Why are people so excited for this movie? Clearly it's just nostalgia baiting for a good old cashgrab.
And of course pikachu had to be played by "Deadpool" of all people.
Why are people so excited for this movie? Clearly it's just nostalgia baiting for a good old cashgrab.
And of course pikachu had to be played by "Deadpool" of all people.
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I thought the movie being live action with Ryan Renolds was a joke until I saw the trailer. Who wanted this? Why is it live action? Why would you Americanize an international brand so much to turn off foreign box office sales? Why drag such a big name brand through the mud?
And you just know it'll sell well and be popular.
user, normies wanted this. The new trend these days is to be a "nerd". Reason why the main populace feels special for liking capeshit movies.
Its going to make an absolute shitload of money. But honestly I feel its just going to be a pandering cringy mess.
You went to see the latest Marvel movie, no?
You are retarded;
There is no difference beetwen this movie or MCU or Transformers.
>nostalgia baiting
How can it be nostalgia bait if it has a bunch of newer pokemon?
No I haven't. And honestly don't want to.
Can say the same about literally any superhero movie
Mostly I'm mad that the Jiggs keychain almost immediately sold out.
Just the novelty of watching Pokemon exist in a more expressive world. It's something the games only scratch the surface of. I don't really care about the plot.
what newer pokemon? All the trailers I've seen have all just shown Gen 1 pokemon.
>Who wanted this?
>Why is it live action?
Everyone who wanted any "live action" disney movie MCU/DCEU etc
>Why would you Americanize an international brand
Nippons can't make movies.
>brand so much to turn off foreign box office sales?
The opposite happened in fact.
>Why drag such a big name brand through the mud?
Ask the same about Marvel,DC,Disney classics,Transformers etc etc etc
>Why are people so excited for this movie?
For the same reason 'realistic' art of pokemon is popular.
>Why would you Americanize an international brand so much to turn off foreign box office sales?
You could at least read the Wikipedia plot synopsis of the game.
Thats fair. I'll give it that at least. I can tell the plot and humor is gonna be terrible, but they didn't do a bad job on most of the designs.
Yeah I loved playing pokemon Blue and Red with all those Ludicolos and Greninjas.
Don't talk shit about Psyduck you bitch nigger queer, she is perfect.
Aipom's design is particularly terrible. One of my favorite Pokemon got ruined again. His evolution also looks fucking terrible.
You got me there user. Yet still, a good majority in the trailers is still early gen.
Oh yeah, I forgot about Aipom. He used to be so cute. Has to be the worst one so far.
I get that he's supposed to be an angry monkey but jesus he looks like a demon.
Because Pokemon is fucking awesome. 3 billion incoming
Did you just assume that psyducks gender, you ableist sexist transphobic literal nazi
I think its the lips. Its some uncanny valley shit
Pokemon is awesome, but the movie wont be
Pokemon are not animals you know, they are literally magic monsters. There is regular animals in pokemon games.
lickitung scares me user
It will be good if the ones making it care. From the trailers, it seems they put a good deal of thought into the world. Story will be nothing special though since its for kids.
>nostalgia bait
>bunch of current gen pokemon
lol ok
This is actually one of my favorite ones. I always figured Lickitung was disgusting and its captured perfectly.
It genuinely looks comfy as fuck
>those city shots
It's the teeth. It's got human teeth even though most monkey's teeth not to looking like that. And maybe the lack of a nose, but what can you do.
Ive not bothered to much look at anything about this movie but i want to know, have we seen either a Mantine or an Arbok in any of the stuff released so far?
I actually haven't seen that trailer yet. It does look nice. It might be a cute movie afterall.
Maybe psyduck just looks kinda scary because he's all wet or something?
No shots of Mantine but we havent seen any big water scenes in trailers and nothing of Arbok but I think it's got good chances of showing up
Yeah thats the thing that gets to me. The teeth and the eyes are just so freakish
not that i've seen in the trailers. But there'll likely be a cameo of them somewhere. At the very least Arbok.
