Victor and Valentino S01E11 - The Dark Room
Other urls found in this thread:
>Victor and Valentino S01E12 - The Collector
>Victor and Valentino S01E13 - The Boy Who Cried Lechuza
>Victor and Valentino S01E14 - Boss For a Day
is that Connie?
>Is supposed to be set in Mexico
>American white kid is there for some reason
Considering the "mexican" aspects the show has tackled so far (which is just stereotypical shit like Day of the Dead or tacos), it won't surprise if it was actually set in New Mexico
>4 new episodes
Thread is completely dead
who the hell is this pasty redhead why is he in mexico
They could have just ended the episode with Valentino being happy doing his photo thing without the club, but no, they had to have everyone suck his dick about how supposedly talented he is AND have the douchebag kid get fucking trampled.
So how entry-level are the Mexican culture references in this show?
Oh my, who's storyboarding this one?
Wow, they really couldn't be bothered designing 8 more dolls?
>my collection of books with a strong female protagonist
Oh no
I'm someone who still likes Victor... but yeah this was deserved.
This design is foul
Cancel this show immediately
Devilman: Crybaby.jpg
Mexican's not a race
Now if only we got to see his massive dick too
Nope, that's Isabella AKA Mexi-Connie.
what a surprise - it's shit
Hoping someone puts this on a drive. Mega is being a bitch and blocked me for 6 hours
Not Connie, Stop comparing her with Connie.
Chris & Miggs
Valentino has canonically killed a man
Personality wise she’s not (she barely has one) but she does look pretty similar. She could show up in SU as her cousin and nobody would doubt it.
Latina Connie
Only if you're living on a planet CrazyTron
Wait a freakin second. That costume looks kinda like dipper’s lammy costume. And one said boss for a day sounds kinda similar to boss Mabel. Seriously they can’t be trying that hard to copy gravity falls can’t they? This doesn’t seem like diego’s Original concept. They seem to be pushing him to make it feel like gravity falls. It’s not Cartoon Network is desperate to cash in with the success of gravity falls. If were in charge I would try my best to move away from gravity falls influence and be original. They’re just trying to pull a cash grab and it’s doesn’t seem to make them any different.
This shit reminds me of Alma
Is everything a GF ripoff to you?
Whats up with this show and Valentino?
Is this copyright infringement?
What do you mean?
You know, putting him in "situations" almost like they lust for the fat kid.
>a whole episode of Vic fake crying
I don't need this.
Of course steven universe would be supported by ades
>guillermo no longer speaks in third person
They couldn't even keep that consistent, holy shit.
>4 new episodes and nothing to talk about
>not even enough charlene or xochi to keep things mildly interesting
Damn. I'm not even disappointed.
I just feel nothing.
I feel the threads would last longer if hablaramos en español.
Misha plz
>not even a El Bulbo or Ultrapato or Kaliman reference
>Superhero with a sombrero
They could at least google mexican comics like Memin peng... oh right, that's too much for these people.
what did just said?
Second comic on the right user.
>Mexican show
Where is my Chespirito reference/cameo?
There is a Pepito and Kaliman comic in the background.
>instead of Cantinflas
El Chavo > Cantinflas
And that is why, Mucha Lucha is still the best show.
This is a much better shop, can you make her Connie next?
Well is Kali-Man instead of Kalimán.
If only I knew Spanish without Google Translate.
Any new shots of Best Boy Valentino?
How Valentino defeated him reminds me of how they defeated the collector in PPG.
I've got a shot for ya
Wow. All those episodes fucking sucked. Even as a Victorfag I'm not really motivated to keep watching, so I wonder how waifufags feel. At least they finally got their MexiConnie.
Chata's Quinta Quinceañera
Legend of the Hidden Skate Park
The Lonely Haunts Club
Have been the only 5/10 decent episodes so far to me. We need another episode with more Maria Teresa as she seems to be the only funny character in this show.
Nothing lewd.
>I wonder how waifufags feel
With this round of episodes
>Charlene got one line
>Xochi got a non speaking cameo
So far yeah, these are just terrible.
They even managed to make a creepy puppet master and a weird-ass owl lady fucking boring.
The Collector was okay, he was vaguely threatening. Lechuza and "Chupa" were a joke.
I guess we're getting the full front of non-scary mythology Diego was talking about.
Fucking hell.
The one line that redheaded photo kid said
>"It's safe, soft. There's no edge"
Is really damn applicable to this show in general.
This show fucking sucks. Christina Miller should be dragged out in the street and be fucking given the whip for how blantant of a Gravity Falls ripoff this is trying to be because someone at CN got fucking salty over the billions of dollars in merch shit like Gravity Falls got so it's trying to compensate by making shit like Infinity Train and this garbage
However what those people at CN didn't understand is Disney didn't have a show like Teen Titans Go to coast on because the only reason a show like Teen Titans Go even exists is because it was only commissioned to appeal to the /nu/-Spongsbob Audiance same reason why Adventure Time killed the state of the industry
We need a 1970's esque crash that happened in the video game industry to happen what is happening to the state of CN animation right now
Is the owl lady at least waifuable?
>Gravity Falls ripoff
It's not retard
>Mexican Pepper Ann bootleg
>Two siblings stay with their senior citizen relative for the summer in a small town with a supernatural secret
It's pretty much Gravity Falls.
Not unless you like disgusting beasts that sound like Yoko Ono
I like Duck Girl.
If you're into ugly old ladies that literally baby you (diapers and all) and puke food down your throat I guess.
If you have no standards.
Cute art but I don't really get it.
Also, is that supposed to be Mabel?
Not gonna lie, the dude was a badass in “The Collector.” This dude fucking punched the door open
>Cute art but I don't really get it.
The joke is that it took bug girl two days to figure out she was being called a bug lover. It's a bit off because xenophilia means you have a love for foreign objects, cultures, or people, not bugs.
This show is so frustrating. The whole thing is just fucking nothing, and I’m not the type that’s opposed to lower key shows (I like Craig of the Creek for example). There’s just no effort here, and it’s exceedingly obvious. They could be doing so much more with the setting and premise and it’s like they aren’t even interested in trying.
