ITT Comic movies that have been almost completely forgotten..
ITT Comic movies that have been almost completely forgotten
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>tfw there was a Megan Fox sex scene in this movie but it was deleted from the final cut and never include as a deleted scene
I wonder how many people are even aware there's a Supergirl movie and that it's canon to the Reeve Superman movies.
the losers
I'm convinced this was a tax shenanigan and including such a thing might accidentally bring in an audience.
I mean, no studio would earnestly and intentionally film something like this, would they?
Never even heard of this. interesting cast. was it any good? adding it to the list
I only remember this because it was the first movie I watched alone in theaters.
Why did they even make this movie? It's not like westerns got super popular again at the time or something and it's not like it could pass off as a superhero movie, even with all the idiotic wacky shit they added.
>They all made more money than flop Shazam
>I will show off my powers as the evil super villain I am
No, they didn't.
As in you went by yourself or as in there was no one else in the theater
By myself. I really like sin city and thought it'd be cool. Decent harem flick but it was pretty cheese
Also known as "That Alaskan vampire movie" was actually pretty kino.
is this a fan poster? they mispelled eva mendes
The backstory is stranger because the actor legit had near perfect cosplay and then the studio greenlit it.
I watched it as a kid and even when I was like 9yo the enemy being a witch seemed dumb to me
It’s like they took an unrelated script and shoehorned Supergirl into it.
Seems like a silver age thing to me
this movie is actually pretty fun
Arthur lake was pretty great as Dagwood
Darkhorse had A TON of movies made in the 90s that are forgotten save the Mask.
All I remember of that movie is a scene where some woman in BDSM gear is getting electrocuted or something.
wasn't this practically porn
Underrated movie.
I think the world has forgotten how bad Catwoman was.
Probably the most fetishistic Casablanca remake ever concieved
Sometimes I wonder if she would've starred in movies like that had she stayed on Home Improvement.
Jackson has been in a lot o capeshit.
Do people know about the 90's Fantastic Four movie?
>Slam evil!
I liked the part where Halle Berry goes crazy over catnip. I hope she had some good shit at her place, otherwise that must have been one long night when she came back from filming.
Best comic movie ever
>tfw Hex is my favorite character
>tfw friends refuse to read any of his books and mock me relentlessly due to this fucking awful movie and will never know the peace and excitement of having a discussion about him without it being reduced to reminders of this fucking garbage film.
Actually better than the real Doctor Strange movie we got 25 years later.
I was at an anniversary screening with udo kier in attendance recently. movie has aged rather well and seemed like a breath of fresh air compared to the sameness of the current Marvel/DC output. there was also much talk about how prescient it was what with fascist america and civil war etc. etc.
It's Casablanca. The movie is fucking Casablanca.
But who could forget this?
Is this any good? Last Paul Newman film, right?
It's very good.
Apparently everyone forgot and thought Captain Fungus was the first female superhero.
As a Green Lantern fan I full sympathise.
Maybe Hollywood will give him a chance in another twenty years.
I really enjoyed it. It was quite different from the comic though. The villain, who I think was an original creation for the movie, was comically over-the-top in a good way.
Toilets are always funny!
If Doom Patrol and Swamp Thing become successful maybe they can pull off a nice show that will give the character the respect he deserves
instantly forgotten. also dylan dog: day of night or whatever it was called
Kek, thanks for reminding me of this. I meant to look it up after reading about it in Bill Schelly's James Warren bio, which I just finished. Apparently Warren was developing a Vampi movie for years and even featured the actress he intended to play Vampirella on the cover of the magazine several times. It never happened before Warren Publications went bankrupt and folded. Stanley Harris bought all the Warren assets at an auction and presumed he had the rights to all the characters. Warren made a legal challenge to get his characters back and tried to get the movie stopped but it was shown as a tv movie with the only theatrical release in the Philippines.
I want to read the comic this is based on. It's written by the guy who wrote DEMOLITION MAN.
Maaaan, i went to see it with my younger brother when it came out and we still talk abou how great it was to this day.
Not necessarily all super-obscure, but ones people might have forgotten about:
>The Phantom
>The Crow (there were 4 movies, people might remember the first one)
>Tank Girl
>1994 Fantastic Four
>Nick Fury TV movie with David Hasselhoff
>2 Hellboy animated movies
>The Incredible Hulk Returns (1988)
>Vampirella (1996)
>Captain America (1990)
>Mutant X TV show
>Blade TV show
>The Adventures of Superboy TV show
>The Crow: Stairway to Heaven TV show
>The Flash TV show (1990)
>Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 TV show)
>Generation X TV movie
>1977 Amazing Spider-man live action TV show
>Turkish Spider-man
>Tales from the Crypt TV show
Not comic book, but superhero:
>Model by Day TV movie
>M.A.N.T.I.S. TV show
>The Greatest American Hero TV show
>My Secret Identity TV show
>The Shadow movie
>>The Adventures of Superboy TV show
At the time I thought this and MY SECRET IDENTITY were the same show.
