>Alt Q: How are you doing, /HYW/? What are you working on? Still working on StarHammer. Still hoping we actually get to work on Book 2 of StarHammer instead of having the entire story end for good this year. Also working on some pitches. All middle grade and young adult pitches because I don't really care about writing stories "for adults". And nobody picks up anything "all-ages."
Ryan Richardson
some Epic Mickey shit. I would read that if you actually showed your research and got me interested in them, for sure. me too would read the hell out of. Fatherhood was a great movie. also Father of the Bride. oh so it's an it because it's a robot? I can be okay with that.
>do other communities for webcomic discussion exist? Nope! But I have found sites where *specific* people talk about making comics
telophase.livejournal.com/113219.html Yes it says 'manga' in the header but he talks about basic parts, tips for making comics look better digitally(create the picture big then size it down) and readability. It's valuable.
>What are things that make your/other's comics the most unique? Why does it work for them? last i checked there was nothing unique about webcomics with demons in them. its annoyingly common. >Alt Q: How are you doing, /HYW/? What are you working on? trying not to burn out on the comic by trying side projects like painting. I gesso'd a bit o' paper to get ready for painting on but had to ink a comic page instead which took some hours because i dont know how to tell myself to turn off discord if someones conversing with me. bluh. BLUUH.
Ayden King
AHHH I literally forgot I was in this audio mixing could use a little work but It had some solid jokes.
Lightsaber battles are never poor quality in concept An XCOM terror mission, from the eyes of a grunt. Especially Terror From The Deep- unfamiliarity and horror go together great Some dude who has to kill something massive, and realizes he has no idea how to do this
The other /hyw/ contest that everyone forgot about/rebelled against (c'mon man we need a third name)
tapas.io/episode/1390943 >Alt Q: How are you doing, /HYW/? What are you working on? I need to sit down with character designs. One was meant to show up 100 pages earlier, but hey.
Isaac Moore
>audio mixing could use a little work Pacing. I don't watch a lot of animations, the only thing I have to compare this against is dragon ball abridged. You have a lot worse pacing than they do.
Jaxson Ramirez
>What are things that make your/other's comics the most unique? Why does it work for them? The answer is simple, the art style! > How are you doing, /HYW/? What are you working on? Working on my comic,as always! Read Ghadar Adventures here! >ghadar.smackjeeves.com/ Page 16 is on the road and btw, Ghadar defeats Thanos at the end of Endgame
Once Erin's done, I'm gonna be making a arab-themed story of dancer robots rising up to a owner who mind-controls them. Ironically enough, the main theme is of free will, accepting oneself and salvation.
r8 this mc
Erin is almost done, I estimate I have about 30 pages or so to do before it ends.
A buddy cop style series that features an American superhero (A Superman/Captain Marvel expy) and a Japanese superhero (A Kamen Rider Expy) that with deal with tropes from both ends of the Pacific (tournament arcs, events comics, magical girls, mad scientists, etc.).
thanks for the advice on making a pre-existing romance comic guys. imma do it.
i guess i am kind of wary, because the main character has an enemy who slowly becomes a friend, and i know if i don't write the couple with an arc of some kind of their own, people would ship him with the frenemy instead.
i'd simplify it some, drawing those beads and frills panel after panel will give you handache
Justin Rivera
newest page I know it took fucking months but I was actually on the fence if I should just give up. Then again, it would suck because I didn't even reach the "actual" plot yet.
I'm having a lot of trouble following this from page to page. It doesn't make sense for either character to be talking about the present that way, and I don't understand how and why it changed hands, or if it even did. I think you skipped a little too much detail
Jose Howard
>get robots with souls instead of just programming >mindcontrol them that's even worse use of technology than smartphones
Landon Rogers
Since you have an artist working for you, does that mean you're having trouble writing it? one thing that isn't done very often, but should be, is a couple both having a relationship with other people. Like the guy's friend isn't just a stranger to the guy's wife, they're both friends and have different ways of being friends
Anthony Morris
>Robots with souls AKA Ame-Lee worst nightmare
Adam Gutierrez
absolutely shite
Justin Wilson
>Since you have an artist working for you, does that mean you're having trouble writing it? Not really, because I know where I want to go with the story and I`ve written way ahead already. It`s just that I`m not an artist and coloring that damn thing is rather time-consuming for me, even if it might look cheap and shitty. My daytime job is pretty demanding and I`m more or less constantly depressed. Same goes for my artist, only with different real life shit going on.
Robert Fisher
On the bright side: you don't need to worry about antiviruses and system updates.
James Bell
Do you guys ever worry about some trends in your writing? I find that I often end up writing scenarios where the bad guys win time and time again but I still want the good guys to be reinvindicated and win in the end but it becomes harder to write such an ending when they keep losing.
Robert Edwards
All will be explained, but with that being said alot of what's going was explained in the earlier pages. I should probably redo those.
Jordan White
jesus is the only antivirus my soul needs sorry to hear about that. Your comic is a fuckin joy if that helps.
Levi Parker
redoing it is only going to slow down your already sluggish update schedule. I advise you just keep moving forward.
Jordan Hill
>sorry to hear about that. Your comic is a fuckin joy if that helps.
It kinda does, thanks
Tyler Morris
Sense it hard for me to get some real constructive criticism can you tell me what I should try to work on.
Ryder Brooks
Damn you auto correct.
Brody Morgan
I did a thing, any pointers? please bully me gently, it's my first time
Hard to say right now, you have people in a scene, you have them saying things, there's not much more except continuing to get better at art at the pace you're currently improving.
Lincoln Carter
I'm not going to pretend this is a masterpiece, obviously your art needs work, but this comic is MADE Of wonderful PARTS. the mood is funny. A skeleton in a hoodie is welcome. the reference to "the world's shortest horror story" is very nice. I think I'd enjoy seeing what these two get up to. I'm confused, first we see the earth blown into chunks, then we say that isn't how it went, it was a flash, but obviously there's something still there for him to live on.
Asher Collins
Thanks for the input! Well about the world every character will have it's own version of how it went out, it will be part of the plot
Daniel Stewart
>Do you guys ever worry about some trends in your writing? Not really. I'm slow as fuck when writing, so whatever is trendy or overused right now won't matter by time I get it written let alone drawn and posted :B
Thanks for the advice i'll definitely make the words bigger in future pages
I was afraid someone would said that
Gabriel Gonzalez
as long as he doesn't wear shorts and slippers I think you'll be okay. His personality's totally different also, as a skellyman WITHOUT lights in his eye sockets, he's different from sans and most species of stalfos
Nolan Jones
It might be interesting as a comedy spoof, but I'm not sure how invested I'd be on an East meets West plot. What else are you going to work into it?
Nathan Murphy
I like this idea. I think you'd have trouble making it work without being really self-referential to actual fiction, and it's really hard to have original universe(s?) for that. Wonderella makes it work but half the time they just file the serial numbers off, and that's puuure comedy so it works in that Venture Bros kind of way. If you're doing hero teamups, I dunno. I'm still interested.
Adam King
>A skeleton in a hoodie is welcome. fuck you, undertale
Kayden Davis
It's not like that's even the first appearance of that. Doesn't Paco from Pilli Adventure wear a hoodie? Maybe it's just a regular sweatshirt. He's a calaca anyway, not a real skeleton. But the point is the contrast of casual clothing and skeletons has been a thing forever.
Juan Gray
Coldfusion free yet?
Anthony Miller
Does anyone have this short webcomic, it was maybe 3 or 4 panels long, goes as follows: 1. a little girl who looks to be in a girl scout uniform knocks on a door 2. a man answers 3. the girl asks if he sees the symbol on her hat, the man responds yes 4. the girl walks away and says something like "the curse is yours now"
BASED JULIA HOLTER EDITION this comic is based, I like the skeleton
Lucas Rivera
Catfight tournament roster is:
1. Rau the Oni 2. Nitt the Scarecrow 3. Marilyn the Swordswoman 4.
We got one more space open!
It's like last year but better. One week per round, all that's required is a sketch of your girl putting her opponent in a submission hold or getting the best of her preferably in a mildly lewd way, if you want to do more that's fine, and if you lose make a sketch of your girl giving up to the opponent.
No extreme violence, and if you want the stakes of the round to be particularly lewd or humiliating make sure you've talked to your opponent first.
