Can she be made charismatic in subsequent films?

Casual ass MCU fan here, she really didn't invite any endearment in Endgame at all, and I'm told she isn't much better in her film. Think there is a way to fix this in future movies? What are some examples of a charismatic Carol across all media?

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yes I have a solution if you bare with me.

You can ask this in a Carol thread of which there are a few active

It's like they were making superman but forgot to make him a personable, friendly guy, just like the fucking DCU.

I kinda liked her in Endgame. If you can separate the actor from the character, she's not super offensive. Brie Larson is disgustingly outspoken with her awful political opinions, but when she's just being her, she's not nearly as ugly. Jimmy Fallon interviewed her, and she was... it feels wrong to say "kinda cute" but ut's like she's a whole different person when she's not trying to act or being political.

If she understands the weight and importance behind the MCU and her role and Captain Marvel, I feel like she might be able to pull it off.

Those threads have more of a negative bent. I wanna invite positive discussion on the character. As said I'm a casual fan so I know nothing about her in the comics and I bet there's many out there that show her in a better light the movies did.

Precisely, she came across like a DCU character (funnily, the last DC film stars a hero whose lighthearted tone fits the MCU much better)

Should be noted I'm willing to give the actress a break; with proper direction and commitment I think she can indeed improve in the future, and I can't imagine they won't attempt to make her more endearing to general audiences given how prominent she will be to the verse moving forward.

Ok so every woman that likes marvel likes the idea she is the most powerful, but a lot of men dont like her because her just being a woman is a relatable thing that crosses the gap.

So we have captain marvel, she stays the strongest in the universe, it's fine but instead she learns that having power isnt all that is cracked up to be.
through out her movie she will meet alien civilians afraid of her and even hate her because she is too powerful and think she will take them over just like a previous rule thanos. She would try to convince them that she is different only to leave in failure. This causes anger in her thinking how could any one compair her to thanos.
Going to earth she goes to her best friend for advice. Only to deal with a new threat that wants to use her as a power source.
She then fights back against some super villains while causing destruction in the process. Another marvel super hero tells her she needs to stop but she attacks him thinking he is on the other side.
She gets cocky and says she has no one can match her and there is no way a feeble character can beat me kind of thing. A fight ensues to where the Super hero finds ways to deflect her power back at her or over load, character says being the most power doesn mean you are invincible. fight continues with her getting stronger but only to be able to miss everytime. She then says the same words her once commented and kidnapper said to her, to fight her fair, where the hero responds to what she said in the past, I dont have to fight by your rules. Carol has an immediate flash back and realizes something so terrible that she flies away in an instant.

No, replace the bitch with Monica, Genis, Phyla, the Skrull Mar-Vell or literally anyone else. I wouldn't even mind Rick.

here was mineThis is about how being the most powerful isnt cracked up to be and can even be turned against you, the point is that she is in the position of power only to see the downside of it all. I feel a lot of guys would come to find her more endearing when she has to learn from this and isnt always right or when she is right people because she has the power people will not trust her any ways.

The entire premise of her "being the most powerful" and hiring an insufferable SJW cunt to play her will make this character unappealing regardless of direction.

The fact she was written as a Deus Ex Machina savior when Dr. Strange, Thor, Hulk, and even Wanda are in the fray is a complete joke.

She didn't need to be introduced as a "FEMALE SAVIOR" there were other females that could have filled that role, and she didn't need an arbitrary plot-powerup to be useful or fulfilling as a contributing factor.

tl;dr Billing her as "TEH STRONGEST" after Hulk and Thor beat the shit out of Surtur and Fenrir in Ragnarok makes her seem really fucking stupid. That's not the role she should be in.

on that note Yon mogg or what ever that guys name is reflected back at her and sees that some actions for the greater good leads to a bad end.

Look bro this isnt my idea she is the strongest because they decided that in their narrative already. the hold point of her being beaten even when she has all that power was to show her humility.

I'd be up for seeing that take! Can imagine something similar may have appeared in the comics even, sounds organic enough for a character written as so intrinsically powerful.

>the whole* point

Really the thing is you dont make a character interesting by making them more powerful, you do it by making them weaker and learning lessons from failure.

they did it to hulk, and they salvaged thor

will they? no

Agreed, a friend told me that in average he saw Marvel putting more effort in the person behind the super powers, whereas with DC it was the opposite. Carol breaks that, at least in Endgame.

She can, but having females go through character arcs like males is apperently sexist, so it's not gonna happen.

She really needs to work on her expression. Her stern face can't work forever. She has a nice voice though.

No, because Brie Larson seems to have interpreted strong-willed and assertive as autistic and borderline sociopathic.

>Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me or are you just happy to see me? Bow-chika-bow-wow
I'm not sure how to feel about that scene.