Cute girls, but that’s all there is. It doesn’t make me cringe with outright failed attempts at humor or drama like Loud House or Star Vs do, but that’s because it’s so bland that it’s basically tasteless mush
This show sure likes giving kids tooth gaps.
It’s the perfect place to aim your jizz
Haven't seen the show but does it seem like they're taking time to establish the characters and the world before getting into something too serious? Most first seasons usually do that. You gotta give shows a time to breathe. Plus 13 short episodes is still just 6 and a half full episodes.
I like the way you think.
Nah, it’s totally episodic monster of the week stuff. It’s not like they’re starting out slow and slice-of-life and slowly escalating towards having higher stakes and more fantastical creatures, they’re already incorporating supernatural stuff into every episode, they’ve just completely failed at making the show interesting by having the characters be flat and the jokes flatter, as well as being seemingly afraid to give it any of the kind of edge or darker elements that you would expect from something like this
I'm still waiting patiently for Legend Quest S2 - that's sure to blow this BS outta the desert of nothing this continues to inhabit, distracting from the oasis that is Legend Quest.
Victor and Valentino in a nutshell
It really doesn't feel like anything is being built or significantly established. They keep throwing characters at us without any proper introductions, and the big reveal that magic/the supernatural exists is underwhelming. We don't even find out that Vicor and Valentino are only half-related until Victor makes an aside about it in the seventh episode.
Starting out, the expectation was for a Mexican Gravity Falls. Instead, this feels like Mexican Fairly Oddparents.
Complete with a tumbleweed rolling by a stereotypical taco stand. That pretty much sums up the show.
>this feels like Mexican Fairly Oddparents
It’s neither as formulaic nor as funny, but yeah, it has that blatant kids’ show feel. Which yeah, it IS a kid’s cartoon, but Gravity Falls did plenty to keep an older audience engaged. This doesn’t and nowadays you just expect more from all but the lowest Canadian dreck
>connecting "It's safe, soft. There's no edge" to the show as a whole
>that filename
You made this thread worthwhile, user
>does it seem like they're taking time to establish the characters and the world before getting into something too serious?
I wish.
It's episodic with a mix of slice of life and supernatural elements from the get-go.
The characters are never established properly and feel like they should have more time spent on the so that we get to know them.
They're just really one-note (and some barely have a note at all).
Plus the show is just plain unfunny.
None of the jokes land. None of them.
And it's being really, really tame.
Like, you have an all-powerful prankster god that pulls little kid-tier pranks.
They managed to defang the chupacabra into some soft animal lover who makes sculptures.
Lechuza turns into some kooky old lady that kidnaps people, not to eat them or whatever threatening shit that could happen, but to instead coddle them to the point where they're literally in diapers.
None of the monsters have been a real threat, save for the plant and the puppet dude.
This show is just so much nothing it's infuriating.
The worst part is that I have VERY little hope that the show will improve, since Molano probably doesn’t even realize how lame it is so far.
If we’re lucky, Spencer Rothbell can still save this borefest of a show.
I have hope he’ll at least make his episodes funny, but when the show is so directionless I don’t think there’s much hope for saving the lore/supernatural stuff
Being funny ain't enough. It needs to do so much fucking more with its lore/storytelling in general, which it badly needs to if we want to see people atop ragging on it justifiably.
Also, fuck Vic. No amount of Spencer Rothbell can make this character less crap-filled sewage than he is
>mexican fairly oddparents?
oh, come on. If it were then where's the fantasy non-horror magical features. I'm seeing magic but no decent comedy or no fancy magical feeling to it
Oh that's so fucking true.
Unless I'm mistaken, he's been the cause of all the problems that happen to them and doesn't learn shit.
And he's an insufferable asshole.
If he was funny and over the top like Rigby or something I'd tolerate him, but as is I wanna punch his teeth in.
And good lord is his crying annoying as fuck.
The lechuza episode legit made me wince in the beginning because of that shit.
I actually thought that was kind of amusing within the context of Val saying it, bet he waifus them
Spencer is nothing but forgotten News. Ain't No way this dude has done anything useful in this show. Not to mention how lame he was on Clarence writing immature episodes, and those episodes made me to hate main character and wish me to want him killed drive by shooting
She’s such a slut for shota dick! I love it
Too bad she's got horrible taste in boys if she wants Vic of all people.
Just let me know which eps the goth loli shows up.
Eh, most people do when they’re young. She’s just discovering what she finds physically attractive, she’s not taking into account the personality yet
Still no excuse for such bad writing.
Oh, I’ll make no excuse for this show’s writing, it’s very bad on the whole - but you can’t rationalize an 8 year old’s romantic tastes, it’s all surface-level aesthetics and hormones
Dead Ringer
>how women take pictures.jpg
could Diego be /based/?
GodDAMMIT. This show is making the same mistake that Welcome to the Wayne did; the writers assume that every viewer is familiar with the pilot, when that essentially stands separate from the final show. Anyone who’s only seen the actual show wouldn’t know who the fuck Ashi is or why Vic and Val are so nonchalant with this creature.
Honestly, you don’t get the sense that our two protagonists are spending the summer in Monte Macabre for the first time when every new character introduced isn’t ACTUALLY introduced. Vic and Val always happen to know them already. At least Gravity Falls took the time to give us individual episodes that thoroughly introduced recurring characters like McGucket, Wendy (and her teen friends by extension), and Li’l Gideon.
And this isn’t shouldn’t even be exclusive to shows whose main premise involves the MC being in a new environment; it’s BASIC WRITING AND PACING. Adventure Time introduced Marceline, Steven Universe introduced Connie, We Bare Bears introduced Chloe, Nom Nom, Charlie, and Tabes. Why aren’t any Monte Macabre characters getting this treatment?
Because the creator's only experience in professional writing is in NuPPG.
Make of that what you will.
Nope. it makes too much sense.
At least Welcome to the Wayne properly continued from the pilot, meanwhile the native dude was already established to be on good terms with Vic and Val without any backstory of how they met.
