Mmm, 64 slices of american cheese

Mmm, 64 slices of american cheese.

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Do Americans actually do this?

Duh that's why its "AMERICAN" cheese.

What pick up cheese?

Yes. They cut cheese in 64 slices and package it so

>American """""""cheese"""""""

No one in the world considers that trash "cheese" but you people. In Europe, it doesn't even qualify as being cheese and the packaging has to call it "cheese product". You people are disgusting.

Boy, these stealth /pol/ threads always suck

Mmm, 64 models of German cars

Attached: 1541780642752s.jpg (125x125, 2K)

Wow a europeon that has actually seen food. Color me impressed.

>Create cheddar, gruyere, brie, camonbert, etc.
>create cellulose (edible wood pulp) artificially colored and flavored and dispensed through a cancer-inducing aresol can

Your contributions to the world of cheesemongoring are legendary, you fat retards.

>Create cheddar
That was the Brits don't lump us with you Eurocuck.

Jesus Christ it's just a shitty cheap cheese flavoring, calm down. No one's pretending it's a good product, that's the point of the joke.

This. I'm american and I don't even eat that kind of cheese.

>That was the Brits don't lump us with you Eurocuck.

So you've finally completed Brexiting, then, Nigel?


>brie, camonbert

Soft cheese are disgusting; like eating salty paste.

Acceptable uses of american cheese:
1 (one) slice on hamburger
2: Ceiling Tiles
3: deck sealant


>he doesn't know about provel

Attached: provel.jpg (1182x490, 368K)


I may have to argue with you on that first point. I wouldn't even feed that to a POW.

It's not horrible when melted on a hamburger. I still don't eat it because that shit is awful for you

It's good for burgers, that's one place where the overpowering plastic butter taste is a good addition.


>Create cheddar
aka the worst cheese. no need to read on

Consider tge following: Smerican Cheese was made to be used for Burgers and grilled cheese sandwiches. Because it's the best for a gooey cheese texture when hot.

It isn't cheese and they aren't allowed to label it as such.

Imagine being proud to scarf down cheese.