the drawfag will come back.

She's just very short. It makes sense when you realize her and Lars eventually become a Greg/Rose parallel.

So how old is Sadie supposed to be? She's built like someone's aunt.

That's good. That's surprizingly good. Is there any more?

Please artist if you’re here draw a sequel where sadies shirts ripped off and her tits are hanging out


It never ends well.

She's over eighteen.

I think she's supposed to be a dwarf - I mean, a little person.

Looks like two eyes and eyebrows.



Attached: 1550370230097.png (289x495, 163K)

Attached: 1547401642703.png (813x839, 141K)


Fatties are the best to take advantage of

>Rose Quartz
>Debatable if she's even fat
>"Fucking gross, I'm not into fat girls"
>Sadie Miller
>Canon fat beyond question
>"I wanna fuck that fat pig"
I don't get it

Different people


Both are fuckable.

Attached: Rose's Poses.png (850x1081, 445K)

I want both at the same time

The first people are retarded
Absolutely correct

Thanks for this picture, I really needed this today

Rose is fucking criminally underrated and that picture shows why, it's even weirder since she'd basically a big titty mommy character that people seem to love these days.
Sadie's underrated too, but fuck man, Rose has got it all

So willing and desperate and horny


Yes they are. All fatties need using.

>it's even weirder since she'd basically a big titty mommy character that people seem to love these days.
This always confused me too. She showed up right when that was getting big.

not him, but I wanted to give it a go

Attached: sadie 2B j.jpg (2797x2587, 1.2M)

Nice work

Thanks man

Attached: smile.png (358x339, 259K)

Attached: 1549850942397.gif (320x288, 16K)

Thank you

Have some nudes

Attached: Honkey Kong.jpg (500x747, 121K)



Attached: rage.jpg (654x862, 106K)

oh my fucking god

Attached: laaughing.png (173x345, 155K)

Good. You don't belong on Yea Forums anymore.

Sadie doesn't have a fat face

>Sadie doesn't have a fat face
user, I...

She's got a fat ass though


Big dick follows

Attached: 897927cfd566fbb60002cc89e3c7add0bb55fd4f.png (827x609, 164K)

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 15K)

The Zamii fiasco scared a lot of artists into not drawing Rose.

>Zamii fiasco
I have no idea what/who that is, something about attempted suicide and homestuck?

tumblr artist girl who drew Rose a bit skinny and human Fluttershy in Native American clothes and was harassed into attempting suicide for it iirc

Jeez that sounds r-

>human Fluttershy in Native American clothes
Should I even question that?

Attached: 1555311302273.png (590x291, 270K)

I could honestly believe that, fucking criminal that was.

Attached: E5F334B4-2651-4AE9-8CFA-9D5EED5849B4.gif (219x200, 1.71M)

You know, I really should draw some Rose Quartz sometime.

Attached: Rose Hates the Heat.jpg (869x846, 122K)

At least one user in this thread is behind that idea


Please do, art of her is relatively rare these days

Rose, Sadie, Amethyst. All of em are good.

A man of taste

Absolutely fantastic taste lad

Yes, please. More big and soft ladies.

Attached: 149190197278.png (600x700, 306K)

God I want to bury my face in Rose's giant soft hair and chest

I uh... I was gonna go more bear-mode, since most Jasper stuff has her pretty beefy, and they aren't exactly built differently. Like, at all.

and butt cheeks

There’s a pic of Sadie going to a nude beach.

Bear-mode rose is also welcome, I think Rose just looks softer because she was rarely drawn in an intentionally menacing way.


This but with Amethyst's belly and thighs

>swn effortlessly pick you up with those big ol' arms
>swn gently, lovingly cuddle you into her bosom

Attached: 175501065060.jpg (1880x1877, 504K)

Even without being programmed to love her mistress, I totally get why Pearl would be turned into a broken mess by losing that.

hi discount-supervillian


Attached: su__jasper_by_chibs_panda-d8nrxri.jpg (717x1114, 112K)

The best part is that Rose would be 100% aware of what she was doing, and find the fact that it turned you on amusing.

no wonder pearl was hopelessly in love with Rose...
haha wouldn't it be funny if she ambushed you and had her and Sadie suffocate you between their breasts haha

Attached: pearl.jpg (700x621, 276K)


Attached: 1553167366432.jpg (530x456, 37K)

Jasper fans have had so many threads where they post the same 20 or so images over and over, this is honestly refreshing

You're wrong and it's chubby>thick>fit>skinny>blob

If I were discount-supervillain, would I be slumming it in Yea Forums? No, I'm just a nameless drawfag who occasionally posts my art.
Rose is literally built just like Jasper. The poofy dress just makes her look bigger, and her first animated appearance was as a pregger.

