
God of _Lard_

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god of banter more like

Why did they make Thor so sexy? I was sitting with an uncomfortable boner all throughout his scenes.

Fallen Thor was one of my favorite parts of the movie. I loved every scene he was in. Fight me.

>The hero gives up being a Chad

>He becomes more relatable and popular as a result

I love this trope.

He didn't really give up being a Chad

Still a good trope though

I really, really, really liked his delivery of "I went for the head."

It was really heartbreaking to hear. It was literally the point at which his heart ripped in half. And Hemsworth SOLD it with his delivery.

>he thinks Thor gave up being a Chad
>not realising Chad is an eternal state of mind

I love the cliche of the former legend/hero having become a washed up has-been and having to drag himself out of the gutter of self pity to make some kind of difference. The only thing different is some plucky kid or up-and-coming rival saying "You were my hero." Instead we got Banner doing it.

I fucking love that they had the balls to not reverse his condition and he just fought like that in the end.

anyone has a picture of him in the movie?

I felt for sure they were going to do the "time travel though yourself" thing like they did to Antman and just get a Thor in peak condition.

>tfw you'll never get the god of thunderthighs to hug you while shirtless, rubbing his beer gut into your face

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Similar to this but dumpier.

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All he needs is a shave and a haircut and he'd be perfect.

I love how the first shot of Thor after the time skip doesn't show his gut. I could feel the female section of the audience getting ready to appreciate some beefcake ... and then see him fat.

It was equal parts funny and SOUL CRUSHING. I fucking loved it

>expect him to go back to peak fitness somehow
>stays in boomer mode throughout the whole movie

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That, and we also get Rocket literally slapping some sense into him

>had to go to the bathroom and missed this scene

Damnit, what'd they say

Tony's passing by him with some equipment

"Watch it Lebowski"

Called him Lebowski. There was also this.

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Is he asleep?
No, I think he's dead.

I have no idea how so many anons on Yea Forums could hate this, it was fucking hilarious and sad as fuck at the same time.

Fat Aquaman?

Because too many anons on this board read comic books.

Which means they're not used to characters growing and evolving and changing with circumstances and consequences

It’s sad in the sense that if you look at Thor’s arc from Thor 1 to Endgame; he’s a colossal fuckup.

I just saw it as a natural way of a depressive state to form, as even though he did kill Thanos, he still failed and went down a spiral where he tries to forget his failures, while all the trauma he has been through and tried to brush off (Ragnarok had so many staples of his life destroyed) but all of it didnt sink in until the 5 year time skip. Its clear that he tries to forget everything about Thanos, the drinking, the fact he forbids anyone to even utter his name, the panic attacks, he is just deconstructed as fuck.

Thor essentially became a Boomer chad version of Shinji Ikari

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And thats called a character arc, some people just fuck up in life, drugs, abuse, rape, depression, life in general.

The big Thorbowski. I loved this part of the movie.

Between this and Spider-verse I welcome a new world of depressed dadbod superheroes. I finally see myself reflected. If this keeps up I could even cosplay now.

Seriously, if something like this happened to me, I’d honestly find it hard to even want to live, I’d have basically nothing.

Who's the next superhero to get a dadbod? I wouldn't be surprised if Quill starts stress eating after losing his Gamora

Fat Lads Thor and Scientist Nerd Hulk was better than Steve and Tony cringy Heroic moments. Change my mind.

>Tony had a similar situation in IM2-3 with PTSD/depression/anxiety
>didn't have short Iron Man/Thor terrible mental health bros arc

His transformation makes sense. I just hoped that "God Thor" was more prevalent so that his transformation was more impactful. I feel like his Thor from Thor 1 to Age of Ultron wasn't godly or regal enough.

As always, Thor is superior to Steve and Tony, Those losers die (well Steve probably has a couple of years but still, he’s old as balls) while Thor gets to fuck off in space.

Given the ending, probably Cap.

Thor is probably alive only because of his remaining people and his best buds Korg and Miek playing vidya with him everyday.

Btw New Asgard looks comfy as fuck.

Korg and Mike would be great additions to the Guardians.

Remember in 2012 how everyone cosplayed as TDKR Bane? We're gonna get the same thing with Boomer Thor

Goddamnit man, I feel old as shit now.

