Is this the most woke superhero show ever?
Is this the most woke superhero show ever?
Black Lightning exist, but that's just a show about an angry black guy with his woke daughter and dumb daughter doing dumb shit.
is this a prequel to league of extraordinary gentlemen?
Wrong British author
For the longest time, I thought Morrison and Moore were different by 20 Years.
Now I realized they're only 6 years apart.
I don't know if its because Grant held up or Alan becoming a hermit.
No. It's actually pretty enjoyable.
Moore's magic is simply weaker.
I like how Danny the Street was trans and non-binary.
That was fucking amazing.
Always thought about that.
How does IRL magic affect their comics anyway?
>ITT: fags that never read the source material.
that doesn't look like doom patrol
Did they seriously put that shit in a movie? Now I'm really not gonna see it.
It's a show not a movie
robotman's wearing clothes, negative man is wearing the wrong clothes, and the others don't look like like anyone I've ever seen before, and I don't see Gar anywhere.
also someone seems to have put a lopsided Cyborg who is ALSO wearing clothes in there. How the fuck do you mess up "his other eye is a robot eye" like that? Eyes match. that's how eyes work.
Well it'll be easier to not watch it then
You obviously never read the comic....
>Robotman wearing clothes
>robotman's wearing clothes
1963 call dude, they want their "My greatest adventures" books back
This, people losing their shit over Danny the Street was especially stupid.
>people on Yea Forums actually think Grant Morrison created the Doom Patrol
He shaped it heavily and his influence is all over the show.
i hope his retcon about the Cheif isnt canon
Tried to watch an episode, could get past five minutes. Terrible shame
It’s meta and funny and most cape shows aren’t. Luke cage and black lightning come close but they are hampered by being cw / Netflix stuff
Grant Morrison did not invent the Doom Patrol. He just ruined it.
It's surprising that Cyborg is actually good in this
but he invented clothes with his magic and made robot dudes look more handsome
Legends of Tomorrow is plenty meta and funny.
Black Lighting is the best of the CW shows
Apparently Grant hides Hypersigils in his books so that people can charge them by reading the dialogue.
So I guess that’s something to keep in mind.
>Mick reduced to screen writer in the show cause he is too masculine
If you guys think Black Lightning is too woke, don't ever try to watch Supergirl.
It's the only DC show I had to drop partway through out of sheer disgust.
The only fucking time I like him, that and Perez/Wolfman run. I could stomach him in Johns run, but that was my limit.
I don’t see anything woke about Doom Patrol.
So is Grid confirmed season final boss yet because that's what route it looks like they're taking
It is entirely about mental illness. Not identity poltics bullshit but actual issues that need to be addressed. So real WOKE
The only character that’s boring is Crazy Jane. The Mento episode was trippy.
>tfw you read some capeshit in your house and accidentally invite a wizard cult into your life.
I love Crazy Jane. I get people hating her cause she is a fucking cunt, but the last few episodes have really gone to explaining that and moving her arc forward well.
Moore simply is more willing to engage in the type of primal blood magic that requires sacrifice and drains your life-force, while Morrison does the pussified hippy new age will-working shit.
Any examples, good chap?
What's a hypersigil? That does sound like something Grat would write within the comic, but into it?
Danny in the comics was totally into gay shit though.
Only problem was that Core Jane still behaved like Hammerhead in the Underground.
Maybe it was a hint to the end of her story arc in the comics, but I just don't know
>is a literally cunt to everyone 90% of the time
>everyone gives her a free pass
>someone finally calls her out on her being a fucking cunt to everyone
>gets enormous butthurt and reverts into her mind
nah fuck that dumb cunt
nope - not even top 10
So Season 1 is actually very good, from what I remember. It does have a lot of moments where random background characters will say, "Finally, my daughter will have a superhero she can look up to," and stuff like that, but that doesn't bother me much. It reveals that the reason why the Phantom Zone criminals want to take over the world is because Krypton was destroyed by global warming, and Earth will apparently also blow up if we don't stop listening to the evil global warming deniers. But season 1 also had a lot of classic Superman stuff in it, like a very good Bizarro episode, so I was willing to be more forgiving of the politics.
Season 2 was in 2016, and Drumph derangement started to effect the writers. The entire season is about aliens who come to Earth seeking a better life, only to be brutally murdered by bigoted humans. Also, at least three different male villains call Supergirl a "nasty woman", so the writers weren't exactly trying to subtle about what was on their minds. They introduced Parasite during this season, and he was a scientist studying the effects of global warming before he got turned into a purple people eater. The heroes take this as an opportunity to casually chat about all the dangerous effects of unchecked global warming while they search for and eventually fight Parasite. Season 2 did have a really good Mister Mxyzptlk episode though, so I just kept gritting my teeth and pushing onward.
