This kills the zoomer

>This kills the zoomer

Why was Klasky Csupo so based?

Attached: IMG_2097.jpg (480x360, 13K)

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>ugly expensive art
yeah man they were great, I think rugrats really sold the underwater theme better than Spongebob did, what with the constantly wavering lines and weird faces

Kek. Go build a fort faggot.

Duckman the only reason i can think of.

>Aaahh!!! Real Monsters

You know early zoomers grew up with Klasky Csupo too right?

When I was a kid I used to think that was a fucked up version of spongebob.

Didnt Klasky Csupo animate early Simpsons?

>Klasky Csupo kills the zoomer
>zoomer autists kill Klasky Csupo

Nice post. Sure showed those NPC zoomers, who totally don't know about Klasky Csupo.

Oh they know it, and they fear it. Remember, whenever you hear someone bitch about the "ugly" art. It's a ZOOOOOOOMER


Zoomies get out

You have a shovel.
Archetypal Iron Warrior.
Go dig a trench loser.

Or else?

I loved it when Klasky kicked off a bunch of their writers so that their show would be dumbed down, and then she sabotaged Angry Beavers by calling it retarded in interviews.


I remember people saying how this logo made them run out of the room and plug their ears as kids, or that when they accidentally rewinded to the ink splat on vhs, they nearly had a heart attack. Heck, on the closing logos wiki, they kept censoring and banning all images and videos of Splaat from the page for a while.

Pussies, the lot of them.

Why are so many autistic kids making the weirdest fucking shit with this logo splash? What I mean by that is they are throwing it in some effects generator and just making fucking weird indescribable videos with it. I don't get it.

> ugly expensive art

Autism defies logic.

Strangely enough it's still been done since like 2008, I'm surprised those types of videos are still being made to this day.

They are still retards making sparta remixes to this very day, and that shit got stale waaaay back in 2009. Mostly are made by the same kids who make those fucked up Klasky logo remixes.

>I loved it when Klasky kicked off a bunch of their writers so that their show would be dumbed down

[citation needed]

Also yeah, the autistic obsession with this logo is pretty weird. I thought it was pretty cool as a kid, but never thought about it beyond that.

Agreed, thought it was neat when I was younger.

Their original logo was better.

Attached: Klasky.gif (480x360, 10K)

You can have your adventure times and your steven universes. I'll take the rough and gritty "ugliness" of klasky csupo over the sterile bullshit on TV today


You mean the studio that ate itself on the inside because of hubris?
If they're so based, why aren't they on tv right now?

Attached: 1367800477632.jpg (548x707, 164K)

first 3 seasons

I was about 3 or so when I saw that logo on Rugrats. I remember being fucking terrified, often hiding in another room after an episode until that logo was over. Why the fuck did they not expect kids to be scared by this? It's such a contrast between the show, I don't know how they didn't think this out.
>inb4 Zoomershit

I was one of those weird kids freaked out by logos but even then the OP never freaked me out as a kid

Mostly stuff that could be sorta sensory overload or looked like it was gonna come out of the screen and attack me are what creeped me out

Klasky had the ugliest art style ever televised. Rugrats was the worst in that regard
>ugly washed out primary color pallet
>characters all have inconsistent gross inhuman monster heads

From the New Yorker

i can't unsee this now thanks

Post studio logos that scared you as a kid
Kill yourself

Thank you.

>tfw I'm a 1998 zoomer yet I've been fapping to wild thornberrys porn of Debbie

The artstyle makes me wanna dick Debbie down, thanks paheal

Early Simpsons was good, except for pre-season two which really was just awkward.
I don't think that McDolan tie-in counts as anything really, and it came way too late in the 90s for what it was.
All Grown Up! and Rugrats were terrible. They were a waste of aesthetic.
Duckman, however. Duckman really made something out of the artstyle. Much like really makes something out of the artstyle.
Real Monsters really didn't do much for me but i acknowledge it.

Attached: 1530675289332.jpg (669x448, 134K)


Zoom Zoom Zoom

>ugly washed out primary color pallet
>characters all have inconsistent gross inhuman monster heads
I loved it. But probably because I'm a slavfag in dark post-soviet world where that was a part of daily life. I think one of the studio's founders was a post-soivetfag too. I think it was the guy who did this cartoon.


Z ö ö m ë r s h ï t.

I was fascinated by this as a kid.

>People who don't like it are zoomers
Doubtful. If you have strong feelings against it it's probably because you're a millennial who DID watch it and was disturbed by it.

Jesus fucking christ this used to scare the fucking shit out of me as a kid.

Attached: 20190424_155426.jpg (650x356, 151K)

The character designs back then were....unique.

Attached: Screenshot (7).png (1366x768, 1.07M)

This is klasky csupo? It doesn't look like their usual style. Looks more like the hey arnold style. Were they told to clean up the roughness here?

I used to think it said "jericho uh oh" or something.

>you can have your cancer. I’ll enjoy my AIDS

I was born in 2001. I still saw this stuff on TV.

Examples? Although I'm certain I think I already know what some of them are.

You were 5 when the studio went belly up