Catwoman and Elektra aren't really forgotten, since they're still to this widely cited as the absolute low-point of superhero movies as a genre.
>Tales from the Crypt TV show
This is pretty well-remembered, no?
You're thinking of Italian Spider-Man, and that's not official.
hot take
but Watchmen
The 1994 FF wasn't even released, was it?
it's what italian spider man was based on. also the japanese spider man show.
>1989 Lundgren Punisher
>From Hell
>League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
>A History of Violence
>My Friend Dahmer
>Bad Kids Go to Hell
>Cowboys & Aliens
>Term Life
>Bounty Killer
>Ghost World
>When the Wind Blows
>Son of the Mask
>Atomic Blonde
>American Splendor
>Art School Confidential
>Archie: To Riverdale and Back
>Bulletproof Monk
>Man-Thing (2005)
>Howard the Duck
>Power Pack (1991)
>Painkiller Jane (2005 TV movie)
>RED (2010) and the sequel
>Sheena (1984)
>The Rocketeer
>Weird Science
>Witchblade (2000 TV movie, also the anime)
It's absolutely brilliant. Go watch it immediately.
It wasn't quite Newman's last movie but near enough.
>>Painkiller Jane (2005 TV movie)
Which led to the 2007(?) one season show on Syfy, well, the then Sci-Fi Channel.
Nope. Never will be either because Avi Arad destroyed the masters.
I downloaded it as a torrent. Seems legit although I haven't watched the whole thing yet.
The copies floating around as ripped from some promo VHS tape iirc; I meant more that it'll never get a proper blu-ray reissue from Shout Factory or whatever
Oh yeah. The quality didn't look great but it was watchable.
the only time i've seen that movie was when I was at a hookah lounge and it was on TV. Looked like hot fucking garbage. I love Hex more than life itself. Really need to see it for real. One little trivia thing I know is Mastodon did all of its music,
Rent free
There's a black and white fan edit that's absolute kino
Wishful thinking
I came in here thinking this would be the first post. I'm glad the faggottry took this long to set in and an actual discussion was had
Wasn't there a 1970s Doctor Strange tv movie with Jessica Walter?
You wish it were wishful thinking
>ladderbro is a phoneposter
Cancer begets cancer, I guess.
I love that fucking movie
Wasn't M.A.N.T.I.S integrated into The Batman?
>>Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 TV show)
People still remember Salem as a snarky asshole
>1989 Lundgren Punisher
>Roger Daltrey
> isn't even on the list.
> it's that forgotten.
> It was based on a short story called "SHOK" that was in 2000 A.D.
> has cameos from Iggy Pop and Lemmy.
There was a Man Thing movie?
Does Odd Thomas count as Yea Forums? Nobody seems to know about this movie or Odd Thomas in general unless I show it to them.
> Roger Corman movies
> has a TV series that even has Adam West as the arch villain.
>the Gangster Prankster
I remember this too, Batman helped get the M.A.N.T.I.S suit back cause the guys brother or whatever was using it to commit crimes, can't seem to find out which episode it was though
Shame on Warner Brothers
Good lord
No one is going to forget that shit
That's going to be like 9/11 or Hiroshima except worse because WB keeps doing it again and again several times a year
I didn't know this was a comic until like 8 years later after I watched it.
>Tfw Sean Connory turned down LOTR for this
Movie was shitty but hardly the worst he was ever in. What a whiny old fart.
Almost as good as Jean Reno turning down the Matrix in favour of Godzilla '98
wow. Honestly Lions Gate should probably consider suing DC for stealing their movie
This is such a good adaption. In the days before it was a common thing to do, Billy Zane got buff for the role so he didnt need the foam muscle suit they had made for him.
Movie is pure pulp. I love it.
I was big into Swamp Thing when I was around 8 years old. Both movies, the live action show, the cartoon. I had toys and drew Swampy all the time. I wasn't aware at the time that it was a comic. I would have eaten that shit up.
From this to Thanos wow...
I haven't forgotten.
I'll never forget.
Just like I'll never forget Mass Effect 3's endings.
Until the day my consciousness is destroyed I will remember how they betrayed me.
Same. It had so many great moments like this one.
That makes sense though. From what I hear the Wachowskis were dogshit and pitching the movie which is why Will Smith turned down Neo. And who's gonna turn down the cultural phenomenon of Godzilla?
Looking back at this movie, why did they cast Will Smith? Anyone else could've done better than him.
Will Smith also turned down being Django in Django Unchained.
i very slightly remember this movie, bulletproof clothes and such
Wait, this is real?
It's a TV movie from 1998.
>Will Smith also turned down being Django in Django Unchained.
Thank. Fucking. God.
Will Smith turned down The Matrix for Wild Wild West.
Yeah, there was quite a bit of low-budget DTV and telemovie Marvel crap in the '90s. Hasselhoff Nick Fury, Generation X, Captain America '90 etc.