The musical note eyes are really cool. Is this in the same universe as Erin?
Brody Robinson
Just found out I fly out on the 9th of next month.
Owen Nguyen
>Coldfusion In interesting lolcow, but nothing to be concerned about. His ability to shitpost has been expunged with no residual effects. He will never post furry lolis, he will never post menstrual cups for that matter. We'll continue monitoring him for awhile but anticipate no problems.
An infamy that will live on in the minds of HYW for years to come. What more could anyone ask for?
>He will never post furry lolis, he will never post menstrual cups for that matter Another artist's creative spirit stifled by narrow minded bullying disguised as righteousness.
So what that a lettuce man was eating out a 16 year old wolf girl off camera, wolves have a 10 year life span so she's half a granny.
Damn. If we can't find another entrant this weekend you might have to.
Ethan Morris
>What are things that make your/other's comics the most unique? Would be a bit ridiculous to call my comic unique, though I dont consider you need to be unique to be enjoyable or good. >Alt Q: How are you doing, /HYW/? What are you working on? Nice! Finished this Flesh Kernel fanart after like 4 attempts, first one I dont hate. Next week I continue my comic which was on a short break. I might do more fanarts too if I get enough time.
what even is this gesture, what is wrong with people
Thomas Garcia
Still love it.
Carson Morales
looks better than when I draw people in visible chairs.
Thomas Harris
Joseph Gutierrez
this is great stuff man, thank you very much! Almost missed it though
Mason Brown
Fuck you suck my tomato
Connor Harris
Slowly but surely, the first chapter of Tad Danger Substitute Ranger is coming along. I'm doing a rough storyboard of the full chapter before I start doing the line work. Im looking at approximately 20-25 pages. Then i would like to do some quick gag pages in between chapters. This is page 7 which I just finished roughing out.
I am always anxious to post in these threads but i just dont have much to show right now. I just want you guys to know that /hyw/ has been a tremendous help for me. Not just with art and shit, but giving me a hobby i never thought i would pick up. It has done wonders for my depression.
No, no, I meant trend as in a theme or scenario that comes repeatedly on your writing.
Lucas Gray
to be honest i actually plan on them getting worse >one looses a leg, and with that also a few fingers to frostbite >one gets scurvy and or tuberculosis >one character that is supposed to have magic powers cant use them properly and safely anymore due to trauma from the story's events.
Jayden Smith
i puprosely go out of my way to make my protags pathetic and weak. I prefer they win on guile, trickery and luck. if my protags do have powers i make sure they are weaker, sillier, or at least inept.
my villains though, i go overboard on. i make sure they are bullshit OP.
Laserwing progress continues after being derailed by furries for like three days. Pauline's situation room is full of superfluous monitors and I like to just put little clues on them. Often this is where I write Matt's internal monologue (which was foreshadowing for his technomancy). But today I feel real good about juxtaposing a crying Pauline next to a tv playing footage of a young, happy Pauline.
Glad you like! I was gonna share it on the discord too and tag you, a total waste if you didnt see it. Its just that it was too late so I posted it first here and went to bed. Keep it up!
Brayden Nguyen
Don't die on me!
Robert Long
i don't like your work but congratulations on the newgrounds #1 daily pick, dewd
William Gray
page 6 out of 15 for Chapter 14 of my webcomic I'm working on. It's not released yet.
Tell me about your stuff user. It's always nice to see others using public domain material.
Hey man, I do some worldbuilding/story developing with Edspear who does colonycorps.com/. I can help you come up with a narrative. You got an email or something I can reach you at? A discord?
congratulations on finishing 16-bloody-minutes of animation. that alone should be enough to get your foot in the door. im not sure it would be with west tree itself, the concept isnt all that clear. but im sure itll get you somewhere. time to brain storm other shows as backup.
Jonathan Carter
>Arsehole gapes open as soon as balls are near
Ryan Perry
Parker Nelson
>Womb tattoo
Ah, I see, you are a man of culture as well.
Brayden Rogers
trying to work out a new eyecatching comic avatar to get people to click and read. how do people make things so small look appealing?
Another bot for you all, an all out attacking machine that was later sealed away because it was too strong. I'm talking busting holes through solid steel.
Here's the opposite, a robot that has no combat abilities at all, can only protect and has a healing stream, think the Medic from TF2. Both built by the same man, The Creator.
you're almost there, just up the contrast so it stands out better
Samuel Robinson
Very cool, though the elbow joints are pretty high on the arms and seem to be basically just drawn on, rather than separate pieces. Of course going by the tail and legs, this guy has flexible material, so perhaps that's no problem classic look, right out of some vidya. The 'same creator' thing really comes across.
You've got too many details drawn too small. I think you KNOW what the most eyecatching design would be, but your naked succubus is in the background so nobody's going to notice.
Jason Morgan
What are you talking about, this is perfect as-is
Robert Garcia
Here we are folks, Ch.08 with 15 new pages to read! Mighty big update for us, who knew 4 extra pages was so much more work lol
Anyone have any advice for making a website layout? Using Comic Fury, I have a friend helping me with customizing the layout, but I've never really done this before, so do't really know what to keep in mind.
Camden Powell
just try playing at navigating it as if you were a new person, and ask yourself if it works how you want
Isaiah Murphy
This comic is just so pure. It's made entirely of fun and lets nothing get in the way. The general is so adorable. I like that Rogre was using some Ninja Turtles tactics.
Ayden Rivera
was there a point where webcomics reached a peak in interest or has it always been this flat
like i feel like it's impossible to make it unless you have popular internet pals or you already have some popular work out there
How many days a week do you update this thing? Hard to say it's late when it's amazing how much you get finished. Or are you just showing us a lot of WIPs I'm mistaking for updates
Noah Peterson
>You in Rococo user? Sounds doable, so alright then. Hopefully I don't loose track of it.
cute, I like this werewolf elf cyborg low self steem man.
Jeremiah Parker
>low self steem I just took him as meaning they're wrong in general, so why should he be happy about their compliment
Joseph Bennett
We have an album cover event on the discord, where you took an already existing album cover and throw your characters in instead. Points to anyone who can guess the original album cover for this one.
for some reason this one took a lot more work... probably because of the backgrounds... and I'm feeling pretty good too, but my good mood is also probably because of this new pair of head phones I got.
I've seen you do much better and way more involved backgrounds. So green Anna is all Goemon now? and the metal blade powers can turn red or green? Never know what to expect.
Landon Turner
Goemon, Virgil, pretty much every katanna anime character but taken to an incredibly silly level.
The red is just the scabbard which annabeth just rests his right hand in to look cool. The green slashes are annabeth's slices.
You know how those katanna dudes can just slice anything from any distance? yeah, that's pretty much what they are.
Juan Myers
Oh that explains why the blade is sort of glowing green too. It's sending out more slashyblades. I like those.
Jayden Cruz
I dont think I ever asked, whats the plot on this? Magical girls fighting god monsters?
Kayden Brooks
>What are things that make your/other's comics the most unique? Why does it work for them?
not by much...really, how many webcomics hve the premise of a chainsword wielding werevampire, a laidback werewolf, a quirky fish girl, a deadpan snarky japanese chick with astral projection powers...and they're lead by a crazy half demon lady who wanna atone herself...by enlisting a bunch of teenagers to hunt monsters for a book..THAT'S VENANATORS IN A SHELLNUT!
however...there's a corporation...lead by a loli and her sane minded older brother that also wants to hunt monsters..so hillary ensues.
>Alt Q: How are you doing, /HYW/? What are you working on?
i'm fine....and sad....i kinda feel out of place all things considered. still doing concept work for venators....i guess
>yfw the real reason mitch hedberg killed himself is he was genuinely that ashamed over never knowing when to stop spelling banana
Landon White
Two page updates every Saturday morning. I post a lot of WIP because there was a call for WIP material--so whenever I finish drafting, lining, or coloring a page, I post it.
>What are things that make your/other's comics the most unique? Why does it work for them? My webcomic will be split into 4 "arc," the Mutant Arc, the Magic Arc, the Technology Arc (WIP) and the Demon Arc
Each arc will have mostly characters with powers respective to the arc their in. (i.e. Mutant Arc characters mostly have mutant powers, Magic Arc have people that can do magic, so on and so forth)
However, the main cast of the Mutant Arc have different powers (One being a mutant, one being a magician, one having demonic powers and one having technology powers) in order to portray the 4 different power systems in the webcomic.
