What the fuck can DC do to compete?
What the fuck can DC do to compete?
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Maybe don't use Darkseid
Maybe give the World's Greatest Detective a film where he's an actual fucking detective or let Superman be super instead of an incompetent fuckard/Jesus.
Why the fuck are 90% of the animated universe episodes better than the fucking films?
Don't hire Zack Snyder and get some decent directors. That worked out for everything else. Look if Aquaman can be a big success anybody can
>build slowly at their own pace and don't make the same rushing mistakes again
>actually figure out their main centerpiece hero in Superman
>actually figure out their main centerpiece villain in Darkseid
If they're going to do the loosely connected approach what they should do is make numerous solo films and then instead of doing "phases" just make a series of JL films a la LOTR. They can't do the phase thing because they don't have a Feige equivalent. However, WB has proven more than competent enough between LOTR and Harry Potter to sustain a solid series of films following a linear storyline instead.
More zany jokes & scenarios. Some neat 80s references, music numbers & dance offs would be cool too.
Go back in time and don't hire Hack Snyder.
Are we talking strictly movies? Because DC beats Marvel in literally any other medium. Better animated films/shows, better games
apparently not shazam
>Don't hire Zack Snyder
Thread's over. We can go home now.
DC needs to find a winning combination of seriousness with lightheartedness/comedy and adjust it accordingly to its characters. Shazam is going to be more lighthearted and whimsical than Batman. Superman should be a bit campy like a boyscout but know when to be serious when shit hits the fan. Aquaman should be a vibrant colorful film. etc.
They can't anymore, they will probably not get a movie event on the scale that infinity war-Endgame
They should absolutely do Darkseid but go with Morrison's cosmic horror/Sauron-esque interpretation.
Nah Zack's directing was great.
The mistake was letting Zack have creative control on the level that there was no one to toss his more outlandish ideas.
Also the editor of the theatrical cut of BVS was a major problem.
And Hamada didn't want solo movies as well.
Not Hamada. He just took over. It was the other Asian dude
Why don't they let the DCAU guys build up the DCEU?
JLU was Avengers Endgame before it existed
Go see their recent animated movies that all suck. The sad thing that the people behind DCAU don't exist anymore. You only have Bruce Timm and he was never a good idea guy.
Really? I feel like outside of his action scenes his movies tend to plod on when it comes to pacing and dialogue. If it's just the cinematography though, then I agree. He makes good use of the environments and the characters actually look like they're existing in that space and have weight when they're committing great feats.
By making good movies and building back trust. To bad Birds of Prey is coming to fuck that up
>The sad thing that the people behind DCAU don't exist anymore
What, they're dead?
Paul Dini is still around isn't he?
They should honestly focus less on movies and try cornering the market on superhero TV shows. The CW stuff does surprisingly well, but WB really should let go of their stupid embargoes. Could've let Gotham lead directly into a full-fledged Batman series, instead they forced the writers to tip-toe around a bunch of shit because "muh cinematic universe". If they had just had the balls to make a proper Superman show instead of trying to make a shitty Supergirl one, CBS could have a whole fucking superhero block by now.
DC green lits The Dark Knight Returns and have Nolan come to direct it.
I will forever be mad that Zack Snyder wasn't free to make the JL movie he wanted that would end with a big EVA moment.
Gotham was terrible and you should feel bad about yourself for liking it.
come back*
What they did in the 1980s with the comics. Wait until Marvel dies and regain their throne.
Don't hire Whedon.
Warner Bros execs probably look at them and think they're a bunch of kiddie cartoon people who don't know shit about Hollywood.
>Go see their recent animated movies that all suck.
Nah, for the recent animated movies it's like 40% good, 40% meh and 20% bad. But the good thing about those is that they only cost around $1 million a piece to make as opposed to the live action movies that cost literally hundreds of times more and STILL manage to have a poorer track record on quality.
Hahaha. Delusional dcucks seriously believes, that shitty straight to DVD cartoons and other irrelevant garbage means anything, when we talk about multi-billion dollar movie franchises. Marvel made DC irrelevant. Deal with it.