>the cultural phenomenon of Godzilla
Godzilla was extremely niche back then. The movies were a laughing stock to most audiences.
Captain America from 1990 was an actual film released in theaters
Was it? There were 22 Godzilla movies before it, with three of them getting American edited releases. Not to mention countless parodies in popular media. I think damn near everybody knew who Godzilla was and what his deal is.
Oh really? My mistake, I always assumed it was DTV.
>Bambi Meets Godzilla
I remember seeing it a friend's house when the 2005 movie came out. He told me he had Fantastic 4 on DVD and I thought it was gonna be that, like a week later when I saw the 2005 movie with my mom I was super confused.
>Dark gritty western character
>fucked up scar is a selling point and character trait
>hide scar on poster
>don't profit.
I remember really enjoying this as a kid. I wonder if it holds up at all.
..... These were COMICS?!
>There were 22 Godzilla movies before it, with three of them getting American edited releases
And you see this as a good sign of Godzilla's popularity why exactly? All this means is that people had an extremely limited view of what Godzilla was, to most they were just dumb movies about a guy in a rubber suit destroying model cities. Godzilla wasn't seen as a respectable property. Well known, yes, but its actual reputation was another thing entirely.
there was an ad for this in a gambit comic I drooled over...
Don't forget that Will Smith turned down the Matrix for Wild Wild West. He would've been... the one.
Crazy. I thought I had a firm grip on weird ass adaptations. I think I had Timecop confused with Tekwar or something.
I liked this when I saw it as a kid.
This movie had a pinball machine. All pinball machines have to be developed in advance, so they sometimes take a chance adapting movies that might be bad.
The Shadow had a pinball machine made. And it's a great pin. There's an upper left mini-playfield that functions like breakout.
Dude didn't just get buff, he did some kind of weird physical training so he could work better witht he choreography.
genuinely a fantastic movie
Check it out. And find one near you with
>you don't even get to bounce the ball between Pamela Anderson's boobs
Fucking Christ, this movie truly has no use.
>Anal Battle
There aren't any good videos of this game in action, even though many people have them in their collections. Here's simulation footage.
I first heard of this on a porn site. Very big let down
>even as a kid that part with the inhaler made me laugh
Really no Veritas?
It's a Yea Forums movie that everyone seems to forget.
>there were 4 crow movies
I wish I didn't know this wtf
>The movies were a laughing stock to most audiences.
Nigga, you obviously didnt grow up when monster movie nights were hot shit. I remember an old and busted drive in near me having monster nights, and even TV channels would have monster movie marathons and have back to back godzilla movies. People fucking loved Godzilla.
There's also like a ton of Crow spinoff comics. Way more than needed, really.
>people in gatherings to enjoy niche things enjoyed the niche thing
Dick Tracy
The Shadow
The Rocketeer
1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Phantom
Swamp Thing is getting a few episodes shaved off the end and it no longer has a place to air. We'll be lucky if it even gets released anytime soon.
Zoom had a comic?
This played ALL the time on the telly when I was a wee lad
Swamp Thing looks like the Swamp version of Dead Space and doesn't even look remotely as shit as Man-Thing.
The fuck are you talking about no place to air?
It's on the DC streaming service that isn't going anywhere anytime soon considering they have things planned out for the next several years. They just showed a teaser trailer the other day and it has an official release date.
Are you a fucking retard, a Ladderbro, or likely both?
It's weird that Jeff Bridges chose this as his disguise.
Every MCU movie two years after the release.
>people still think megan fox is hot
I might still have that on the old vhs I recorded it on
You just reminded me that I bought that in a record store last stummer and I still haven't watched it.
and shame on you for forgetting
I remember this movie mostly because it was part of the foundation of me developing a crush on Rosario Dawson for most of my teen years and there was something about some Japanese pop star plagiarizing a song from it.
This movie just felt super rushed to me, but I did enjoy it. The visuals were great.
The problem with this movie is that it was just fucking Men In Black and not even the things that made MiB good.
The Rocketeer is fucking stellar. Dude that did it later directed the first Captain America.
Captain America II: Death Too Soon (1979) TV Movie
Obvious it's a Captain America bootleg, but the character of Captain Battle is taken from 40' comic series. You can check it out. I guess they bought the rights to him for pennies or he was in a public domain. I don't know, I am not an expert in copyright laws.
Just saw it today. Really amazing. The comic any good?
>It's on the DC streaming service that isn't going anywhere anytime soon considering they have things planned out for the next several years
they have the next several months planned up to early 2020. there hasn't been a hint of an announcement since Stargirl
Billy Zane was the only person from that entire era of movies who legitimately looked good as a superhero in costume.
Is that the one where the plot is about Matt Frewer being convinced all mutants have a latent telepathic link and it turns out they actually do?
God, that movie was weird.
That is the sweetest fucking thing I have ever seen.