First: I don't know if this is the directors' or Brie's fault, but she needs to stop being such a smug cunt. Tony was also a smug, egotistical asshole, but that was treated as a character flaw and for laughs instead of "you go girl, show those men how strong and independent you are." She needs a character arc in her next movie/major appearance where she realizes that being the most powerful does not make you the best person. The roast she got at the beginning was a good start, but commit to it in the future.
Second: she needs to have an actual character and personality, and not just be some wooden board with a speaker glued on. Have her fucking emote in her lines and do something other than that deadpan expression. Give her interests and flaws that can drive her story on a character level and create interesting interactions with the rest of the cast.
Third: Tell Brie Larson to get off her fucking high horse about how great she is. She's an actor playing a character in a movie franchise that she had no part in making as popular as it is, not a fucking queen.

You have to be willing to admit there's a problem before you can start to fix it.
So probably not.

She's already the most charismatic lead in the MCU, so of course.

The mouse that wakes up Ant-Man had more charisma in seconds than Denvers did through the entire film.

pretty sure you're remembering this wrong
>"Hey, Peter Parker..."
>licks lips and grabs his crotch
>"You got something for me, little boy?"
I mean it was still weird, but be accurate.

I'm surpised to find an actual discussion here.

I was expecting to just find most of the anons posting some variation of "Women can't be charistmatic."

I've found Yea Forums to be a surprisingly fertile ground on average for proper debate and chitchat. Most gals and guys here act reasonable enough. Of course it wouldn't be a community made of anons if you didn't have your notorious chunk of shitposters, but Yea Forums is more hit than miss all considered.

Or a bigger villain just pushes her shit in, Like happens plenty in the comics, and there you have it.

I’m a woman, and I fuckin’ hate the fact she’s the most powerful. It’s stupid compared to who’s on the team, and it’s insulting that they (movie studios) think that this woman is more appealing to women than either Black Widow or Scarlet Witch, actual characters who are likable and reasonable in that universe. Hell, it’s unrealistic, but I admire Black Widow for standing up with the team even as they tried to take down world threatening villains more so than Captain Pussy for Brains, because she had no powers, just training. Even more so since it wasn’t given in a random accident moment. It’s the difference between Batman facing Darkseid and Superman facing Darkseid. Even if I like Superman, one of these is a vastly more interesting prospect than the other due to the sheer odds (ignoring writers’ tendency to make Batman the infallible god of doomsday preppers).

And let’s not forget, even amongst the SJW crowd they call Carol Danvers the false messiah. If she has trouble even appealing to the crowd she’s designed for, why bother continuing to use her?

I would rather not try to cater to idiots who can only relate to “mu vagina.” Those women are the worst, the absolute worst, and should have their tubes tied in case they have a son.

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Recast her with someone who won't play her as a stuck up cunt who think's she's better than everyone.

>I'm told she isn't much better in her film
Then why do you care if she gets "improved" or not? Just ignore her.

Carol was interesting as Ms Marvel just after House of M, because she saw a possible future for herself where she was world renowned and loved by everyone, something she didn't have at the time. That was the point in her history where she had a true character goal she wanted to achieve. That's the key to any successful character. They need a goal to strive towards, a motivation. She had that as Ms Marvel. It was a relatable goal for both women AND men. The eye candy costume was neither here nor there.

But then she quite literally became Captain Marvel overnight. She was handed her goal by Marvel executives on a silver platter, rather than earning her place among the A-list Marvel characters. She had global adoration from the Marvel universe. Each of her countless number one reboots tried to show us how popular she is, or how famous she is, or how powerful she is. It was manufactured celebrity status through and through. But we never saw her actually reach that status through trial and tribulation. Marvel busted that nut too soon. It's like when a romance story teases a relationship for some period of time, building up viewer interest with the sexual tension, but then the story solidifies the romance before the climax. Now, viewers are left with a relationship that is less interesting than the tension that was felt beforehand, and interest is lost.

Captain Marvel is a character at the end of her story arc. There's no more development for her to experience. That's why she only resonates with feminists who only care about seeing a female character with power. They are only concerned about her surface level traits, and being able to cosplay her. They don't read her books and they didn't really care about her movie that much.

>replace the bitch with Monica, Genis, Phyla, the Skrull Mar-Vell or literally anyone else
... With no fanbase or interest, sure, that makes sense.
Man, another anti-Carol thread, you guys never get tired of those huh?

>... With no fanbase or interest, sure, that makes sense.
The MCU was built off the back of Iron Man, a Marvel comic character who had no fanbase or interest in 2008.

Hey, why don't you go and watch her movie then come back when you're serious about discussing her performance. Personally, I found her performance just fine and dandy. She's basically just playing a no-nonsense super powerful military persona. Except, she has tits and doesn't smile a whole bunch.

For some reason a woman heroine not begging for your ding-dong in some visual way has set dweebs ablaze because they can't jack off to her without using some mental effort.

Yeah, if you make her smug as fuck in-universe that she's so powerful and make all the other heroes and heroines (especially if you do an A-force movie) kind of think she's a prick

No because the garbage ass directors and writers don't realize that tumblr/reddit aren't a personality

Have her start an illicit sexual relationship with Spiderman
That would make her more charismatic for me
Then she's taken away by the Nova Corp while she yells "THERES NO AGE OF CONSENT IN SPACE!"