Keep doing what they're currently doing.
They all suck balls, user.
Nothing. It's too late for them. For normalfags, DC will be forever known as poor man's Marvel. Sure, you can cry about comic books and cartoons. But let's be real, they mean nothing for general audience and their perception of characters. Comic book readers are 0,1 percent of the movie going audience.
They don't need to. BvS was the pinnacle of the genre
Introduce big titty totally not black-washed Power Girl
>Maybe give the World's Greatest Detective a film where he's an actual fucking detective
Nobody wants to watch a Batman movie where he sits in front of a magnifying glass looking at finger prints for 90 minutes.
I've noticed that the DCEU is better when they are solo movies than when they are team ups.
>Man of Steel(solo) mixed reviews
>BvS(Team) shit
>Suicide Squad(team) shit
>Wonder Woman(solo) good
>Justice league(team) shit
>Aquaman(solo) decent
>Shazam(solo) good
I don't think it's as much about solos vs teams. It's just that the team movies had far more meddling
DC is Star Trek to Marvel's Star Wars.
>90 minutes
Please, after Endgame DC is gonna try to copy Marvel and start making all their movies 4 and a half hours long.
So much better in every way ?
Poor Snyder. They will start to make movies longer only after his ass been gone.
They can't do anything but I tell you that probably more than one WB exec is blowing their brains out right now
MCU is jojo and DC is Bleach or some shit
Shazam bombed financially though.
Make an actual good film. Maybe follow the Marvel Formula a little closer
I prefer this
Fire Zack Snyder. Stop making Harley Quinn movies. Get a real actor to play Batman. Cancel that awful Titans tv show. Bring in Nightwing.
No it didn’t, it’s expected to finish around $400m which is pretty good for its smaller budget.
Make Batman Beyond as their pseudo Ironman
They made a good movie with Shazam. And nobody cared.
Right now? As in, as a response? Nothing, and i mean it
I love DC comics and i seriously loved BvS despite its flaws(i mean just give me Metallo, what the fuck), but the universe started off already broken. We got a dead Superman and an old man Batman in the second movie of the franchise, how the fuck do you build up on that?
Now, im not saying it didn't have a vision-Snyder certainly had a vision to what he wanted, but Zack Snyder had a shit vision for a DC universe. Snyder has a great eye for cinematography but he just doesn't get the characters or the universe and uses the worst possible comics as inspiration(not bad comics, just shit decisions about them like using TDKR just to get a fucking insane edgy batman), also the studio meddling completely fucked over the universe, JL was a mess and Whedon is a hack, at least if it was just Snyder it'd been a good looking mess without completely retarded and out of place jokes. The universe was just kinda dead on arrival.
Aquaman is cool and Shazam was AMAZING tho, so i hope we can get more of that with the bigger heroes: good movies that get the characters right even if they're not really exactly the comic ones, like the MCU(sometimes) does.
The MCU had a shitton of time and movies to prepare their characters to deliver their finisher, WB needs to realize that they simply can't do that right now. They should focus on doing their own thing, turning their heroes back into household names like they were back in the DCAU days, and then they can deliver a big fat finisher like the MCU did. And if they can do that right, it'll probably shit over the MCU as a whole because DC heroes are just cooler overall.
Also give me a believable super-populated universe like the Doom Patrol and Titans universe ffs what is the matter with giving us some worldbuilding and not just "oh we have a supervillain every 3 years" like the MCU does.
But they already made the Atom into their pseudo Ironman
meh doesn't look cool enough like batman
Give up. Your pathetic universe will forever remain in marvel's shadow. Feels good to be marvelchad
Sorry DC fags, but there's no fucking way your shit will ever accomplish what Marvel did, never ever
Keep making movies in the tone of aquaman and Shazam People are so impatient they are just starting there universe and have like 6 movies. Marvel may be popular with normies and have over 20 movies but it really doesn’t matter
Reminder that Marvel movies are literally for casuals and chads think superheroes are inherently stupid.