Mutant Arc will take about 3 years to complete tho. Can you try to guess which character has which type of power in pic related?
>Alt Q: How are you doing, /HYW/? What are you working on? Pretty well, but my schedule is now more tight than ever due to golf and theater classes every weekday.
Oh yeah, the 4th character hasn't been introduced yet. Sorry that I forgot to mention this
William Thompson
like darken the orange or something? rules are rules, i think id get in trouble having it in focus since its a front page thing.
so how do I draw something at a comfortable size for myself while keeping check on the amount of detail going into it for something that ends up so tiny? I have this problem designing banners too, so any tips would be helpful.
Angel Butler
darken the orange a little, darken the human heads a lot.
Kayden Phillips
>while keeping check on the amount of detail going into it for something that ends up so tiny I don't know which software you use, but there's often a feature in most software that allows you to have two or more windows open of the same project. When you do that you can zoom in for your work window and have the other window zoomed out as a preview for your output size. Thumbnailing at a 1:1 size (so the thumbnail is the same or smaller than your desired finish size) also helps.
Zachary Rogers
That's a feature I'm not familiar with, but most programs I've used have a little preview 'navigator' up in the corner
Luke Anderson
Every time I look at the OP image my mind sees furry porn
Wyatt Smith
It's less that he has low self-esteem and more that he's "honest" about being an asshole which gives him an excuse to be one
ive been reading this since the start keep going i believe in you
Owen Bell
Firealpaca to draw it, but these contrast fixes will be photoshop. I suppose if I was drawing 1:1 but zoomed in, I'd have to have an aliased tool? I get plagued with fuzzies any other time I've tried it. I guess inkscape or CSP might help too, being vector.
Navigator works, but sometimes it can be finicky like not being able to resize or layer over other windows properly. I haven't relied on it for so long, I can't remember too many specifics. If you can get it to work, by all means use the tools you have available to you.
You don't have to draw the whole thing 1:1, just the thumbnail which should just be a planning sketch. If you work off of that it should keep you from adding too much detail during the work and finishing stages. Basically you need to tell yourself that if you can't put the detail in the small sketch, it's NOT going to happen in your final version.
>I'd have to have an aliased tool I'm not sure what you mean with this. With zooming in or out you should only need to change the size of the brush. Unless I'm missing something or misunderstanding?
I did a quick check for the software you mentioned for the ability to open a second view window: Firealpaca (and medibang branch) - doesn't have it. Photoshop - depends on the version. It doesn't appear to be in CS2, but my PSE 7 is in view>new view CSP - window>canvas>new window
Camden Harris
thanks, ill try that
Nathan Roberts
Is it possible to make it with dogshit art in the current climate? Seems like the market is already oversaturated...
Sadly, no. But on the other side getting your skills to a level decent enough be acceptable and having a style appealing enough is actually not that difficult and can be achieved in 1 or 2 years of hard work
William Kelly
Let me pretend I'm taking you seriously, even though we all know you're shitposting (which is why no (you) for you) Maybe you don't think you can git gud, but don't you think you can get a liiitttle better? Of course you can so just after you're done getting a little better, do it again. and then just keep doing that.
I dont like honest assholes, but I appreciate that they make it easy to avoid them.
Liam Lopez
I swear I replied to that post re: pope, with like a quote from something. I meant to. The word 'pope' is just funny, as can be seen clearly in the classic Father Guido Sarducci bit about somebody found-a the Pope's-a wallet, or Family Guy's "I'm-a the freakin' Pope" or especially the 'pope's cousin Count Popeula' from Home movies. But the #1 best news-about-the-pope joke will always be "experts say you can tell the PHONY pope by his high-topped sneakers and extremely foul mouth"
Yeah but then part of you wonders if it was an attempt to keep people at a distance due to fear, and what if you could sneak in there and help
Liam Sullivan
>then part of you wonders if it was an attempt to keep people at a distance due to fear, and what if you could sneak in there and help
Nah, I dont feel interest in people who willingly push others away. Help yourself you god damn comic character.
Evan Garcia
Sometimes a cliché exists for a reason. I care about everyone, me. Of course the "sometimes you just can't help someone" and "it's actually kind of bad to get too involved and invested in others" clichés are even more valid.
Ian Diaz
theres this new 3d porn comic and every time i look it has gained a new subscriber. im jealous.
Anthony Rogers
I just wanted to bait someone into letting me talk about another OC
Kandron isn't really a pope because his position is hereditary, but the role is similar. He and Seri went to high school together.
Just learn to use SFM and trace your comics from the scenes you set up.
Aiden Edwards
tracing is dull. i cant think of anything more unfun than tracing 40 something pages worth of a comic.
Isaac Gutierrez
Looking good is important. Plus you save time and can actually learn a lot by tracing.
Juan Lopez
ill try it. but i doubt itll work its way into my current comic, ive already got a groove going there.
Jordan Peterson
>Do you guys ever worry about some trends in your writing? Whatever I want to do, it all seems to involve meta commentary and most of them are just reinterpreting other stories I've seen. Whenever I see something cool I want to stick it into my story somehow, but A: if the cool thing only shows up for one scene and has no effect on the world around it then what's the point? and B: I'm pretty sure David Cage does this and he's shit. The story I want to do is apparently hard to describe (like, and make sound good), but it has a lot of focus on the hero's characterization. I can totally come up with lines and scenes for them easy, but I can barely think up other characters at all. I'm terrified it's going to end up like Methods Of Rationality where Harry is the elemental of smug, the bad guy is characterized-ish, and everyone else may as well be cardboard. I have this mental image of a scene on the outside of a satellite, and in the course of things going wrong (as they do), the satellite gets damaged and starts rotating rapidly as it falls to Earth, with characters holding on for dear life as everything alternates between black and almost-white as the structure itself blocks the sun. I have no idea what to do with this, all the stories I want to do are fantasy.
>but it becomes harder to write such an ending when they keep losing Drop 'reinvindicated', then. Adventures are supposed to be difficult, the problem is yours sounding samey. Your dudes keep going because... They are just naturally very motivated/ the bad guy cannot win-there is no recourse/ they learn from every encounter and get closer every time/ etc. etc.
Also, it's slow but check The Archipelago (you can skip to book 3 for this) thearchipelago.smackjeeves.com/ The main drive of the plot is that a corrupted... pirate/cyborg... anime-man? is killing the barriers keeping the world alive and the heroes have to show up and lose to him every. damn. time. There was like six of the fuckers.
Simplicity, contrast, bright colours and immediately recognizable symbols such as a face. Or the white hair guy looking determined and holding a gun (make him bigger and more central) Far as I can from the comments sections porn comics are massive, you can probably just make the 18+ bigger. >like darken the orange or something? I say scrap it entirely- there's too many details and the faces look awkward when zoomed in. What sort of recurring?symbols does Servant of the Succubus have in it? You could have a slightly demonic, female face looking confident in sharp black and white. Or a butt, with a spade tail forming the border circle. And I mean that seriously.
far as I can tell, sizing DOWN images doesn't seem to ruin their fidelity. That was actually something brought up in that Livejournal link upthread, he used it to hide shaky lines.
visit other webcomics and write down what they have, I guess. Ideally non /hyw/, I think everyone in here is copying each other.
>sashes Bitchin'! Which are you?
Succubus, legitimately, how well DO you take criticism? I don't like giving it to people I haven't established contact with because being respectful at length is oddly taxing. I promise not to be theatrical or flippant.
Use your space more intelligently. Text cannot be squeezed in the corner like that. Most of that yellow space is wasted. If you don't need to show the entire body of the succubus, give more space to the face+hands and let their body more confidently get cut off by the circle.
Attention to TANGENTS. Lotsa tangents between curves of succubus wings and the circle. This murders your drawing when displayed small. I would actually make sure the wings do not even follow the curve of the circle at all. Motion of contents must contrast with motion of containers.