>She's basically just playing a no-nonsense super powerful military persona.
So basically a plank of wood.

Hmm well, I guess we now know what your fantasy is. XD

Her short hair is a problem

>So basically a plank of wood.

Oh, what you really mean is that you find it hard to masturbate to. Understandable, other than her not being overly sexually appealing I don't see what the issue is. I found the first two Thor films boring as hell, but I didn't outright hate Thor and was very happy things changed in Thor 3.

I think they just have to find their correct footing with Carol, they want her to be tough but for most American audiences you guys for some reason really need the female character to either smile a bunch or have babies so you aren't confused that she's a woman that can also kick butt.

man, I like how smug Carol is. Then again, I like women who are mean/cold. I thought Captain Marvel was a biiiittt too cheesy with the "female empowerment" stance. Maybe to on the head. But I also liked it because there are sooooo many shitty af male characters that are one-dimensional knuckle heads that fat nerd men literally jizz their pants over. It's nice having a dumb jock smug lady.

Or honestly I just want brie larson to suffocate me with her sweet flower

Wow, we actually have a legitimate carolfag here.
Holy shit.

>"Why isn't she quipping every minute?! I need my quipps!"

To be fair that's true to the source material.

Yes, if you watched the movie you can see she has some grasps of charisma but being directed by two indie hacks didn't helped her.

>Or honestly I just want brie larson to suffocate me with her sweet flower

You and me both buddy. MMmm delicious!

TChalla doesnt quip that much but he has charisma in Civil War
She doesn't really have that many lines that reveal what her personality is

I staggered into Captain Marvel as if I'd just recovered from a devastating emotional fallout (in reality, it was simply the result of a shitty movie), prepping for a sorrowful aftermath, a confirmation of the desecrated, defeated battle between art and commerce.

To my surprise, and I'm sure to many of you, dear readers, my post-film response and reaction was one of triumph and honest-to-god happiness. I'm still smiling about this goddamn movie. And not merely because of moments, but because of the relationships and set-pieces and formal details and sound-effects and laughs and colors and the creative lackadaisical wonder. To quote the heavenly scrolls of Boogie Nights: "you made a real movie, Jack."

Captain Marvel flows with energy - pulsing, radiant star-galaxy geniality and sarcastic, fearless vitality. Carol Danvers is up there with Christopher Reeves and Gal Gadot as top-tier portraits of decent, courageous heroism. Brie Larson perfectly, and I mean *perfectly*, loses herself in the maze of long-remembered memory shards and impact trauma doses and a lifetime distant within the chaos of the cosmos. She is a fucking wonder and we should all bow to her. Every close-up reveals both the exteriority and interiority of her reality. The film is tightly structured (it's not even over two hours!), but more importantly, revitalized and undaunted by the traditional Marvel limitations. Captain Marvel utilizes its compositions and sequencing to relay information through active and inactive flashbacks, snippets of visual expositions, a progression of regaining memory, in addition to re-learning Danvers' identity. Writers Anna Boden and Geneva Robertson-Dworet, and directors Boden and Ryan Fleck should be commended for their electric transmission of age-old ideas into the concept of an origin story, as well connecting the spatial bridges of the past and present.

And within all this lovely, tender, spatially fraught internal tension also happens to be a smooth buddy-cop comedy *and* (as if this isn't already wanting to make you purchase tickets for another viewing) a scrappy science-fiction plotline right out of Enemy Mine or anything else found in the one dollar rental-bin at your local Family Video. It's not mimicry, it's genuinely inspired.

And in 2019, There's no reason in offering excuses for the MCU, as the studio has proven on multiple occasions they're capable of offering an episodic functional product that simultaneously operates as a slam-bang piece of blockbuster fantasy cinema. They can have it both ways! Piles upon piles of money and a substantive, exuberant work of art, hand in hand, and Captain Marvel has it in spades. Countless minuscule particles - a line or two, a shot, an edit - of information and emotion had me shocked it was a Marvel production, and anyone crying foul over the supposed lack of style probably, most likely, had their eyelids glued shut. That they don't do it more often, and will likely continue to stray away from movies about and with representation in favor of films featuring the bare-minimum for Woke Points, is a sad example of Captain Marvel winning the battle but not the war.

If you can't see how a character that is all Srs Bsns in a movie that's otherwise made up from a charismatic/relatable cast is gonna rub people the wrong way, you're too blinded by your own bias. You don't see this sort of criticism directed at any other heroine in the film, but because it's easier to accuse detractors of sexism than it is to try and see their point, you're just gonna double down on "incels everywhere". You ain't doing the character any favors by sticking fingers in your ears.

But you could say the exact same thing for the majority of the MCU cast. Most of them are quippy snappy tropes post-Guardians.

I mean, when you look at character personalities, tell me what is the real difference between Peter Quill, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Scott Lang? Even Thor went from being a noble leader of Asgard into just a meme.

The issue isn't that Carol Danvers is a shit character, the issue is that most of the entire cast are shit characters.

Also when you talk about Brie Larson emoting, just how often does Scar Jo actually emote in her acting?