They already have the best cape flicks Superman 1 and the dark knight every marvel movie is entertaining but worse than iron man 1
They already tried, they can't. Short of bringing Nolan back there's nothing they can do.
Strive for kino, flop or otherwise, it doesn't matter.
I do not fault Snyder but he can't just direct all of the films, he did his part, so we should see to it moving forward.
Neither does any marvel characters
Hire Vangelis to make their theme.
Disney/Marvel could afford Silvestri so Vangelis, if he is willing, could absolutely do it.
Normals like whatever they are told to. Dc makes good movies and brand itself right then casuals will start liking it
Do you guys think that if you just keep repeating this it will somehow come true?
How is MCU JJBA?
That shit is so old and niche and was only ever really big in some circles in Japan (barring its modern meme revival)
>So much better in every way ?
So their best shit happened before anyone here was born, and now they are plodding along with shitty reinterpretations that lack charisma, getting by on nostalgia.
Sadly true of Star Wars and Star Trek AND the DCEU.
Instead of trying to make a DC cinematic universe or a Justice League cinematic universe, just focus on doing a Batman cinematic universe.
You don't need to spend much money on CGI because most of the characters are "normal" humans.
People love Batman and will eat up anything that's remotely connected to Batman. The Suicide Squad already proved this.
Batman comics have tons of characters for you to explore. Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood, Outsiders, Birds of Prey, Suicide Squad, and so on.
You can retire Batman, if you keep the idea of an older Batman, and just milk the characters around him.
>Star Trek is long past its prime
Everyone knows this to be true, nobody dares accepts it.
>Batman cinematic universe
No, you're fired.
You can also be as edgy as you want and explore several different genre depending on which character you want to make a movie about. Like Red Hood could pretty much start as a moody supernatural thing a la The Crow, Batwoman as a espionage thing, Nightwing as some globe-trote type of adventure thing, and so on,
For one, Make sure their superheroes keep wearing their masks. Two, Don't destroy possible storylines just because. That's the only thing they'll need to do to keep up.
>just focus on doing a Batman cinematic universe.
Why? Aquaman is the most popular DC character now. I'd rather watch a Trench movie with Dolphin than a shitty Nightwing "I'm Batman but worse" movie
>getting by on nostalgia.
But DC's biggest films are Aquaman and Wonder Woman and they were debuts while the nostalgia wank of Batman and Superman failed
I went full autistic
Phase 1
>Batman Hush/Red Hood - Uses all of the classic rogues, shows Batman's relationships with the Batfamily, make sure to introduce Talia and touch up on their history. Reveal that Jason is alive but crazy. Tie Eliot to Interpol.
>Superman - War World - Mongul comes to Earth looking to unlock War World, but to do so he needs Kryptonian tech. Comes to the last place in the universe where it is obtainable, Kansas. Luthor blames Superman for Mongul's arrival and the destruction Mongul causes. Mongul is defeated and Luthor manages to steal some of the Kryptonian tech during the fight.
>World's Finest - Flashbacks to Magpie and the first team up throughout. Bruce is trying to track down Jason and Ra's, trying to find a lead through Interpol he comes to Metropolis. Comes to town as Bruce under the guise of making a deal with Luthor. Disagrees with Luthor's weapons development angering Luthor. Luthor is working with Interpol, uses them as Guinea pigs. With the advancement of the Kryptonian tech he creates Parasite and Metallo. Traditional Superman/Batman team up.
>Flash and Green Lantern: Brave and the Bold - Hal chases an alien known as Starro to Central City. Starro takes over the Rogues and meets its match in Gorilla Grodd. Standalone. Wally is the Flash.
>Trinity - A man from the stars lands on Themyscira, his name is Zod.