Soon we'll get an episode with that random guy on the roof, and it'll be implied that they have already had countless of battles against him offscreen.
Is anti-experience a thing? Because I think that would apply here.
Wait, really? If so that's hilarious.
Difference is that Welcome to the Wayne actually cared about its story and it made that assumption due to being overly confident that Nick would bother to re-air the pilot after seeing the direction they took with the series, V&V doesn’t give a shit and honestly it doesn’t really matter because
the characters are shallow as fuck
which episodes?
this guy is why gingers don't exist in cartoons anymore.
Are there actually good episodes of nuPPG?
more context is needed before saying lol he's bad
>these pictures are safe, soft, there's no EEEEEDGE
reminds you of someone?
Horn Sweet Horn.
everyone with a critical eye who has ever watched this show?
I haven't seen this episode yet. Why is there a random white kid living in a small Mexican town?
Isn't that episode the one with a cute unicorn who believes he's a tranny for some reason?
>Diego makes fun of trannies
where's the problem?
bottom text
He thought he didn't have a horn, but it turns out it was just hidden by his hair.
The higher ups/PR slapped the tranny allegory on top of that when the writers had no intention of that happening.
I mean, the episode's still shitty regardless of the whole tranny scenario, but that certainly didn't help it.
weak-ass reply,
try harder
>scoping the boob magazine
classic latino child.
so they can bully him.
Why do you keep watching a show you hate?
Because it's Mexican?
Hoping in vain that the show will get better.
Doesn't seem like it's gonna get better, though.
Nah. Welcome to the Wayne was actually fucking good (sometimes better than GF, too, at least imo) at storytelling. Nick just didn't air the pilot episodes proper alongside the main series, which is what causes some confusion about where things really begin. I can understand being frustrated with that, but if that's why you feel the need to compare something criminally underrated and actually good (GF comparisons aside) to this sad excuse of a show... Well, you're not as smart as you believe, user. At least not to me, anyway.
As for back on subject, yeah - trying to make everything safe really is biting this show in the ass, particularly how they handled chupracbra and lechuza here for major examples. They were onto something with the collector dude, but then you remember what show he's in and... Yeah, fucking forget about it.
For example, I think I might have liked the lechuza and chupracbra episodes more if those creatures were actual villains that create conflict like their Mexican folklore heavily suggests. That, and Vic not being made a victim for these 2 monsters to fuck with, since he's so unlikable and having one of them kill him would have been great for this show, too.
This is why trying to make everything nice backfires in the end - the world isn't a nice place and people can benefit from learning that, especially if they're gonna make anything, most especially cartoons!
>implying that's a bad thing
1) The hope that it really can get better.
2) There's nothing else to watch.
You're not trying hard enough to find stuff worth watching if that's the case. You only have yourself to blame for that, too.
Because it sometimes delivers the goods
Because Xochi, Charlene, and Val - all for that good old R34, not the main show itself. Pretty fucking pathetic excuses all around, too
Those are actually p valid reasons.
I personally kinda like it cause it's Mexican and Charlene but I do wish it got lore heavy. I mean it just started so who knows?
Was bored so I drew this
I don't hate it. in fact, Victor & Valentino haven't done anything to garner genuine hate yet. they need an episode like pic related.
that's pretty funny.
Oh that's where that thing is from. I was confused.
the show hasn't done anything to garner a hate cult by Yea Forums standards, it's just painfully mediocre and the sr's unwillingness to really push the creepy angle doesn't help it, all in all it will be one of those Yea Forums shows that has a small watch-base here, but nothing insane like tlhg su or svfeo.
Well, that was really unexpected. He deserved it. what if in one episode Charlene learns about astral projection and soul snatching that she sucks out Vic's soul and makes him her personal ghost slave and snuggle buddy. Vic tries to call Val for help but then replies sorry bro but I got a date with Xochi and were also eloping. Te Vere en el Infierno, Cabron. (see you in hell, bastard) As vic's soul wallows in self-pity he knows that he can never escape his punishing fate. I know they'll never an episode like that all due to being too soft to show edge but there's always twisted fantasy to make it seem real.
>Ever getting any
Post Charlene requests
This with Charlene and an user.
>Because it's Mexican?
It isn't Mexican, it is 100% chicano. Actually, it is offensive to real Mexicans. CN LA will probably skip it because holy shit it is retarded when it comes to details that can be easily fixed with 5 minutes in google.
Charlene showing off her new swimsuit to Victor.
Any user from /p/ want to confirm or deny this is typical in photography clubs?
Gotta get a name for you since you keep spamming this in every v+v thread, maybe tacofag? We'll workshop it.
Not the guy who asked but I couldn't resist.
Back to comms for me.
Valentino should’ve just taken photos of Xochi. That’s all anyone would want. Even the ginger.
*cue Victor crying noises*
This confused me because there are certain things that made me believe the Pilot was no longer canon.
Is this another show where every single threat isn't actually a threat because the viewer expects them to be dangerous so in order to SUBVERT EXPECTATIONS they make them harmless instead?
I quick reminder of that episode?
>Charlene aging herself up into a THIC Goth Mamacita to catch victor's attention.
>It doesn't work.
Some episodes do, some do not, the collector episode was actually creepy.
There's probably some little kid shows that do that so they don't get scared just yet.
But this show is for older kids, they can handle some scary shit.
The plant and the Collector were the only real threats the show had.
What this show did to Lechuza and the chupacabra is fucking unacceptable.
And even if Spencer Rothbell's episodes end up being funny, there's no way this show can ever have some truly creep and scary moments, unless the show actually delves into the more horrifying aspects of the mythology.
Enid acts rudely towards a customer who turns out to be a wizard and gets turned to stone.
KO spends the day trying to cure her while no on else picks up that she's been cursed because she's always indifferent and uncommunicative.
The wizard returns for Enid as a trophy, KO tries to rescue her, and Enid's concern for him breaks the spell. The wizard gets beaten/insulted into submission, and a happy ending ensues.
