Be honest, you would fuck over your timeline to fuck her

Be honest, you would fuck over your timeline to fuck her

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giving a fuck about any of you shitlords that contribute to the downfall of society every fucking day
for what purpose? all you do is ERP

Can anyone shop Cap laughing hysterically as the Twin Towers burn? Or draw it?

Steve ignoring all of history's tragedies is hilarious to me

Yes, I'd look for her prime tho

Only if she lets me titty-fuck her.

I'd fuck my timeline just to be the guy who fucked his timeline, she's just a bonus.


>knowing that everything will happen unaltered
>go about assuming your actions are already part of history and that your very existence isn't ruining anything
>proceed to spend the next 50 years pounding peggy and filling her with cum every day for the rest of her life
You bet your fucking ass.


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Fuck it over? I'd EMPTY it. I'd bury all of you just to smell her hair and tell her she was great in that episode of Black Mirror

Nope. She's ugly as sin now and she has a lego man face.

Oh, I definitely would. But Cap shouldn't.

I'd inject prime Atwell with so much bodily fluids, that she'd become a super soldier herself

I fucking love you

I'm confused how Cap was able to live throughout time with Peggy without alrering or screwing with anything.

Wasn't that supposed to be a split timeline whenever they did that stuff? Very confused.

I would fuck the timeline to make sure the sperm that made me stays in the nutsack and my parents have a slim but still hopeful chance of having a child worthy of their love and who will contribute to society.

He needs to wax his mustache first.


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Is she still a coalburner or did the timeline change fix that?

What doesn't make sense is, if it's still the same timeline there should be an old man cap that went back in time AND an out of time Steve from the first avengers that was frozen.

What a shitty ending really

Absolutely. I'd be the one to shoot Kennedy and forget to seal the Challenger to be with Peggy.

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I will fuck over the last 150 years of American history to fuck her though.

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Cap was in a semi-stable time loop. He was always Peggy's husband.

Where was he during her funeral or did that change

Will you serve in the Confederate army to rescue her?

Let's say you were Steve and you had the chance to stay with the girl you loved and live a quiet happy life with her, or you could run around in the past fixing all the wrongs. If you chose the latter, what would be your plan? You mentioned WTC attacks. If you could travel to any point in time and had knowledge of the future, how would you stop that event?

I'm asking because I don't think it'd be that easy. Butterfly effect will change things in unexpected ways, and eventually those changes will make the new timeline stray away so far from the original that your future knowledge becomes pretty much useless. Like for example, if Cap had decides to save Bucky from becoming Winter Soldier, that would mean Tony's parents never got assassinated by Bucky. But how would Tony's parents being alive affect the power struggles of Stark Industries, and how likely would it even be for the events to align so that Tony becomes Iron Man again in the new timeline? And if there's no Iron Man, what will that mean when cosmic threats would later threaten the Earth?

What do you think I was implying?

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Just making sure you were a fellow degenerate /his/torian

Also Joan and Junko were better /his/ waifus, even if Junko isn't very historically relevant.

S-shut up! C-c-cap bad!!1

I wouldn't go back in time and spend 50+ years tempting both myself and fate so I could "enjoy" a reality where if I sneeze too hard I might irrecoverably destroy reality.

Go back in time and stop Thanos from becoming the man he is. There.

If you had access to time-travel yet allowed all the atrocities of the past to happen exactly the way they do, wouldn't that be "ignoring all of history's tragedies" as well?

Good, those big british mammaries belong to the Captain

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>Go back in time and stop Thanos from becoming the man he is. There.
you can only travel in places you know the coordinates for, good look finding him.

If you don't allow it reality crumbles. It's a no win scenario.

I have all the time in the world, user. All the time in the world.

Was MCU really that popular back in 2008 and 2012? I don't remember a single person irl ever talking about it.

reminder that confederates were cowards and died failures

MCU was only ever slow with the Thor and Cap movies. Once they settled into the Iron Man comedy formula they earned their place as the go to for family hero movies.

I didn't even know about MCU until Thor: Ragnarok.

Any man who says no is a faggot

The Iron Man movies just got worse though

That's not what I asked. I asked if they were popular back then when I heard no one ever talking about it.

Yes. Iron Man performed amazingly well. It was a surprise hit and people wanted more. The first Avengers in 2012 was also huge.