Colours are beautiful but they don't help it be readable. Strongest contrast is and should be warm/cool, but the warm demon disappears over the warm bg. You'll have to work something out so that bg/fg temperatures are almost always opposite. Considering the size ideally cool bg and warm fg
Imho do NOT up value contrast here. It just creates more noise at small resolutions. More value contrast requires users to take time to read your picture with their brain. Which they won't. If you focus on temperature contrast it will actually be eye-catching
>give more space to the face+hands and let their body more confidently get cut off by the circle. I tried doing this but it was just way too messy to edit everything around, and it looked even worse. I like what I did at the size I did it. At 150x150 it looks bad though. I think I need to scrap it and try again on paper. I mushed up an old disclaimer pic and turned it into an avatar temporarily.
>Or a butt, with a spade tail forming the border circle. a butt inside a circle..? >how well DO you take criticism? for the comic? i think I take it well. you're making it sound scary though. if you've already read it and have something to offer, im listening.
>not learning how to draw only to make your dream comic even if the art isn't that great or even good for that matter I am a brainlet and still managed to do it in just a couple months.
Its the state of art in general. You have the published, distinguished media, and the internet masses. Obviously some comics published by editorials suck ass and some comics that never get picked up can be amazing, but still. The market for the internet webcomics its extense, but also oversaturated by artists, many of which are amateurish, which makes even the good ones have trouble getting recognition. This happens too with self-published novels and so on. But I feel its only natural, webcomic artists sometimes publish in order to get feedback on their art and improve, internet has just given us a tool to go on with that. Id say that in general, if you want to be recognized as an artist, you have to pull an extra effort because of that. In general if you make comics, dont expect to have thousands of readers. Maybe just a small group of loyal followers who like your shit.
Jeremiah Rodriguez
The really good artists i know don't read feedback and avoid circle jerks. If someone likes what you did, so what? If they hate it, so what? Work is done to meet a need and if it makes some money, great. When the artist is hacking for likes or pennies it shows.
I need to know how to make a site that scrolls like this one, but without all the shitty ads.
Yeah, but the really good artists already know how to draw and how to write a story, thats why they are really good. Id be surprised if they started and managed to get there with absolutely no guidance or criticism. Once you become good enough, indeed the feedback its less important.
Zachary Clark
>The really good artists usually are surrounded by other artists. they dont need some stranger on the internet to praise them, they live among it already, drawing together and sharing tips and ideas and everything. when you don't have that community, and zero in your area are interested in art or comics, that feedback is invaluable.
Ryan Martin
I don't know if I can give you a coherent summary but I'll try. Kind of a spoiler because majority of this hasn't happened yet.
Rococo is a former soldier and a magical girl. She started a bakery as a way to settle into a semi-retirement. She lost her star pupil 10 years ago due to her own arrogance. She is reluctant to mentor another one due to that. Since her time a new generations of Magical Girl has risen and has been aggressively recruiting young women into a proxy conflict on behalf of different galactic powers. Vivian, the daughter of the legendary dark magical girl: Blade Forge Princess is experiencing her own awakening to her powers. Rococo must now teach Vivian to control her power, and help her navigate the escalating conflicts between different factions of magical girls.
Although the gist is the same every time I write this sort of summary I make up a little different details until I actually draws it.
Not sure yet, probably Rococo again, since none of the other girls that I had made a proper introduction so far is very good at the Hand-to-Hand Combat thing.
hey whatever you think, if you need to justify mutual admiration societies and the like. Internet's full of em. Good artists recognize good art, critics guide dollars.
Last thread you talked about a comic called LIM, Is that the one that is a artist's personal side project or the one that claims to be about cute cosmic horrors?
No but what I wanted to say is that the art IS bad, which is more than a point of pride because it makes the sex scenes unpleasant. Like the scene on page 18, where Judy's forcing Lara to taste her own juices, that isn't unsexy in concept but that page stood out to me for criticizing since I first read it. I'm not sure if they were actually drawn wrong but the penises in your comic look unpleasant somehow, possibly the coloring. I can probably come up with more points (not now because they'd be harder to articulate and >opinions) but I want to put emphasis point 1. The worst drawn porn/cheesecake comic that gets shared is Slipshine.
In the story, she generally has magic enhanced super strength, speed and durability. She'll need to be adjusted in the event to a more reasonable scale. She is quite fit otherwise, good with hand to hand combat, but prefers stand up fights because she lacks reach for some grappling submissions (she is 4"7' tall), so she'll sometimes resorts to novel approach in terms grappling moves.
I tried sleep 5 hours, and then wake up to work on stuff for 2 hours, and then go back to sleep for a few hours right before work. Although to be honest it doesn't work very well, I don't usually able to go back to sleep on the end of that time period.
Matt - an average bored bloke - one day decides to get off to his friend's sisters dirty laundry. His friends sister catches him, traps him, and reveals herself to be a succubus. Shit happens, now he and his friend Lara are on the run wanted both by the police and a dangerous hidden society of succubi.
Ayden Torres
work on your comic for four and a half hours then stop. when in the day you do your 4.5 hours depends on your schedule and when you tend to feel the most creative but trying to force yourself to go for longer than that does not produce results. but if you're having a bad day and don't feel up to doing 4.5 hours force yourself to do at least one thing, even if its just the sloppy pose skeletons for a single panel. half the time thats enough of an icebreaker to get into the swing of things and the other half at least the page is closer to being completed than it was yesterday. also pick a day to be your sabbath. a day where you let yourself off the hook about being productive in any way without any guilt or remorse
Julian Bennett
I'm the dude who's gonna disappear for 6 months.
I live in the barracks so I often have my roommate pick up food from the chow hall for me so I can just draw all day after work. I usually get about 6 hours after work before I go to bed.
>Like the scene on page 18 Photoshop file created 1st May 2018. Not to sound defensive and ungrateful that you're offering me help, but that page is near ancient in how I feel like I've been progressing with my art. I get the porn parts are distractingly bad early on, it makes the whole thing a pain in the ass to share anywhere without immediate downvotes. But a story has developed on top of the fetish crap I started out drawing, and I need to see it through. One more chapter. >slipshine what is this? I click the search result and I just get a bunch of banners for different series or something?
Dominic Kelly
Draw before work. Not being pithy.
>was there a point where webcomics reached a peak in interest or has it always been this flat Sure.
>like i feel like it's impossible to make it unless you have popular internet pals or you already have some popular work out there (you know making friends with popular people isn't impossible) but since you're framing it like it is:
-Add your comic to the Comic Rocket and Top Webcomics registries. Remind viewers to hammer that like button. -Multiple hosting (maybe? people phrase it like it's a hassle and no one reads anything but weebshit on Webtoons) -chat on your official accounts, you suddenly have a personality for people to care about and it's free advertising -Put up a TV Tropes page. It's how I find new comics. I like that it talks about how cliches are used, apart from being surprisingly investing you get a preview of the mood. -join a Spiderforest-alike or have a sidebar that's just links to other comics. It takes a much longer time to draw a comic than to read one, you're not in competition. It also shows you like whoever, so there's an icebreaker.
Is this a work in progress or does it have any more panels?
Logan Sanchez
>Comic Rocket it's still going? does anyone here look for comics using it?
Ethan Wood
>Tell me about your stuff user. It's always nice to see others using public domain material.
i wanted to do either stardust or captain battle. with stardust id go full metaphysical and silverage shenanigans. like he would astrally project himself across the universe and into the multiverse and all that shit and he can perceive time as one event thats occuring at the same time, id probably have some villain who wants to fuck with the time flow and stardust would have to stop him. with battle, id make him a boyscout character who would go after mustache twirling villains who want to build nukes and perpetuate the military industrial complex. i also wanted to stuff with captain future where he comes across the 90s extreme characters and kicks their ass but thats kingdom come
Lincoln Gomez
That was from beach battle from last year. This is all of it. I got too ambitious with it to be able to finish it and had to forfeit.
forgot -be wowing somehow and stick the page on imgur
>slipshine I have no idea, I was going to say The Rock Cocks originally but they had a banner for this and I realized I recognized the name. But it illustrates the point better- they're usually *slightly* better drawn than Servant of the Succubus, and much more cleanly done. A good milestone.
>I get the porn parts are distractingly bad early on, it makes the whole thing a pain in the ass to share anywhere without immediate downvotes. Yeah I'm saying it has to be redone because it's a comic that sells itself as being sexy and the first thing you see is that it doesn't manage to be sexy. I don't care about the concepts that were in there you don't need to disavow them I care that they weren't presented well. It harms the work.