This episode capped Enid off as a jerkass for a lot of people because customer service is her main job. Blowing a customer off is a big no-no. In defense, IQJ said the wizard was never going to buy anything and only wanted to talk.
Be honest with me, boys. Is this show actually any good?
It's a space-filler. Backgrounds are good, everything else, not so much.
It's not the flat out horrible, it's just bland as all hell which can arguably be worse.
If a show is truly godawful it can at least be interesting to pick apart why it fails, and laugh and riff at it's fuck ups.
That at least leaves an impression.
If a show's just bland, it's just nothing.
There's not much to say.
Look at us.
We have fourteen whole episodes and almost nothing to discuss other than how bland and safe the whole show is.
It'll be forgotten in a few years because it doesn't leave any sort of impression for someone to walk away with.
It's nothing.
Charlene's cute, though.
Lame ending aside, I’m really glad that Isabella isn’t a jerk. Her constantly smug expression in previous episodes gave me that impression.
I do not care about mexiconnie
I got more of a kinda high vibe than a smug vibe out of her. A mix of both.
Until she started speaking that is.
So I haven't watched this show yet , but what's so bad about Victor crying?
It sounds incredibly awful.
His voice is annoying to begin with, and his VA (the creator of the show) is new to voice acting and doesn't know how to emote an animated character.
So he phones in the crying really damn hard, to the point where it sounds absolutely fake.
Add that to his already annoying voice and you have a match made in hell.
His voice acting in general is quite bad and when he cries he’s extra unconvincing and whiny
So he tried to pull a Hirsch?
I don't know exactly what you mean by that, but just imagine later seasons Cartman and you'll get a vague idea.
Except Hirsch emotes fine can do at least four distinct voices.
This guy is just doing the most stereotypical Mexican voice possible in the whiniest and most nasal of tones, and also failing to act while doing so
remember Steven U crying?
now make that more whiny and sounding more and more like a little bitch. Not cute at all
I mean giving himself a predominant VA position.
IIRC Hirsch only originally planned to do McGucket, they had auditions for everyone other major role he did and he just couldn't find anyone who would do the way he wanted. And a lot of the one-shot characters he ended up voicing were because of crunch where they were changing lines in the middle of production and it was just most convenient for someone on staff to voice those characters
Based GFfag
Based LooseLoon
Yeah, this confused me too. Specially since the pilot doesn’t make much sense with the show itself because at the end of it, it’s revealed the grandma is actually a spirit. But in this show there’s no hints that she’s that or that the boys know she’s a ghost.
This is a mess. Unless CN fucked up again and the release order is backwards, they made an awful job at introducing characters.
Does anyone get it?
>’Y-you don’t like Victor, user? But he’s my self-insert!’
what is it about goth lolis that make me so happy
Shouldn't have made him so much of an annoying asshole.
He's not even a funny asshole.
Just all around dickish and the cause of all the boys' problems.
I'm disappointed that the Wild Kids turned out to be just kids.
Perfect balance of sweet and sour
Because making them some sort of spirits or animals with human forms or anything would be pretty interesting.
And the problem with that is that it might actually be kinda good, and they clearly weren't going for that.
>not a single response
It might as well be laying beneath a box propped up by a stick.
Wanted to do this one for some time, and decided to post it while the thread was still alive.
Change my mind.
>change my mind
I literally can't.
Charlene's perfect.
>fatboy Valentino gets possessed by a ghost
>ends up with a chad bod
What ghost is possessing Charlene to give her a boost?
Is that even a question?
>literally sticc
what the fuck happened to this episode?
Someone on the storyboard team got wild with the facial expressions.
Also a weird doll man or some shit.
Charlene's got proportionally wider hips and thicker thighs at like half her age.
I like it.
this is how off-model expressions are done right, OK KO.
Best part was James Arnold Taylor as the puppet guy, you don’t realize just how mediocre-to-bad all the VA work is (even with Tom Kenny and Spencer Rothbell portraying their characters to the best of their ability) until you hear someone do a really great performance I guess
Wait, who does Tom Kenny voice in this, Because Vic is voiced by Diego himself.
Every fat guy has one of these in them. If you don't seize it you're a literal waste of flesh.
I like chubby characters but this is uncomfortably cursed.
I know he voices Guillermo, and I think some other minor characters too.
Not too sure who else, though.
this background character is my waifu.
so its the same situation with final space's creator voicing the main character gary and more often than not sounding annoying and grating.
I would totally fuck this thing.
I'm having a hard time getting into the show
the background/setting is great, totally love Sochi as a character, the plots are great idea wise
But everything composing the cartoon is just kinda lame
For some reason, there always seems like there's a huge chunk of frames missing when ever something action oriented--which could totally just be how I'm streaming the show, but at the same time, everything just gets wrapped up so quickly
Like they spend 8 out of the 15 minutes setting up the episode and then 5 minutes resolving it, which is honestly far too fast for me to really care about it
I kinda wish this was a 22 minute show rather than 2x11 minute show
So can someone explain why they like the show?
besides waifus and shotas I guess I like it because it's far less conventional than most cartoons on CN nowadays. I mean here we have an adult woman in diapers being mouth-fed a regurgitated grub by a giant monster bird woman. what's not to like?
Because the creator has very little experience in actual professional writing.
Pretty much a newbie.
He wanted to "break the barrier of Latin representation" and didn't think to make an actually entertaining show.
So what we end up with is some neat ideas, but with flat characters and abhorrent pacing so everything ends up feeling rushed.
If it was 22 minutes there would be enough time to get things properly set up, explore characters and their world, and to let things breathe and settle in when they need to.
As for why we like the show....
We don't exactly "like" it so far.
It's pretty bland honestly.
We're kinda just watching it for -some- cute characters and the vain hope that the show will eventually get better.
I doubt that it will, though.
sticc + sticc = THICC.
Feel free to give your opinion if you haven't already
The general consensus across the past three threads.
An Jerk-Snobby version of Neil, am i right? Plus Yuri Lowenthal!!
>remind me never to hang out with horses again
Val is pro containment.
