How would marvel or DC earth fair against a necron invasion?
How would marvel or DC earth fair against a necron invasion?
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40k is incredibly inconsistent and DC has metacharacters that would bitch--slap galactic level guys like these.
But I'm sure trusting fluff wholeheartedly will make the Nekron Multiversal or something.
I have managed to reversed engineer their teleportation signal and have set it to recall them all back to their crypt. Then we send it to the Negative Zone, because screw those guys
Isn't this the kind of shit that Dr. Strange keeps at bay on a regular basis?
Can we talk about a good setting instead? There are hundreds of different settings between comics and cartoons, why do you insist on being a part of the cancer that is capeshit?
Nobody would talk about any other setting if you tried to name them, faggot. And if you're going to say "Hellboy/Mignolaverse", then I'm going to laugh you out of the room.
Anyway, I'm sure Nekron and all the other Deaths in DC could dog-pile them.
White Lantern Sinestro fucked up DC's Nekron I think, not sure how the two Nekrons stack up to each other though
Earth in both DC and Marvel is a horrifying warzone that chews up and spits out godlike entities on the regular, Necrons could probably take out the physical monsters like Superman or Captain Marvel but shit like Speed Force or the reality alterers would rip them a new one.
So you’d rather have a large conversation about garbage than a less busy one about something that isn’t? How very telling of your priorities.
>Captain Marvel
Which one we talking here?
>less busy
You mean we'd have a dead thread instead of an active one with potential discussion? Yeah, I'll take the active one, thanks. Go take your hate-boner and rub it out into a blender.
Give him a setting then Faggot.
Either really, Carol is technically an energy absorber which as far as Necrons are concerned is a budget C'tan and I doubt Billy can work his way out of a pocket dimension.
>It would be dead if did otherwise. I HAVE to do it this way
No no it’s fine, you can just admit that you’re a lonely faggot looking for (you)s, who cares more about garnering attention than actually having something worth talking about. No need to pretend and delude yourself.
How much bullshit can the Necrons use? They got a machine that can turn off stars and at least one of them has reliable time travel.
You can stop having a stroke anytime, autismo.
Stars Wars, Asterix, Invader Zim, Duck Comics, Ben 10, even though that last one is kind of a retcon-ridden cluster fuck, but so’s 40k. All of which have plenty of potential for comedy and action.
>thinks being treated with contempt means that someone is having a stroke
I imagine you must witness “strokes” quite often then.
>Duck Comics
Now I want to see the antics of Trazyn trying to get Scrooge's dime.
He did go back in time to the Big Bang and met the Wizard via electrons or something.
Billy could probably punch his way out of a pocket dimension, or otherwise collapse it. Carol is fucking dead though.
I’m trying to find that old post about how Shadow runners would have an easier time trying to rob a dragon than Scrooge McDuck.
Isn't the Rock of Eternity in its own dimension? That's like on Billy's route to school everyday.
Captain Marvel(s) aside, Doctor Fate wouldn't have problem with Necrons. Guy just comes and goes as he pleases.
The march of Time never ends.
Ok then. How would the Necrons fare in the Tintin universe?
I'd read about Tintin exploring a hive. I can just imagine Haddock's insults.
Don't mind me, gonna exploit that pic.
>Necron Monolith crash lands on Earth somewhere
>Haddock, Tin-Tin, Professsor Calculus, and and Snowy go to investigate.
>End up stuck with the task of just figuring out how to break it before a whole invasion comes in
>Calculus spends the who adventure trying to figure out how Necron Tech ticks, while obliviously getting in danger
>Haddock violently insults the Necrons trying to get a reaction out of them
>Thomson and Thompson argue over whether to arrest the damn thing for violating traffic laws or zoning laws.
>Snowy gets into slapstick shenanigans with a Flayed One
In the latest JLD, Fate can just outright obliterate reality with contemptuous ease. Throwing him at the Necrons is like launching a thousand nukes jsut to get rid of an anthill.