Wyatt Reed
Thats amazing honestly. Looks way better than what I figured this just-for-fun event merits.
Connor Wood
Still, looks pretty good. Made me wonder what happened next.
Juan Wilson
oh hi me
Adrian Gutierrez
>It harms the work. I see. food for thought. thanks for the honest feedback.
youtube.com/watch?v=nAAf-EDs_K8 Also get off Yea Forums and especially the slow threads. There's a quirk in human psychology where you can't feel bored if you're anticipating something, which makes /hyw/ into a massive fucking time sink.
Ethan Lewis
The biggewst problem is learning how to draw, it feels like shit to draw garbage all day when you have great things in your mind.
Jayden Watson
Same dude. Fuck me. I wish I wasn't such a lazy sack of shit. I guess I really don't want to make anything.
Jose Torres
Hey, it's rude to call me out like this in front of everyone! /jk But in all seriousness, learning to set up a schedule where you dedicate a specific time slot to working on hobbies and shutting off the computer* and phone helps a lot. If you need to, go old school. Drag out your old MP3 player or radio for background noise and leave your computer and phone off/silent in a separate area if you can.
*there are a lot of add-ons nowadays for your browser and computer where it can auto-block websites or your entire internet access if you need to do your work on the computer. They work like blinders and force you to stick to the software/sites that you actually need to work with and avoid distractions.
When I had a job I only had 5 hours awake after the 8 hours of work and 2 hours of commute, and that still didn't leave enough time for the amount of sleep I required
Elijah Morgan
>Comic about succubuses Please tell me you're entering the catfight tournament.
I must be blind because I tried looking for details on what it was the previous thread but all I found was people talking about entering, and an anthology. Did I miss rules being posted?
This works fine. Not sure what you're worried about.
Lucas Morgan
Tarot cards have to surpass even horror movies in things I wasn't allowed as a kid and never developed the slightest interest in.
Justin Taylor
I know, same boat =( But there are resources in the header and other than that- youtu.be/pMC0Cx3Uk84?t=358 A video showing some pre drawing calisthenics to help with accuracy and a demonstration of how to draw from the shoulder, less taxing with much better long lines. You can improv a drawing board with something large and flat like a piece of plywood and some bullclips. Or if you didn't forget they exist, a clip board. By the way, have you ever felt the cardboard on the underside of cheap linoleum tiles? There's like zero imperfections, it's really smooth!
Andrew Loomis published a few books on drawing which are in the public domain now, likely along with a few other names, which you're free to download where ever. But don't feel the need to read them until you're running into trouble with something- analysis paralysis is a threat too.
Charles Anderson
I'm worried that it can't convey enough what I have in my mind. That people undermine the story based on a sloppy shitty art.
Owen Barnes
The rules are you get one week to draw a sketch of your girl putting their opponent in a submission hole or getting the best of them in some way. Then the thread votes via strawpoll. Winner moves on and loser draws their girl surrendering to the winner.
Sexiness is encouraged, but if you have a particularly lewd scenario in mind make sure to OK it with your opponent first. And no ultraviolence.
Are you in succubus guy? We could slip in a 5th entrant.
We got four!
1. Rau the Oni 2. Knitt the Scarecrow 3. Marilyn the Swordswoman 4. Rococo the Magical Girl
Once I figure out if Succubus Guy is entering a character or not I'll set up seeds.
So how does them being elves actually factor into the story?
Blake Adams
alright lemme see
Lincoln Bailey
Around knife ears never relax.
Sebastian Fisher
On second though, I'm going to go ahead and start because having a 5th character will fuck with things too much. I'd have to find out who gets a bye this round and then the next round and then how to set off finals with 3 characters.
Let's just do 4.
The first round is:
Rau vs Knitt
Rococo vs Marilyn
Get those sketches in! Voting starts when the sketches come in. You all have until Saturday to get your sketches in or you'll be DQ'd.
it doesn't. at least not at the moment. my older comics were originally about christmas elves that lived in the North Pole. I eventually decided to ditch that premise and just kept most of the characters.
>silent incantations If that is what I think it is, then I hope you're integrating it into your battle mechanics consistently. I'm getting Bleach flashbacks and the travesty of wasted potential that was Kido...
Easton Diaz
I should have 30 pages of M&P Ch 2 done by May. Hopefully it's is a decent sized buffer, so I can get the rest of it done comfortably.
Are you going to start your comic any time soon? You've been teasing us for so long... Your preparations seem very extensive and polished - at some point it'll go into the realm of diminishing returns since there'll be so many new obstacles and opportunities once you start which you can't possibly anticipate and only encounter in the actual process.
Easton Morales
You have the patience of a real craftsman, Strawdud. There's a good balance of content and deliberation. I'll be the first to read it once you upload!
Logan Brown
I'm back from the dead, finally. What have I missed? I see the tournaments are back.
Anyways, here's a short comic I made. It was originally conceived as a Halloween episode. Time sure flies huh. 1/3
Will claiming transgenderhood help my patreon? I want to make it, but I haven't adopted an online persona yet so the first impression is really important
You know how to make a character both hot and badass dont you?
Andrew Wood
imagine knowing in 6 months you're being deployed. Like slavery except you get paid, they own you 24/7 would you want to get your comic started?
I'm proud of this guy but I'll be pretty happy when there's robots to do his job
Grayson Rivera
I have a secret love for living pastry, and it's one of the rare cases where I like this kind of Burtonesque darkness
Jonathan Adams
I cant tell what this says because it's in ucking cursive. from my understanding it's some cute shit about a muffin gril getting old and then being mercy killed? can someone translate this to print?
Tyler Gonzalez
Never went to public school in the 90s huh? You don't know how lucky you are.
Isaac Jenkins
Thank you, user.
I was worried this might happen even though I gave my best to write legibly. In fact I spent almost a 4th of the time on the font (if I take coloring into consideration as well). My regular cursive is completely unreadable and print doesn't really fit the mood of the comic. I'll try my best to take this more into consideration next time.
Levi Jenkins
If you have eccentric cursive you have a pretty fantastic applied encryption for handwritten notes. Surprisingly, this is much more useful than all the other supposed advantages of cursive they mention in school. It looks neat too, gives your writing a bit of character, no matter the actual content. Not sure though if it's a skill worth acquiring. I'd rather have schools teach grammar more thoroughly or add two to three novellas to elementary school.
Kevin Murphy
can anyone draw them
Landon Butler
I dont think anyone would complain if you draw them.
Aaron Morgan
Sure! Go right ahead.
Bentley Peterson
What are you going to draw?
Jose Howard
What's the best webcomic still actively updating?
Wyatt Wright
Jesus Christ man, have some dignity.
Eli Clark
Stones of Anarchy
Dylan Martinez
bait is as bait does
Oliver Cooper
Roof Girl, though it hardly qualifies as active.
Jack Cruz
sorry, passed out. I wouldnt have had time to participate anyway.
Brody Lewis
you can do frilly letters without going full cursive. alot of people write in an in-between.
Asher Mitchell
So thread, what do you think of the tournament? How do you think it's going to go? Who are you rooting for?
Thomas Clark
See Also I was not the one who just posted my own drawings.
I'll be pulling for you in the tournament. Would be nice to see you win before you leave. Is the redhead in the pic Marilyn? I'm getting a sort of Prussian/Austrian vibe here. She apart of some kind of military family?
A cameo I didn't expect, but easily the most appropriate possible cameo for this comic.
Robert Fisher
I think the event is interesting and haven't thought much past that aside from hoping the event finishes and doesn't fizzle out. In the end I just like seeing what people here can come up with.
Thomas Edwards
Thanks dude.
>I'm getting a sort of Prussian/Austrian vibe here. She apart of some kind of military family? My story is actually set in a time period closer to the late middle ages, but I saw pic related and thought "fuck it" and decided to make noble fashion similar to the 19th century military. This is because the nobility of the setting are still a military aristocracy, because you know, you were given land to support yourself and acquire gear to fight and stuff or whatever.