Across the ages the spirit of Chel bless a random girl with native blood with the gift of wide hips and thick tight.
is this real?
Could you please explain to someone who doesn't speak any Spanish?
You are assuming Charlene started sticc, she could have been as fat as her brother and the ghost just took enough fat from her to end up the way she is.
Remove the entire left row to improve it
it's slang for "fuck"
this show is so fucking boring, why are chicanos so bad at making anything of value?
Still waiting for S2 of THIS show, tbqfhwy!
This, oh so fucking much.
YES. Fuck you.
Yeah - I'm gonna get my gun! *Shoots Vic*
Cartoons, Comics... ANYTHING made by SJWs? Rarely ever gets better, user. Usually only gets worse as time goes on. SJWs don't know how to create good media. Simple as that.
Me, too. AND the chupracabra. Too bad this show doesn't do either of them justice, so it feels like a waste of time moreso than a proper complete weekend.
Same user SJWs only know how to destroy formerly good media. Because when they try to make their own shit, it usually sucks ass outta the starting gate. THAT is exactly what we're experiencing here, especially if the lack of teeth to the lore/storytelling/characters in general are any indication.
But this cartoon is supposed to be a passion project. Surely, the creator isn't going to short-change something with such a personal investment.
That's the problem here - what you pointed out here is what I feel is sadly happening. It didn't need to be this way, either.
Is that a common appearance?
does he run like this?
what's with the stoner eyes
I think green is legal in Mexico.
I don't think that actually stops anyone to consume it
It’s decriminalized but not legal, they’re way too much a slave to US federal policy to make that step. Canada was in the same boat until Trump getting elected made everything we do entirely delegitimized in their eyes
Oh, your THAT shithead user. WAAAH SHE MEAN TO ANNOYING CUSTOMERS! Get over it, loser.
>Blowing a customer off is a big no-no.
Shut the fuck up. You sound like a middle-aged woman.
>removing Russell and Gunther
>only one person has a problem with shitty characterization
Remove bottom right while you're at it.
Charlene dressed like Raven.
I want Victor's little chorizo in my mouth
Bozo el Payaso?
No, not Bozo the Clown, Bozo el Payaso, a completely different character.
imagine being Charlene
Mucha Lucha says hi.
>Be blessed with thick thighs
>Have crush on worst brother
>Use supernatural methods to get him to fall for you
>Use reverse psychology to make him admit he's bf material
>He doesn't get the hint
>Go home and just settle for masturbating to the thought of Victor bullying you as much as he does Val
Someone in this show needs to give this little girl some TLC Pronto.
>Go home and just settle for masturbating to the thought of Victor bullying you as much as he does Val
I don't need to be Charlene to do that
Maybe if she went after someone who wasn't worst boy she'd have more success.
At this rate, Val's gonna get a kiss from Xochi before Steven gets any real action from Connie.
A kiss on the cheek, maybe. Odds are pretty good that Xochi will be a lesbian.
Victor is a big asshole, definitely the worst character in the show.
Then change your filename.
Valentino's alright.
But yeah, Vic's a total prick.
He's not even funny.
Worst of all he's the main fucking character, so we have to follow him around a lot.
Most of their problems wouldn't have even happened in the first place if it wasn't for him.
I have a feeling Charlene will be the only takeaway from this show.
explain, I havent watched the show and dont want to.
Victor's always shitting on his brother Valentino, even if Val gets them out of the situation that Vic started.
And Vic starts a majority of their problems through foolishness, irresponsibility, ignorance, and selfishness.
It's not even over the top, crazy levels of being an asshole, he's just a shitty kid.
And because the show's writing is infuriatingly milquetoast and the jokes never land Vic can't even be funny in any way, which would soften the blow to his prickish behavior or even make it enjoyable.
Kid's got like, no redeeming qualities.
Holy fuck they did it.
They made Charlene rancid.
Only thing worth watching it for.
Can we just fucking purge facebook from the internet? I just checked my timeline for the first time in months and I'm already met with some guy using the Notre Dame fire to virtue signal about how he cares about """real""" issues.
Just delete your account. It's genuinely for the best.
>it's an adult baby episode
I finally understand people complaining about thinly veiled fetish episodes.
Yeah, can't say I expected that.
I mean, they can't do much (and won't do much considering how tame this show is) but I was immediately on edge as soon as the diapers showed up.
Zero Possibility. Enough Assuming False Hints
It just feels like this show is going to follow the trend. Full representation, no matter how shallow or tacked-on.
vic is the skinny one
val is the fat one
Top left looks really cute.
all is forgiven after that adult baby episode
You don't know exactly what Molano was reffering to towards Latino represention? Resume your thoughts. If it is just about the word "Latinx" you may have seen from the articles, you couldn't be more wrong than ever that you are now. Latinx Doesn't Mean Anything.
Something for everyone!
For older women, they have an amazing amount of perk.
porn when?
I bet they will justify it by saying just because she is a POC latino it makes sense to have the face of an ape
They're pretty blase towards all the magic and mythology stuff.
He is Rigby without the charm or sense of camaraderie.
She gay dude
That's one thing I really wish they kept from the pilot.
In the pilot the supernatural magic stuff seemed to exist in a world unseen by the human eye.
You needed that special mask to see and experience it.
But in the show it seems like everyone's got some magical item or something, even Xochi and Don have a whole extra dimension in their back room!
Magic is just a common thing that everyone's fine with.
Kinda sucks the fun and intrigue out of it.
Got Proof? Sorry Without Evidence, You Must STFU!
It wouldn't be such a problem if at least the boys had a stronger reaction to all the fantastical things they're discovering. This is supposed to be a new world for them. For crying out loud, they meet a god in the very first episode!
But they just seem so underwhelmed by anything the town chucks at them. They don't question a thing about it. It's just, "Whatever, we need to sell tacos now."
Just look at her and look at the current culture. It's gonna happen whether you like it or not.
>It wouldn't be such a problem if at least the boys had a stronger reaction to all the fantastical things they're discovering.
This is their first time visiting there, right?
You'd think they'd be awestruck at some of the weird shit that happens there.