Attached: Tumblr_nw57wejmMx1qhjcclo1_1280.jpg (1280x1623, 187K)

>The poofy dress just makes her look bigger, and her first animated appearance was as a pregger.
This, I still find it hilarious how so many people equated her pregnant body with her regular one.

Attached: rose and jasper exercise.jpg (1024x756, 140K)

Beta males can't stand the peak performance of an amazon.

Attached: abdf326e9b3664ab476ae12dce7eb57e.png (540x720, 196K)

Get outta here you steroid user.

Attached: 1555646547654.png (640x640, 616K)

I think her breasts just sort of naturally make her look softer too.
Also discount supervillain started out here under the name scribble. Dunno if he still comes on though

She's still thick as oatmeal, though.

Attached: Rose_quartz_soldier_base.png (1500x2400, 189K)

Pretty true, but being with a girl you have no chance of penetrating is hot

Attached: 534471ea277603bbce2074a098dcf2487a020b23.jpg (1446x1277, 70K)

Oh darn, I remember now! I had a dream with Amethyst.

>He want's to fuck a man but is too afraid to go full gay
Ok friend...

Attached: mysidess.jpg (251x242, 15K)

I understand, user. Since you don't and can't have a proper male body, you naturally think that any fit woman looks like a guy.

Do tell.

>Everyone having a nice time and complimenting each other's tastes
>Guy comes in and starts insulting everyone else
You're definitely gonna convince people that way scamp

So you felt offended?

>comes in a Sadie thread
>we all want to worship our chubby goddesses
>"f-fit bitches are better man!"
THICC is the future, user

Attached: raughs.jpg (1022x547, 57K)

I don't remember well but she was kinda teasing me or something.

Must have been a good feeling. I want her so bad.

Well, you aren't wrong...

Attached: 1129801705.jpg (2500x2222, 765K)

She was smol and I remember her laughing.

There are some beaches. Maybe they can have that as a skinny dipping spot.

Such things are what makes her GF material, even with her self-esteem issues.

Attached: Amethyst Pin Me Down.png (860x1058, 193K)

>even with her self-esteem issues.
>even with
Her self-esteem issues make it all the better

Attached: good shit.png (946x941, 379K)

Amethyst would probably try to shape shift into my old crushes just to try teasing me. I would need to be patient and firm to deal with her attempts.

I bet you would be firm

I have to. Otherwise I will become her plaything.

Amethyst is the kind of girl that'd tease you with really raunchy stuff, but if you ever took her up on it would be 100% ok to do whatever she said because it wasn't actually teasing so much as her trying to convey what she wanted in a way that she could say it.

They look good to me

Love fat girls like this. They try so hard.

Where's the problem?

This, I woodberry

Attached: woodberry.jpg (358x239, 16K)

How far can you go?

Attached: c85.jpg (620x640, 36K)

I'd be so beta. She'd eat me alive.


Pretty far. I'll bust just humping a fatties butt crack.

Amethyst is superior to Sadie, because she's probably far kinkier and not as neurotic.

Attached: Amethyst Dom.png (1200x800, 510K)

You keep spamming this picture, what is it conveying and what are you trying to say because it isn't clear at all.

Why not both?

Attached: daab28973778136d269f26870481ffdc.jpg (500x640, 46K)

>implying its not all a facade
>implying Sadie KILLER isn't the kinkiest bitch when she gets in the mood

Attached: sadie killer.jpg (3016x3516, 1.45M)

>Wtf untie me now, you! N-no! Get away you evil midget! Don't you dare to hit me with this! S-stop touching my zipper!

I want Amethyst to fart in my mouth.

Well definitely both. Yeah.

Butt Stuff Sadie

I miss drawendo

Giving or taking?

Attached: raep comes quietly.gif (400x400, 1.6M)

You think Sadie is into spankings?




Attached: sniff.gif (404x303, 1.92M)


Attached: 1538173131204.gif (212x225, 90K)



I've stolen panties like that. So hot.

Dude that's gross.

i'm sorry not-discount-supervillian.

I would sniff and lick them while stroking. Good times.

That was him.
He posts on Yea Forums sole time

did she seriously just compare fat people to whales

Can't you get sick from licking shit?

I never did. I've also had my tongue up girls butts for minutes at a time.