I don't even think it's the fault of the actors themselves, the MCU itself has become just a quippy meme machine with no growth or emotional depth.

I loved the movie but damn dawg looks like you liked it a hell of a lot more than I did. But hey, hearing praise about the movie is a welcome thing around these parts. So I ain't gonna rain down on your parade. Preach!

Depends on the writer.

>The entire premise of her "being the most powerful"
Which is made mute since the Eternals are coming next year.

Okay here some suggestions that could maybe redeem her character (but only woth all of them together) if it idn't already to late
>make her autistic and a little bit dumb about every pop culture thing of the last 20 years, just like Captain America who tried to blend in but make it worse and make her failing miserable at almost everything
>make her try to befriend others from the Avengers awkwardly, make her character as awkward as possible
>less smugness and superiority/messiahs complex, be humble bitch
>more emotions would be nice
>she should be depowered a little bit or at least give her a weakness, maybe something like she can't use her power all the time and she needs to refill her power battery by sleeping or resting because if she uses 100% it actually drains out too fast or some bullshit
>this in combination with an antagonist who can absorb cosmic energy (wasn't that one of Thanos powers in the comic?) BUT without limits, the "OMG TOO MUCH ENERGY" trope is shit and too obvious
>She shpuld learn that her Superpowers ate not the things that define her or some cliche bullshit (just make her look more like a real person in one way or another)
>In her next Solo Movie she should team up with Spiderman (not in his movie) and try to be his new Mentor but instead learns more from him about heroism or that even the smallest things you do make you a hero not always the cosmic world ending threats because she is way to arrogant etc.
Or just recast her and write her as a bitch with an alchohol problem

They're all popcorn flicks. Within that context, nothing wrong with making the characters a jokey bunch. I agree that Carol Denvers isn't a shit character though, because she isn't a character to begin with. She might as well be Superman, another endlessly powerful entity that rarely if ever leaves an impression because of how boring he is.

depends on how much are they going to pay her
Oh you wanna complain and #metoo someone?
Good luck ever getting hired again

Popcorn flicks are fine and you are correct in there's nothing wrong with making them a jokey bunch, except pretty much half of them have almost the exact same personality. You could take most of the scripts and swap lines a bunch and it wouldn't look out of place at all.

That's my issue, a lot of characters have been 180'd into non-characters. Cap was spared some of this, Black Panther, Vision, Bucky and Loki are probably the only ones completely spared.

The only characters with any actual depth these days and gravitas are the villains.

Villains these days suck too.

Vulture, Killmonger and Thanos have been some of my favourite villains. Absolute praise to Michael Keaton as Toomes, he alone saved Homecoming for me.

I said in another thread, I wish the MCU directors learned a thing or two about reverance and poignancy. They could have taken leafs out of the LotR trilogy or even from Logan about how to convey emotion but it's all so artificially created to the point that with Endgame, I didn't even feel much. It was entertaining but no substance.

It seems that's what a lot of people are complaining about Captain Marvel for and yet, that's been a staple of so many MCU movies.

I didn't say "incels everywhere" and was pretty careful to avoid buzzwords for the expressed purpose of someone like you trying to make the discussion about whatever your world view is. My post was very simple and to the point. If you thought it was some thing else, then that's all you bro.

At least Superman and Dr. Manhattan have enough character for either humility or moral ambiguity. Worst part is that Endgame just praises her existence while literally everyone in that "She's got help" is a better strong woman character than her. God I hope DC doesn't take this as a reference to use for their future WW movies.

>Also when you talk about Brie Larson emoting, just how often does Scar Jo actually emote in her acting?
I was legitimately surprised how much I liked Natasha in Endgame considering how meh she was most of the time. I guess Scarjo realized this was gonna be her swan song and left it all on the table.
Also her having that scene with Larson made me realize what bugs me about Larson's performance; it's her voice. She's either too high pitched or too soft spoken or something to really sell "badass". That's usually a contralto's job and Scarjo had it.

That scene with him and Peter in the car is my personal highlight of the film. The tension is delicious.

There are two answers for this:

Yes, it all depends on a good writer to give her a sympatetic storyline instead of GRL PWR one and/or a personality we can enjoy, the Hulk for exemple was universaly disliked on his first movie and was among the favorites in Avengers 1

Who cares, the whole franchise ended with endgame

As everyone said, too smug. I almost cheered when she got BTFO by Thanos taking the power stone for a sucker punch.

Man here: If I ever meet you in person, I will shake your hand. Thank you for saying what we get fucking shredded for saying, seriously.

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Dr. Manhattan? LOL, if Dr. Manhattan was a woman you'd be crapping yourself which how smug she is or whatever. You guys are hilarious, a woman always has to have some kind of weakness if she's like superpowerful but yo, Superman, Dr. Manhattan, and 'I CAN KILL ANYTHING MAN' are all perfectly ok! XD

Same, I'm disappointed at the rest of the film but god, that scene. That kind of intensity and gravitas, why could that not be continued on into other films?