No. There are only 70 or so pokemon apparently. Some only having literal 5 seconds cameo. But they take from all gens which is something I like. No gen 1 pandering.
It might be his eyes, but that's just his design
I think he looks cute as fuck
>I thought the movie being live action with Ryan Renolds was a joke until I saw the trailer. Who wanted this? Why is it live action? Why would you Americanize an international brand so much to turn off foreign box office sales? Why drag such a big name brand through the mud?
>And you just know it'll sell well and be popular.
You answered your own question. Corporations do things to make money. shocking, I know.
at least its not based on pokemon go.
ok, cool. just curious. thanks guys.
Just you wait user, just you wait
Why from the trailer it seem a good movie?
Max sums up my feelings on the movie so far
I apologize for the aussie apes screaming
>Who wanted this?
10 year old me wanted this, and it's definitely grown on me, seeing textures on pokemon took some getting used to but all the designs make sense and are faithful to their original designs instead of over-adding what isnt naturally there
>Why is it live action?
Because it was inevitable.
>Why would you Americanize an international brand so much to turn off foreign box office sales?
What about this will turn off foreign box office sales? It doesnt take place in America you know, it's fantasy pokemon world.
>Why drag such a big name brand through the mud?
You're overreacting, nothing we've seen about this movie "drags the brand name through the mud", so far reactions are overwhelmingly positive, and I look forward to seeing it.
Could be worse, Detective Pikachu somehow manages to be less uncanny valley than the Mewtwo movie japan’s remaking
Don't be dissing Psyduck. Psyduck is adorable in the clips
Can't stand how the pokemon looks, Pikachu is the only decent one.
Dudes, how can you not get this?
It looks cute and it looks like feels. People like cute feels stuff. It's why children's movies usually dominate every other genres asses. Because it involves cuteness and feels. They are also ironically more mature than "adult" movies because they are not burdened by the sex/violence toilet overflow.
Psyduck grew on me after this trailer youtube.com
>its tummy jiggles
Personally I think they did well on a fair bit of them. The only ones that look strange to me so far are aipom, psyduck, jigglypuff, Mr. Mime and lickitung (to be fair him being creepy is reasonable)
That's a complete lie
Part of it is that the only real footage we've seen of Aipom is when it's under Mewtwo's influence. It's cuter when it's not fucking possessed.
It looks predictable and not my idea of what a Pokémon movie should be, but most video game movies are so terrible that my standards are low. I want to support one of the first not-terrible video game movies.
Literally the first shot of the first trailer showcases pokemon from multiple gens in the city
You guys are all wrong. Look at his eyes. He's gone feral. It's part of the plot and why it's so angry looking
The early critic reactions are out and they seem pretty positive. We'll see I guess
Cute cute cute
>*blocks ur path*
Ill admit it. Going back and actually taking a closer look I was indeed wrong. There are later gen pokemon included. However the main focus is on early gen. They know who their main audience is, so they're putting more focus on the ones their target audience has more fond memories of.
It is cuter, but it still kinda reminds me of a gremlin
The typical Pokemon games would make for terrible movies
I unironically hate people that says ''Who asked for this?''
Get that shit out of my face
Can you really blame them for that ? I take the fact that they know the audience and the gens as a positive
>I can tell the plot and humor is gonna be terrible
Found the roastie.
I asked for it.
I look forward to picking apart all the background details of the city
What I'm trying to say is that saying ''who asked for this?'' is stupid, movies aren't asked for to exist, they simply happen.
You're completely right. I can see old fans that would want a less modernized movie and something more focused along the lines of the way the anime goes. But that type of focus likely wouldn't make for a good movie.
user you sound a bit too heated about all of this.