This pretty much kills any chance of anything having some sort of wonder and how we relate to Vic and Val.
If the boys don't seem to care about the fantastical stuff around them how can we as the audience be expected to care?
This is what happens when you've never professionally written anything before.
Well here's one thing. Representation is one thing but working on other aspects like defining Character and personality and having a character develop over time is a whole different perspective. for example, Vic is a total asshole and a prick that he has nearly no redeeming qualities about him. Is this a character you want to identify or relate to? He's not the slightest relatable character on the show. I wouldn't surprised if grows up to be a petty thug on the streets while his brother owns a successful auto shop company. Vic then begs for money from Val but Val tries to preach to him that he's not made of money but just for his troubles he gives him twenty but only to use in dire situations. the next day Vic is found dead from overdosing on heroin and painkillers. On the day on his funeral, his family mourns of his death, until suddenly unnoticed Charlene arrives and digs up Vic's corpse, take his lifeless body to her house, modifies his body and makes him her undead lover. Charlene then reads about Necromancy to try to reanimate his corpse. Besides this dumb little timeskip story, You get the whole idea.
this person doesnt seem to fucking understand Charlene is supposed to have a SMALL boopy nose.
That little time skip story you wrote is already a million times more interesting than the show as a whole.
I'd actually watch that.
And that's fucking sad.
this is tumblr, user
please...tell me thats a ONE could do this in genuine act of "this looks good"
If this show is a lot like Gravity Falls, and I'm not saying it is, but IF it is, it would be Diego's fault, not CN. The showrunner is responsible for their show, good, bad, or otherwise.
Never underestimate tumblr.
It's not parody.
It's defying conventional beauty standards or some shit.
I'd like to unload my entire folder of tumblr redraws but that would ruin the purpose of the thread
Hi my name is Diego. I can't write or draw so I made a cartoon that's a rip off of 3 other shows except boring, with no likeable characters or interesting lore. Say something nice about me
Steven already gets his boipussy pounded by Lars on the regular
give up on everything and devote your entire life into drawing gothicc loli porn
tfw it's the other way around
Do you have the other one with Steven in a suit of sorts?
For me it's the fucking buck gap teeth over the huge lips.
The lips alone would luck atrocious, but with the teeth over them it just makes her face look incredibly unsavory and like she has sever dental problems instead of it being a cute childish gap.
All that on top of the shitty nose.
for what fucking reason? its just straight up not a good style for the characters.
Not sure which one you're talking about
at least I can read Spanish, but sucks that I can't type it for shit.
It doesn't have to look good, it has to look unique!
Despite the fact that most of them do it so it isn't unique in the first place, and a lot of tumblrites have similar art styles anyway.
I was surprised to see how strong he was, because he tackled that door down, and pushed the library shelves down.
The same reason any art style becomes popular with a certain subculture. One person does it, it becomes popular, everyone copies it, people copy the copies, and so on and so forth.
Bad Culture Denifition, You Need Glasses deluded hardhead. Once again, lack of evidence
So Blind, So Biased, So Hazed
So Autistic
Haha, that's so funny i forgot to laugh!! Face Facts dude, you won't get no dyke Xochi today, nor tomorrow, Never. Get Real and Research Evidence.
Turns out the VA for Xochi also voices Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug. Do you think Xochi is going to be revealed as some kind of luchadora superheroine later on?
No wonder why you highly failed culture history in 5th grade and beyond
>For some reason, there always seems like there's a huge chunk of frames missing when ever something action oriented
I kinda get what you mean. And this is made even sadder once you realize Peter Chung is the show’s animation director.
*autism intensifies*
Woah, you really don't know how to attack, do you? Autism Jokes, how original. Man, take your month off your mom's tities and attack like a real roaster. Who are you, Ellen Degeneres?
In what world would Ellen make autism jokes?
>he didn't deny being autistic
Being autistic isn't necessarily a bad thing
>this pointless argument stemmed from whether or not we think Xochi will be a lesbian
Does it even matter? She'll still be smoking hot either way.
Imagine actually believing this
>imagine believing that ALL autists are a problem
Ask yourself that, cuz you're acting like her unborn malnourished twin-sister whose Purpose is to pursue idiotic views by Telling that character has to be a dyke despite the fact that don't have the instict to define sexualites or even making up uncalled hints you can't proof by taking just a single 5-second peek. Believe me, roasting me with autistic jokes only makes things Worst to you. Take Lessons, Grandpa
Tell that to the motherfucker with a diagnosed syndrome of Mindless Feel Good Lies
Yeah, a smoking hot lesbian.
You guys are really shitting up this thread to the point that the mods should just delete your whole back-and-forth whining.
Let's just agree to disagree until the show may or may not reveal Xochi as a lesbian, and instead post more pics of 2019's best new waifubait
But will that hotness be wrapped up in a political message?
LOL, that's so mature. Are you still talking with your mom's tity in it?
Polítical Message, My Ass!! Just want another lesbian for their second amusement
Is this what you're referring to?
Keep Posting like a Whore. None of your methods are helping
Once Upon a Time Momma Raised a Hoe with Hopeless Thoughts Spiraling Out of Control
Nah, Bitch your increased your Jerk-ass Snob Level
Posting Like a Lil Bitch. Is Bitchy baby still Hungry for more mommy milk tities?
The fact that they were vague about who Xiochi likes and that it's Chicano liberals making this show makes her 100% a lesbian.
If I'm wrong I'll fuck a lesbian myself!
Oh Look, Bitchy Baby's first failed roasting
Oohh, Bitchy Baby made me a Draw. Still thinking that's useful?
Ladies and Gentlemen, Bitchy Baby has become an Bitchy Man
A lot of the ladies in this show look pretty damn good.
Tell that to incels with aspurgers and the school shootings they've done because they can't get over their autistic obsession with girls.
user, STOP. I'm sweating over here!