Thank you. Both for the explanation and for taking one for the team.
my problem with the character is all we see is Hammerhead and Jane and almost no one else there like 60 odd people in there and all we ever get shit from is fucking two of them, I fucking loved Jane patrol thought it was really good cause you got to see more of them but it's all for nought I feel if we go back to just Jane and Hammerhead
At some point during season 2 and the early part of season 3, they revealed that Supergirl's foster sister Alex is a lesbian. Alex meets another lesbian, and the two of them IMMEDIATELY want to get married, even though none of the other couples on the show have every shown any interest in matrimony. This becomes a b-plot that carries through several episodes. Throwing Alex a bachelorette party, helping her choose her wedding dress, choosing the bridesmaids, meeting her wedding planner, and mostly just talking about how great it is that Alex is getting married, all the time, forever. I can't speak for everyone, but I personally don't tune into capeshit shows for lesbian wedding drama.
And of course, they had to do a story where one of the parents hates their child for being a femfag. They couldn't do it with Alex, since that would mean turning Supergirl's foster parents into evil Republicans, so they did it with Alex's fiance instead. Except Alex's fiance is hispanic, so they couldn't make her parents evil either. So what they did, I am not joking, is say that the reason why this father hates his lesbian daughter is because he thinks she's being ungrateful for all the sacrifices he made for her as a struggling first generation immigrant by giving Republicans two reasons to be bigoted against her instead of just one.
And if that sentence looks like a mess, it's because it's based on such a pretzel of logic that there's no way to simplify it. Democrats of color hating their homosexual children is somehow ALSO Drumph's fault.
Anyway, the actress who played Alex's fiance got a better paying gig on some other show, so they made some quick excuse about the two of them fighting over whether they want to adopt or not, and we were mercifully free of that b-plot once and for all.
There was an episode of season 3 about a cult that worships Supergirl as a goddess. This episode was not AS anti-religious as you would expect from these writers. But then again, they do end up making the cult leader into a lackey for the big bad of season 3 (a Kryptonian witch), so I guess they did get around to accusing the faithful of being crazy people eventually.
But the episode that made me give up on the series for good was one where Supergirl is trying to find a crazed gunman. The heroes find out that the gunman bought his gun from the same arms manufacturer that supplies weapons to the government agency Supergirl works with. Naturally, the characters spend the whole episode talking about how easy it is for any crackpot to buy a gun in America, how difficult it is to track down dangerous gun owners, and how gun manufacturers are the REAL criminals behind all gun violence. "If only," they lament, "gun owners where legally required to register themselves," despite spending the entirety of last season telling us how evil it would be to force space aliens with MUCH more dangerous superpowers to register themselves with the government before immigrating to America. At the end of the episode, Supergirl's government friends decide that they will now protect national security without the use of guns, to show the rest of America that if they can do it, anyone can.
I never watched the rest of season 3, or any of season 4. The actual capeshitty parts of the show that I was tuning in for just weren't worth the politics anymore. From what I hear, the main villain of the first half of season 4 is some guy named "Agent Liberty" who wants to make America great again. So, yeah, probably not better.
Actually, that's not true. I did watch the one season 4 episode that was part of the Elseworlds crossover. In that, Lois Lane accuses Clark Kent of being paid more than she is for doing the same job. So I guess the writers aren't above character assassinating Perry White to push their politics.
While I was looking up the episode list on Wikipedia to write all this for you, I found out that the last episode of season 2 was titled "Nevertheless, She Persisted". I didn't know that, but somehow I'm not surprised.
Jesus. I just watched Danny Patrol episode and it had genderqueer streets and drag queens, yet it didn’t feel like it was forcing that shit down anyoneMs throats. Quite the opposite the people are more than willing to stay confined within Danny, they just didn’t like being hunted. Nothing about how EVIL WHITE MEN ARE NAZIS (we had literal Nazis already) or how EVERYONE SHOULD BE NON-BINARY LGBTQ or some shit like that.
Doom Patrol has annoyed me here and there with some of Crazy Jane's dialog and Negative Man's entire thing, but the sheer unapologetic weirdness of the show makes it easier to forgive those indulgences.
>Is this the most woke superhero show ever?
Supergirl is far worse
That was the point I dropped the show. Felt like vomiting for most of that episode.
I don't like her because of the acting desu.
you fucks need to understand that without the popularity of grant's run there wouldn't BE an adaption, you morons.
Fuck off casual.
Puppet Patrol was a comedy gold mine and exactly the kind of bizarre comic book antics I wanted from a Doom Patrol show.
He's not wrong
That’s the only reason I watched the show.
It’s unapologetically ticly gay.
Honestly, I only cared for the Nazis getting punched.
It was a boring episode.
Penny is cute
Crazy Jane being a woke modern girl in the 70s was really jarring. Pretty much everything about her (Both as she is written and how her actress portrays her) is one of the weaker aspects of the show. Not enough to kill my enjoyment, but enough to make me groan a bit.
Larry... I like Matt Bomer. Great voice for Larry, in all honesty. As a gay dude, I'm pretty tapped out on gay drama in shows. It's all so tiresome. Same coming out drama, same forbidden romance.
100% this i want to pin her down and breed her pussy
Is the second version of the character I ever liked with Teen Titans old cartoon