The Rocketeer is still one of my favorite movies from my childhood. That movie was fucking amazing. That whole sequence starting with Cliff brought before, Howard Hughes, the filmstrip, and the escape is actual fucking kino. It also gave us evil Timothy Dalton Errol Flynn and Paul Sorvino as a mobster with a patriotic streak.
I think this was the first time I couldn't even get upset at blatant blackwashing for current year upcummies. It just all seemed so soulless right down to forcing a BMWM relationship.
Was this ever released outside Gookland?
Is that porn?
why does that dog feel unnatural?
Best scene of the movie.
I remember staying up late to watch that as a young lad just because of it being rated R, no idea what I was in for.
What things made Men in Black good?
it wasn't "based" on a 2000 AD story. They actually ripped it off and threatened Kevin O'Neill with legal action if he complained. Years later they actually gave him credit but it was meaningless at that point.
that's just a lazy judge dredd ripoff
>yfw you read comics based around TV shows that you never watched like Adventures of Superboy and Smallville
why I do this?
That has better coloring than the glossy shit we get in capes.
> Comic movies that have been almost completely forgotten..
Thor: The Dark world
I didn't know Judge Dredd travelled back in time all the time to fix temporal anomalies and the like.
Ladderbro please kill yourself
>you fire the Shadow’s pistol to get the ball into the playing field or whatever the hell you call it
Nah that one isnt forgotten by horror fans. Most don't know its a comic though
>1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
Not really.
The Rocketeer has some wonky stuff happen in the 3rd act but it's a legitimately great movie
The Phantom not so much in my opinion
And novels, a short stories collection, and a single season TV show.
>y-you should kill yourself l-ladderbro because you're always right and everything works out perfectly for you
Who knew fiction made for coping with your girlfriend's death could be so marketable
I never forgot, that is the greatest comic movie ever
I remember getting unironically, absurdly upset at The Spirit when it came out to theaters.
It took me a long time to get into comics because I saw them as creatively bankrupt and childish (I've since gotten over that shit), but Eisner's work made me realize that you could do beautiful things in the medium. There's great humanity all of Eisner's work; it's not afraid to show the world as mean and gritty, but it also has this unmistakable ray of hope and betterment in so much of it. I even owned the book that had Miller and Eisner interview each other and showed how much Miller respected the guy.
Therefor, when I heard Miller was producing The Spirit movie, I thought, "That's great! Miller has Hollywood connections and will protect his friend's IP."
To this day I don't think Miller gets enough shit for this movie. It would be like Mr. Roger's wife selling her husband's image for beer commercials. The whole thing was a nihilistic joke painted in an LSD-laden Sin City aesthetic. Eisner was your friend and mentor, and this is what you do to him? You fucking animal.
I just want to see the anti-Semitic bitch degraded
This movie was far smarter than it had any right to be.
> 1990 TMNT, Rocketeer (which has PRIME Jennifer Connelly), and the Shadow.
No user these are remembered still.
Brad Bird Spirit cartoon test footage
Is it really that bad?
Huh, interesting.
I like The Shadow but it bothers me that it’s literally unfinished. There are scenes where they didn’t bother with the CGI cape and the part where the autogyro should be is just empty sky shots.
I like the movie even for all its faults.
Everyone can fuck off, I liked it.
>Really amazing
did you just watch the first 10 minutes cause thats the only amazing part about that movie
Dick Tracy has to be one of the best examples of taking character and world designs from a comic and bringing them to the real world. I'm honestly surprised that Disney and Beatty haven't tried doing something, even just a short film (not like that bullshit TCM special), to cash in on the 90s nostalgia craze.
At least it had some cool trailers, never actually saw the movie but I liked the visual style here:
Watched this for the first time last year and loved it, creepy Polar Express CGI and all.
I wish we'd get some sequels already.
This came out two weeks ago, is already out of theaters, and no one will ever remember it existed.
Look, from an outsider's perspective, it's just a dumb, weird movie. But you have to understand that I had a bunch of Will Eisner graphic novels at the time and was really happy that Frank Miller would be looking after his one of his friend's greatest works.
It's difficult to describe how bad Frank Miller botched that movie. It's unrecognizable from anything Will Eisner made or intended. The Spirit is this detective archetype who isn't a fool but still an idealistic soul fighting a rogue's gallery that's just as colorful as Batman's, but not anywhere near insane. None of that comes through in the movie. Everything is either depressing as shit or a dark joke. Even The Octopus is completely revamped into this weird "dark opposite" for The Spirit when all he really was was a faceless mastermind. And because it's Miller, they needlessly tap deeply into Nazi iconography.
It's awful on every level and I'm glad it bombed.
To be fair, I think Miller has some sort of brain rot.
This was garbage and Eva Mendes character was cringe as fuck; 30 minuts of Eva Mendes farting would have been better than the clusterfuck this movie was.
Agreed, they got pretty much everything down just right.