>Is the redhead in the pic Marilyn? That is indeed Marilyn. She's the granddaughter of the Emperor and the only daughter of His late eldest son.
another robot I want to comfort and hug. why you doin this to me hyw
Hudson Ross
Neat! So would Marilyn count as a princess?
Andrew Richardson
we should have hyw princess teamups parodying the disney shilling media they'd have inoffensive adventures and learn shallow lessons about believing in yourself or something
Jaxson White
If you want to have that kind of persona you have to make comics about lgbt stuff and spend your day retweeting and being vocal about gender.
Ayden Green
will doing drugs help me be more creative? seems like so many artists/musicians are inclined to use
El Goonish Shive? I've looked at it a few times in recent years and it's just pages of nothing going on SOL-lite shit except talking. The most boring junk ever that I'll never understand why normies care about.
maybe. creativity requires flexibility, an "open mind" so to say. experiment often. challenge yourself such as avoiding making close resemblances to prominent works (or even works you like) as they can act like shortcuts. inhibition can inspire creativity, such as sticking with a prompt and making a couple of illustrations, or using a few tools, etc. inhibition can also mean having mental illness or being in pain, feeling stuck in life so you turn inward and find repose with your tools. creativity also strikes when least expected, usually while you're relaxed or you're about to sleep. it helps to not be constantly ruminating. i tried acid twice after college, and even drew under the influence to see what the results look like. it rendered me like a child so things felt more fun, plus other weird effects like synesthesia and hallucinations. i got into thoughts that seemed very profound but they were actually simple or inane and i could come up with higher quality ideas while sober. anxieties got amplified though, even masking the person's face. so, like a child. drugs mostly don't give you fine motor control and it's hard to focus. you may get ideas but you're mostly distracted. you need to be sober when applying ideas, because you'd want to polish your ideas in the process, making it fit in context. you may end up needing to synthesize new thoughts and it's not efficient to always turn to drugs. just need to question, think about perspectives, and know when to leave things be.
Charles Rivera
I enjoy the path of least resistance
Jayden Barnes
Uggo to me, for sure
Julian Torres
>normies >EGS I won't be the one to take your innocence, friend.
Cooper Phillips
How about a collarpiece/breastplate deal? Some gaudy deal covering his shoulders and sternum bearing the insignia of the church and shows he's head honcho. Plenty of space to play with a design and very front facing that anyone that didn't realize they were talking to the holiest man around would have to be very stupid or very distracted.
Elijah Miller
her behavior and voice are cute, she's definitely uggs
Adam White
now I'm just imagining a culture with big elaborate neck ornamentation, and the young new head honcho just hides his face in his like a turtle
Luis Reed
He's kind of got a collarpiece-lite as part of his regular outfit but Kandron is not a fan of dressing fancy
My point is the days of DBZ squirrel fights, which EGS built itself up on back then, seem to be long gone for that comic and now it's just magical mutants or techies living normalesque lives in Current Year. Utter banality. For a long time, it feels like that comic is just in a perpetual epilogue since there aren't any more big bads to look forward to engage fantasy fights with. At least the Wotch always had something going on in each chapter. Jeannie still has a main plot driving it even though it'll probably stretch out ad nauseum. This comic pretty much zombified itself instead of ending on a good note. Just call it a sequel at this point or introduce threats to challenge the protags. I wouldn't have a problem if the comic didn't throw its roots out entirely.
Eli Taylor
what are you talking about? wherever it is, that's the current middle of the eye. eyes move, that's how expression works.
>tfw no webcomic creating group of closeknit friends you discuss ideas together with daily Feels so lonely. It's hard to find someone on your wavelength
But there's tons of annoying feelsposters baiting us for replies
Dominic Phillips
>me too So what happened to Scribblehatch and Chaos in the Tropics?
Brody Ross
>muh beats lmao how time flies, hows that nigga doing, is he still updating?
Aaron Thompson
Te got sick of webcomics internet culture and quit. To be honest, with the way he deals with people, that was the sensible and responsible thing to do. I just would rather he kept making it and simply stayed off of social media. He's doing other projects, which also look great, but which he doesn't feel like sharing with randos for those reasons.
Michael Evans
when's the next clipstudio sale
William Wright
James Lee
no update till tomorrow, but I am happy to annouce Kit and Squeaks is now on Tapas
I still cant figure eyes out. When i draw the pupil they look crude and weird, but when i make big hollow blank eyes they actually look pretty expressive and cute. I notice this on my girl characters particularly. If i put a pupil on them they look like they have down syndrome. If i just do big blank eyes they look pretty cute. I've considered doing pupils on guys and no pupils on girls, but i am worried that will cause some weird disconnect.
Lucas Barnes
Post examples bro.
Asher Scott
180 what? upvotes? Well thanks my brethren!
Hunter Cruz
Robert Powell
Post it.
Sebastian Russell
I tried making a comic about dwarfs in space on Deviant Art, but nobody gave a shit about it so it's on hold for now.
shes ugly as fuck I honestly hate the pages with her in it cuz shes that ugly
Charles Williams
You guys don't really think that posting this is more productive than actually drawing your comic right? Especially since none of you ever actually post your comic after claiming to want more people to read it.
Kayden Wood
Easton Cruz
Ugly, but could be the cartoony style.
Parker Brooks
Nobody knows. The sales aren't open scheduled, so they happen when they happen. Best guess for right now would be somewhere between May and early June as they tend to drop a sale right before summer. You can get a bit of a heads up if you check the website often or follow their facebook or twitter.
If it goes on sale, did you want me to post the flier and link in the thread again?
Landon Jackson
Sorry for delay. This a sketch i just whipped up to explain. Stellar Stegosaur is one of my few female characters, and i want her to be cute, which is why her eyes are such a pain. I dont care if my guys are ugly, but dammit i want my girls to be cute. Anyway, these are a bunch of the different pupils i have tried and the circled one is the one i like best, which is also the basic blank one. I dont know maybe im delusional, but the blank eyes just seem cuter to me.
its been a really long time since I read anything bleach, so I don't know what you are referring to. I don't think I even finish the arch where Orhime got kidnapped by unmasked hollows.
in this instance though, the witch girl is actually another person's OC.
In my own story there are several magic systems. spell with silent incantation came from a system of magic called words of power.
Silent incantation doesn't merely allow instantaneous casting of certain spells, but also allow master caster to recite two incantation at the same time, double recitation results in magic with effectiveness increase by magnitudes.
There are a lot of elements of this system I had been brainstormed but it'll be implemented in the story when characters that are capable of doing that shows up and it'll be important to the plot.
No you broke the 180 rule, now you need to off yourself
Logan Rogers
Suck it up Otto.
Nicholas Price
huh? where?
Colton Davis
Reminder that the Power of Stardust is the best comic in these threads. You might not like it, but this is what peak capecomic looks like.
Jordan Long
you might be on to something. most of my characters wear masks, so i havent actually done any colored pics of them unmasked yet. just sketchs. what i have colored, i have found that the ring pupils work pretty good, but that was on my guys and monsters. perhaps ill do full color character sheet for stegosaur and see what looks good. though she isnt important and wears a mask 90% of the time, i still want her to look good.
Lincoln Perry
Maybe not breaking the 180 rule But How does he pick her up and then appears turned around when she was already facing him
he threw her foward, you just kinda gotta conect the dots with the implied action in between the panels, i can't draw every little thing out because if i did then we'd be back with the 12 panel format.
Christopher Myers
I get he threw her forward, but she was facing him on the ground, if he picked her up, she shouldn't be facing the same direction hes facing, she should be backwards
Ryder Sanders
the public domain character puts me off to be honest, but it does look great
Asher Martinez
Shut the fuck up Otto, how about making your own original character
Charles Carter
The ones that show up are very different compared to their sources though. His Stardust seems less malicious revenge fantasy more animal trapped in a world he never made.
>i still want her to look good. Go for it. Even if you don't use her reference sheet now, it'll be good practice for the future.
Jonathan Morgan
>Te got sick of webcomics internet culture and quit. Sorry to hear that. I enjoyed the series, the art, the world building and the story. had hoped for a full length run.