I don't like using the argument of "smug" because that can easily be read as uppity and just gets dismissed as shitposting.
But I will say that Marvel's positioning of Carol is wholly underserved at this point in time and they're rushing it like WB did with Justice League.
But at the very least this came after 10 years of mostly okay movies and there was a good enough ending point with Endgame that the damage she can potentially do is minimal.

Taking the bait here, but Dr. Manhattan is pretty emotionless for the most part. Even as a scientist, he's still your average nerd joe who scored good with a hottie and ended up being horny for a younger lass while having the characterization of Mr. Fantastic. It's because of that that Dr. Mannhattan's interesting. Compare that to Brie being the indestructible magic missile without weaknesses or emotional interest.

It's why people like smug Tony vs smug Capt. Marvel. If the latter had some movies to build up her smugness then yeah she'd probably be more likeable.

I was to busy groaning at her taking a headbutt and smiling at Thanos, after he just curb stomped Thor/Ironman/Cap with Hammer
Its not interesting in the slightest to build up a villain for years, show that he can 1v1 the Hulk, and then have him be weaker then a character you introduced between his two part movie. I dont know whos pushing Carol in the movies but this could really kill the MCU for me

Dr. Manhattan is liked because he is OP but still struggles with his emotional detachment. Make him super powerful, moraly inquestionable and emotionaly balanced and you would have a character disliked by most, like Captain Marvel. The fact that she is crowned as a abrasator of female empowerment is just the icing in the cake.

Capt. Marvel's existence is almost making me like Rey.

I wasn't exactly impressed with Killmonger (seems to be a running theme with me and MCU villains whose names start with "Kil", but I digress), but I see what you're getting at. Still finding a good villain nowadays in works in general, not just in MCU, is hard

Hire a younger actress, make her a naive character and have her learn her way through life. They can pair her with Peter Parker if they want.

thanos stealing the stone right from under her was pretty cool

>It's why people like smug Tony vs smug Capt. Marvel.
Not entirely.
If we look at just Iron Man 1, I think people like Tony there because we only had to put up with him being a smug asshole for like 15 minutes before he gets into a bomb explosion that cripples him horrifically. After that he's got the dents; a would glowing on his chest that reminds us he's not infallible and the story might be willing to make him suffer.
I mean shit, we even got the callback to it. The arc reactor is a literal visual cue that he's got a heart underneath the cocky asshole act.

I went from cheering for the heroes to cheering for Thanos to cheering for the heroes in that single scene.

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T'Challa at the very least is stoic and mysterious, which are charismatic traits in their own way.
Brie cant decide if she wants to be the upstart underdog shouting at the man or a stoic authority figure showing up naive underlings.

You have to also recognize that at that point Thanos is also starting to tire while Capt is fresh entering what has been long and brutal fight. And he still shows the hubris of her cockiness by taking her out the fight completely.

It can continue into other films. followed by a poorly timed comedic scene, quip, dance off, so on.

Kamala would literally be a better Marvel just by being a Parker clone with religion theme.

That's an interesting suggestion. I wonder if it would work to amp up her smugness while making everyone else hate her. Characters with massive flaws tend to annoy the audience if they don't get called out on their flaws during the story, but if they do end up getting some kind of consequences for those flaws, the same character can be really entertaining. Like for example, my opinion on Mako in Legend of Korra changed much more positive after they started portraying him as a fuck-up.

I'm not sure what exactly is wrong with Carol at the moment, but she really lacks charisma compared to everyone else around her.
Maybe she could work as the serious straight man for some funny guy? I just don't know.

Low-effort bait. Kill yourselves.

High-effort bait. I hate you but respect you.

Hard mode is not Thor Ragnarocking it. Best outcome is to make her a joke character and work it up from there, giving her humility, a quirky character, etc.

This, if the character isn’t a over the top goof ball like Thor in Ragnarok then they have no personality apparently

>Maybe she could work as the serious straight man for some funny guy?
They effectively tried that in her solo movie and it just ended up ruining Nick Fury.

Oh don't be disingenious now. So remove the so called buzzword from my comment; your argument still lies on people disliking her because...they can't masturbate to her? Do you expect folks to take you seriously with this? And I'm not even talking about Yea Forums; real ass normie friends I went to the movies with echo these thoughts as much. I myself am asexual so I have no reason to like nor dislike a character because of any erotic potential. Be willing to accept the reasons lie elsewhere.

Truth is, she just didn't have any memorable moments -as a character- in the film. I'll concede to liking the headbutt bit, but that was it. Other than some minor cheering when she appeared in the very first scene, every other scene of hers got greeted with silence by an audience who eagerly cheered everyone else (women and men, before you begin). It especially stood out when everyone else in the cast brought fun or emotion to the table and she was just putting it to a halt.

Again; I liked every other heroine in the movie. Nebula was a show stealer. Widow was a hell of a time. I could go on. Even freaking Mantis exuded more humanity in seconds' worth of screentime with her eagerness to see Thor and Starlord fight it out with knives, than Carol managed all through the film.