He and his team overwhelm the Amazon's before leaving in search of a recently actived tracking signal. Diana follows. Zod arrives in Metropolis and immediately catches Superman's attention. The two have a battle of ideals but Superman alone can't match Zod and his men in strength. Wonder Woman arrives and evens the score. Clark calls in Bruce knowing he must have a plan. Trinity team up. Zod's army is stopped but Superman is faced with the delima of knowing Zod can't be kept alive. Luthor provides a solution, an machine that gives them access to the Phantom Zone. Zod is imprisoned in The Phantom Zone. Zod calls it the safest place in the universe knowing what's coming after realizing how Luthor was able to build a Phantom Zone.
>Justice League:Braniac - The Kryptonian tech is revealed to be a fragment of Braniac. Braniac arrives and attempts to do what Braniac does. The League teams up to stop him while Luthor tries to outsmart the Kryptonian race and Braniac. Braniac has a bunch of droids attack, the League themselves can't stop them all but are aided by Ra's and the League to even the numbers under the lead of Tahlia. The League manages to stop Braniac in Gotham. Bruce meets Damian, Braniac's attack has left Gotham a No Man's Land. Luthor uses the good publicity to run for President.
End phase 1
>Phase 2 Batman begins the Bat Epic. Ends with Sinestro Corps war and Superman Prime. Psycho Pirate is introduced and remembers a time that no longer exists.
Phase 3
>No Man's Land
>Emperor Joker
>Flash:Return of Barry Allen - Psycho Pirate meets Wally and memories of an old timeline return. Wally refuses to believe he could forget Barry and finds that history was rewritten following what Psycho Pirate calls the Crisis. Reverse Flash used the Crisis to erase Barry from history
>Crisis on Infinte Earth's as a prologue
Phase 4
>R.I.P., Superman Beyond, Wonder Woman vs Furies
>Final Crisis
What a fuckin' trainwreck.
It's doing fine though
Where is your oscar for best animation movie Dc?
Yes, by pulling in vastly less audience than even the shittiest DCEU film, it's doing FINE.
This. Dc will never be able to pull off something like the final battle in Endgame. It's the defenitive triumph for marvel
Ladderbro pls fuck off
A-at least w-we have indian fags
Based trekkie fag
Zack stop samefagging
Maybe stop pretending to be 1980s Marvel all the damn time. That era has passed.
Wait, were you talking about the films? Then FUCK OFF BACK TO Yea Forums!
Financially it already made its money back and it has a good critical reception
He has a point though. I loved the film but it could have done a lot more. Personally I think the release date and the marketing was all wrong. The suit looking like foam didn't help either
True. It would've been wiser to release it around Christmas instead of three weeks before Endgame
>No Batman Tower of Babel in phase 2?
Kidnap the Russos
They need to stop with the idea of a DCEU and focus on good movies, even if that means no deep connection between them.
Also, and apparently they finally understood that, it's really time to stop with dark, overly seriously stuff.
Make Superman the parangon of hope he's supposed to be and bring joy and heroism back - like Wan did with Aquaman.
No need to make comedy, just heroic adventures with positive vibes. Justice League teased Green Lantern, then make a cool Green Lantern film.
About that I'm sad that Whedon will not make his Batgirl movie. I was excited for it because if there's one true thing about Whedon, it's his love for female heroes.
Finally, I'd have prefered a Gotham Sirens film over the upcoming Birds of Prey one.
Good idea. The Russos definitely delivered the best MCU movies. I can only imagine what they could do with DC characters...
>I was excited for it because if there's one true thing about Whedon, it's his love for female heroes.
You mean young tight teenage girls. God bless than man
They need to get the base excited. Shazam didn't do it. Good positive energy and anticipation is a priceless comodity.
Just stick with the original plan and make a Superman, Cyborg, Flash and Batman movie next within a few months of each other. Except for Batman I think it's better to tell a simple, linear and straight forward story since Flash and Cyborg are new to general audience.
You said it. Not me.
Involve Dwayne Johnson more and let go of Synder.
Disney buys DC so DC movies can finally be made the right way.