I didn't see it until a few years ago but I was amazed at how true to the comics the movie was.
I cam here to post this.
9/11 gave him a breakdown that he never recovered from. Remember that he absolutely loves New York.
It does have a movie though but it's the same length as an episode.
There’s also this:
>is already out of theaters
not him but according to box office mojo it dropped from 3300 theaters to 900 theaters in the US as of this past friday
Miller was a hardcore drunk for a while, that might explain it.
What are we talking about again user? I forgot.
It looks lower budget than most porn parodies.
Her movie came out after wonder woman, which came out after elektra which came out after supergirl
I still need to pick this one up
Good shit
Yea I still gotta see this one
He clearly meant the costume
That movies friggen great, I love how whoever made it clearly didn't like the first one
God I wish you would stop finding all these threads. Actually I kinda wish you would just die
One of these days Disney will stop paying you and then you wont be our problem any more
>335k over the entire weekend
>Already out of the top 10
>Got the shit kicked out of it by Little
>First film of the year where it's box office didn't even match it's budget
Complete fucking disaster
I dunno swamp thing actually looks half decent
Actually living under a rock
Geez ladder bro you usually dont put in this kind of effort, your still a fucking retard tho
I liked it.
Just ignore the retard
alright, oh wise DC shill, what show have they announced since Stargirl? and what do they have planned for after spring 2020?
Is this what ladder bro actually believes? Just gonna ignore the dozens of times you've been made a fool of eh? Dont worry ladder none of us forget
Not him but they recently announced a show called metropolis
they actually didn't Metropolis was announced almost a year ago and was going to be one of the premier shows for the service but they either canceled it or put it on hold until they could rework the premise since no one wanted to see Fringe/X-Files with Lex and Lois.
Wasn't that bad from what I remember.
>Tank Girl
I remember watching and really liking this when I was a kid.
>2 Hellboy animated movies
These were actually pretty good and I'm sad that we'll never get more.
>Captain America (1990)
I vaguely remember watching this on tv when I was a kid. I remember enjoying it.
>Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 TV show)
People forgot about this? Everyone I know old enough seems to remember it.
Return to Riverdale, and with good reason.
I hated it my first viewing but oddly grew to love it later on
Unironically the most entertaining trashy cape movie out there
>I wish we'd get some sequels already.
It bombed unfortunately
it's really weird that they remade Casablanca but porny
I want the time I wasted watching this piece of shit back.
Does Meteor Man count?
You obviously don't know the meaning of the word "popular"
Is not fair that shittons of shit movies get a bluray release but this doesn't.
I bet del Toro is laughing his fat ass off
Your best bet is to petition Shout Factory to get it, since they have deals with Universal and love cult things.
This is 100% a Shout Factory release I get an email about while hoping for some weird ass horror or sci-fi thing instead.
Huh ok, hope they do something with it instead of just scrapping it
I remember watching it with my brother, how is the comic?
they may not be able to afford doing anything with it.
>12 years a slave didnt make me feel this much white guilt
since so many anons are bringing up TV movies...
Why did the second one flop so badly, anyway? The first one was a really big deal at the time, while the sequel came and went without any major marketing or fanfare.
>The first one was a really big deal at the time
It seemed like, and it did well compared to its budget, but it really wasn't big. It's like Hellboy.
The audience wasn't there anymore after so many years.
It wasn't a really big deal. It performed fine but it didn't even reach 200mil. The sequel bombed because there a nine year gap between films
It just took a really long time for the sequel to come out. If it came out in half the time I think it would’ve done a lot better.
>Mila Jovovitch is your main villain
Is The Fifth Element the only thing she's any good in?
Eh, it was a forgettable Spielberg movie with uncanny valley animation.
It's fucking fantastic actually
I still don't understand why they got Seth Rogen for the lead, you just couldn't find a worse fitting actor.
it's kind of interesting to compare it to the other comic book sequel that eva green starred in: 300 Rise of an Empire, which did quite decently and that was seven years after 300 came out. maybe the spirit's to blame for turning people off of the idea of noir comic book movies.
>Jonah Hex is stupid easy to write a low budget movie for
>Basically just a western
>Execs ruin it with bullshit like giving Jonah Hex superpowers and Megan Fox
>There will probably never be another movie because of this, especially in today's political climate
I sucks that something so simple invariably gets fucked by Hollywood like this.
That seems like a pretty small audience to get soured on a genre. I never heard of the Spirit movie until years later, and I don't think most people have either. I don't remember seeing any ads for it despite the all star cast.
Doesn't really look like Dredd at all
>1977 Amazing Spider-man live action TV show
Oh god, the bluescreen building climbing.
The best adventure movie of the decade.
I love how everytime you need a character to appear nude, Hollywood execs call Eva Green to portray that character.
Name 4 (FOUR) movies she is in playing a role that NEEDS to be naked.
Jubilee was such a qt. That Emma frost was shit.
