
Let's discuss this cunnykino.

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Why does David have beady eyes but the other kids don't?

This thread is about to explode from truth overload. But before it does, I'll post a cute Hilda.

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Any moment now...

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The girl with the over sized sweater has beady eyes. And no not the Mara, I think she was one of the trouble maker kids.

Some count down until the jannies decide to prune this thread.

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He's clearly part Scottish, that would explain it.

Because it makes cute little David cuter!

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Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be a thread-shattering kaboom!

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Here's the Kaboom!

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Why would there be? Nobody did anything wrong in this thread.

Did anyone say cunny?

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Nobody did anything wrong in the last thread either.

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Actually, two of these kids have them.

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Good point. I guess the thread will stick around and reach 500 posts like usual then.

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So... Did anyone order from that nobrow website in the Raven Leader Hilda thread?

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Was that the thing where people were somehow able to get things for free but the site was probably just being buggy? I'm curious how that went.

They actually shipped my order. I accidentally ordered 2 dolls and they shipped both. No word on the books however.

>No milf wank yet
This is kind of refreshing.

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what the heck dude how come when i make hilda thread it only get 39 replies, :(

Remember that argument that broke out? That's the reason

Not enough Marra posting.

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I want Hilda for Christmas

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Why did Joanna let a grown man join Hilda in the bathroom unsupervised?

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What if Alfur used elven magic to temporarily grow to human size to wash Hilda's back for her?

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because he's a tiny little fucking doodle

Hey thanks for consistently posting the cute Hildas.

Hilda is too damn cute in that Twig outfit.

Happy to help!

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what makes this show so kino

A charming setting and simple, solid storytelling are all it takes. It doesn't need to be groundbreaking, it just doesn't bog itself down or sabotage itself in any obvious way. That makes it easy for anyone to be entertained by it.

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Oh, and of course the high tier waifus. This is Yea Forums, after all.

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The setting is my jam. A cozy small town in a world where magic exists but things are mostly grounded in reality. I like that it's a show about kids being kids but where the characters aren't constantly emotionally unhinged (beyond how an actual kid would be). The humor is just good and not "quirky". The art is great, it looks exactly like a children's book turned to animation. It's comfy in cartoon form.

So what was everyone's favorite episode and why?

The Storm. First time a truly evil and actually dangerous person is in the story. Dtakes are high enough to threaten to kill everyone in the entire city. David's character development reaches a milestone as he goes Chadmode.

>user linked website with free books
>ordered the books
>not sure if I'll ever get the books.

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Why bother ordering books when you can just get them online?

Because free physical copies is neat.

Is there crossover potential?

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I'd like to see how Hilda reacts to Peter Pan.

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why's there so many blacks and arabs? isn't that netherlands? is it like that rn?

Nothern Europe is all kike that.

I figure it's just a fictional world, vaguely analogous to real life. In fact, with magic and stuff being real, I imagine the religions don't even exist as we know them, so the arabs probably aren't muzzies.

The Midnight Giant. Those first couple of episodes of basically just Hilda exploring were my favorite.

The Nightmare Spirit
Marras + Hilda and David crossdressing