Why do I keep giving you (You)s


Attached: sadie sus.jpg (1280x1707, 334K)

Official merch when?

Attached: 1546509883946.webm (780x585, 306K)

You think I'm baiting?

Man I gotta start hanging out in edit threads more.

They're fine until niggas start fighting.

Did what I could

Attached: sad.png (1078x1920, 175K)

There's t-shirts but that's about it. Oh and she's getting a trading card in the upcoming set too.


>only sizes left online are small and xtra small

Time to head off to my nearest Hot Topic. Can't wait to leave my cum on it every time I fap.

Attached: 1553400275456.jpg (389x259, 17K)

Trading cards???

Who drew that source pic of Azula?I'm trying to find it but can't.


The chest looks a little weird.
Other than that, 9/10


Yeah, like collectible baseball cards etc. Typical "here is a shot from the show" stuff but there's also rare chase cards and autograph cards from the VA's, Rebecca etc.


I absolutely would that chick in the pic.

Its literally naked Steven wtf guys

Definitely. Worship that giant butt.

...and drew Rose.

Attached: Rose1.jpg (1700x2338, 749K)

Attached: i wish i was dead.jpg (510x438, 58K)

I want those autographed

noice shit user


that's just saddie

Post request

I'll try to do some

Ghetto twerk Sadie


Sadie soaked through her pants thinking about the bulge she saw on Stevonnie

...Surprise me.

Amethyst and Sadie showing off their booties

Rose giving user a huge hug and pressing him between her breasts

Please for the good of us all

Combine these

Sadie as a heavy metal cowboy, ala the cover of Motorhead's Ace of Spades album.

Sadie Killer and the Suspects dressed like the band The Fall

Attached: mark-e-smith-the-fall.jpg (500x667, 84K)

Jasper and Rose arm wrestling using swinsuits.

Depends on their gut flora
As a lover of ass we always make sure to get my girl tested before we do anything gross

Like they're arm wrestling and wearing swimsuits? If so, seconding.


>not having a breakneck post speed = bad

Attached: 1542584789993.gif (185x200, 1004K)

>As a lover of ass we always make sure to get my girl tested before we do anything gross

Nudist Sadie only wearing flipflops spreading her legs and showing her pussy to the townies at the beach and saying "see? it's perfectly natural" while blushing like crazy
post it on /aco/ if you accomplish it

Attached: 1354076879046.jpg (227x206, 21K)

Attached: 1554693287410.png (491x418, 353K)

Sadie bending over, completely oblivious that her bare ass is showing.


"we" is me and my gf, I worded that awkwardly I guess

Oh. I thought you had a whole group test her.

>Yea Forums
isn't pissing off Yea Forums usually a sign that your a good board?

Yeah but there's a part of Yea Forums that wants to fuck Jackie.

Sadie wearing dominatrix clothing while she’s snap her whip.

Unf seconding

Don't die on me thread.

Attached: 285px-128678188337.png (285x600, 174K)

Yup. This hypothesis - not 'theory' - was created by Elaine Morgan. She's no biologist, but I confess the idea has appeal.

How does that idea have appeal?

It does offer explanations that appeal on the face of it.

Attached: Aquatic Ape.png (3072x2170, 856K)

I remember when a thread getting 300 replys took 3 days and was an epic thread and got capped
Everyone coming here but me today is subhuman and doesn't deserve to breathe

Looks like OhNips

Time has left you in its wake, old man. Go die.

See, I would have gone with the Misfits given that S&tK are clearly a horror punk/deathrock outfit.

Attached: Misfits.jpg (550x304, 25K)

How about the Cramps?

What an ugly blob. Let's see Steven saving her from losing her bloated limbs to diabetes-induced necrosis.

i mean he probably could

That works too. The benchmark here is anything under the umbrella of campy, horror-theme punk rock.

Attached: 67207f3381ec952fc73b2dcffedf1838.png (1000x1000, 1.01M)

Sadie isn't really fat. She's short and stout.

I wanted to have Steven sing 'Mutter'.

>Hab keinen Nabel auf dem Bauch

Also have Pearl sing this one with one obvious change to the lyrics.


Kate Micucci's voice turns me on

Even when she voices a little boy like Jay from Out There

I need help

We all need help in some way, shape or form.

Attached: Dizv7mtVQAEOwj6.png (303x302, 134K)

weird idea

Not even THAT weird. I don't think she argued we went full aquatic, just that our ancestors lived on the coast for like a million years.