It's no catastrophe or anything sure, it's just a very unmemorable execution of the character so far, OP and several others in this thread must have felt that way and it's not because they couldn't cum to Brie; if anything, it's several of her -supporters- who air out sexual fantasies with the character, as seen in this very thread.

Read she hulk

You have someone in this very thread taking both Carol and Supes as boring all-to-powerful no-characters. It's not a gender issue, but you keep pushing that narrative.

I legitimate have never seen a charismatic woman outside of anime

But superman has a weakness?
And he’s a gentle giant, humble as fuck. Power and Ego dont come off as heroic.

>Dr. Manhattan? LOL, if Dr. Manhattan was a woman you'd be crapping yourself which how smug she is or whatever.
Dude, even Zack Snyder didn't make Manhattan and Superman smug. If anything he went too far in the opposite direction.

Let's take a moment to imagine what could have been: we could have gotten someone with Thor-level power and Steve-level leadership and charisma, perfectly poised to take over as the face of the MCU after Endgame.

Instead, we get someone with allegedly-greater-than-Thanos power, but with all the arrogance that Stephen had before his car accident. When I saw Captain Marvel I was desperately hoping that her unlikability came from hack directors, but she was just as much of a bitch in Endgame.

>You don't like Carol because she doesn't smile!
Nebula is 80% glares by weight and I loved her in GotG2 and Endgame.
>You don't like Carol because she's too strong!
Wanda soloing Thanos was my second-favorite action moment in Endgame, and if that had won the day I would've been satisfied.
>You don't like Carol because she's badass and in charge!
Iron Man 2: Widow hallway scene. That part didn't make me love Natasha, though: she hadn't gotten enough development to be human. I loved her and wanted a solo movie for her by the end of Avengers, though. How can ScarJo make a character better with one supporting role and one ensemble role than Brie can with a film dedicated to kissing her ass?

I groaned at that too, but snickered at what happened next.

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user I like her as the srs brns straight man- but she never gets a chance to play off the cast and comes off as a little dry as a result. thinking that the only moativation one would have to have against her would be masterbation is retarded- especially considering since she's still in a skin tight suit, you can still get your rocks off to her. you're just not trying hard enough.

Yeah that crotch-grab was really a little too much. I mean it didn't bother me when Aunt May did it to him because they at least know each other but Carol is a complete stranger.

you're projecting a lot and you sound like a faggot
there's no point in arguing with you because you'll just act like a beta white knight and call me a virgin or whatever gay shit you people say
kill yourself

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I'm not sure if Fury can be a good choice for the comedic character in a serious guy/funny guy act.
Could a team-up with Kamala and her cheerful fangirling help Carol's character appear more interesting, or would it feel too similar to the dynamic in Spider-Verse?

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Isn't this just Man of Steel?

Now that they have Xmen we can see good female characters again.

Unless they fuck it up.

give her a better antagonist would help a lot. i don't know if she has a good rogues gallery in the comics.

good shit

i'm a woman too and i think you're a colossal homo for pandering to this board of angry virgins.

> i don't know if she has a good rogues gallery in the comics.
Rogue, funnily enough. And Mystique.

Carol is a directionless invincible flying brick from space that we're told to care about via flashbacks when really her only "struggle" is that she just has to believe in herself and that's supposed to be enough to justify her getting a seat at the table for the big crossover stuff.

She's already Zack Snyder's Superman. Her fans are just as vehement om defense of her (read: obnoxious) as Snyderfags.
Only worse because there's no chance for criticism here without identity politics rearing their ugly head.

>So we have captain marvel, she stays the strongest in the universe

I'm sorry but did everyone just forget that Doctor Strange inhabits the same universe?

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>This female is badass and no-nonsense watch out

Well consider me enthralled by this fascinating, compelling, unique character

No, Brie is a miserable cunt

Well seeing how she "Refined" the character for Captain Marvel. No she'll be insufferable.

I think Brie is good when she's just Carol and palling around with people. She has good chemistry with her fellow actors and that's why she got hired. It's the super heroics she isn't as good with and she doesn't sell cool very well. I think she could be improved simply by putting her alongside another hero/actor that can bring out her strengths as an actress.

Loki is pretty fun on screen.

No she should be replaced by Rogue

...yeah, i can see that happening, though it might take a few movies.

>Jimmy Fallon interviewed her, and she was... it feels wrong to say "kinda cute" but ut's like she's a whole different person when she's not trying to act or being political.
Yea Forums here. Can confirm after thorough research that Brie is actually quite capable of being likable.
The white critic comments and the Wired interview are what ruined her image with some people.

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I'm curious. Which characters?

Too bad MCU doesn't have X-Men.

For instance Sir Integra.
Regardless of how you feel about Hellsing in general, she's a prime example of a powerful, confident and competent female character written without being a Mary Sue or a cunt.
I really wish there was more female characters like her.

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That's funny. She kind of looks like a bespectacled, studious male archetype.

I kind of think Hilda from Outlaw Star fits the mould too.