Although I do the new Godzilla movie is a bit overkill. Though I appreciate they're doing something more creative with the plot than "oh no godzillas gonna kill us all" again
Eevee is gonna be the death of me. So cute
Yes I may have gotten a little angry but I just fucking hate that shit so much
Excuse me I was there with Dan O'Bannon and Ridley Scott and told them "please make a movie about an alien and like call it Alien and make sure Harry Dean Stanton is in there somewhere" and they were like "we're on it bro"
WB seems really confident in that film. They only filmed it's sequel
>this thread
>on Yea Forums
Also Gen 2, 3, 4, & 5 are best. Sword and Shield so far are looking to be trash, and only Gamefreak apologist incels will think otherwise.
I specifically asked them to make the movie and that's why it got made.
It's an animated movie
That's all you had to say
...You're the only one "reee"ing here, shitposter.
actually this thread belongs on /vp/
Even Yea Forums is a more appropriate board for this as the source material is video game
Gen 4 is fucking garage to actually play, takes forever to do ANYTHING in those games.
>Although I do the new Godzilla movie is a bit overkill
No fuck that, King of the Monsters looks fucking amazing. The franchise took a ten year hiatus and Legendary breathed new life into it so hard Toho had to actually try something new to compete. There's never been a better time to be a fan of the Big G, even if the Netflix trilogy was kinda balls.
So far this thread is better than any /vp/ thread about the movie has been, and dont even joke about Yea Forums
>and make sure Harry Dean Stanton is in there somewhere
I don't even know why this got me but it did
Not really. You're saying gen 4 is good
You're the one who threw a spasm because you assumed I implied something bad about gen wun.
Personally, I would like a Hollywood movie similar to one of Pokémon anime movies, except the writing is better and there is no Ash and friends. The problem with the anime movies though is that they’re bad at appealing to non Pokémon fans, meanwhile Detective Pikachu feels like it could appeal to a general audience. And as much as I’d like a main game adaptation, I actually agree it would be terrible. There’s too much plot, and would confuse non fans.
You shut your whore mouth. Godzilla vs. Ghidorah is all that franchise needs.
I want to see if only because everything about it is just so stupid that I can't believe it actually got made.
My only regret is that it was Ryan Reynolds instead of Danny DeVito.
>Gen wun
And I wasn't wrong
>y-yuh only allowed to spell it wun way!
>There’s too much plot, and would confuse non fans.
I feel it's the opposite. There isn't enough plot. Going from gym to gym and then to the league isn't interesting but it makes for a fun game. But a film focusing on taking down team rocket would work
No it's just that you were very obvious
How is this Yea Forums?
American animated movie
It's live action, though. If it counts as Yea Forums because it has CG animated characters, then discussing pretty much any sci-fi movie these days would count as Yea Forums.
It’s the first live-action Pokémon movie and is the first Hollywood film based on a Nintendo property since the Super Mario Bros. There’s a lot riding on Detective Pikachu and so far it doesn’t look bad
Ryan Reynolds Pikachu isn’t really weird once you understand the game its based on and why the Pokémon Company decided to adapt it into a film.
There’s a plot point in the Detective Pikachu game about a drug called R that’s making all the Pokémon hyper aggressive
>Netflix trilogy was kinda balls.
I liked the idea behind MechaGodzilla
And I really like the concept behind unknowable death god Ghidorah from beyond time and space but it really just dropped the ball on all those cool things.
Never let Urobuchi write again
>cry nostalgia when pokemon is still insanely popular and new to many.
>cry that the movie is trying to make a profit.
>cry and question who would want to watch a pokemon movie clearly made for both old and new fans to enjoy.
>cry a popular actor is continuing to get work.
Boohoo another business reads its audience and will make hundreds of millions making it a success.
It's also an adaptation of a 3DS game.
>Clearly it's just nostalgia baiting for a good old cashgrab.
But that's the thing, they could've easily just used the first 150 pokemon because muh gen 1, but they didn't. They have pokemon from across the series, from every single gen. Normies going to this movie will probably not even recognize half of the pokemon in there.