So is it cool to like Tony Stark again?
So is it cool to like Tony Stark again?
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It was always cool to like SUPERIOR ATTACK
its hard not to
>bawled my eyes out as this played
I don't even fucking care, fuck you.
it surprises there is people who unironically watched all the 9 ironman movies for anything other than the man himself.
The Russos redeemed him 3 years ago.
Cap won some hearts, user.
Come a long way from that cave. With scraps.
I always liked Tony. I've always had a soft spot for arrogant playboy boy genius characters. Usually villains, but he made the flawed hero thing work. Except that one time he did jack shit while his house was blown up by some dipshits in gunboats. I get it, but it's still fucking embarrassing they won that. It was hard to watch.
>I was right and to hell with your "precious freedom"
tony hasnt been cool since Iron man 1
I was teary eyed. It was a sad goodbye.
Forever a petty manchild.
When has it not been?
It always was.
Was it ever cool to like Iron manlet?
>you LIAR!
I loved it.
Sad death. People cried.
Fujos are loving it. All their "Iron Man is coded as a woman", "angry, battered wife gives husband back her wedding ring" dreams come true.
I'm about to see it in a few hours and I already know all the spoilers and shit but I'm 100% certain I'll still bawl my eyes out when it happens.
His death was forced as fuck. It almost feels like Strange memed him into thinking there was no other way. Gotta call BS when I see it. Tony had the stones in his hand. Strange was nearby. Chuck the gauntlet into the fucking mirror dimension until Carol eventually kills Thanos.
And then there was the death itself that rubbed me the wrong way. He just laid there like a vegetable. Like his brain had already been fried from gama radiation. Parker and Pepper were just talking to an empty husk at the end which is disturbing.
I was expecting him to walk into the light like Lex Lurthor did with Darkseid that one time. Something epic like that.
>He just laid there like a vegetable. Like his brain had already been fried from gama radiation. Parker and Pepper were just talking to an empty husk at the end which is disturbing.
I both sort of liked that they didn't go for a 'beautiful' death, but it was slightly morbid and sad for the character to die like that. He couldn't even speak or focus properly on them, but he did acknowledge Pepper and hold her hand.
>Iron Man is coded as a woman
NIgga what?
>, I was quite disturbed by the way the climax of Civil War was shot not unlike a pornographic sex scene, Tony Stark being double-teamed by the super soldiers. The ending of the scene especially, with Steve straddling Tony, pounding on him, grunting, finishing it off with breathing heavily as he falls off Tony having penetrated his arc reactor with his shield, having incapacitated Tony’s prosthetic. Tony spits out blood as the super soldiers walk away from him. It’s rather symbolic, the implications of the scene very uncomfortable.
Jesus. Sure, MCU Tony is a bit of an effeminate man with traits one might see as "woman-like" (bitching, vanity, self-doubt, 'waah daddy did't love me enough' etc), and I'm sure many women can relate to the character more than someone like Thor, but I severely doubt the CW fight scene was the equivalent of an abused wife being double-teamed by evil man rapists.
Didn't you hear, Steve's been the wife beating husband since 2016. And now he's the coward who went back in time according to the Stuckies. They're even trending #notmysteve
Feels bad being a Steve fan.
Post-2000s, Stark has been “coded” into a woman and a faggot. I’ve been in Yea Forums threads where they say that he wants to get violently fucked by Rhodes’ Bee-Bee-Cee. Ironfag s are mental, since most of them are women. And faggots.
I agree and would add the Buckyfags to the list. They're angry enough to riot. I think.
Granted, if I was a Stucky, I wouldn't be happy about the ending Knowing Cap twiddled his thumbs and had a gay old time dancing with Peg while Bucky was getting anally team-tagged by HYDRA
The only reason Yea Forums doesn’t like him is because of contrarianism, people cried when he dies in endgame
It irks me because I got into Iron Man because he was a morally questionable supergenius businessman with an iron will. Not because he was a “le depressed rich faggot UwU”.