What's the matter? Are you late for Bedtime? You can't beat me man, You're too lily-livered to keep this up
Bitchy Man Just recently push up his Fate:
>the fastest this thread moves is when two (possibly only one) motherfuckers shitpost at each other
Alert, we have a Trump Racist Supporter
Thing is this was originally his idea for a video game or something and it was suppose to focus more on the myths and supernatural. He worked on Superjail before this, so it's not like he's unaware of what he could get away with.
But he knows what network he's working for, and how they function, so any chance of him adding something plot heavy or interesting is already dashed, at least for this season. I hope they do bring back up the mask, the pilot, and their dad who just left them there at least once in season 2.
>and their dad who just left them there
This. Even if VaV doesn't allow itself to get too creepy with all the mythical folklore, I'm at least hoping they have the balls to address Vic and Val's relationship as half-brothers. I don't know if Chata's line from the pilot about the two boys "barely knowing each other" still applies in the actual show, but that would be a good jumping-off point.
Damn, Now You're wordshiping the Satan, you must really hate Mexicans
>the Cartoon Network Studios end bump is just an episode's footage lazily edited between the logo
Fuck's sake, I thought we were over this already. Didn't SU bring back the classic tradition of specially animated end bumps?
Depends on the show, COTC also has a lazy one. Clarence used live action footage of a paper doll on an icicle stick (probably the lowest-priced thing they could film, but still unique footage at least).
Satanist, No Cap. Ellen would hate you 4 Life
I doubt Clarence's end tag was the way it was due to cutting costs. That show had a history of embracing unconventional mediums every now and then (stop motion, CG, guest animators like Toniko Pantoja and SmallBu), so I'm sure the homemade Clarence puppet was completely intentional.
Honestly, I'm fine with end tags that do something unique as long as they're doing SOMETHING. Even shit like pic related is fine by me since it shows actual effort and isn't lazy like simply cutting in a clip from some random episode. I expect Owen Dennis to try something fun with Infinity Train's end tag.
You seem to have a strange obsession with Ellen, is that what your mummy watches while you work on your puzzles?
Oh my.
Wait fucking Cristina Vee?
>la arana asesina
Don't know why, but that missing tilde is pissing me off
You’re just now finding this out?
I want Cristina Vee to be my mommy
Not every cartoon creator can be a Seth MacFarlane or an Alex Hirsch, I suppose.
Damn, Marinette looks like THAT?
>the stars in the sky spell 'DIE'
Now that's a woman asking to get her entire body licked from head to toe
Honestly the single edgiest thing this show has done
Why does Val's head look so goddamn BIG?
This was pretty damn edgy, tho
That’s just a Frida Kahlo reference, more super entry-level Mexican shit
There's shota and then there's lusting after children.
Uh huh. Nice try.
Both are fine just as long as they're not fat retards.
Honestly if I were like half the size of my same-age half brother I'd be kind of an asshole and act out too. It would feel like I'd have to assert that I'm not inferior. Bonus points if I was already generally unhappy and he was happy-go-lucky, then it's kind of like we share half of ourselves and the parts that make me different make me lesser.
That's a shit burden to carry.
>Both are fine just as long as they're not fat retards.
Thanks for pointing it out, now I'm pissed off too.
W-what'd I miss, bros?
People still care about the Spanish in this show?
Latinx representation is the main idea behind the show.
You mean urban mestizo Mexican representation.
>tfw this SDCC clip was the first sneak peek of the show and served as an accurate first impression of how sloppy it would turn out
>tfw the finished version of the episode tried to slyly fix that error, but the damage was already done
The absolute state of Molano
Why was the show's production Tumblr deleted?
Did based Jim Carrey actually suck on that woman's breast?
When I googled to find that clip I did see a post saying it was real. And really lactating too.
There’s a recurring urban legend that says he did, but it was confirmed to be a prosthetic. Means praise is due to the effects artist that is was so convincing though
While it'd be a dream to have sucked on Shannon Whirry's tit, just staring up at her and hearing her gasps would be more than enough for me
I want to lick those armpits
How else will people appreciate authentic hard-shelled vegan tacos made in Mexico?
>an armpit man
my nigga
Eres Atrapado?
shouldn't it be
Estas Atrapado?
Whether it's Facebook or Tumblr, any place you find it is automatically trash
Which is sad, considering how much the artist is wasting their life for it
I'ma need some more shots of her plz
They say "estas atrapado" in the show, but maybe they meant to use eres atrapado int he tweet.
What kind of fucking stupid question is that?
The crew fucked up and the original line was "Eres atrapado."
Since the show still had another couple of months before it'd premiere, they fixed it at the last second to "Estás atrapado," the grammatically correct line.
Yes! Thank you.
Shotadom is the best.
Fucking this. We've had over 30 shorts (and TWO half-hour holiday specials) since then. Pic related is outdated as fuck.
>ywn get a taste of that juicy, soot-covered cunny
>Victor Guadalupe Marine Laguna Calaca Calavera
Why is this allowed?
Never considered watching this but between this clip and XTC as the first song on the soundtrack I'm gonna, thanks user
I haven't seen Me, Myself & Irene in years. I should give the film a rewatch soon to see if it still holds up.
Because chicanos.
Glad xochi took the progressive bullet of being the show dyke so best girl can be her perfect self.
Her cock-hungry self, you mean
she only likes chad bad boys, not you.
She's only hungry for one cock, she's pure.
I could always be the one she uses for occult experiments.
What's badder than chloroform and a car trunk?
>implying Xochi isn’t best girl
>Val and Vic's family sells vegan tacos
>Charlene's family sells genuine tacos from meat
Can Charlene get any more based?
Victor's not a chad, he's a dirty, disgusting idiot. If anything, Charlene likes boys she can easily manipulate.
Wait, I thought the creator voiced Victor, Am I right?
if he is "Mexican" how is that he fucked up spanish so bad?
Because this is how Chicanos are. Always wanting to be seen as special for their heritage and culture while knowing jack shit about it.
>spends all her time cleaning her room for Victor and he doesn't even go
Charlene wants to be abused by Victor both physically and emotionally.
Hopefully she learns that Victor's type is shitty and so she can manipulate someone who isn't the worst character on the show, because holy shit.