Dumb fun tv movie.
Great movie
All I remember is the song DONT CALL ME, DONT CALL ME, BABEEEEeee . Also the same band, SHAMPOO, did a song for the power rangers movie lol.
That's not Lynda Carter...
Even as an eight year old kid I thought it was a piece of shit that didn't seem to have anything to do with Superman comics.
These are actually great, trashy fun. Timecop is pure Van Damme 90s cheese and Virus is like the perfect storm of circumstances where everything seemed to align in a way where the movie is shit but it's so fascinating and fun to watch you can't help but love it.
Only WW was actually successful blockbuster before CM. And CM only counts because it's first MCU female solo movie.
But it's a comic book movie! You have to have weird supernatural things and star power in it!
>especially in today's political climate
Oh please. Confederate grey is hardly as controversial as the Confederate flag and part of the character of Hex is to be a giant fucking asshole instead of a good guy. How the fuck could they use him in Legends of Tomorrow multiple times if he was too problematic for people now? If anything, the biggest issue with Hex live action adaptations is that executives would be too eager to tone down his asshole manner in order to make him likable (LoT is very guilty of this for example) when he should be like Eastwood in High Plains Drifter: unapologetically horrible person to just about everybody he meets.
They could easily weave this movie into the Tick universe.
Although I only knew it was a comic because it was one I bought when I had a hardon for Warren Ellis. Only to find it shit.
>There’s good news and bad news
>What’s the bad news?
>I’ve got one bullet
>What’s the good news
Cartoon wasn't too bad either.
The first few minutes were the only bits that were any real good.
Unfortunately it still doesn't hold a candle to the Nelvana animated series.
I remember being in Singapore and finding a shop dedicated to nothing but Tintin. This movie was paying on repeat nonstop in the store. As cool as Tintin is, working there seemed awful.
John Francis Moore wrote them and they're good
>This movie was paying on repeat nonstop in the store.
What did he mean by this?
I barely remember Cowboys & Aliens.
Is that Tanya Mousekewitz?
>Wasn't that bad from what I remember.
>I vaguely remember watching this on tv when I was a kid. I remember enjoying it.
You're fucking retarded.
Was going to post this and the thread still went 300 posts without anyone mentioning it.
Hell, it even has a sequel that's based on the comics too and I feel like no one watched Red or Red 2 even if they did 200 and 150 million $ respectively.
I think you’re just listing off old movies at this point. Most of those haven’t been forgotten.
it was pretty awful
M8 you’re just listing off films based on older non-Big 2 stuff. Most people not fresh out of high school would remember most of these.
It was also not based on a comic.
This is fantastic! Thanks user.
It’s kinda hard to comprehend that this was bigger than Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse and Superman at the time but nobody really talks about it now
The first half of this film was actually good.
They REALLY should have divided the Dame story up instead of breaking up the Joseph Gordon Levitt story.
everything about this movie was great except the two main characters
Ok I actually really enjoyed this pilot, the donkey scheme was doofy as fuck and the big bad was so charming and him and Diana were pleasant to each other thruout. I like how the angry dude just fucking drowns to death off screen
The stick fight was unbelievably poorly done
>3 days
>over 300 posts
>not even a mention of The Specials
For shame, Yea Forums
How the fuck did it take the MCU 20 movies to have a female lead?
not based on a comic, genius
Read the fucking thread, genius
>ITT Comic movies that have been almost completely forgotten..
>is told to read the thread
>only reads the OP
Go read the hundreds of post discussing not just comic films but superhero as well
I'm honestly surprised this wasn't mentioned yet
One of the movie adaption I liked far more than the original comic. The scene when Wesely was shooting mooks through the body of someone he had just killed was Kino
>dipshits post off-topic shit so that means it's fine
Ok. You do remember you're not in Yea Forums right now, right?
I thought it was pussy shit they got rid of the supervillain angle. The comic was stupid but at least it didn't have a generic premise.
>I might still have that on the old vhs I recorded it on
me too.
Because the sequel came out like a fucking decade after the the first movie, didn’t help the sequel was shit.
I've never been to TV in my life, stay mad about Gunn being rehired Trumptard
Yikes, that strawman came right out of nowhere. No idea how you went from posting a non-Yea Forums flick to Trump.
Then what's Nightcrawler doing there.
Part Pearlmutter being sexist and part Feige being lazy until there was a vocal outcry for more female superhero movies.
They technically were still villains as the order had long since stopped performing righteous assassinations and were doing them for profit, and when most find out the truth they're perfectly fine with it
He really needs to get a better agent.
SUPER villains. Comic book shit. Not just generic assassin guys.
Not that user, but James Gunn wrote The Specials. I think he was assuming you were upset that someone was praising James Gunn
Literally why would anyone assume that's general knowledge? I didn't even know that shit existed before that post.
Dark Dungeons, a tongue in cheek adaptation of an old anti D&D comic
still qt
>no one will ever remember it existed.