Aiden Ortiz
Are characters having special abilities/powers too overdone now or will they always be an okay story element? I've only just started writing ideas down and drawing designs for characters, but I can't figure out a plot/conflict yet and my number one idea is a time travel mechanic but I realized my particular idea has already been done in a certain anime that's fairly popular, so I'm afraid of people thinking it's a rip off despite the setting and characters being entirely different
Justin Martinez
>Are characters having special abilities/powers too overdone now I don't think so. It seems like a staple for the fantasy and (some) sci-fi genres, but I also love those genres so I might be more lenient than others. It might come down to what you plan on doing with those abilities and how they tie in with the story that makes something unique or generic.
> I'm afraid of people thinking it's a rip off There's this saying that more or less goes "there is no such thing as an original idea". Originality comes from your unique combination of ideas and storytelling, don't let thinking that it's been done before stop you. Also, for future reference, humans are weird and naturally draw links to things that seem familiar. Don't take it personally.
Levi Myers
Well what are you trying to do user? There's a million ways to tell a time travel story.
twitch.tv/nicodemusrexx This guy streams making his comic. It's got a setting like a Chinese martial arts film meets a heavy metal album cover. IT's got a distinct Avatar: The Last Airbender vibe.
Well the basic idea is everytime the main guy gets killed he resets back to the last place he fell asleep, so I was worried about it seeming like a Re: Zero rip off despite being set in sorta a rural midwest setting in modern times. I also want to convey a theme though revolving around fear of change/the future and the main character's desire to be "the good guy" because I feel like those are themes I personally relate with, but I'm not sure how to convey those either. Finally, I need a villain/antagonist. I'm thinking maybe vampires or some generic shit so I have an excuse to draw goths
I know, the ones who post those whiney cringy "uwu no one ever reds my conics feel bad for me" are annoying as fuck.
I get that they want to vent but at least post your shit so we can go easier on you with constructive criticism
Luke Jones
In Mario games, when you pick something up, it turns around to face a certain direction. Obviously Annabeth is secretly a plumber.
Anthony Howard
>I get that they want to vent but at least post your shit so we can go easier on you with constructive criticism You don't have to say that much, just "post comic so we can help".
I get it's intimidating to have someone tell you what's wrong with something you care about, especially if that something is a project you've invested part of your life into, but it's so much more productive to accept and work on flaws than flopping on the ground and whining like a kid who can't get candy. Anyone can look at any posts in these threads and see that obviously folks here want to help. Let them.
Liam Baker
So...got a submission hold picked out for your entry?
Juan White
ditto. but he was getting universal scorn in these threads from everyone but me, because people can't separate a creator and his poor attitude toward criticism from his creation. They would just make up demonstrably invalid crit, which would make him even madder and act more foolishly.
Gavin Rogers
You cannot be seriously asking whether it's okay to have powers in general
That's the only sort of thing that means anything to me. Ideally 20 years ago.
Evan Price
Never heard of Re:Zero. When I hear that I think of minecraft
Leo Williams
Good job user! That is one interesting and phallic rock formation. Not sure what's with the weirdly proportioned guy interrupting the title, he makes me think he's covering up a letter so it's like BE EACH WALK or BE BACH WALK gnarly perspective. love these giant anchors Instantly like these people I do not understand why she's taking a huge draw or why he thinks that's funny, but I'm definitely into this.
Wyatt Russell
I think that's the anime with the cat trap
Jonathan Watson
dewd likes to pretend annabeth is a boy. gives excuses to draw her DFC topless. I approve. I have no doubt that there are legitimate real people with those feelings, but all the ones making those posts are just trolls, because no real person would post this now that trolls have ruined it.
Logan Cruz
Amazing stuff!!! The most acceptable kind of trap.
Connor Rivera
Isaiah Hall
No hurry, just curious. I like Rococo.
Carter Young
What's a cat trap?
>Ancient sorceress vs young warrior woman I like this matchup.
Blake Jones
So both me and Rau's 'owner' ( dunno what term to use ) draw them fighting and people vote on a poll of who wins, right? Sorry if I ask too much, just making sure I know how that works.
Yep! That's how it works. Make the pic how you want, but submission holds and sex appeal are encouraged. If you win, you go to the finals. If you lose, you draw a pic of Nitt giving up to Rau.
Josiah Torres
That tiddy grab.
Grayson Morales
When you reach out to pet that pussy and you get the barbs.
Josiah Murphy
Tell me if you need Rau references. Im sorry in advance for the absolute bullshit thats gonna be my entry.
Andrew Thompson
Ah fair enough, any way I could get any refs or something for Rau? Here are Nitt's.
Im Rau´s (author?), right now I cant post any pics of her due to some IP banning shit, but once I get home Ill be able to.
Adam Green
Don't give up!
Austin Torres
wow i did not expect that. she looks awesome man. that is what i see in my pea brain, if only i can make my hands do it. i absolutely adore this. she looks super cute. imma keep this for some reference material, so i know what it it looks like when someone competent does it. thank you so much!
If you are using this as a reference: consider making the cranium much larger Also, is she supposed to have a really wide/round face?
Kevin Long
You have to understand that the pupil is not a circle but an ellipse because of perspective, actually the iris is sort of a dome on top of the eyeball. The eyes tend to cross when they're looking at something close, so if your character is speaking with someone the eyes will cross a bit. If the character is looking in the distance he'll have his eyes dead at the center. Woody in that picture is looking lifeless not only because of the stare, but also because he's not emoting. He has a smile but his eyes do not match the expression of the mouth.
Lincoln Sanders
correction: the LENS is a dome at the top of the eyeball, the iris is slightly concave (the lens is actually oval in cross-section, so the iris has to be concave to give it a socket to sit in, otherwise it'd be like balancing a skittle on top of a marble). Mastering this will give your eyes super perfect depth
yeah. the archtype i was going for was that precosious small girl with a big head. she is kind of a mix between Pearl from splatoon 2 and Yotsuba. her head is considerably larger, rounder and wider than any of my male characters.
Jose Rivera
okay cool, you can keep the facial width, but consider the classic babyish facial proportions where the upper head is large and round, and the lower face is squished-down and all cheeks, rather than having a large lower face. Like this girl, or for another good example, Mei from Totoro
Thanks! There’s some very faint text from the captain telling the kid your supposed to inhale the smoke, not just suck on the cigarette so they take a huge draw (based off my own experience). So far as the characters go I’d like for the captain to be like a less healthy but equally caring uncle iroh who’s comically tough as a result of a hard life, and the kid to be somewhat aloof or bratty while not admitting to looking up to and trying to emulate him
Ohh now I get it. that's hilarious. I thought he seemed out of place.
Jacob Collins
Didn't have time for a page. Had to do 5 walk cycles in maya, and I liked them so I decided to draw some hand studies. It ended up taking awhile, but it looks a little bit better than before. I have to keep reminding myself "Finished, not perfect" to avoid procrastinating on stuff. (even though I didn't start the page yet)
Like every art experiment of yours, it's a great idea once you learn how to do it properly, and apply it to properly constructed characters. Until then, it just looks like noise on top of loose lines. But you're gettin there. Did you accidentally paint prison stripes over the wrist shackles, or are those just the cuffs of her shirt and she just happens to be holding her hands like that?
Jeremiah James
What are some good habits to form for artists?
Jose Edwards
Jordan Perez
Ah frick, the problem is that i forgot to paint them grey, i'll have to fix that real quick.
Leo Thompson
Repition; draw every day use references be critical of your work, but be confident in your abilities
Jacob Lopez
What do you feel it’s story is lacking?
Joshua Baker
What books are good for construction?
Lucas Diaz
The English in this is very broken. What is your native language?
Parker Fisher
because its shit
Carson Rogers
I wish I could help, but I just learned by watching Maybe take a good drawing, then draw shapes over it. Then just look at the shapes. You basically want to use mostly spheres and cylinders, just to get poses and proportions down. You would do well to get a custom shape for the ribcage and jaw just so those get sketched in right, and think of hands as one square with fingers coming off of the one edge and a thumb on the next far corner.
Isaiah Stewart
Alrighty, hope its okay that Nitt isn't too much of a physically fit character, she more or less uses magic to do the hard work for her.
Robert Thomas
got a sketchbook? i find messing around with marker pens or watercolours helps get me drawing, theres something nice about seeing colour in a sketchbook instead of the usual dozens of lead scribbles. then the enthusiasm carries across to get a page done. little steps, thumbnail, undersketch, pencils, they dont need to be done at once but doing a bit at a time will lead to a finished page.
