Why Superhero would build the hall of enemies?

Why Superhero would build the hall of enemies?

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Is that really Luthor's back story

Because I could show off my awesome rogues gallery?

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Hairlets really do be like that

One of em.

That's a pretty good motivation if I can blame somebody for my receding hairline.

Imagine being such a shitty scientist that you don't keep a record and therefore can't duplicate your findings because you've forgotten it all.

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Smartest human in the DC universe, and he nearly kills himself while flailing around his own lab.

Really paints a dismal picture of humanity, huh?

Grodd has that perfect smile.


Supes is always trying to reform his foes, so a Hall of Enemies is a showcase of his failures, reminding him to try harder.

that actually makes sense

Before the reboot, he succeeded with Bizarro and Mister Mxyzptlk. They got promoted to the Hall of Friendship.

>tfw you successfully reform one of your rogues.

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I'm surprised nobody ever tried to play the face-heel-turn as brain damage due the smokes instead of Luthor being simply angry for losing his hair


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This idea was done better by oglaf.

That stopped being his backstory several decades ago.

Classic Luthor is supposed to represent humanity's wasted potential. He has all the makings of a great scientist, but is too reckless and petty with his work. It's the total opposite of Superman using his talents of to help people.

Luthor is a better businessman, which Superman is a better worker or union leader.

Too bad Dr. Doom hits all the same notes with his origin without ever looking like a bumbling idiot.

Silver age Superman lost two sets of parents. One way to interpret his character is that he spent the rest of his life trying fill that void.

He treated his co-workers like a pseudo-family, with Perry White becoming the third father figure in his life and Jimmy Olsen becoming like a son to him.

His membership in both the Legion of Superheroes and later the Justice League were attempts to connect with people who could relate to him in ways ordinary people couldn't.

Viewing his character from that perspective, it isn't so strange that he would see even people who have tried to kill him as family members of a sort.

I hate that we'll never get Pre-Crisis Superman back.

Considering some of the wikis I've seen, it's pretty believable.

So when the hero retires, he can turn his lair into a kick ass museum

He's using the models to design and make the perfect wig for Luthor as a gift to return him to the ways of good.

I loved how pre crisis Superman didn't have a job as Superman, but he lived his life as Superman. Clark Kent was his leisure time.

Nobody wants to see Superman reform his foes. Americans unironically want Supes to use lethal force to solve everything. DCAU pretty much expresses why Superman can't fail: Everyone else will lord it over him until he snaps and becomes a dictator.

aren't snyder supers films mostly considerd garbage though? (ticket sales notwithstanding, we already know people will turn out in droves to watch something everyone pretty much knows will be trash)

Pre-Crisis, Earth 1

Yeah, it was pretty retarded.

>Pre-crisis Superman was a chad who fantasized about being an incel.

He really was a fascinating character.

DCAU Superman is the one from the animated series.