She'd look good in an eagles jersey

it will soon.

all good female characters would be good male characters if genderflipped i think

>they made a big deal about her jacket in her film
>new outfit has no jacket
guess it burned off in re-entry

>all good female characters would be good male characters if genderflipped i think
The vast, VAST majority of good characters of either sex would be just as good genderflipped, and pretty much all the bad ones would still be bad if flipped.

1. Write good character.
2. Attach genitals.

They've made her a little bit too powerful. Just from watching Endgame she's at least a tier above Thor. It's one of the things they have to address in future teamup movies. Maybe nerf her a little bit.

ITT: Kissless manchildren try to decide how fictional female characters should be depicted in fantasy blockbusters.
Captain Marvel wasn't made for you. She was made for the rest of the audience, who supported her movie with a billion.

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What baout good female characters being genderflipped?

>The white critic comments
I don't even like brie but some of these culture war faggots are being hypocritical, they will bitch n moan that pewdiepie's past comments/mistakes are being blown out of proportion but will do the same shit to brie.

Retards even pointed to the co-stars looking annoyed/pissed in interviews yet all stars look like that after spending all day doing interviews back to back being asked the same stupid questions.

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what other movies might she show up in as a support part next? eternals, maybe? guardians of the galaxy?


actually this made me realise bucky is kind of like a male black widow in some ways.

I was just watching this the night before

>actually this made me realise bucky is kind of like a male black widow in some ways.
Mmhmm. You could swap the two and they'd work well, though details would have to be tweaked around them.

Low quality bait, but several of my girlfriends will point to the cat as being the best thing of that movie. None are big Carol fans and opinion is mixed on Nick Fury (some loved him, others said they ruined him)

Hot take: Captain Marvel would get even more shit tossed at him if she was the exact same personality-free, boring and smug character as a male. As a woman she at least has a section who will kiss the floor she walks on no matter what. As a dude we'd all hate him for entering so late into the MCU history yet acting like he's infinitely superior to everyone who's been there since the beginning.

Absolutely correct, and people wouldn't be able to play the REEEEEEE INCEL card to defend it.

>no cute 1940s widow
why live

the movie is pretty straightforward arrogant hero gets in touch with humanity stuff. dr strange is the smuggest fuck the mcu has presently

I'm not a fan of Strange, but they're not positioning him as "the absolute top best of them all who has bigger shit to deal with than Thanos and smug about THAT" like they're doing Carol

Marvel's Captain Marvel will never be relatable. It's not her job.

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It's weird though that her movie got over a billion at the box office.

People see something in her despite the smugness I'm reading about.

Maybe it's just the MCU brand.

I only watched it for the completionist aspect.
Same thing for Black Panther (though that I turned out liking).

>a character you introduced between his two part movie.
That's the crux of my issue.
If she's so strong, why are the dozen other movies relevant anymore?

I think a problem is that a surprising amount of humor comes from self depreciation or being made to look foolish and they're kind of gunshy about doing that with Carol.
So even if they try to make her out to be the stoic straight man that just means she ends up being another stoic straight man woman that at best snarks and rolls her eyes at the comic relief and that's already a dead horse that needs no more beating.

>If she's so strong, why are the dozen other movies relevant anymore?
That's why bringing her in when they did was a fuckup. I know they did it with plans to have her head Phase Four, but they should've simply given her a solo film set after Endgame. Maybe she gets her powers from prime-Thanos atomizing the stones.

Most I've talked to expected it to be better

>dr strange is the smuggest fuck the mcu has presently
Doctor Strange had his life ruined and had to die sacrificially literally a thousand times in row in order to be considered heroic.
Carol just had to blow up a ship.

>dr strange is the smuggest fuck the mcu has presently
Pre-car-crash Strange was only a little more smug than pre-cave Tony, and more importantly pre-cave Tony was only a little more smug than Carol is right now.

But the important question is, where's Carol's cave? Where's her car crash?
They're not gonna give her a brain tumor like the comics did, and even if they were it's too late. The sympathetic tragedy needs to happen in the first movie otherwise you've already lost half the audience/

She really does look like a simple, basic cunt.

"She's a woman in a man's world; that's tragedy enough." - The Suits.

Yea no. Doesn't work for Rei either.

Rei is sympathetic as fuck.

Oh, trust me: I don't agree with the suits at all.

It got carried by Endgame. People wanted to know what the deal was with Nick Furys beeper at the end of IW. I will be genuinely surprised if CM2 can match the success of her first film.

Well yea look at who surrounds Rei, poor girl. Least she gets a mech.

Now Rey, her whole life is not seen as a lonesome trial uprooted and burned before her. Hell everything is just given to her.

Only one worse is Star Trek Discovery with Mikey "Spock" Burnham.

And it's still below projected earnings by about 50 million. Because it's never enough money.

Hell Disney is forcing them to keep it on Screens which ironically cuts the screens Endgame is on.

I find it really weird she's pretty much the only main character who's much stronger than her comic book self, excluding Binary maybe. I get she's kind of an amalgamation of Nova/Mar-Vell/Quasar but it makes her way harder to write.

a lot of bad movies work because they are about beautiful concepts or have great imagery. like frozen.