I don't think they can. I mean fuck competing at this point, I don't think DC or WB has any real chance to do something big anymore. They missed their window to really start doing things correctly about 3 or 4 years ago.
If they pulled it off starting right now and were able to build a cinematic franchise with good films that people were genuinely excited for, by the time they're getting ready to hit their climax, the bubble will have burst. In the next few years there's gonna be a massive downturn in cape movie interest. I just think DC missed the window while they were fucking around.
I think only McDuffie is dead.
And Dini is simply content with summoning Zatanna into the real world to be his wife to give a shit about anything else.
WB is better off making Pokemon movies and trying to turn that into the next big thing.
This, except they should just do phases still. And their IW/Endgame equivalent should be Final Crisis, with Darkseid as the main bad guy but also maybe the Anti-Monitor or Mandrakk as a significant background villain who's using Darkseid to destroy the Multiverse.
Actually with Multiversal goodness, we can get something as crazy as Endgame without all the time-travel shenanigans that a lot of people feel ultimately hurt that movie's narrative.
Most of the good writing came from Dini and McDuffie, though. And the fact that the animation department would rather do terrible animated movies with a bunch of stupid fucks and only occasionally call Timm to do his weird fetish shit should tell you all about how fuck WB is right now. Lets see how the "return" of the DCAU is going to fare with Justice League vs Fatal Five. That should tell us if they still got it. If the next DCAU animated movie doesn't hold up, you might as well give up.
>Lets see how the "return" of the DCAU is going to fare with Justice League vs Fatal Five. That should tell us if they still got it
That movie already came out
The weird thing about this time-travel shenanigans is that Snyder's ideas for the JL movies had a better time-travel plot than Endgame.
For you to travel to the past you've to calculate your position in space in relation to time, so if you want to go, say, 10 years into the past in Gotham City, you've to wait a few set of years so you can actually land where you want when you travel to the past, otherwise you might land in the dead-cold of space or Jupiter. So in Snyder's original script Cyborg give Batman two window of time they can use where the Flash can travel to the past and actually land in Gotham City approximately 10 years ago or something, and so Batman ask Cyborg which one he'd pick with Cyborg telling him. Batman then would tell that's what originally happened, with the Flash appearing during BvS and that it was the wrong time, and tells him to pick the other one. So this time the Flash goes to the best window possible.
I feel that idea was kinda neat. Specially because it shows you can't really change the past, per see, and it's a lot harder than it looks, with various calculations coming into effect.
It wasn't originally written as a DCAU revival, but as another thing that they midway decided to turn into a DCAU revival and call Timm to help them out. So it's not really a good example. I'm mostly referring to their decision of doing more DCAU stuffs in case JL vs FV does well. If that happens and they decide to do more, maybe with the actual remaining team that worked in the DCAU cartoons, only then can we really tell if the old DCAU team can produce again something of worth.
Yeah but the whole reason why they did that is because Snyder's an idiot who's obsessed over "muh realism."
But I really hope WB isn't deterred by Endgame, it's success, or people going, "WHAT CAN DC/WB POSSIBLY DO?". Just go forward with the plan, build up to a Crisis event, and end things there.
Literally to smart for the capeshit audience, bro. Hawkeye's wife's phone was still charged after 5 years
Cope movie fag. Outside of normies, you mcucks are beat.
They can't. They let Zach Snyder completely ruin their image. Now all they can really do is let out a few solo pieces to make a quick buck every now and then while they wait for the MCU to die and for people to forget the butcher's job Snyder did on the DCEU
make an entertaining movie
Well, maybe he's obsessed with realism, but i feel that idea sounds a lot more simple, not to mention it has defined rules and limitations. I also wanted more of the Mad Max-stylized post-apoc future. But oh, well. Chances gone. WB felt that original script was too out there and creepy.
they literally can't
Not even flashpoint can save them now that Marvel has done it right
The only thing to really ruin their image was Justice League.
hire Kevin, whatever it costs
I just want them to get off their asses and start working towards a fucking Crisis movie, god fucking dammit.
