Will we ever see its like again? Why are so few "realistic", "anime" styled shows made when this was so succesfull? (apart from LOK, and Voltron)

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It's expensive, requires a talented staff and writers with a strong vision for the themes and tone of the show, and the people in charge of the network and scheduling generally don't like continuity because it means episodes can't be shown out of order and still make sense.

The long narrative format for kids show doesn't translate well into toy sales. And the money is on the toys.

Remember that the last season of Korra was dumped a few months after the third.

>when this was so succesfull
They aren't

still... one should think at least one series every second year or something should be doable

Avatar is entirely a product of Naruto's success. If it hadn't had the similar premise of kids using martial arts to manipulate the elements, it likely would never have gotten greenlit. This is sadly also why another show of its caliber is not likely to happen again in the near future, at least not on one of the big cartoon channels.

It should be. But, too many people don't understand what made ATLA good, in the first place, to be able to make it doable. All we have is a heap of shows that want to be the next ATLA first and a good show second.


well in comparison to cal art blob stuff

No, it's more detailed. The "realism=quality" meme needs to die

Opinion discarded

>Will we ever see its like again? Why are so few "realistic", "anime" styled shows made when this was so successful? (apart from LOK, and Voltron)
There's also W.I.T.C.H. you know. Came before ATLA too.
It's far better than ATLA, or any other cartoon for that matter.

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Both of you might want to check out and stop making uninformed shitposts.

Nah, it’s forgettable garbage

It was okay. The second season was better than the first. Some of the voice actresses that they chose for the heroines had really annoying and offputting voices.

This post really makes me sad as it’s spot on

Sorry pal, W.I.T.C.H wasn't even the best show on Jetix.

>W.I.T.C.H wasn't even the best show on Jetix.
You're either an Oban fan who doesn't realize that shit belongs on Yea Forums, or a really delusional SRMTHFG fan who doesn't realize that shit is literal garbage for hyperactive autistic kids.

W.I.T.C.H. is an order of magnitude better than either of those anyways. Fuck, even Avatar is.

Mejt these things take effort.

Looks like the salt merchant's arrived in town, boys.

>Some of the voice actresses that they chose for the heroines had really annoying and offputting voices.
Only Taranee's. Irma's would be borderline but she does comedy so well, it doesn't matter.

OTOH Will's VA is absolute fucking top-tier, Hay Lin's is incredibly good especially for a female Asian character (those tend to get annoying voices), and Cornelia's can be irritating occasionally but other times sounds like it's oozing sexual appeal.

>Looks like the salt merchant's arrived in town, boys.
Not an argument

TV is dying so the fact they can't air things out of order is irrelevant. Streaming is the future, and continuity would be successful there due to binge watching.

You first. For all your mewling, you haven't even said why w.i.t.c.h is better than ATLA.

>you haven't even said why w.i.t.c.h is better than ATLA.
But that's wrong you fucking retard

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SU is better than WITCH and we all know it

Streaming is dying faster than cable, user.

Even Netflix, the king of streaming platforms, is unsustainable. The others are doing worse

what do people use then?

Netflix is operating at a loss. It's not unsustainable

Try Dragon Prince, it's pretty clearly a spiritual successor to A;TLA.

Castlevania is the caliber of western serial animation you're going to get on a streaming service. 12 episodes over the course of 2 years, with extremely limited animation outside of maybe 45 total seconds of fight scenes across all episodes. Doesn't hold a candle to something like Avatar.

The writing isn't as good and the characters aren't as fleshed out.

They pirate. Because it's the only way to get around exclusives.

I actually agree, but it's also the closest I got to the avatar "feel" if that makes sense. I definitely didn't get that from either Korra or Voltron.

Dragon Prince is fucking ASS, complete disappointment Rayla's cute though

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Watch user. It has the Avatar feel in season 1, season 2 blows past it in every way.

TBF to dragon prince. It's had a total of eighteen episodes, so far. ATLA is most remembered for all the episodes that came out after the twentieth.

>Avatar is entirely a product of Naruto's success. If it hadn't had the similar premise of kids using martial arts to manipulate the elements
Naruto had barely any impact on Avatar apart from that one fight in the trees, and Naruto doesn't use martial arts to control elements, they use hand signs to cast spells.

>The long narrative format for kids show doesn't translate well into toy sales.
but thats basically what ben 10s been doing for over a decade

Thanks for reminding me about ATLA's hilariously controversial toy line.

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There have been only 3 good anime-inspired shows in the west.

Kappa Mikey

Everything else is just hot garbage.

it has been two (2) seasons out of 7

dear lord get them away from me

Ben Ten isn't as popular in North America as it is in South America and Europe, and the majority of Yea Forums's userbase is from North America

The only Ben 10 that wasn't episodic was Alien Force and it was shit.

>Kappa Mikey

Katara and Toph really got lucky with this one, huh?

can I get the uncropped version good lad?

I'm still mad about toph not having a single figure

>Kappa Mikey
Fuck no.