>got in plane crash, watched her mentor die, had her past erased to become a tool of a hostile alien empire, was groomed by a possessive asshole who injected his own blood into her to mark his territory
at least admit you haven't seen the movie

That's stuff that happens but when does it ever seem like things that lead to growth?

I think with a better director they could fix the character. Brie isn't an awful actress but its pretty obvious she's embarrassed about doing these flicks

>Think there is a way to fix this in future movies?
Kill her off in a way that passes the Mantle of Captain Marvel to another, better actor.

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Which one of those the thing that fucked her up and ended up teaching her humility and responsibility? Which one of those things brought her down low?

>at least admit you haven't seen the movie
I'll freely admit it. That's why I asked the question.
You responded with snark. Which is an answer in of itself.

r u me?

This would be really nice but Brie is too WOKE to accept this kind of character development

>>In her next Solo Movie she should team up with Spiderman (not in his movie) and try to be his new Mentor but instead learns more from him about heroism or that even the smallest things you do make you a hero not always the cosmic world ending threats because she is way to arrogant etc
The best "step one" for redeeming her shit "YASS QUEEN SLAY" character.
And I actually like Spidey/CM interactions

Honestly, all they would need to do is change her personality. It might not be true to the comics, but that's not a bad thing. People love Captain America because he has that winning optimism, leadership, and confidence while ALSO treating others with respect, even when they don't deserve it. If they want Captain Marvel to have anywhere close to the being popular, they need to have her drop the attitude. You don't need to be a mean bitch to kick supervillain ass. Look at Pepper Potts, she's every bit (or more) the hero Tony Stark is.

Wasn't there a black female Captain Marvel?
Why not her?
They could add Kamala as a potential candidate but she should be a streetlevel hero like Spiderman.

Carol Danvers is a horrible person

I think the biggest problem is Brie herself. I know some people say she is a good actress and shit but I don't think she would accept a more humble less smugg CM because the current Carol Danvers is what she wants to play because that's what she sees as a "powerfull" heroine.

Very good points my over-pigmented friend.
It would actually make her more sympathic.

nope. brie larson can't act her way out of a cardboard box. and the source material shes based on is a uppity cunt too

>Only tired of interviews...
>"Don't touch me"

Can Captain Marvel be retconned, rewrote, and remade?

This really shines in interviews

She´s a U.S. air forces captain, so no.

>Think there is a way to fix this in future movies?
>What are some examples of a charismatic Carol across all media?
There isn't any

Not joking, Carol Danvers is a shit character in both movies AND comics. Even when she was Miss Marvel she was a cunt from time to time.
Brie Larson is also a pretty unlikeable person and an overrated actress.

>It's weird though that her movie got over a billion at the box office.
>People see something in her despite the smugness I'm reading about.

What are you talking about, It literally gate keeped endgame

She just seems like she's stupid cocky and kind of a dick as a character.

It's not endearing. It doesn't make me want to see more of her.

wanna know the secret?

the overwhelming majority of shitposters on Yea Forums come from Yea Forums and all of them are from the UK
it's like 4-5 AM in the UK, they're all asleep, so we get decent conversation. watch what happens 11-12 UK time.

>Have her start an illicit sexual relationship with Spiderman
wrong Spider-person

Not possible with this actress.

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Shut the fuck up.

>Captain Marvel wasn't made for you. She was made for the rest of the audience, who supported her movie with a billion.
I got some bad news for you: that's me, and several others on the board. Also why do you think I'm male?

>She was made for the rest of the audience, who supported her movie with a billion.
But she actually was and I hate that bitch

I saw her movie just the other day and my take on her is that her character and story is informed by feminist critiques of nerd/comic book culture some of which are valid but others I find dubious and I question how well certain feminists understand what women want.

The big claim that comes to mind is that women don't like superheroes because they're "competency porn" (in which the male costars are always depicted as the MOST competent). Pathos could also be seen as annoying because there is always some male using his traumas as an excuse to hurt others (usually women IRL). They might also claim that what women really want is a character who is relatable as opposed to aspirational since for women "aspirational" often entails shallow attractiveness.

So they made Captain Marvel a plain, normal, but emotionally strong woman who is so powerful that competency is unnecessary, has little in the way of pathos, and is relatable to women by being annoyed by .

I think it's possible that a lot of women may indeed like this type of character but I just think she's boring and so did the little girl who I saw walk out mid-movie, still it's hard to argue that she's broken if her movie sells as well as it did.

The movie undersold projections and it's unlikely she'll be in another one.

From my experiences, it's definitely the MCU brand. I watched her movie in a theater only because Endgame was released so soon after it (and because I had free tickets). Endgame was the only one of these movies that I actually wanted to see in a theater, but I also wanted to see them in their release order. So if there had been a longer interval between the premieres of the two movies, I would've waited and watched Captain Marvel only after it got a web-dl release.

Brie Larson is a charismatic void with resting bitchface.

It made a billion because it """"ties in"""" with End Game and fanbois are retarded.

Internalized misogyny.