Based and Teresapilled.
That’s not Pineapple or Hot Topic Gideon
I've seen shit taste, but hot damn
When the FUCK is she returning?
>Teresa has turned her tacos into a local brand with custom packaging
>Chata sells her tacos out of a rinky-dink stand for gringo tourists
It's weird, Charlene knows he's a shit person and yet still gets wet for him.
The episode where she sells that cursed loteria game she 100% knew once things went to shit it was because Victor cheated.
>Maria Teresa is the closet thing to funny in this show with how snarky she his
>Charlene is cute as fuck and also kinda creepy
>Pineapple is supportive and protective of Charlene
>They're all pretty interesting in their own way
>And they sell tacos with actual meat in them instead of shitty vegan tacos
Can we just focus on this family instead?
I'm a million times invested in them than the boring sacks we follow now.
Except Chata, she's cool.
I can already imagine a day in the life type of ep with Based Teresa and the kids. Like her spite and rivalry with Chata leads her to sell her tacos at half price for one day only, meanwhile Charlene tries to avoid work so she can fuck with Vic, and Pineapple tries to find some peace and quite so he can practice his ballet, then Val watches in secret and is surprised with how much they have in common.
Boring as sin, but still not as boring as the most recent episode I watched.
That messy appearance really does things.
>Anons are assuming she may end up lesbian
She doomed to be 2nd best girl at best.
what if she ends up with something worse?
Like a gringo?
So...are we supposed to side with the protagonists making vegan tacos?
sad but true
You know for trying to do "Latin representation" they sure are doing a shit job of it.
That's like, perfect messy sex-hair right there.
probably gay
Reminder that teen pregnancies are more common among lesbians than straight girls.
>It's true
How?! Please explain, ‘cause this doesn’t make much sense.
>lesbians can't make babies together
>more common teen pregnancy
>straight couples can make babies together
>less common teen pregnancy
Le what?
i'm into this messy eater
>adult diapers
>messy eating
I don't like what Molano is doing here. I don't like it at all.
>messy eating
>adult diapers
>mature, older ladies in towels
>hourglass-figured gothicc lolis
Half of it, I'm alright with.
The other half needs to stop.
The town whispers, but no one really knows the exact number. Just remember that if you get invited to one of their noon gatherings, don't drink the tea.
So, when are we getting Lupé porn?
What other waifus have there been since then?
>actual humans
Wait, what?
God I wish that were me.
that's a piece of information I did not expect to learn today.
And why? Is it something like
>Damn, that Stacie looks sexy
>wtf I'm lesbian? Maybe if I try a dick I'll stop thinking about other chicks.
>Well, it wasn't so great. But he had a condom, I've heard raw sex feels better.
>Had raw sex recently, still thinking about Stacie. Maybe I'm really a dyke?
>Also its been a while since my period.
So, Suerte is just Bingo, but with beans and cards?
But user, why would you want to get rid of gothicc lolis and GILFs?
Fuck, I should've ordered that differently.
Adult Babies and slobs need to go and stay go.
The gothicc lolis and GILFs are the ones that should stay.
>the one time we’re actually introduced to a character, it’s some dumbass lolsorandumb kid who already made his debut back in Episode 2
God, this show is a fucking mess
Hey, how come she never made it into the mix?
Nobody complained when Cinderella, Prince Charming, or the teens from "All the Cats Join In" appeared.
My family is all from Sonora Mexico, we call it Loteria.
>Cheyenne Curtis
I'm assuming that's what they are calling the game because "suerte" is "luck". Its name is actually Lotería and is different from bingo.
Yes there is some luck to it but you have to fill all of the board.
The announcer shuffles the deck of cards then starts naming them one by one, if you have it in your board then mark it, it can be beans, little pebbles, literally whatever as long as you don't dirty your card. You win by being the first to fill your board.
Oh, I'm not complaining.
I haven't watched the Mickey shorts in a long while, so this is my first time seeing humans in the show.
Just surprised, that's all.
This sounds like bullshit
Prove it.
What if
You can say that again
Will it be kino if Charlene goes Yandere on Xoichi because she's forced to hang around Vic and Val in public for babysitter reasons?
>yo, watch the nads
I would enjoy that thoroughly.
Shit, I'd just like to see how Charlene and Xochi interact in general.
Maria Teresa also puts actual chorizo in her tacos.
>*Shit, I'd just like to see Xochi in general
What was the joke here?
Gustavo was fucking hilarious, bro
>this show
>good jokes
Oh you.
Anyone got an answer for this?
I cancelled the show because chicanos are trash thats why
Dang, that's weird. I was still waiting for Vic and Val model sheets.
Can't even think of a proper reasoning for it besides them not being allowed to anymore or they were never allowed to in the first place. The person running that Tumblr typed a lot of extra info instead of just random posts.
haha Diego BTFO
That's actually a good question.
Maybe they weren't' supposed to share that information yet and got told to shut down?
Still doesn’t make sense. The Parpan Brothers didn’t share anything that could still be restricted by a NDA, and the entire blog was just deleted without any warning or explanation.
They didn’t even end up flocking back to the original production Tumblr:
Then I really have no idea what could've happened.
its a shame that they dont go hardcore on the myths and urban legends, and even viral videos.imagine episodes based on the spooky gnome videos, or that one where some kinda entity tries to grab a kid that was playing ball on a street during night time, apparently projecting adimensionally from a street lamp. no popocatepetl ufo base or tepoztlan episodes. the folklore is fucking rich.
This show being so tame is one of its fatal flaws.
The few mythological creatures we were shown had their teeth completely taken away from them and made them soft cuddlebugs.
If you're gonna shy away from how threatening they can be why even bother having them there in the first place?
I’m just happy someone saved Xochi’s model sheet before it was gone for good
>This show's so boring there's nothing left to talk about.
Fucking hell, Molano.
And yet you bump the threads instead of letting it die.
This. And I'm one of the few who actively tries getting to bump limit.
Thread's dead, guys. Don't force it.
It was a good thread, no shame in letting it die.
Use sage you retard