Thank fuck for that.
The opening is one of the most bowie-kino things I've seen.
Saying that, the movie feels like the first 4 episodes of a really high-budget tv series.
damn that first scene for tricking me into thinking i was about to see a good movie
>40 minutes long
A feature length film is 40 minutes long minimum
>not having a botox fetish
Was this made before or after Walt Kelly died? He really hated the Chuck Jones cartoon with Pogo.
1980, 7 years after he croaked. I don't think he would've liked it either, it's more of the same cutesy fluff the Chuck Jones cartoon was full of.
Fantastic 4.....
>Selby Kelly had been selling specially packaged DVDs of We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us prior to her death, but it is unknown whether or not further copies will be available.
Has this been ripped?
Man that art is fucking chill.
Watching this movie
Just enjoying visuals
Dull main character
Most of Marvel female are on the X-men and Universal owns She-Hulk
Which ones are actually good?
I only found out about this Marvel Dracula movie last week
>dat cast
Enjoy your toe-thumb.
And thumb-toes.
It's on the list. If I can find some way to watch it. Seems pretty obscure.
I remember watching this drunk in theaters and laughing so hard when it turned out the bad guy was the "the loom of destiny". Yeah, I know it was Morgon Freeman doing for profit kills. But man, the fucking loom. "It printed your name, and.. your name.. And *looks at audience through the camera* YOUR NAME!
I adored the 60s show, so I never watched this. Just seemed like a mess.
I remember watching this when it aired. Literally had nothing to do with Man-Thing.
Makes me wish we got the Brad Bird version.
I like it as a kid.
To be fair, Godzilla’s a big property.
The movie was good up until the “twist.” If it had just stayed a “hero is an asshole, but eventually figured out how to be a hero” story it probably would’ve been loved.
Still one of the best batman movies
It has Seth Rogen. That is all you really need to know to avoid.
It's mostly comedic interpersonal drama.
THC was pretty good though.
The Crow (1994), just avoid all those sequels.
MANTIS was great because he died fighting an invisible T-Rex
He wrote and produced it, so it was his own project and he cast himself in the lead
It made more money than Iron Man due to Will Smith
Can't wait for his Invincible movie
The production was super weird too. Originally Stephen Chow was Kato and turned in script notes thinking he was also a co-writer and he was completely unaware Seth Roger was a lead.
I need to apologize to my mom for forcing her to take me to that because I had a crush on Jennifer Garner.
This was forgotten in my country, it was based on a comic but it was really good and nobody but me watched it.
just imagine a noir detective story in Rio de Janeiro with a fun cast and some really cute girls
All the live-action Asterix movies are fucking weird.
The Twelve Tasks of Asterix was really good
At least they got the name order right.
You mean Michael Keaton wasn't the Penguin and Danny DeVito wasn't Batman? Fuck!
>To be fair, Godzilla’s a big property.
And Reno is a certified weeaboo, even played Doraemon in Japan.
This movie did well EVERYWHERE but America.
My Teacher and my doctor both recommended me this, and I loved it
>Tales from the Crypt
nigga I have the complete series on DVD and watch it every other week
what the fuck was Michel Gondry doing with this?
I just remembered the movie was co-written by the guy who created Breaking Bad, Vince Gilligan
Christ Gunn really loves super heroes
>unapologetically horrible person to just about everybody he meets
I don't know about that, Jonah's a dick but he seems to treat the average person ok as long as they keep their distance and don't bother him with requests and questions
I see what you did there 300 did get forgotten even when it was one of THE original memes
>We could have had a Black Widow movie off the heels of Winter Solider when she was at her most popular and well utilized
>Instead wait close to a decade to even ANNOUNCE one
>Way past time anyone gave a shit about her
>Danvers steals what should have been her position as the first female headed movie in the MCU
How do you fuck up that badly
>Source material is the only good Mawhwa book in existence
>Basically Berserk+Hellsing+Red Dead+The Book of Enoch yet somehow not completely derivative like most Mawhwa released at the time
>Weird meditation on Christianity and God
>Pretty good Western to boot
>Gets it's name slapped on a completely different movie
>A fucking derivative vampire movie half Underworld half Equilibrium
Fucking Hollywood, though the actual Priest book would piss off the bible belt like something else
>Forgetting his best Japanese role
Seeing Jean Reno argue with a fairy in feudal Japan was a kick, shame the game will never be remastered same with 2
Only thing I remember about the Spirit is me and some buddies going to see it knowing g Jack shit about the source material and laughing our asses off at Sam Jackson just hamming it up.
>I got eight'a everything
>How do you fuck up that badly
It's Hollywood. What's funny is how they've had to drag the industry kicking and screaming to a point where they now are open to consider female protagonists in blockbusters, only for incels start to cry how it's SJW liberal propaganda to do movies with women leads.
