Big Bang Theory

Now that this show is coming to an end, can we have a single thread to discuss it's impact on the public perception of comic book fans?

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Show sucks, always sucked.

>omg, you would love this show, you're just like them!

unironically liked the first season cause it had some good /sci/ jokes, but it divebombed hard. Then it became just making fun of comics and other geekery. I think overall it harmed the public perception of geeks

Penny aged like a bottle of milk left in the sun

the worst pile of shit in the fucking galaxy

it did more harm that all the chruchfags and phony psychiatrists combined

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I still don't understand if the main character(the manlet) suppose to also be a nerd or just a regular guy?
I've seen a few episodes on the TV but I never once got the impression that the MC actually is a nerd or are into nerdy stuff.

>This show survived for seasons
>Community died an ignoble death

It's not fair.

At least IASIP is still on

i don't know how you would miss how he wasn't a geek
>comic collector
>star trek/wars all the time

I'm sure everyone on Yea Forums has gotten that line at least once.

He was a nerd. He just wasn't a sperg like Sheldon.

This show is weirdly sexist in how it makes out like NO girls like comic books, vidya or sci-fi. Even the nerdy girls.

It's biggest sin was popularizing the myth that nerds are loveable manchildren who just happen to have some niche hobbies, instead of hateful balls of mental illness and frustration.

I only found Raj lovable.

You're confusing nerds with geeks

They were all scientists though

Can you tell the difference?

The guys actually look better now. Like Leonard is a swole hunk awkwardly pretending to be a nerd.

I always thought of this show as nerdface.

The characters are both.

Post your most hated laughtrack "jokes"
>I was emulating Mario 64

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Those lame ass Aquaman jokes, anybody who picked up a comic would know that hasn’t been true for decades. It’s like poking fun at Hal by making Alan Scott jokes

Nerds practice in their field
Geeks are fans of one
So they are nerd scientists but comics geeks.

Actually them just stating their hobbies is portrayed as a joke.
>let's play dungeons and dragons!
>wednesday is new comic book day!

I've had more than a few people wonder why I don't LOVE this show. I always use their treatment of Aquaman to point out how it doesn't know anything about this material or the surrounding culture, and why I hate it.

I wouldn't describe Sheldon as a "lovable manchild". He was an obnoxious, mentally ill know-it-all with an inferiority complex, constantly interjecting into conversations that didn't have anything to do with him just so he can say something about comic books that no one cared about. He's a pretty accurate representation of the average Yea Forums user.

But he is so innocent and carefree about the way he does it, like a child. So people love watching it and see him as a lovable manchild.

Nerds have practical knowledge, meanwhile a geek can calculate the thac0 of anything from memory.

Un-ironically I like young Sheldon. He's young enough where he is not a man child. The rest of BBT is not there, Missy and Georgie are way better. His dad is the football coach so they have some football episodes. Also Sheldon mom and grandma have way better actresses.

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I honestly can’t bring myself to watch it. Because I know that eventually, Sheldon’s dad gonna cheat on his mom, and die before he and Sheldon can have a beer together.

It's like anuddah Seduction of the Innocent!

Isn't that illegal?

Fuck I hate how they write the women, it's so fucking preachy and annoying.

Not if you delete the roms after 24 hours.

>This show is weirdly sexist
fuck off

I don't think so

Didn't they show turn into yet another generic Friends copy just filled with relationship drama after a few seasons?

>instead of hateful balls of mental illness and frustration

But Sheldon exists.

As I understand it, playing them isn’t but making/distributing them is.

Not an argument.

I thought the emulators were not illegal but the games had to be a physical copy you owned. Like you popped a ps2 disc in pc tray. Sony and Microsoft don't seem to care as much as Nintendo

Nerd Blackface. Except, unlike real life blackface performers, none of these faggots ever advocated for integration of nerdkind.

That's not a laughtrack, the show is filmed in front of a live audience. There are multiple instances where they had to re-do a scene because someone in the audience laughed TOO loud.