If Thor is going to be in the Guardians I really want a montage of him chilling with them
>Starlord and Quill working out together, Thor outlifting him by several hundred pounds
>Drax and Thor orchestrating a needlessly complex prank on Mantis
>Rocket and Thor watching a sad movie, crying hysterically together
>Thor and Groot playing vidya
>Nebula just sits there, annoyed as hell

Fuck yeah bring back chubby Chris Pratt.

God of Thunderthighs.

>Boomers of the Galaxy

>>Starlord and Quill working out
I meant Thor, whoops

>He didn't really give up being a Chad
Pretty much, I feel that he gona take back his throne someday as he clearly does want to be still be the leader from his intereactions with the Guardians and butting heads with Peter Quill.

Semi-Thor related but since the semi-redeemed Loki from our timeline is dead will the alt timeline cube wielding Loki come over from his reality and still be evil

I guess that's the plan. Reverting certain characters using their past selves is such a comic book way to do it. I sorta respect it even if it's a bit annoying

i thought it was weird he didn't try to get more of a look of loki

>Btw New Asgard looks comfy as fuck.
As soon as i saw it i knew what i wanted in life

I thought starlord would fat shame him at the end

The god of Fortnite

no that's his alien friend

Dad bod Thor or thicc Thor ?

Thor 1, now that was a good movie.

>fatty Pratt
>fatshame anyone

Perfect to join the guardians then

Quill will actually work out so he can be a man and thor will be the guy

Yeah I thought he'd ask drax who's the man now or something

i liked how they kept him Fluffy the entire movie

The biggest mistep in this movie - Thor not drinking a Monster.

>implying Yea Forums wouldn't edit it in when the blu ray comes out

>that scene where he wants to tell her mom that shes gonna die
>that scene where he accepts the death of his mom and swears to help rocket bring back the guardians
>that scene where he wanted to be the one doing the snap to bring back everyone because he wants to do something good


Time feels like it moves faster as you get older because you have lived through more of it so you will feel like you are getting older faster.

this is literally me

looks like SDCC and other cons will have a new trending cosplay

Imagine Thor standing on a miniature Asgard, surrounded by Loki, Odin, his mom, the warriors three, Heimdall, Skurge, etc. maybe even Sif and Valkyrie.

All telling him...CONGRATULATIONS

>GotG finally get some modern Earth upgrades to their ship
>80"+ OLED, an Xbox One, just so Korg can play fucking Fortnite over an insane internet connection
>complains about ping thanks to being thousands of light years away from Epic's servers

Also a comic book staple, the new "replacement" is surprised, sickened, disappointed at first upon learning their others' fate. But they slowly grow into it as a character arc.

'Why is Gamora'

Did the thunder of his ass cheeks alert Thanos of his coming?

based fatty thor summoning mjolnir and stormbreaker simultaneously

>durr hurr hurr i'm fat now
>durr hurr hurr nice butt
>durr hurr hurr time travel
>durr hurr hurr fortnite
Ya know for failing to save billions of lives they seemed pretty peppy about it.

>not blubber
You guys are so bad at this

God of Thunderthighs is my personal favorite

Sure, that's great too.

Thor's whole thing is putting up a cheerful, carefree front to deal with struggle and depression.

God of Chowder

Also good.

“Something is coursing in my veins”

Rhodey : “Cheese whiz?”


>Imagine being Thor in that scene on New Asgard when suddently Wonder Woman from the DCEU shows up and having to be all like "damn, Gal Gadot, you're fuckin' fine, all sexy with your skeletal body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally make you my cocksleeve, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another Natalie Portman in his dressing room, balls deep in her, while his fake belly bounches on her ass. Like seriously imagine having to be Thor and not only lay on that bed while Wonder Woman flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her ribcage and sunken eyes, and just sit there, take after take, beer after beer, while you had to suck face. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's PRETTY and "THANK YOU FOR THE CROSS-OVER" because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her Bony fucking Chitauri face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and soon to be alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Sydney. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively all over you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to lay there and revel in her "Hot (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Chris Hemsworth. You're not going to lose your future Movie career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

I thought so too, didn't they call Quill fat in Infinity War?

Are you alright?

He is specifically one sandwich away from it.

If he was drinking a zero sugar monster it wouldve been to based to handle

>sure, Jan

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My Mom always used to say that as you get older the years get shorter but the days get longer

I didn't care for what they did with Thor.

thor talking to his mum was nice. mothers don't usually get much focus in family stories.

are there any webms of thicc thor in battle?