Vince Gilligan's filmogaphy gets pretty fucking weird. His first credited film was Wilder Napalm which was about two pyrokienetic brothers, one of whom became a clown at children's parties. It is essentially the screwball romantic comedy version of Firestarter.
My friends and I saw this four fucking times in theaters. I don't remember if there was nothing better out at the time or what.
This was WB giving Gondry a shot at a bigger budget. But it was the perfect storm of production fuck-ups because:
>2010/2011 was the height of forcing a major film to be in 3D
>Gondry wasn't attached until 2009
>Universal had been sitting on this since 1992 unable to find any interest because they kept dicking car companies around to be the official Black Beauty
>Gondry and Rogen/Goldberg did not gel at all but they were forced together basically because Rogen/Goldberg were untested directors and Gondry at least WB Independent minor critical hits but always just okay at the box office
I forgot the other part. For whatever reason they promoted this film almost entirely in the Battle: Los Angeles tie-in video game.
Don't forget initially Kevin Smith was writing the script (not directing, but IIRC even he admitted it'd just be Hornet and Kato shooting the shit on camera for two hours and occasionally walking off camera to beat someone up) where Kato was a young hot chick. It was actually pretty solid outside of the third act going by the comic adaptation.
Greg Kinnear was going to be the Hornet at some point. And then Mystery Men came out.
Also Jet Li (who left to go make The One) and Stephen Chow were attached as Kato over the years. The irony there was Chow only knew the original Green Hornet program as The Kato Show, which is how it was recut and aired in China. He was floored to find out Kato was seen as little more than a karate butler in the US version since it made Bruce Lee a megastar in Asia.
This almost happened.
Does this category include the whole medium outside mainstream capes, like Mortadelo y Filemón?
wait, there are more than 2, and with the same cast? wtf
The one that is set in Egypt is a fucking masterpiece of children's media.
Why wouldn't it?
It is hard to believe Yea Forums reads more than just capeshit stories.
done right it fucking would have made a shit load of money. people still fucking watch john wayne movies.
Taggart was in that?
It’s truly a product of its time.
They watch them because pop culture still regards John Wayne as iconic star of westerns so people seek out to see what the deal is. Not because western is a super compelling genre.
>This movie did well EVERYWHERE but America.
Even the Middle East?
It's stupefyin'
Let's talk honestly about the type of person who would find Megan Fox attractive. She has good skin, feminine features, and big tits, and that's about it. She doesn't have anything interesting or unique going on, which to me at least is totally fundamental to my concept of beauty. Saying you think Megan Fox is hot is like saying you think sugar is tasty. Sure, you're technically right, but you make me so fuckin' mad I want to punch a hole clean through my Dell 240/WFP monitor (which is a damn good monitor by the way). Two types of guys claim Megan Fox is attractive. The first is the overwhelming majority, which consists of men who are too fuckin' st00pid to have an actual opinion about anything. We talkin' US Marine stupid. Corvettes are the best cars, radio rock is the best rock, tribal is the best tattoo, beer is the best beer. Put me in any ol' slot because I'm shaped like all of the slots. The second type of guy who says Megan Fox is attractive is a gay guy who wishes to remain closeted. No one would dare question his choice, so it's a safe bet that quickly dissolves suspicion. If I need to pretend to be gay, I would say that I'm attracted to George Clooney - same thing.
There’s lots of non-cape examples ITT
Litterally all of these
Soundtrack was great, and theu had Chris Evans underneath a lot of scruff as a main character. Kinda cheesy and over the top, but I fuckin love movies like so I'm biased.
>Cidade Proibida
I like the movie for what it is.
I wish I could love it for what it could have been
[citation needed]
it's the limit used for the oscars
>According to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the American Film Institute and the British Film Institute, a feature film runs for more than 40 minutes, while the Screen Actors Guild asserts that a feature's running time is 75 minutes or longer.
nearly the entire thread was non capeshit
bros before hoes
Shatner should never be allowed to "write" anything, ever.
I'm pretty psyched to see up on the big screen this weekend. They are doing a special 30th anniversary showing of it.
Not sure if this counts, since it was more a cartoon show than a comic...
People say that Langella is still coughing up pieces of the scenery to this very day.
the actress was good though
This was for all intents and purposes actually a New Gods movie in disguise and the director straight up said so, so yeah it definitely counts
I wish Yea Forums would forget about it so there wouldn't be ceaseless bitching about whatever stupid shit related to Brie Larson
I thought I was the only one to remember it.
This movie is so fucking pretentious and dull. You can tell that it was directed by someone that came from advertising.
Odd Thomas is based on a book
Fuck, are they doing Snyder's shitty storyline?
Timecop is anything but forgotten.
The movie itself is an entertaining low budget Indiana Jones ripoff rather than a faithful adaptation though.
>30 minuts of Eva Mendes farting would have been better than the clusterfuck this movie was.
would be quite a pungent film indeed
I can't remember the last time it played on tv, showed up in a video store or crossed my mind.