Attached: 1556543491304.gif (540x303, 1.38M)

if true you would think that more isolated tribes or islanders would spend more time in the water but I don't think they really do
so it's a weird idea

imagine the smell

I want them to bully me

Imagine the wedgie.

yeah, imagine haha

Attached: pussyodor.webm (1280x720, 2.28M)


no idea unfortunately

why did you people stop posting sadie

Attached: f64bce9da.jpg (806x718, 110K)

Imagine letting her sit on your face.

Attached: 1552003517179.png (1319x1033, 521K)

Attached: mycock3.jpg (240x180, 10K)

Best Slut

Let's discuss the best gem

Attached: unknown-65.png (836x537, 91K)

Nah. I'm good.


Attached: unknown-134.png (553x801, 98K)

This, I like.

It would smell terrible.

I'm sure you can do something about that.

Excuse me sweaty

Attached: 1551919645616.png (600x1015, 445K)

I'd probably die.

Then stop having a manlet face.

It would smell like donuts.

A german Movie but there should also be a book
The girl has hemorrhoids or something


>mfw listen to these to feel like I have a friend

Attached: joe.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

Like not do it?

Delete this. Please...

Attached: be strong.gif (500x504, 885K)

>it's another episode of someone asking for requests and they don't do a single one

Attached: 1548092741087.jpg (700x1092, 330K)

Attached: PJncxiW_d.jpg (640x360, 13K)

Attached: Moomin sad.jpg (1024x1024, 92K)

Attached: 1556238976154.jpg (300x347, 35K)

Why does it always happen to us Sadiebros?

Attached: a51.jpg (500x500, 42K)


I'll take fart requests

I was hinting at doing requests earlier when I was free but nobody liked my stuff


I was going to do some requests but the thread became dead

He meant give us an example of your stuff

I want to go to a nudist resort with Sadie!

will you really?

Draw me a Pearl brapping then

I drew these I have a few minutes so I can do a request or two


Not the guy who asked for requests, but I decided to give this a shot.

Attached: IMG_20190429_213715.jpg (3463x2081, 1.22M)

not OR but I love it
thank you for your service



Attached: RAGED,gif.gif (230x302, 169K)

Fuck now I wanna see the fusion they would make. God I hope the new series let's Jasper fuse wish someone who wont try to run away from her

Not him but I like and saved it for later jerking. I'd make a few requests but I can hardly stay awake and nothing comes to mind atm. I guess draw more stylish and kinda sexual shortstacks.

Amy is the best Gem and the best character and Sugilite is the best fusion

Attached: poil.jpg (700x700, 74K)

Attached: 1552461328296.jpg (257x196, 5K)

>Dubs of Delivery

Freaking based

Thank you, I'm glad someone appreciates my shortstacks
Sure, here we go

Attached: 1530598184444.png (930x1097, 346K)

Attached: mythrobbingcock.gif (234x320, 199K)

Attached: 1554788244783.png (343x343, 149K)

I would destroy Sadie's ass.

>someone appreciates my shortstacks
Bitch this is the first time I'm seeing your work, and I want more.
How about some ass groping? Like really squeezing that booty-meat.

the only notable thing would be the coloration, otherwise they'd just be a big quartz soldier

cute, but gross

I'd rather have Sadie's ass destroy me

Attached: 1549758360330.png (1000x578, 451K)

If you'll do more, can I get Amethyst with a bit of belly?

God I wish that were me.

You just know she puts out

Attached: 1548015268198.gif (498x207, 1.11M)

Come on. We need to keep this thread alive.

eat shit, you drawthread-like parasite

engage in coitus


Have sex.



Attached: 148771940707.gif (1280x720, 3.84M)


She has enough.


I want to watch horror movies with Sadie and have her criticize my pleb taste when I suggest something.

Attached: 1547403580991.png (868x510, 140K)

Out of curiosity, what horror movies do you like?

I'll watch pretty much anything. I kind of have an affinity for low budget 80s trash, Giallo slashers and Fulci shit, and anything Troma (thought admittedly that's not strictly horror).

>I kind of have an affinity for low budget 80s trash
My guy.

Attached: C1J2hHu.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

Let's be honest; horror movies in SU are probably child's play considering how much more sterile their time line is in terms of horrible shit.

That said, I'd probably pick some classic Carpenter, like The Thing or In The Mouth of Madness.

Girl with her shirt tied in a knot a best, would take home. If that's "Hobbyist" and not "Lobbyist", even better.

Step aside patricians

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