Starting off with Flashpoint for a Flash movie was retarded to begin with.
>stop giving Harley Quinn movies.
It's still a slap in the face that they are making Birds of Prey movie without Oracle. It's like the Queen without Freddy Mercury.
Based and Horsecockpilled
Barbara deserve to get shit. Dan Didio has been fucking with all the other Batgirls because he needs to keep Babara as THE BATGIRL due to synergy, and now here comes a live action Birds of Prey movie with a pre-teen Cass and no Barbara.
It's a sweet, sweet karmic revenge.
You mean like how Marvel was for years before Iron Man came out? Stay cucked, Millenial.
Apparently, Ben Affleck wants to direct a JL2 movie and come back as Batman, but literally no one else wants to do another team-up movie. So i don't WB have any plans, but if there's anything WB is known for is being reactive as fuck. So i'm sure they'll end up rushing something to copy Endgame hype.
Make the DC universe crossover with Pokemon and build from that
>t. dicklet
It was too creepy. You're aware that the original ending to the Justice League movie had a huge-ass demonic looking Steppenwolf controlling a giant-sized Geiger-looking spaceship and throwing fucking giant crosses at the Justice League while attempting to resurrect Darkseid's mom, right? The whole thing was described as a horror movie.
That would never fly as a JL movie. Same with this whole time-travel plot with freedom fighter Batman carrying a completely destroyed Cyborg on his back who's all head and torso.
Goddamn, why is Snyder so fucking edgy?
>a lot of people feel ultimately hurt that movie's narrative.
this is what dkeks actually believe?
Or better yet, end things now
I think we'll get another JL at some point, just after WB finally completely works out their issues setting up the DCEU.
Ezra is out so i don't give a fuck anymore
Why couldn't the JL be creepy? Why can't a movie where the heroes fight Darkseid be creepy? This is why WB is in the state it is. They just want to copy the MCU, but the MCU is already good at what they do.
Ezra is a good actor but his portrayal of the Flash was always complete garbage.
This is a good thing.
Actually, in this case, they were right to shut that shit down. That sounds like fucking trash. I think people like you forget that the JL in the actual fucking comics isn't fucking 'creepy' in the least.
The problem was letting Snyder in charge in the first fucking place.
The problem is that test-audiences loved him in JL and the reason he left is because the directors want the character to be even more of a joke character, while he want a more serious sci-fi take.
Final Crisis was creepy. Everything to do with Darkseid should be creepy.
>throwing fucking giant crosses at the Justice League while attempting to resurrect Darkseid's mom, right?
This sounds like a movie from The Asylum studios.
>The problem is that test-audiences loved him in JL
According to who?
> and the reason he left is because the directors want the character to be even more of a joke character, while he want a more serious sci-fi take.
No, the directors wanted a light-hearted, fun movie in the vein of the Back to the Future series. Not necessarily a joke character.
It's straight up base don the anime EVA. Like they straight up mentioned the anime.
FC and Darkseid were more dark and dystopian than creepy though.
>According to who?
Every study.
I love the shit out of Eva, but I wouldn't want my JL movie to be Eva.
Fuck off. I like Barbara. Both as Batgirl and Oracle. It's not her fault some editor keeps shoving her into shitty comics.
First link i found. Just go a Google search on "Justice League + test audience + Flash". Several websites with opinions pieces about the findings.
>t. Bandwagoner
Well color me surprised. I thought Ezra's Flash was fucking terrible.
Except Queen were good. BoP never has been.
Incoming ban
Steve became a fucking sham of a human being, let alone "hero", and they went with the cheapest "we wrote ourselves in to a corner" ex machina. Time travel is retarded. ALL time travel. It is fake deep "s'm-r-t person" sci fi, like how Snyder is fake deep "muh actual god" symbolism.
Star wars is dead...
Feige is leaving soon. Expect the MCU to crash and burn.
With Endgame done that's fine honestly. With big names in the cast bowing out it feels like the end of an era. If it goes down after this it's no biggie.