>was also huge
i don't think so bub. It wasn't a big deal back then. I don't even recall seeing any ads for AoU or anything before that

It was popular enough but it didn't cause quite as much hype until things snowballed a bit and MCU developed more brand recognition. IMO The Avengers was a big watershed moment, what with utilizing the concept of a shared universe and heroes from different stories having a big crossover event.
I don't think I fully realized just how big MCU had become until Guardians of the Galaxy, though. The premise of that movie sounded like it should be too strange to sell. But by that point everyone had grown to expect good things from Marvel, so GotG promotional material got people excited rather than weirded out.

He was probably living in hiding in order not to break time.

So, you're saying it didn't become mega popular until GotG?

>confederates were cowards
>literally throws the US Army out of Virginia six times and manages to invade US soil, twice. All while outnumbered, outgunned, and fighting on alone.

>died failures
>by being zerg-rushed to death after killing many times their number in the enemy

Northerners are such fucking faggots

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Lol you need to get over it

The North only won because they blockaded the southern ports preventing the south from resupplying from the outside

A loss is a loss, sister fucker.

damn straight I would

Fuck Thanos

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You're joking, right? What is this revisionist mindset?

no, I genuinely don't remember anyone knowing what the MCU was in 2008-2012. At best, I could only tell that people knew RDJ.

You would go back wouldn't you?
After all, why wouldn't you?

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How old are you? I'm 29 and remember people being very excited for the Avengers. It was especially popular to shitpost about the MCU since 2010. Don't you remember all the "Obama's Republic of Hitlerstan" threads?

>you need to get over it
>this coming screeching crybabies who throw pogroms over some statues

>A loss is a loss

Yeah, and the whole world suffers because of it.

>sister fucker

I don't have a sister you projecting faggot.

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You are sperging out over a war that your great great great grandfather got spanked in 160 years ago. There is no defection great enough, you are an embarrassment.

>your great great great grandfather got spanked in 160 years ago
>by killing two of you zerg-rushing bugmen with an antiquated musket before the "better trained" horde of government stooges armed with vastly superior weaponry overran him

YOU are the fucking embarrassment.

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Lol you lost. Get over it.

>tells the person whose boot is crushing his face to "get over it"

Go to Hell you government swine. So long as your Wretched Union draws breath and continues to butcher innocent people the world over, the South will never "get over it".

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All southerners are spritely sister fuckers you can deny this but you know the truth.

Reminder that these are the greatest patriots of all. You kneel for that flag and you’re getting the boot you uppity nigger.
Also I can burn the flag and do Nazi salutes because fuck the union.

he wore a SHIELD face changer thingy, and until those were invented he never left the house
no one ever saw peggy's husband ever, ever
it was a truly great life for Cap

The Anaconda plan no doubt surely did a number on the Confederacy but even with its ports blockaded the Confederacy still lingered for years. Mostly out of stubbornness and Union fuckups. However, there was no question that the Union would have emerged the victors. It was economically superior, its population was larger and it held the support of the rest of the world. Britain and France were a eetsy bit sympathetic to the Confederate cause but they still were very reluctant to support one of the few corners of the Western World that clung to slavery. That and they were getting cotton from Egypt and India. King Cotton as it was called was dethroned.

>Northern states are all the ones where incest is actually fucking legal and practiced by demented Y*nkoids

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He is unironically was the greatest patriot of his time.

God rest his soul.

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where you guys really that invested in Steve x Peggy

You wouldn't necessarily fuck over history if you do it right. You could still get "The Diary of Anne Frank" published if you do it right.

I would romance her niece, then fuck over my timeline for that titty monster. After titty monster turns geriatric and dies my centenarian ass would move to the young niece with a fierce uncle kink and I will proceed to fuck the niece.

not as much as i was invested in her peggys

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So, proof that Steve is better at ethical time travel than Barry.

Hell, Marty mcFly is a more ethical time traveler than Barry.

No, it's thinking what Cap is doing without any repercussions is a good thing while it's Barry's conflict in the story.
Don't go back in time just because it makes you happy.

Avengers made up for everything.

They weren't/aren't GoT normie talk. But if someone brings it up chances are someone goes to watch them or brings their kids. In effect, they were popular to see after A1 but not the talk of the town.

Poor Cucky

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Just because you can change the past via time travel doesn't mean that you should. Changing the past could had dire consequences and lead to a potentially worse future.

She looks like she _____ ______ ____ .

loves steve rodgers

Meanwhile on Siberia...

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Lol imagine being "the kinda cute one" against a goddess like Hayley

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I can't find a single plot hole in this movie

the only plot worth talking about is hers.

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she cute but not that cute.


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You see that jawline? happily
He's the same guy who said he couldn't ignore a situation going left, out here ignore international trageties

I'm a year older than you, but I remember plenty of people talking about it and being excited for Avengers

Maybe that user was just around too many girls at the time