Landon Rodriguez
Sure! Dont worry too much, mine its gonna be shit. Rau has no defense against telekinesis besides her superstrenght.
James Jackson
tin foil hat?
Camden Brooks
You can always just throw a rock really hard at the wizard.
Wyatt Reed
faraday cage would be more effective, more comfortable, and fit neatly into the lining of a normal hat so they don't know who you are
of course that suggests psychic powers are electromagnetic. Maybe that's why nukes always make people psychic mutants.
Xavier Perez
>sketchbook for what possible reason would someone need something as useless as a sketchbook
Bentley Anderson
My entry for the catfight tournament. No need to put a lot of physical stress on yourself when you have the power of telekinesis and entrancing on your side.
If the swimsuit fight is going to be an annual event, maybe there's a chance for doing a winter version too
Jeremiah Foster
Is Marilyn that brown?
Matthew Jones
Maybe we can have smaller events once every month or so, like themed fashion contests and such
Logan Harris
No but I'm honestly flattered by any form of fan art.
Joshua Watson
I guess if 4 more people wanted to, it could have a second branch. Maybe let's not push our luck though ooh, sexy snowball fight.
Liam Campbell
Probably not in comparison to a white background but I just took the coloured picture of her that was posted and used the eye droper tool for colouring both the characters in
Lincoln Foster
Does anyone remember a webcomic that featured the protagonist dying in the first part? He has a trippy dream sequence and sees some indian war god.
Elijah Kelly
Yeah that can lead you wrong
Isaac Cox
>fashion contests >swimsuit contests >catsuit contests Do we have a lot of female characters in hyw?
Asher Sanchez
most of our casts seem to skew female just because we like them better. It's just part of the 21st century culture. And the few authors who like putting a lot of guys in their comic mostly have really girly boys whom they feel maternal for, or young boys on adventures recapturing the feel of childhood
Samuel Gonzalez
I mean it doesn't have to be female... But I'm planning on posting some of my comic stuff in may that has alot of busty gals
Ian Perez
I'd be happy to participate in a beefcakes contest.
Cameron Price
Yeah I'm all for some twink on bara action in the fighting ring, but I understand that its not the majority of this thread's preference
Cooper Evans
That is the other problem. Males seem to change somewhat for different sexy things, different from the more mainstream standard. Whereas women stick mainly to the same sexiness even in lesbo porns.
Nathan Lewis
Dude your style is ridiculous, great stuff don't stop please.
I wanted to do a comic about the main hero of the story being that egnimatic side character who's always there to help the heros.
you know, like how shiek or sogeking were actually zelda and ussop? That, and it shows why some of the traps are already sprung (he preclears the dungeon as far as he can.) and basically try to hid the fact he's the original hero because everybody assumes him dead and a failure.
Luke Thomas
Sounds cool, do it
William Miller
>Tuxedo Kamen is secretly important but just stays humble that's the best thing I've ever heard. Rare to get those unique concepts. Sounds like something I'd think of in my comic, but never follow through with properly. There's so much potential. Is he hiding that he's the original hero out of shame, or is it just a good idea to let the bad guys think he's dead?
Adrian Butler
Seems cool, I think you should go for it.
I've always wanted to see a comic where the main character is pretty much the supporting role who helps and encourages his friend to does the main heroic stuff
Ryan Morris
I swear I read a short comic that was that same premise. I really liked it, but it was short lived. Or maybe it was actually a short side story of a manga?
Either way, it might work if it was short but I don't know how it would work long-term. What else were you planning with it?
Alexander Jackson
WIP, but we're getting there. I find that I'm paralyzed by more "abstract" panels. For example, this first panel--I have no idea how to show that this is a vision/imago rather than just a simple display.
Normally expressions are a whole face thing. Try to pull Woody's smile off, it's not a natural expression.
Bentley Bennett
Do NOT post your idea here, people will steal it. Keep it to yourself and build on it in your head for years before letting anyone see it.
Tyler Robinson
Just post it bro. It can't be that bad!
Elijah Brooks
Oh I remember you when you asked feedback for the pages. Glad you are finally doing some digital colors.
Brandon Foster
Where can I post stories and get feedback?
Brody Wood
I had a similar story idea a few years ago that never got off the ground. it was a tolkien fantasy setting, with a chosen one and eldritch monster that was going to spread darkness all over the earth, and a great war etc. None of that was important. the main character was a madman named 'The Wandering Vagrant" who wears a burlap bag on his head and carries around an old road sign pointing to 'heaven'. he would spin his sign and around and wherever it pointed, he would travel to find heaven on earth, and in the process, inadvertently help out towns and heroes and even the chosen one. He was like that crazy NPC you would run into in towns who always seems to help you out. Except it was his story you followed. He would save people, join armies, do good deeds, and was just a genuinely altruistic, if crazy, character. Most importantly gets no credit for anything he does, and he doesnt mind in the slightest (or even realize he had done anything at all.)
Joseph Sanchez
After this one I plan on running another.
Colton Bell
i used to think like this, but i honestly dont think anyone in these threads would bother to get off their ass to put work into someone else's idea. You presume anons are proactive.
Michael Morales
I need to get gud
Benjamin Campbell
Ever read Astro City?
Nathan Hill
Drawing characters performing an action in a narrative context forces you to put a lot of effort in different things. A picture without background of a character standing there will teach you nothing.
Hunter Myers
Who are you and who are you planning on entering?
Parker Young
Jaxson Williams
Just curious.
Cooper Evans
How about for the next thread activity, we draw one of Kiwi Day N's characters in your style?
Lucas Murphy
gotta scan and clean the pages a bit first probably for next thread
yeah, that saves time and its "makeup for bad art" like one user here once said
Landon Harris
I don't know if I want to commit completely yet, since I can't draw as well as that other user.
Eh I just never had a concrete plot for him. I had a lot of little things i wanted to do, but no way to link them all together Just a list of plot line ideas >Evil twin with box on his head and a sign pointing to hell >A demon that wants to posses his body, but he ends up blessing/reverse possessing the demon instead and they become friends. he kinda wields him like a jojo stand. >Joins the evil emperors army, and he ends up turning the orcs into pious monks. >The chosen one gets killed, which means no one can wield the holy sword to save the day. So he digs up his body cuts his arm off, and swings the arm with the sword strapped to his hand. >The ending involved his heaven road sign getting broken and embedded in the ground pointing straight down. he assumes that his exact location must be heaven on earth and opens a humble farm.
it was just a mishmash of ideas that didnt really go anywhere. I used the Vagrant for a DnD campaign, then i kinda adapted him into an evil apocalyptic robotic priest for a sci-fi noir and then i just lost interest.
Mason Garcia
getting a new thread ready?
Jackson Evans
So I took your guy's advice with head shape and eyes, and i was quite pleased with the results. Its definitely not perfect, but she looks so much better now. If anything, this was great practice. Tell me what you think.
So much better. You're definitely on your way to some good solid cartooning.
Grayson Brooks
Yeah. Trying to think of an alt question but it's late and I'm braindead.
Lucas King
howbout just 'what's something you always wanted to be clever and include, such as a twist or a unique concept, but never figured out how to work it in'
Luke Gonzalez
>What are your influences >Are you glad you learned how to draw
Adam Torres
>implying i know how to draw.
Michael Jackson
That would work, but it might hit the character limit. If it doesn't go through I might have to trim the >such as a twist or a unique concept, out.
If I can't get the other question to go through I'll use one of these
Thanks everyone. Sorry for not being more prepared, I misjudged when a new thread would be needed.
Logan Phillips
Gabriel Moore
Seeing so many nice webcomics makes my inner artist sparkle a bit and makes me want to start my own. I write stuff but I don't draw, but would also like to. You guys think being 18 isn't just a bit too late? I get from a lot of artist friends that they only draw cause they do it since they're kids.
Ethan Evans
>18 is to late kys
Aiden Edwards
>You guys think being 18 isn't just a bit too late? Nah, you've got time til you sit in your grave. Now's a good time to start learning, there are troves of resources available online for free that teach the basics. Just take some time out of every day, just 15-20 minutes, and you'll make quick progress
Jayden Ramirez
thanks user, i'll use the resource in this thread aswell