I would've said "make sure their protagonists have charisma" but Captain Marvel happened and now I just don't know.
And earned 1 bilion dollars via manufactured controversy and hype surrounding Endgame. It worked out.
This. Endgame felt very conclusive to me. I could stop the MCU and just stick to Spider-man from now on and be just fine.
dead DCEU is dead
they were never going to do that
Nah, Marvel did it amazingly right and also blocked DC from ever using flashpoint cuz now it will look retarded
They already did
if you say so
Compete? Do people even know DC exists? Pretty sure at this point it's just Marvel and that Asylum tier company that puts out nothing but shitty Marvel ripoffs
Long term DC will win. Their stories and heroes are better and more interesting. The reason marvel shits all over them is because people assume popular is the same as good. Marvel movies have killed literally billions of people and they make quips about the bad shit they do. Not gallows humour, actual disregard, which breaks the characters.
Who says that she left her phone just lying around? Odds are she got dusted with her phone in her pocket, and when she was brought back the phone was as well
>Marvel movies have killed literally billions of people and they make quips about the bad shit they do. Not gallows humour, actual disregard, which breaks the characters.
See, but that's what the audience want, and that's also what DC fanboys want. They complain about the Snyder's movies precisely because he decided to show such incidents as off-putting. The audiences and fans alike rejected that take because they found unappealing. They want their heroes to do dangerous stuffs and quip about it so everything is kept light and you don't have to think about the consequences of what just happened.
>this entire delusional DKek post
Here is your Disney's Batman bro
The success of Iron Man taught Marvel the lesson that you can literally make any hero an A-lister if you treat them like one. Before the film more people probably disliked Tony Stark for being such a huge dick in the Civil War comic event than he had actual fans, but he wasn’t even on the radar for normies.
DC has finally learned this lesson with Aquaman and Shazam, but they’re literally just now at the point Marvel was at 10 years ago. They are so far behind the curve that they will never ever catch up.
that will be the day
and thankfully with the way DC is failing at literally everything they do that day will be very soon
''reboot'' the JLA as the Justice Society with WW, Shazam and friends, Aquaman, a couple of more kid friendly heroes like Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Ice & Fire, Stargirl.
>and Shazam
it's sad to see how deep in denial DC fans are about their flop movies
>Hurr durr it didn't make a billion so it's a flop
Anymore retarded opinions, ladderfag?
Sauron-seid would be the perfect Thanos antidote
Just like the hundred other times you predicted it and it turned out you were wrong
Chads don’t differentiate between dc and marvel they just think both are Gay fads
Zack Snyder. Stop shitposting. Marvel has defeated you.
This, normie casual types aren’t critically thinking about marvel they just know it’s popular and many will see the mcu as over. If dc keeps making movies people like then they will be the new popular thing for comic posers to watch don’t forget that we aren’t getting Disney X-men or ff for years and Disney plus mcu tv shows are taking precedence. Bad move long term since they are assuming we will all suscribe to another Netflix like program.
There's still a bunch of things they could try that Marvel didn't even seem to think of:
1)Adapt New Frontier complete with being set in the 50s.
2)Create a True multiverse and lead up to a Crisis on Infinite Earths movie complete with bringing back old actors that have portrayed DC heroes in the past. Just Imagine pic related with Gal Gadot and Linda Carter.
3)A possible Superman/Batman reboot based on World's Finest/Public Enemies that has them use their public identities more than the masks, written more like a Buddy Cop film.
4)To add on point 2, more Elseworlds type movies that show alternate versions of the heroes, *cough*Red Son*cough*
5The most important thing, The MCU came to be because Marvel took a chance on characters that at the time weren't as recognizable as their more profitable properties like Spider-man and X-Men. DC needs to cultivate the lesser knows characters and get audiences to care about them. WW, Aquaman and Shazam have all been on the right track for this.
Exactly now that aquaman did well I think they figured out a style they can replicate. They are still in phase 1 maybe in 10 years kids will be happy playing with booster gold and blue beetle toys