So tumblr has claimed Snufkin as their own, but are they right this time? Is he gay?
What kind of creecher is he? And post cute fanart and canon art
What is Snufkin?
at least tumblr is good for something
Could not be fucked to use the catalog, eh?
He's My's younger half-brother.
He's not gay he just doesn't care about most things.
>are they right this time?
Yes, the creator of Moomin is a giant lesbian who put her butch girlfriend into the comic as the amorphous blob with the red striped shirt.
This is literally the one time tumblr is right about something.
anyone knows the episode where he goes full comunist and has to babysit all those small troll things
If you go around trying to claim moomin characters you've probably missed the point.
Snufkin would probably be irritated by people trying to claim him as their own, or putting a label on him, or parading him as some kind of champion of any cause at all.
If I remember right he was modeled after a lover and friend the author had before her longtime girlfriend/wife.
If you write a story and model characters after someone you love/loved of course it will come off as a bit gay, especially so since Moomin is a boy being writen by a woman in the early 1900s.
What small troll things?
Episode 29 "The Lost Children" in the old show, episode 7 in the new CGI show, "Moominsummer Madness" if you want the book version.
Snufkin wouldn't wipe his trampy ass with Tumblr
Snufkin would be annoyed that they're using him as a figurehead for any kind of movement.
thank you so much!
You are welcome.
"It's not gay if he's not real", I tell myself as I look at that image.
That's too-ticky, not snufkin
Not gay, just bromance.
How come?
He is Odin, before losing his eye.
jesus fucking christ
he's a cryptid
moe-ified Ted Kazynski
snufkin should be a slang word for snorting coke off another man's dick
>One character in this comic was inspired by the creator's homosexual lover, so this completely unrelated character is also homosexual
That's just asinine
I was kind of gay for snufkin when I was a kid. Probably more adored I guess. I still think his way of life is cool.
a reel hooman bean